Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


Well-known member
It is rather ironic that liberals (both government and religious) have taken the moniker of 'leftists' which are the ones, in scripture, that have no Salvation...

Well to be fair, most who profess to be on the Right are likewise unsaved. More devout, more overtly/traditionally religious, but unsaved just the same.


New member
Where does it say in the Bible that the son is the God of the father?

Matt 22.41 - 46

But the Pharisees having been gathered, Jesus questioned them, saying, What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is He? They say to Him, David's. He said to them, Then how does David in Spirit call Him Lord, saying, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit off My right until I should put Your hostile ones as a footstool for Your feet?"(Psalm110.1) Then if David calls Him Lord, how is He his son? And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day to question Him any more.


Well-known member
Matt 22.41 - 46

But the Pharisees having been gathered, Jesus questioned them, saying, What do you think about the Christ? Whose son is He? They say to Him, David's. He said to them, Then how does David in Spirit call Him Lord, saying, "The Lord said to my Lord, Sit off My right until I should put Your hostile ones as a footstool for Your feet?"(Psalm110.1) Then if David calls Him Lord, how is He his son? And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor did anyone dare from that day to question Him any more.

The Lord said to my Lord means the Lord God talking to his son the Lord Jesus Christ. David says the Lord said to my Lord. Meaning the Lord God said to David's Lord the Christ.

Jesus said if David called the Christ Lord, how is he his son, meaning how is Christ Jesus the son of David.

How have you got those verses to mean that the son is God of the father?

And where in the Bible does it actually say that the son Christ Jesus is the God of the father? Like that?


New member
The Lord said to my Lord means the Lord God talking to his son the Lord Jesus Christ. David says the Lord said to my Lord. Meaning the Lord God said to David's Lord the Christ.

Jesus said if David called the Christ Lord, how is he his son, meaning how is Christ Jesus the son of David.

Its God talking to God.

How have you got those verses to mean that the son is God of the father?

And where in the Bible does it actually say that the son Christ Jesus is the God of the father? Like that?

The Son is NOT the Father to begin with!

How many times do we need to tell you this?


New member
How have you got those verses to mean that the son is God of the father?

And where in the Bible does it actually say that the son Christ Jesus is the God of the father? Like that?

A declaration of Yahweh to my Master: Sit at My right hand, until I place Your enemies as Your footstool. Yahweh shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion to rule in the midst of Your enemies. Your people shall have willingness in the day of Your might; in the majesties of holiness; from the womb of the dawn, to You is the dew of Your youth. Yahweh has sworn and will not repent: You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. The Master at Your right hand shatters kings in the day of His anger. He shall judge among the nations; He shall fill with dead bodies; He shall shatter heads over much land. He shall drink out of the torrent on the way; therefore, He shall lift up the head. (Psalm 110.1 - 7)

Psalm 110 distinguishes between God The Father and God The Son, who was David’s Master (Adonee). That ‘Adonee’ is divine is provided by the fact that The Son will be a priest forever.

Jesus’ reference to Psalm 110 further distinguishes God The Spirit from God The Father and God The Son.


Well-known member
Its God talking to God.

The Son is NOT the Father to begin with!

How many times do we need to tell you this?

I have never said that the father is the son.

You said the son of the God of the father, yet you haven't shown me one verse that says this? I'm asking you why you believe that the son is the God of the father? This is not in the Bible!


Well-known member
A declaration of Yahweh to my Master: Sit at My right hand, until I place Your enemies as Your footstool. Yahweh shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion to rule in the midst of Your enemies. Your people shall have willingness in the day of Your might; in the majesties of holiness; from the womb of the dawn, to You is the dew of Your youth. Yahweh has sworn and will not repent: You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. The Master at Your right hand shatters kings in the day of His anger. He shall judge among the nations; He shall fill with dead bodies; He shall shatter heads over much land. He shall drink out of the torrent on the way; therefore, He shall lift up the head. (Psalm 110.1 - 7)

Psalm 110 distinguishes between God The Father and God The Son, who was David’s Master (Adonee). That ‘Adonee’ is divine is provided by the fact that The Son will be a priest forever.

Jesus’ reference to Psalm 110 further distinguishes God The Spirit from God The Father and God The Son.
Acts 2

This Jesus hath GOD raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God EXALTED, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that GOD HATH MADE that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both LORD AND CHRIST.

This is not God talking to God, but the father exalting his son and setting him at his right hand, making him both Lord and Christ and making his enemies his footstool.


New member
GM hit the nail on the head.

You, Pops, CANNOT understand what I'm saying because your paradigm of beliefs prevents it. It's what [MENTION=2589]Clete[/MENTION] was saying in his conversation with Turbosixx. My paradigm allows me to understand yours and what errors you make that result in false doctrine. Your paradigm only tries to make sense of what you see, even if it seems to contradict. Mine resolves those conflicts, and gives me a clear picture of what Scripture says. Yours CANNOT, it's just not possible for yours to. And I don't mean that as an insult, I truly don't, but it makes it extremely difficult to teach truth to someone whose paradigm cannot get the big picture.

That is exactly what I said, but your way of thinking, your paradigm, prevents you from understanding how I make that statement, and the meaning I impart to it.

Please capitalize names, especially when they're the name of God.


I said that God alone, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, is God Almighty. THE THREE ARE ONE GOD. Yet each one is fully God.

No, it's the logical (though erroneous) conclusion of your interpretation of what I said.

Or your paradigm of beliefs prevents you from understanding what I'm saying. Is that a possibility, Pops?

No, You're not thinking, which causes you to say that I'm being illogical, or at best, lying.

I wish that there was some way for me to give you my way of thinking. But there isn't.
Sure there is; if it is readily discernable from scripture and verifies what is taught then it would be believable.

By the way; there is no pattern to my doctrine that isn't instilled by GOD and verified through scripture.

You should try to explain instead of assuming I am incapable of comprehension.

So if each are wholly GOD almighty, then to me that makes three GOD'S which is wholly against scripture; and if the three together make GOD then none are GOD almighty by themselves; which is also wholly against scripture. So please try to show me with scripture what my paradigm is refusing to allow me to see.

I'll wait.

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New member
Scripture declares the Triune God all the way through scripture.

Even the authors of the Koran understood this much when they copied the Holy Bible into their opus.

Any serious student of scripture always considers context, and, of course, the original languages of scripture before arriving at a conclusion.


That old polemic does not diminish Jesus' deity.

Got any NEW material to peddle...?

The verses also say that Those believing into the NAME of The Son are the ones such, makes The Son, God. ignore context...

Scripture declares that Jesus is The True God.

We have already been through this...but...repetition does help.

Further...even in the OT, God has a God!

You seem to have stopped studying scripture long ago....and now you are stuck in a hard-loop of repeating the same half-truths.

Keep clicking those heels together...Dorothy...

The word 'Trinity' is juxtaposed to the word 'Monad'...

None, of which, thwart Jesus' deity, nor the truth of The Trinity.

Go ahead and pick your top polemic scripture, exegetically defend it, and prove to us that you can do more than just repeat yourself with the same, exact material, year after year, after year...
What do you mean by this?;

"Even the authors of the Koran understood this much when they copied the Holy Bible into their opus."


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New member
I have never said that the father is the son.

Yes, you have.

You said the son of the God of the father, yet you haven't shown me one verse that says this? I'm asking you why you believe that the son is the God of the father? This is not in the Bible!

Psalm 110

A declaration of Yahweh to my Lord: Sit at My right hand, until I place Your enemies as Your footstool. Yahweh shall send the rod of Your strength out of Zion to rule in the midst of Your enemies. Your people shall have willingness in the day of Your might; in the majesties of holiness; from the womb of the dawn, to You is the dew of Your youth. Yahweh has sworn and will not repent: You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek. The Lord (Adonay) at Your right hand shatters kings in the day of His anger. He shall judge among the nations; He shall fill with dead bodies; He shall shatter heads over much land. He shall drink out of the torrent on the way; therefore, He shall lift up the head.

110.1 declares that Adonay (God The Son) is at Yahweh’s Right Hand (The Holy Spirit).

The Trinity.

110.5 repeats the fact that Adonay is indeed God, and is with the Holy Spirit.

Therefore…God The Father has a God (The Son) and even converses with His God.

Simple Biblical truth…


New member
Acts 2

This Jesus hath GOD raised up, whereof we all are witnesses. Therefore being by the right hand of God EXALTED, and having received of the Father the promise of the Holy Ghost, he hath shed forth this, which ye now see and hear. For David is not ascended into the heavens: but he saith himself, The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, Until I make thy foes thy footstool. Therefore let all the house of Israel know assuredly, that GOD HATH MADE that same Jesus, whom ye have crucified, both LORD AND CHRIST.

This is not God talking to God, but the father exalting his son and setting him at his right hand, making him both Lord and Christ and making his enemies his footstool.

You just made things a whole lot worse for your worldview.

Now, you continued to prove That God has a God has a God!


New member
What do you mean by this?;

"Even the authors of the Koran understood this much when they copied the Holy Bible into their opus."


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The material copied into the koranic opus comes from the Holy Bible....up to, and including, Jesus' Crucifixion, Jesus' deity, The Trinity, etc, etc...


New member

Refutations of the graphics please?

Yes, indeed. I was banned a couple days ago for "causing disruptions," so I might not be able to get very far with it, but I'll start. I'll do one point at a time, and wait for your comment.