Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


New member
He can never support what he says, and can never find what he wants answered. He likes to get all huffy and play the victim, though, as if our lives should revolve around him. As if his every utterance is memorable. :rolleyes:
Projection much?

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New member
Nah, just showing what a ridiculous pretender you are.
And who or what would it profit for me to pretend about my faith in GOD?

Your false accusations are worse than mosts.....not because I care about your negative gibberish; but because you put your soul in danger unwittingly....and for what..... to look witty in front of will have a wholly different look when brought to task in the judgement you think you are free from after your death that you think you won't experience.

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Well-known member
It was you who said you would het to it. It doesn't matter to me one way or another. You made the statement. I just noticed you would rather throw out worthless little bits of nothing than actually discuss issues.

I did say that. and I will. Just right now, your attitude sucks.

So you drive by to give your like minded peers props and just neglect the weightier things?

I haven't done anything you haven't done jack!

What did I gloss over?

I expounded directly about the one jusgement for all to no worth response. The ball is in your court

Not to me you didn't. And if you did, I missed it. Sorry. But your attitude still sucks!


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His person hood?

Where did a rabbit her it's rabbithood?

Pretty ridiculous isn't it.

So Adam is a person and must be GOD?

Where did the earth get it's earthhood from?

That actually made me snicker. That's saying something.....not a good or truthful something unfortunately.

And people wonder why I only ask one question at a time...

Pops, yes or no, was Adam a person?


Well-known member
And who or what would it profit for me to pretend about my faith in GOD?

It will do you no good, but lots of people do it. It makes them feel special, I would imagine.

In gives you something to boast over.

Luke 18:11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.​


New member
I did say that. and I will. Just right now, your attitude sucks.

I haven't done anything you haven't done jack!

Not to me you didn't. And if you did, I missed it. Sorry. But your attitude still sucks!
So my attitude is why you felt the need to chime in with rotfl?

It was a monumental addition to the topic; I don't know what my problem is.

I can be a little short at times.
I look forward to your response in due time friend and shouldn't have brought this out in the open in such a manner perhaps.

I will leave it at that and hope we can communicate with more pure motives next time.


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Well-known member
So my attitude is why you felt the need to chime in with rotfl?

It was a monumental addition to the topic; I don't know what my problem is.

I can be a little short at times.
I look forward to your response in due time friend and shouldn't have brought this out in the open in such a manner perhaps.

I will leave it at that and hope we can communicate with more pure motives next time.


Pretending, of course, that it's his motives that are impure. :chuckle:

God's Truth

New member
There is only one God and He is the Father.

He made Himself a body of Jesus Christ, and then made everything through him, for him, and by him.

Jesus is God the Father come as a man in the flesh.

God came in the flesh to know what it is for humans and then he died for us.

Jesus rose and ascended to heaven and received his same body he had before coming to earth.

Everything was made through Jesus' body, and now we are saved through Jesus and put back in him.

The Father is Spirit and Jesus is that Spirit.

All that is what the scripture say.


New member
And people wonder why I only ask one question at a time...

Pops, yes or no, was Adam a person?
We've played this game....same questions and all.

Try a different approach friend. You should know I am not against learning, but will not be swayed by illogic or word games.

Adam was a person.

GOD made him in HIS image and likeness. That in no way means that GOD is fashioned after a person or that Adam evolved from GOD who is a person. The likeness is the Spirit and the image is the reflection of the glory of GOD by following that Spirit.

( I said "is" when referring to what the likeness and image of GOD as it pertains to Adam. Lete mot say such. Seems is more fitting.)
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God's Truth

New member
Anyone who says Jesus is not God must ask themselves how it is that Jesus not being God is sitting on the throne of God.

The trinitarian doctrine is false and cannot be explained; that is even what the scholars of the trinity doctrine say.

If it cannot be explained it cannot be defended.

The trinitarians try to defend it by switching the people in the 'trinity' at will. When scripture proves their doctrine false, the trinitarian will say oh that was the Father, or that was the Son, or that was all of them.

God the Father doesn't need a Son to be God. He is God. He came as a Son.

Where is Jesus' 'man spirit' if his spirit is not the Father's?

That would make more than one divine Spirit when the Bible says only one.


Well-known member
And who or what would it profit for me to pretend about my faith in GOD?

Your false accusations are worse than mosts.....not because I care about your negative gibberish; but because you put your soul in danger unwittingly....and for what..... to look witty in front of will have a wholly different look when brought to task in the judgement you think you are free from after your death that you think you won't experience.

My soul is not in danger. I have been washed, sanctified and justified by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. I worship Him as my Lord and my God, and have full assurance of salvation.

What's sad is that you could have that same peace that passes "your" understanding, but your denial of our Creator and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, leaves you in a horrible place of darkness...blind to the gospel of salvation.


Well-known member
Anyone who says Jesus is not God must ask themselves how it is that Jesus not being God is sitting on the throne of God.

The trinitarian doctrine is false and cannot be explained; that is even what the scholars of the trinity doctrine say.

It it cannot be explained it cannot be defended.

The trinitarians try to defend it by switching the people in the 'trinity' at will. When scripture proves their doctrine false, the trinitarian will say oh that was the Father, or that was the Son, or that was all of them.

God the Father doesn't need a Son to be God. He is God. He came as a Son.

Where is Jesus' 'man spirit' if his spirit is not the Father's?

That would make more than one divine Spirit when the Bible says only one.

And here appears among us a minister of satan....seeking whom she may devour.


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We've played this game....same questions and all.

And yet somehow you couldn't figure out how to play.

Try a different approach friend.

I just did, and this is where it ended up, with me repeating my question because it wasn't answered.

You should know I am not against learning, but will not be swayed by illogic or word games.

And here I am trying to be logical about this topic.

Adam was a person.

Good, I'm glad we established that.

GOD made him in HIS image and likeness. That in no way means that GOD is fashioned after a person or that Adam evolved from GOD who is a person.

Where have I ever said that God was fashioned after a man?

My SECOND question was this:

If so (if Adam was a person, and you have agreed with me that he was), Where did his (Adam's) person-hood come from?

How you get "God is fashioned after man" out of that is beyond me.

So here is the question again, Pops, because twisting what I say means you didn't understand what I said:

Pops, Where did Adam get his person-hood from?

The likeness is the Spirit and the image is the reflection of the glory of GOD by following that Spirit.

You're getting ahead of me Pops, and by doing that, you're guaranteeing that you won't be able to follow my line of reasoning.

( I said "is" when referring to what the likeness and image of GOD as it pertains to Adam. Lete mot say such. Seems is more fitting.)
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I have no idea what you just said here, but I'm pretty sure it's an attempt to get ahead of my argument. And because of that, I don't really care what you meant to say. Stick with the question I asked you above: Where did Adam get his person-hood?