Then it should be very easy for you to find which specific Q post says that Trump was fighting a secret war against an elite cabal of cannibals. Still waiting.You're kidding, right. It's hardly a secret:
Then it should be very easy for you to find which specific Q post says that Trump was fighting a secret war against an elite cabal of cannibals. Still waiting.You're kidding, right. It's hardly a secret:
Given the disarray that the bonkers outfit is/was in then it'd be difficult to track down one individual post. Considering that numerous sources tout it as their underlying ethos then are you suggesting that it isn't true? It's been doing the rounds for years and it's only recently that it's become an issue for you? I can understand why you'd find it embarrassing considering how much stock you've put in Q over the last few years but it's hardly breaking news.Then it should be very easy for you to find which specific Q post says that Trump was fighting a secret war against an elite cabal of cannibals. Still waiting.
You have always appeared to approve of, support and debate on behalf of Democratic Leaders.
You've always appeared to support the Constitution of your country.
And the alternative is any kind of authoritarian rule.
I never got the impression that you approve of totalitarian states, is all.
Illiberal democracy
is just as evil as absolute monarchism.
Neither protects rights.
But liberal democracy is not evil.
Neither would be liberal or constitutional monarchism.
OK. So, no military, fire brigades, social services, border controls, refuse collection service, schools or any other 'government provided' services other than police and tax collection, ........ Have I got that right?Let me be clear:
Promoting democracy is bad.
Promoting good men to lead a nation that has a bad form of government is not.
That said, I generally don't support any of our current or past leaders, including most of their staff, because they're mostly all evil men and women.
I support it to the extent that it is the law of the land.
I oppose it to the extent that it is not a document that God would be pleased with.
Alternative to what?
Sorry, but I'm a Constitutional Monarchist. I oppose Democracy in all forms.
I support a small government that only focuses on infrastructure and justice, both foreign and domestic, that does not interfere with people's day to day actions except to deal with crime. I support a government that doesn't stick it's fingers into what should be private businesses, and that does not force people into becoming tax collectors, that maintains a flat 5% personal increase tax maximum. I support a government that does not attempt to take care of people from cradle to grave, that does not attempt to compel charitable "from my hand to yours" giving, that does not take money by force to give to others for any reason, that provides emergency relief only from natural disasters, short-term life-or-death crises, and for government employees only as mission critical.
So, no military,
fire brigades,
social services,
border controls,
refuse collection service,
or any other 'government provided' services
other than police
and tax collection,
Are you saying they weren't part of the group called "Antifa", or are you saying they weren't anti-fascist?You've got to be kidding. You seem to forget that there's more than enough footage of who stormed the Capitol that day and they were not 'Antifa'. Not to mention all of the arrests having subsequently been made.
You're saying that food is available to all regardless of employment or financial status? So if I am in your country and decide not to work, even if I'm capable of doing so, it's ok if I take groceries from your fridge without asking you?We have a health care service that is available to all, regardless of employment or financial status. As it should be, at least in a civilized society at any rate.
I'm saying the mob were part of the MAGA crowd as is evidenced by any quick google search. There's enough to choose from so take your pick.Are you saying they weren't part of the group called "Antifa", or are you saying they weren't anti-fascist?
Silly analogy and one hardly rooted in love or compassion for your fellow man either, much like the attitude the rich man had to Lazarus ironically. Yes, there's a safety net that affords the availability of food to people regardless of employment or financial status. In the UK, the benefits system differs depending on ability to work. In basic terms, that means that people who are capable of such are entitled to aid as long as they're actively seeking employment so if you were to point blank refuse to even try to find a job you wouldn't be entitled to it. For those who are incapable of working then they're obviously exempt from such parameters and so on. Even with a safety net in place there's those who still fall through it and to return to your 'theft' analogy, you'd be better applying it to big business and corporate industry than people on the lower end of the social ladder to start with.You're saying that food is available to all regardless of employment or financial status? So if I am in your country and decide not to work, even if I'm capable of doing so, it's ok if I take groceries from your fridge without asking you?
I don't disagree. But we were talking about the thugs, not the mobI'm saying the mob were part of the MAGA crowd as is evidenced by any quick google search. There's enough to choose from so take your pick.
The difference being?!I don't disagree. But we were talking about the thugs, not the mob
What is so difficult and time consuming about going to (among many other sites) and simply typing in the word "children" in the search box?Given the disarray that the bonkers outfit is/was in then it'd be difficult to track down one individual post.
mob · 1. countable noun A mob is a large, disorganized, and often violent crowd of people.The difference being?!
Which fellow man are we being compassionate toward? All, or just some? Is it compassionate to take money from one man and give it to another against the first's will? Remember that you were the one that said "regardless of employment or financial status". If compassion is really regardless of financial status, then you can't take from the rich to give to the poor, any more than you can take from the poor and give to the rich.Silly analogy and one hardly rooted in love or compassion for your fellow man either, much like the attitude the rich man had to Lazarus ironically. Yes, there's a safety net that affords the availability of food to people regardless of employment or financial status. In the UK, the benefits system differs depending on ability to work. In basic terms, that means that people who are capable of such are entitled to aid as long as they're actively seeking employment so if you were to point blank refuse to even try to find a job you wouldn't be entitled to it. For those who are incapable of working then they're obviously exempt from such parameters and so on. Even with a safety net in place there's those who still fall through it and to return to your 'theft' analogy, you'd be better applying it to big business and corporate industry than people on the lower end of the social ladder to start with.
I wonder what your roads would look like after a few years? And mostly everything else? And your people working out and delivering their own tax ...... you'll be wondering where all those big warships went!Justice, foreign.
Infrastructure and justice, both foreign and domestic.
Justice, domestic.
"I support a government that does not force people to become tax collectors."
Meaning that people remit their taxes (monthly) to the government on their own, and not through taxes imposed on products, services, or businesses.
You come in anybody's house to nick their food, you'll be in the police station and charged for trial rather quickly.You're saying that food is available to all regardless of employment or financial status? So if I am in your country and decide not to work, even if I'm capable of doing so, it's ok if I take groceries from your fridge without asking you?
QAnon promotes the ridiculous notion that Trump was fighting a secret war against an elite cabal of cannibalistic, Satan worshipping paedophiles...
What you're doing is taking specific ... umm .. "accusations" — I'm not sure how I would respond to an accusation that I hated pedophilia, which is a large and vastly underreported problem ... it's almost like it's a vast conspiracy. "Guilty," I guess...?then yeah, that's the kind of bonkers stuff that emanates from the American far right.
So if someone has a chart that you disagree with, they are far right?Having a chart is one thing. Having one that doesn't remotely reflect differing political views with any sort of honesty or accuracy is another altogether.
This is a logical fallacy. It's known as poisoning the well. We're interested in a rational discussion.The only people who could possibly 'worship' Trump would be on the far right because no sensible, reasoned person would entertain it at all. So obviously that doesn't include everyone on the right of the political spectrum but only those to the extreme.
Democrats are idiots. They have been claiming church-going Christians make up the greatest group of domestic terrorists in the land. What idiots.And as such have enacted the following:
Capitol Police Warn of Threat on Thursday, and House Cancels the Day’s Session (Published 2021)
The agency, responding to what the force called “a possible plot to breach the Capitol,” again sounded the alarm that pro-Trump conspirators may be planning an
Probably a prudent move but it just goes to show the sad state of affairs with the American far right.