God's Truth
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If you pay attention to the KJV translation, you may notice the difference between the singular "tongue" and the plural "tongues". KJV actually translates the singular tongue as a "strange tongue". The true speaking in tongue is the plural tongues spoken during the Pentecost. However much later on, another totally irrelevant tongue (strange tongue) was spoken by the Corinthians. They started to practise this strange tongue inside churches. Paul thus addressed the issue. Basically what Paul said that this strange tongue at best is a prayer said through the spirit which no humans will understand, including the prayer himself. It won't edify anything this way, perhaps the prayer himself. It this kind of prayer through unknown/strange tongue is not intended for humans, then better leave it between the prayer and God.
Paul actually specified how this should be restricted,
1 Cor 14:27-28
If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God.
Notice that the above verse refers to the singular/strange tongue. However just like the Corinthians in Paul's day, today's tongue (singular) speakers don't follow this teaching. They claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit at the same exact moment they are choosing to disobey what the Bible says. That's the problem.
The nowadays tongue speaking is also commonly called a "prayer language.” Those practicing the false tongue speaking of nowadays, they believe they are speaking a prayer language, and that in this type of praying it is somehow deeper and more revealing about themselves to God, and more personal than praying with their native language with words they understand. However, that is not scriptural, and that even goes against the Word of God.
Calling the false tongue speaking a "prayer language" is from an error in understanding of the scriptures explaining speaking in tongues when no one is around who understands. It is important to realize that after the believers in the bible had the gift of speaking in tongues for the sign to the Jews...they kept the gift even when the Jews of other languages were not around. Therefore, the tongue speakers spoke only to God when they spoke in tongues they did not understand and when no Jews from other languages were there, because, God, of course, can understand all the earthly languages.
Again, if there were no one of other languages around to understand the tongue speaker, and if the tongue speaker themselves cannot interpret what they say, then they are speaking only to God, and this speaking edified (nurtures) only the tongue speakers themselves.
Tongue speaking edifies (nurtures) only the tongue speaker when no understands; they are edified in knowing that God gave them an amazing gift (the real tongues is an amazing gift). How edifying it is for oneself just to have a gift such as speaking in tongues; that alone is what edifies. It is a false edification when one is performing nonsense babbling.
Nowadays tongue speakers, while trying to copy cat the real tongue speaking as is in the Bible, they discount completely that if they do not interpret what they say, even when praying in tongues to God only...then their mind is fruitless. Surely, a fruitless mind is not something one should be aiming for in personal prayer times.