I never used the term exhaustive foreknowledge and Clete is fighting against the wind.
The term exhaustive is actually somewhat irrelevant. To whatever extent God has knowledge of our actions, to that degree we are not free. That is to say that whichever actions are known to God in advance are not actions which are done freely.
It is to bad that Clete pits himself against God.
It is you and your stupidity and blasphemous doctrine that I pit myself against.
Clete has molded God into his own image.
You are an intentional liar.
I hold to no position concerning God that is not both Biblical and of sound reason. If you can show otherwise I invite you to do so, but we all know that you cannot and would not if you could.
How dare God know what Clete is up to. Clete's motto seems to be,"Look God, see what I choose to do for you."
This is so incredibly stupid I can hardly believe that you even said it.
You're so desperate for my doctrine to be wrong, you've gone mad!
God knows me better than I know myself and if I cannot choose to love God then I cannot love God at all. It isn't about being able to brag about my love for God, its about being able to love God in the first place.
Clete's theology is self centered and self aggrandizement.
You astound me with you inability to think clearly.
It's my theology that puts me in the hot seat for my own actions. Its my theology that makes things like being self centered and self aggrandizement meaningfully bad things.
He is more interested in what others think of his carnal legalism and morality than being humbled before the God he pretends to serve.
Carnal legalism? :rotfl:
Clete knows that God's foreknowledge does not prevent him from doing anything.
If it exists, His foreknowledge prevents me from doing otherwise, whatever that might be.
It is just a pretext to give Clete the opportunity to give himself a supposed carnal, moral standing so he can justify condemning others. He would make a good Roman Catholic Priest.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Roman Catholic Priest!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Hopefully this means that I've made it onto e4e's ignore list!