Arkansas Church Kicks Out Young Gay Man For ‘Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle’


New member
because the homo in the op had repented and was returning to the church contrite?

oh wait, this one goes differently
Exactly. The prodigal son did not return and expect to continue living his prodigal, sinful lifestyle under his father roof. Rather...

And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.

This is not what the homo in this story did. In fact, it's the opposite.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
aikey's scenario reads as such:

Luke 15:11 And he said, A certain man had two sons:

12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living.

13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and lived in his fathers house, and there wasted his substance with riotous living, rejecting his father's wise counsel. And his father was happy for him and accepted him as he was because he realized how hard it was to avoid wallowing in sin



New member
Are they also planning to kick out all those who are tempted by, say, adultery, drunkenness, fornication, lust, stealing, lying, envy, or hatred? :think:

why are you not standing on the side of true Chistianity?

the Catholic Church you belong to condemns homosexual acts and you are authomatically excommunicated for them.

the non-Catholic church here did the right thing

Jesus said not to have anything to do with the works of darkness, but REPROVE them

then there is 1 Cor 6:14 (or is it 2 Cor?)

yeh, 2 Cor 6:14

then there is "How can 2 walk together when they disagree?"

Sodom and Gomorrha ... etc



New member
yes, he kept it hidden till he finally announced to his parents and others that he was not going to hide it anymore and came out with full intent to embrace the homosexual lifestyle (his words)

I, lifeisgood, cannot believe that no one, ever, knew that he was homosexually inclined for a long time, probably, most of his life.

Makes no sense to me that no one knew. Someone knew. It was not disclosed, for whatever the reason, but many people knew, if we could really see behind the scenes, which we can’t, so I have to accept that what he says is his truth.
The original article that huffington post linked too, in the op.

Impossible that someone feeling so repressed and unhappy and no one knew about it. I feel empathy for this young man.

Sounds like you are still questioning it to me.

Can’t help that.

Im sorry to hear that. Seems there is a famine for the word of God in many churches.

Yes, there is a famine for the word of God in the majority of the churches.

Perhaps they waited too long to handle the issue.

Am not privy to that information.
However, I would assume that there is a time frame before the problem is discovered and where it is coming from, to be able to do anything about it, by then, obviously, it was too late for this particular congregation of which I spoke.


New member
The Church, for me, has to be, and is, the HOSPITAL of souls.

Souls who are SICK must come to the hospital.
SAVED sick souls must also come to the hospital.

While in the hospital of the souls the physician par excellence who only can help the sick soul, the Lord Jesus Christ through what He did at the Cross of Calvary, will deal with the sickness.

It is sad that a saved sick soul as this young man will stop coming to the hospital to receive the balm that can heal his sickness.

If you do not give up on the Lord, the Lord will never give up on you, it matters not what your situation is, keep on coming back to the Lord with it, and you will receive the right medicine for your soul healing.


Well-known member
The Church, for me, has to be, and is, the HOSPITAL of souls.

Souls who are SICK must come to the hospital.
SAVED sick souls must also come to the hospital.

While in the hospital of the souls the physician par excellence who only can help the sick soul, the Lord Jesus Christ through what He did at the Cross of Calvary, will deal with the sickness.

It is sad that a saved sick soul as this young man will stop coming to the hospital to receive the balm that can heal his sickness.

If you do not give up on the Lord, the Lord will never give up on you, it matters not what your situation is, keep on coming back to the Lord with it, and you will receive the right medicine for your soul healing.
That's kind of a nice way of putting it. I don't entirely agree, but I do believe that's how it's supposed to be, according to the common Christian religious belief.

Unfortunately, too many churches have become self-righteousness clubs, where the members get together regularly to reaffirm their own imagined righteousness using their religious dogmas. And anyone who might question their presumed righteousness must be driven away, and barred from returning.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The Church, for me, has to be, and is, the HOSPITAL of souls.

Souls who are SICK must come to the hospital.
SAVED sick souls must also come to the hospital.

While in the hospital of the souls the physician par excellence who only can help the sick soul, the Lord Jesus Christ through what He did at the Cross of Calvary, will deal with the sickness.

It is sad that a saved sick soul as this young man will stop coming to the hospital to receive the balm that can heal his sickness.

If you do not give up on the Lord, the Lord will never give up on you, it matters not what your situation is, keep on coming back to the Lord with it, and you will receive the right medicine for your soul healing.

i work in a hospital

you're not allowed to smoke

you're not allowed to drink alcohol

you're not allowed to use illegal drugs

healing works better if you recognize and avoid those things that are bad for you :)


New member
i work in a hospital

you're not allowed to smoke

you're not allowed to drink alcohol

you're not allowed to use illegal drugs

healing works better if you recognize and avoid those things that are bad for you :)

hospitals don't kick you out because you are a minority. well at least not anymore...although Florida and Michigan are trying to bring that back...


New member
The Church, for me, has to be, and is, the HOSPITAL of souls.

Souls who are SICK must come to the hospital.
SAVED sick souls must also come to the hospital.

While in the hospital of the souls the physician par excellence who only can help the sick soul, the Lord Jesus Christ through what He did at the Cross of Calvary, will deal with the sickness.

It is sad that a saved sick soul as this young man will stop coming to the hospital to receive the balm that can heal his sickness.

If you do not give up on the Lord, the Lord will never give up on you, it matters not what your situation is, keep on coming back to the Lord with it, and you will receive the right medicine for your soul healing.

being a minority isn't a sickness


New member
Hall of Fame
hospitals don't kick you out because you are a minority. well at least not anymore...although Florida and Michigan are trying to bring that back...

Settles wasn't kicked out. He can still go to this church all he wants. He just isn't a 'member'.


Well-known member
The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...

The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...

I'm not sure how closely the church-at-large follows the "Kingdom of Heaven" portrayals in Jesus' parables, but if the King in Matt 22 will kick a man out for wearing the wrong clothes, after guests have been invited indiscriminately from the streets, doesn't it seem like kicking someone out of church for refusing to repent of sin is legitimate?


Well-known member
i work in a hospital

you're not allowed to smoke

you're not allowed to drink alcohol

you're not allowed to use illegal drugs

healing works better if you recognize and avoid those things that are bad for you
The difference between your hospital and these churches is that we are not allowed to do those things IN THE HOSPITAL. Yet the hospital will still allow us in, in every capacity, even though we may do those things, elsewhere.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
The difference between your hospital and these churches is that we are not allowed to do those things IN THE HOSPITAL.


because they're bad for you

Yet the hospital will still allow us in, in every capacity, even though we may do those things, elsewhere.

not in every capacity, no

for instance, you will be refused consideration for certain procedures if you don't demonstrate that you have changed your lifestyle


Well-known member
Settles wasn't kicked out. He can still go to this church all he wants. He just isn't a 'member'.
If the church were just the building, then you are right. But the church is not the building, it's the collective of it's members. From which he has been ostracized. So in fact, he has been kicked out of the church.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
If the church were just the building, then you are right. But the church is not the building, it's the collective of it's members. From which he has been ostracized. So in fact, he has been kicked out of the church.

and yet, they're willing to accept him in their presence


exclude (someone) from a society or group.

i don't think you're using it right


New member
No one got kicked out of church
and yet, they're willing to accept him in their presence
Jeez, it's like some folks are so outraged that a church disapproved of someone's sexual behavior that they can't keep the simple fact that he was not barred from attending the church as a thought in their heads.

Maybe it's just that some folks can't differentiate between feeling uncomfortable and guilty, and being chased out of a building with torches and pitchforks. :idunno:

:think: You know, I think that's probably it. Our society does indeed seem to equate disapproval with raging victimization.