There is no need to refute them sense they mean nothing and do nothing but feed your own ego.
"Since", e4e not sense, you blithering idiot.
Tell me Clete, What difference would it make in your life? Would you live it any different than what you do?
Think it through you moron!
If God has exhaustive foreknowledge I have no choice in what I do or don't do and all of this and everything else we do is meaningless. So my feeding my ego, as you so glibly put it would be a foregone conclusion and I'd do it because I could not do otherwise.
You need to ask Yourself the question, Is God unconditionally just regardless of my or your understanding of him?
I need ask no such idiotic, unbiblical, blasphemous question. God has given us His own standard of justice in the Bible. He either measures up to it or He does not.
What is just or what is fair is what god says is just and fair regardless of your or my opinion.
You are a fool! God has said what is just! You're just too stupid to read the Bible for yourself and discover that what you believe about God does not and could not fit that definition.
Religion is man made and therefore false.
You are so stupid. You rival even RobE!
Cars are man made and therefore false.
Buildings are man made and therefore false.
Books are man made and therefore false.
Computers are man made and therefore false.
Sentences are man made and therefore false.
Please don't ever use the word "therefore" in my presence again. You defile the whole concept of sound reason when you do.
If you are expecting religion, including Christianity to save you then you believe falsely. You only believe in the trappings and not the God that is the only God that by His nature is God.
Sense when does your reasoning make God any less than the the God that He is.
"SINCE when" you dolt! And don't play it off as a typo, either! This is the second time in one post you've demonstrated your public education and you do it a third time here in a little while! :doh:
It isn't my reasoning e4e, that's just the point. I neither wrote the Bible, nor did I invent sound reason. You use the same Bible that I do to formulate your doctrine the difference being that I use sound reason in my formulation, you use anything but. You use whatever floats from the pulpit, your emotions, your experiences, your convoluted and nearly nonexistent thinking skills and whatever feels right. I use the objective, irrefragable, undeniable, laws of sound reason which emanate from and find their ultimate culmination in the very person of God the Son Himself! (John 1)
The foreknowledge of God does not prevent you or anyone else from making a choice freely...
Saying it doesn't make it so, e4e. I've PROVEN over and over again that it does exactly that. Either refute the arguments or admit, tacitly or otherwise, that you cannot. don't give me this bologna about God making choices for you.
I've never made any such argument concerning foreknowledge. It is the Calvinist who believes God ordains and controls every event in the universe.
There have been numbers of times that I have sought to put the choice on God because I feared that i would make the wrong one.
That's because you are both stupid and have no understanding whatsoever about who God is nor what the Bible is about.
God never took those choices from me. I had to make them whether good ones or bad ones
Not if God knew them in advance you didn't. Whether God made them for you or not, if He knew what you would do before you made the decision to do it then you didn't make the decision to do it freely because you could not have decided otherwise.
Go ahead e4e, ignore the argument again! We all expect you to anyway.
So God's foreknowledge has nothing to do with daily living. Agreed
No one has ever suggested otherwise. If God not only foreknows everything but even predestined it all, that also would have no effect on daily living. What it would have an effect on is whether our daily living has any real meaning and on whether or not the God we "serve" is righteous, just and loving.
The difference it makes has to do with whether the one who rejects God should feel remorse. If he cannot have done otherwise then whats the point of feeling badly about what he did? Of course if one has no ability to do otherwise then feeling badly or not isn't a choice one makes either. In such a world sin would be meaningless, remorse for sin would be meaningless, repentance would be meaningless and thus punishment for sin would be unjust by God's own definition. If such is the case, God is a liar, the Bible is false as is the rest of the entire Christian worldview.
Sense when did God ask you what is just or not.
Find a chalk board and write the word "since" fifty times!
God didn't ask me, He wrote it of His own accord in the Bible.
If God doesn't meet your expectations then you would through Him out with the bath water.
If God does not meet His own expectations I would run, not walk, away as quickly as possible.
You are one arrogant dude man.
My arrogance can't touch your stupidity.
I do no such thing. and you know it. I do is believe unconditionally which you seem to be unable to do.
Yes, e4e you do. You, of course, deny that God is unjust and reject that conclusion out of hand but that doesn't change the fact that your doctrine leads INEXORABLY (that word means "unavoidably") to the conclusion that God is unjust. I've only proven it a hundred times or more and you've never made even the slightest attempt to refute the arguments (either the Biblical ones nor the rational ones).
Your denial of the conclusions of your own doctrine is akin to a Catholic denying that his doctrine leads to legalism. Its ridiculous. You simply have your head in the sand.
To bad, you have already made the choice.
Not if God has exhaustive foreknowledge I didn't.
I sure glade that God doesn't treat you like you treat Him.
But if He did, that would be fine with you too, right? After all, for God, justice is just whatever God happens to do.
I can trust God and I am not so sure about you.
If your doctrine is correct then trust is meaningless too, e4e! If you doctrine is correct you only "trust" God because you could not have done otherwise. Whether or not you would trust God was set in stone before you ever existed and the proof of that is the fact (according to your blasphemous doctrine) that God knew that you would do so eons before you ever existed. And if God knows in advance that you are going to do something, you cannot do otherwise.
Resting in Him,