Christians worship Christ; JW's do not!


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New thread up shortly, just for you.

Just get my attention.

I look forward to it friend. Let us both sincerely hope that we can communicate peacably for the sake and profit of one another and any else who is in need of direction; by and for the will of GOD alone.


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Refutations of the graphics please?
I can do it in one verse!

The words of Jesus Christ himself

John 17:3

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Now why shouldn't I believe him?


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I can do it in one verse!

The words of Jesus Christ himself

John 17:3

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Now why shouldn't I believe him?
Because basing your entire theology on a single verse is always a terrible idea, and can be extremely dangerous. Better to take what all of scripture says, and base your theology on that, than a single verse.


New member
Because basing your entire theology on a single verse is always a terrible idea, and can be extremely dangerous. Better to take what all of scripture says, and base your theology on that, than a single verse.
That surely isn't the only verse with a similar point or meaning. She posted very many of them not long ago.

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Well-known member
Because basing your entire theology on a single verse is always a terrible idea, and can be extremely dangerous. Better to take what all of scripture says, and base your theology on that, than a single verse.
What? Like many of you do with John 1:1? Which doesn't even say Jesus is God?

And I'm quoting Jesus himself plainly saying that the father is the only true God, so why shouldn't I believe him?

And it's not just that verse I've got plenty of others, to show why I believe as i do, if you would like me to quote them?


New member
What? Like many of you do with John 1:1? Which doesn't even day Jesus is God?

And I'm quoting Jesus himself plainly saying that the father is the only true God, so why shouldn't I believe him?

And it's not just that verse I've got plenty of others, to show why I believe as i do, if you would like me to quote them?

I think you left a little typo Ms. meant the word "day" to be "say", no doubt.

peace; sorry, not not knitpicking; just thought you might want to catch it....

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That surely isn't the only verse with a similar point or meaning. She posted very many of them not long ago.

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And there are other verses that say that Jesus is God and even more that say that the Holy Spirit is God...

Again, basing one's theology on just a single verse or set of verses is not a good idea. You have to look at the entirety of scripture, and base your theology on that.

What? Like many of you do with John 1:1? Which doesn't even say Jesus is God?

And I'm quoting Jesus himself plainly saying that the father is the only true God, so why shouldn't I believe him?

And it's not just that verse I've got plenty of others, to show why I believe as i do, if you would like me to quote them?

Marhig, once again, you fail to see the point I am making.

You, among others, are basing your entire theology on a single set of verses and think that extrapolating what those verses say to the rest of Scripture means that the rest of scripture says what you are extrapolating. Here's the thing though, IT DOESN'T!

ALL OF SCRIPTURE says that God is triune. Not just a single verse, not just a few verses here and there. All of it.

There are three books God wrote, The Bible, DNA, and Nature. All of nature screams that God is three. From the DNA in our cells to number of particles that make up matter, from Abraham thinking for three days that he would sacrifice Isaac, to Jonah's three days in the belly of the fish, to Christ's three days in the grave, from the three thousand people who were killed the day the law was given, to the three thousand who were saved when the Spirit was given, from the three sections of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings) to the three archangels, from the three most noteworthy women (Eve, Sarah, and Mary) to the three gifts brought by the Magi (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). Space exists in three dimensions, and so does time (past, present, future). Electromagnetic forces are positive, negative, and neutral. The three basic states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. In light, three colors, red, green, and blue, make up all the colors, whereas in pigment, the three colors are red, yellow, and blue. We are on the third planet from the Sun, atoms are made up of three particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons, and electrons are one of three flavors of "leptons." Protons and neutrons are made of exactly three quarks of one of the three quark groupings, each of one of three "colors" and of multiples of one-third electrical charge.

There are so many things that declare that God is three that it's mind boggling!

Remember what Scripture says?

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares his handiwork..."

Glory of God? Where have we heard something similar?

And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. - John 17:5



New member
And there are other verses that say that Jesus is God and even more that say that the Holy Spirit is God...

Again, basing one's theology on just a single verse or set of verses is not a good idea. You have to look at the entirety of scripture, and base your theology on that.

Marhig, once again, you fail to see the point I am making.

You, among others, are basing your entire theology on a single set of verses and think that extrapolating what those verses say to the rest of Scripture means that the rest of scripture says what you are extrapolating. Here's the thing though, IT DOESN'T!

ALL OF SCRIPTURE says that God is triune. Not just a single verse, not just a few verses here and there. All of it.

There are three books God wrote, The Bible, DNA, and Nature. All of nature screams that God is three. From the DNA in our cells to number of particles that make up matter, from Abraham thinking for three days that he would sacrifice Isaac, to Jonah's three days in the belly of the fish, to Christ's three days in the grave, from the three thousand people who were killed the day the law was given, to the three thousand who were saved when the Spirit was given, from the three sections of the Hebrew Scriptures (the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings) to the three archangels, from the three most noteworthy women (Eve, Sarah, and Mary) to the three gifts brought by the Magi (gold, frankincense, and myrrh). Space exists in three dimensions, and so does time (past, present, future). Electromagnetic forces are positive, negative, and neutral. The three basic states of matter are solid, liquid, and gas. In light, three colors, red, green, and blue, make up all the colors, whereas in pigment, the three colors are red, yellow, and blue. We are on the third planet from the Sun, atoms are made up of three particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons, and electrons are one of three flavors of "leptons." Protons and neutrons are made of exactly three quarks of one of the three quark groupings, each of one of three "colors" and of multiples of one-third electrical charge.

There are so many things that declare that God is three that it's mind boggling!

Remember what Scripture says?

"The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament declares his handiwork..."

Glory of God? Where have we heard something similar?

And now, O Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was. - John 17:5

Why are you stuck on three separate God's?

Which one is GOD almighty to you?

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Matthew 25: 34. "Then the King will say to those at His right, "`Come, my Father's blessed ones, receive your inheritance of the Kingdom which has been divinely intended for you ever since the creation of the world. 35. For when I was hungry, you gave me food; when I was thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was homeless, you gave me a welcome; 36. when I was ill-clad, you clothed me; when I was sick, you visited me; when I was in prison, you came to see me.

(Shows subsidiary nature of Jesus, works, and One gospel)

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