Arkansas Church Kicks Out Young Gay Man For ‘Choosing A Sinful Lifestyle’

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We are all members of the human race. And the human race is not perfect and will sin.

That goes along with the terms of "membership" in my opinion.

pretty sure nobody was talking about kicking him out of the human race :kookoo:

When churches kick out people with a "sinful lifestyle," then those with sinful lifestyles will never go to church.

the pope excommunicated Italian Mafia members last year

was he wrong to do so?


Well-known member
Any group defines itself. A group sets its own criteria for belonging. A group decides its own rubrics for participation.
Yes, but this is called 'politics', not religion.
If one wishes to belong and participate then one conforms to the rubrics.
Again, this is a political axiom, not a religious one.
If one is of another mind or persuasion then one finds another group or starts another group.
I really don't think this has anything to do with Christ. Or with Christian ideals. I think the ideal of Christianity is that we rise above this self-centered squabbling and division.
However, I believe that God's love for us is bigger than our comprehension. It is available to all of us right where we are. I only fit in a few places. They are the places I like to be.
I don't go where I'm not wanted. Not everyone feels as I do ... and that's okay.
But apparently it's OK to punish them for it.


New member
Yes, but this is called 'politics', not religion.
Again, this is a political axiom, not a religious one.
I really don't think this has anything to do with Christ. Or with Christian ideals. I think the ideal of Christianity is that we rise above this self-centered squabbling and division.
But apparently it's OK to punish them for it.

Um, there is a book called The Holy Bible, and some religions choose to practice what the Scriptures require, and, some religions choose to not practice what Scriptures forbid.
That is a life discipline.
It is not a punishment.
If you are a guest in my house I expect you to conform to what I find acceptable behavior as I would do as a guest in your house.
If you are a family member I expect you help keep the house in order.
Each of us must find our own niche.


When churches kick out people with a "sinful lifestyle," then those with sinful lifestyles will never go to church.
We'll do fine without you (2 Pe 2:1). :granite:

God has anger and fury for those who continue in their rebellion against him (Isa 66:15).
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Quote: “I was in so much shock, I couldn’t read the rest of it... I don’t feel comfortable sitting at pew or sitting beside my parents when all I’m going to see is people pointing their fingers at me because of the lifestyle I chose."​

At least he's somewhat honest, unlike almost all other sodomites.
Yes. If one is willing to defile himself or others ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]), :vomit: he is typically willing to lie, too (Ex 20: 16).

Judas had a more sensitive conscience than some today (Jer 8:12, Ro 1:31, KJV, 2 Ti 3:3 KJV). He hanged himself (Mt 27:5). :Letsargu:
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Well-known member
Um, there is a book called The Holy Bible, and some religions choose to practice what the Scriptures require, and, some religions choose to not practice what Scriptures forbid.
That is a life discipline.
It is not a punishment.
Well, when they choose to inflict their practices on others, it becomes an unjust punishment.

When someone comes among them, they are certainly free to explain their beliefs and practices. But they are not free to do so with the expectation that the newcomer must agree, and must oblige their beliefs and practices. But this never occurred to this church group because they presume themselves to be absolutely right and endowed by God with the power to judge and punish anyone who doesn't agree with them. And I don't believe this has anything to do with Christ, or even with religion. I think it has everything to do with prejudice, politics, and ego.
If you are a guest in my house I expect you to conform to what I find acceptable behavior as I would do as a guest in your house.
Christ has no house but the human heart and mind. Jesus had no home. He came to serve humanity, not order us around in his own house. And those who think this is what a Christian church is: a house where Christians get to order each other around, are fools. Because what they are engaging in is not Christianity, as they think. It's just a religion of self-righteousness.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
When someone comes among them, they are certainly free to explain their beliefs and practices. But they are not free to do so with the expectation that the newcomer must agree, and must oblige their beliefs and practices.

do you have any idea how completely idiotic this sounds?


Well-known member
So you agree it's perfectly reasonable for a church to refuse membership to someone who's openly proclaimed they intend to pursue a homosexual lifestyle?


In fact, it's intended, by Paul at least, to help convict them of sin and hopefully to save them for all eternity (I Cor. 5:4-5). So the church in Arkansas is doing this man a favor by this action! And those who disagree with their action are in danger of wanting to damn this man for all eternity.