So, do you consider a health care service that encompasses all citizens to be able to avail themselves of its services, regardless of wealth to be some sort of 'thievery' in itself?
What is the health care service? Food? Yes, if the service is made available by taking from one by force to give to another. Thievery is not the only option, of course. Extortion is another possibility, like "pay for John Doe's medical bills, or I'll put you in jail." But it's pretty much the same thing.
It isn't just.
That doesn't mean the supposed alternative is just, either. For instance, if there were no Obamacare, or medicare, or Bush prescription drug plan, would it be ok if everyone (or anyone) decided not to help the widow or the orphan to have food? No.
Nations have been, and will continue to be, judged for such.
But is it ok to commit a greater wrong to correct a lesser evil?
Tell me, do you have church-owned hospitals in your country? We used to. I'm not sure we do anymore. I was born in a Methodist hospital. My daughter was born in a Catholic hospital. Neither are still church-owned. The government has deprived Christian churches of the blessing of helping others, while arguably ruining American healthcare. The ruination isn't complete yet, but it's getting close. I was denied healthcare for my daughter last week because I wouldn't agree to commit fraud.