Anybody know much about Islam?

Eric h

Well-known member
This is what I know about Islam, it's bad :chew:


A recent study has found that in 2015 alone the US dropped over 23,000 bombs on SIX predominantly Muslim countries (Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia). The US and the UK are in their 16th year of war in Afghanistan, yet a recent analysis in Foreign Policy magazine found that the Taliban now control more territory than at any point since the beginning of the invasion in 2001.


You think that by venting their dirty socks here (and probably other forums and people) is showing them love?

and to which God do you commend them, meshak?

I commend mine to the Father because of His Son and His Finished Work on the Cross of Calvary with the help of His Holy Spirit.

the Bible says the wise ignores insult. I try to disregard this kind of comments. It will not get anywhere.

good day.


New member
the Bible says the wise ignores insult. I try to disregard this kind of comments. It will not get anywhere.

good day.

Hopefully, you will show you love them talking to them in private about their shortcomings and not gossiping their shortcomings to others.


Well-known member
I've been doing a lot of study about Islam these last 2 years. I find the public narrative to be completely wrong and most Christians are content to just spread lies about it, never bothering to do any fact checking, just accepting anything that's negative and passing it along on their Facebook wall.

From time to time I come up with questions where I wished I had a knowledgeable person to field those questions.

Anybody here fit that bill?

Perhaps I can help?


Well-known member
Know of any bodies of believers where the members consider themselves both Muslim and Christian (each person thinking of himself as both)?

Not that I'm aware of. There are, of course, syncretistic groups which accept both such as the Baha'is and some few others but none that believe themselves simultaneously Muslim and Christian. Why do you ask?


Well-known member

Are you a Christian/Muslim now?

I believe there is no God but God and Mohammed is his prophet, in the sense that other reformers like him like Martin Luther, MLK Jr., etc. were prophets: those God sends to religious people who have gone astray, so why not? "Muslim" just means "submitted" and I've been submitted to God for a long time. A lot of people read "Muslim" in the Quran and automatically think Mohammed was talking about some new religion. I think he quite often, perhaps always, used the term in its generic sense, and he did make explicit statements that he was not trying to replace the religion of the Jews and Christians, only those he knew to not be following Torah or the Gospel. I know he didn't have issues with Christians who practiced their faith and in fact appreciated the Christian king of Ethiopia who gave his band of refugees safe haven. As always, of course, I reserve the right to define what is Christian or Muslim, on MY TERMS, not on the terms of thick headed people always wanting to create an us vs. them polarity. I am finding though a rather large contingent of Muslims whose beliefs don't preclude a Christian such as myself, or even a Trinitarian Christian like you. 160 million of them in Indonesia.


Well-known member
Not that I'm aware of. There are, of course, syncretistic groups which accept both such as the Baha'is and some few others but none that believe themselves simultaneously Muslim and Christian. Why do you ask?

Given the ignorance of each faith by members of the other faith it seems like a great way for believes to learn about what unites us and how Mohammed can help us be better Christians and Jesus can help Muslims be better Muslims. At least with Muslims they do recognize the prophetic office of Jesus. They just don't understand some of the more glorious truths about walking in the Spirit and their treatment of law has moved them back into the Old Covenant way of doing things, with legalistic interpretations that would make the Pharisees proud.

Also a Christian/Muslim body sets a good example for those who might get radicalized.

I'm not much interested in the synchretistic ways of the Baha'is, more interested in the statements by the founders of the monotheistic religions that indicate specific laws for certain cultures and universal laws, like "love your neighbor", for all people.

For example: "Your laws will be a mercy to the nations" - cited by Muslims as evidence Mo thought of himself as the founder of a world religion. Yet, if a law that was a mercy for a 7th century nomadic tribe isn't a mercy in our culture then it should not be enforced. Jesus said, "Man wasn't made for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath was made for man." Doesn't that apply to all of God's Law, or is man made for some of the laws? For example, God commanded the Jews not to harvest the corners of their fields but leave it for the poor. What if in some society, like our own, the poor would never think to go into someone's field, so the corners would just go to waste? Wouldn't the farmer who harvests all of the field and give money to the poor be following Torah better than the one who lets the corners go to rot?


Well-known member
As always, of course, I reserve the right to define what is Christian or Muslim, on MY TERMS, not on the terms of thick headed people always wanting to create an us vs. them polarity. I am finding though a rather large contingent of Muslims whose beliefs don't preclude a Christian such as myself, or even a Trinitarian Christian like you. 160 million of them in Indonesia.
And killing Christians, making it against the law to be Christian or to preach Christianity :doh: Well, sorry KRSTO, but this is just and yet another step in that direction :( It is odd, though because you Can't be Arian or Unitarian and be Muslim. They see Jesus as only another prophet. Whatever your reserve, I don't think it can encapsulate such problematics. You aren't the first to have tried.


Well-known member
And killing Christians, making it against the law to be Christian or to preach Christianity :doh: Well, sorry KRSTO, but this is just and yet another step in that direction :( It is odd, though because you Can't be Arian or Unitarian and be Muslim. They see Jesus as only another prophet. Whatever your reserve, I don't think it can encapsulate such problematics. You aren't the first to have tried.


Killing Christians, or anyone, making it against the law to be Christian or to preach Christianity is not Islamic teaching. Your view of Islam is similar to ISIS', and just as perverted. I would suggest you invite an imam to lunch and let him educate you, or I could suggest some books. As for theology, Muslims certainly have a problem with the doctrine of the trinity as being pagan but generally they are not too concerned with orthodoxy nearly as much as orthopraxy, so might be able to see my view of Christ as not being objectionable for them.

The real challenge comes with the 5 pillars of Islam. For example, I would make 5 daily prayers a prescription for their time, not a universal law for all cultures. The thing is, every position I might want to take can be supported by their own vaunted teachers, including Mohammed himself. They've had some good scholars though those aren't always the most popular. The actions of radicals does however cause them to seek different interpretations that move them in the opposite direction.


New member
Know of any bodies of believers where the members consider themselves both Muslim and Christian (each person thinking of himself as both)?


That would be called chrislam, and it is an abomination unto the Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary.

The God of the Christian is NOT the God of Islam.


New member

Killing Christians, or anyone, making it against the law to be Christian or to preach Christianity is not Islamic teaching. Your view of Islam is similar to ISIS', and just as perverted. I would suggest you invite an imam to lunch and let him educate you, or I could suggest some books. As for theology, Muslims certainly have a problem with the doctrine of the trinity as being pagan but generally they are not too concerned with orthodoxy nearly as much as orthopraxy, so might be able to see my view of Christ as not being objectionable for them.

The real challenge comes with the 5 pillars of Islam. For example, I would make 5 daily prayers a prescription for their time, not a universal law for all cultures. The thing is, every position I might want to take can be supported by their own vaunted teachers, including Mohammed himself. They've had some good scholars though those aren't always the most popular. The actions of radicals does however cause them to seek different interpretations that move them in the opposite direction.

Do you come from the Medina Quran teachings or the Mecca Quran techings?

Are you a Sunni Muslim; a Shi`ite Muslim; a Sufi Muslim; a Baha'i Muslim; an Ahmadiyya Muslim, etc?

All Muslims do not believe as Mohammad did.
All Muslims do not follow all of Mohammad's instructions.
All Muslims do not believe in chopping hands/feet, which Mohammad did.
All Muslims do not believe in beheading, which Mohammad did.

The greatest victims of Islam are the Muslims themselves.

I pray my Lord Jesus Christ by the Power of His Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary that He comes to some Muslims, for whom He has also died, and that they come to the knowledge of the Truth.

Jesus is THE ONLY truth.
Jesus is THE ONLY way.
Jesus is THE ONLY life.

Mohammad is death.
Mohammad is maiming.
Mohammad is torture.
Mohammad is intolerance.
Mohammad is subjugation.
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New member
The real challenge comes with the 5 pillars of Islam. For example, I would make 5 daily prayers a prescription for their time, not a universal law for all cultures. The thing is, every position I might want to take can be supported by their own vaunted teachers, including Mohammed himself. They've had some good scholars though those aren't always the most popular.

Mohammad would say 'How dare Krsto not make my instructions universal'?


Mohammad would order 'off with Krsto's head' for he is an infidel.

Your prophet Mohammad would not have any mercy on you and you daring to think.

The actions of radicals does however cause them to seek different interpretations that move them in the opposite direction.

What you're talking about 'radicals'?

Mohammad was a radical and the true Islam is radical.

All Muslims not following all Mohammad's instructions are considered infidels in Islam and these Muslims are being slaughtered since Mohammad was alive and it continues until today; which has been around 1400 years of Muslims (together with NON-Muslims) enduring slaughter, beheading, maiming, subjugation, war, famine, enslavement of women, illiteracy, etc., etc.. etc., ad nauseum.

Every Muslim is not a terrorist, but every terrorist has been a Muslim.

Muslims die seeking to obtain a testimony.

Christians die because they already have a testimony.


Well-known member
Do you come from the Medina Quran teachings or the Mecca Quran techings?

Are you a Sunni Muslim; a Shi`ite Muslim; a Sufi Muslim; a Baha'i Muslim; an Ahmadiyya Muslim, etc?

All Muslims do not believe as Mohammad did.
All Muslims do not follow all of Mohammad's instructions.
All Muslims do not believe in chopping hands/feet, which Mohammad did.
All Muslims do not believe in beheading, which Mohammad did.

The greatest victims of Islam are the Muslims themselves.

I pray my Lord Jesus Christ by the Power of His Blood shed on the Cross of Calvary that He comes to some Muslims, for whom He has also died, and that they come to the knowledge of the Truth.

Jesus is THE ONLY truth.
Jesus is THE ONLY way.
Jesus is THE ONLY life.

Mohammad is death.
Mohammad is maiming.
Mohammad is torture.
Mohammad is intolerance.
Mohammad is subjugation.

Jesus said if he be lifted up he would draw all men unto himself. Muslims who submit to the way of peace, which is most of them, rather than find justification in ancient writings for violence, are submitting to the Prince of Peace, who rose on the 3rd day, shed the Holy Spirit abroad on the 50th day, and has been knocking on the doors of people's hearts to this day, though they probably don't realize it's Jesus.

Your view of Islam is similar to ISIS', and just as perverted. A joint church/mosque would be a great way for Muslims to learn about their prophet Jesus from those of us who have had a lot of experience with Him, and a great way for you to learn about Mohammed.