Anybody know much about Islam?


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Hall of Fame
I've been doing a lot of study about Islam these last 2 years. I find the public narrative to be completely wrong and most Christians are content to just spread lies about it, never bothering to do any fact checking, just accepting anything that's negative and passing it along on their Facebook wall.

From time to time I come up with questions where I wished I had a knowledgeable person to field those questions.

Anybody here fit that bill?

why don't you just ask a question about islam?
see what we come up with


Well-known member
This says different
Notice that this is within Muslim countries, but those countries are also just as bad as ISIS in many ways, treating Christians unfairly, imprisoning converts, sentencing many indigenous to death for becoming Christians, including mothers with babies and young children, who NEVER converted but were always Christians. I'm not sure why Church and Pew is not looking at some of the other statistics being given. I've seen some of these 80% on the local news (not that they never get it wrong). Look down lower at the next chart on your page. That lower chart isn't nearly as optimistic.

But to answer your query see here. And even where others are 60%, they still have 20% "undecided" :jawdrop:

I am amazed that you can live in a country with strong tension and where many Muslims hate Jews (or vise versa), that you are this placating and peace-loving. I think I'd love to have you on any peace talks, provided you aren't just grossly naïve :noway:


New member
Are you familiar with Jesus telling folks what a bunch of despots they were? Whitewashed sepulchres, children of the devil, and so on? Or how about Him throwing Satan, the beast, and the false prophet into the lake of fire, along with others? Maybe you should be looking for a church that has done a little more research on what 'love your enemies' actually entails.

And maybe you should be finding a church that actually believes that Paul was a chosen servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, and what he told fellow Christians to do.

2 Corinthians 6:14-17 KJV
(14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
(15) And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
(16) And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
(17) Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

Ephesians 5:11 KJV
(11) And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.

I'm sure all of that perfectly justifies you wanting me to hate Muslims by lying about them and their religion instead of sticking up for them in the face of the white-washed tombs that talk a good talk but inside hate "sinners" and would rather throw stones than find a way to heal them.

Do you have any Muslim friends? If not, why not?
Has anyone here told you that you should lie about them and their religion? Anyone?

Do you think Jesus was being malicious to the ones He made those scathing comments to?


New member
Depends on whose version of Islam I'd be stuck with. If it were your version I'd be SOL. Fortunately your version is a small minority of the 1.7 billion Muslims.

You are a Muslim.

It matters not if it is the Mecca kind or the Medina kind.

The basics of Islam is the same.
It does not matter if you are sunni, shi'a, sufi, etc.
If you disagree with your prophet, you are an infidel, even if from the Muslim kind, and you will be slaughtered.


New member
Somehow this justifies what the Jews do to Palestinians, eh? Perhaps you are unaware:

How about that justifying what Palestinians do to their own Muslims comrades, eh?

Take the MOTE out of your own eyes first so that you can see the speck on your so-called enemies eyes, who are day-by-day saving PALESTINIANS lives used as human shields (UN confirmed) over their own people while Palestinians are harming their own.

Love your own first, so that you can love your neighbor, for if you have NO love for your own, how can you love the person living beside you.

Muslims should fix the religion of Islam first, before going around demanding that the religion of others be conformed to the BROKEN religion of Islam.


New member
I see their evil growing as a direct reaction to Western colonialism in their lands. Get us out of the Mid East and you will see an entirely different Islam than what you see now. If you want to continue to see an increase in terrorist attacks then do this:
Top 12 Ways to Guarantee Another Terrorist Attack:

1. Continue killing civilians with our Air Force drone program.
2. Keep supporting tyranny in the Muslim world like we have done for the past 50 years.
3. Continue our military presence on the Arabian peninsula, especially in Saudi Arabia which hosts two of Islams most holy sites.
4. Continue to support Israel as they continue to treat the Palestinians as animals.
5. Continue to support Israel as they continue to steal land from the Palestinians.
6. Continue to get oil from the Mid East at prices way below market value.
7. Continue to choose sides in sectarian civil wars.
8. Keep ignoring international law.
9. Keep punishing Muslim people through sanctions for what their leaders are doing.
10. Keep invading Muslim countries.
11. Keep treating refugees with indifference to their plight.
12. Keep validating the Muslim narrative that the West is out to get Islam.

Ridiculous. Islam is the same as it has always been, and current events have not changed it at all.


New member
I think this comes down to the terms and conditions written into the greatest commandments, love your neighbours, (except the Muslims )

Love and pray for your enemies ( except the Muslims )

See how the Bible starts to make sense, when you read the exclusion clauses.

Are you familiar with the teachings of Jesus? Love your enemies. Treat your neighbor as yourself. That sort of thing. Have you never been to church or did they not teach you this at the one you went to?

And what does any of that have to do with "supporting Islam"? That is very different, as is refusing to see truth.


New member
I agree with your first paragraph, but not being a trinitarian never prevented a single soul from knowing Christ and his love any more than it did before the church became trinitarian in the 4th century. If you think salvation is dependent on proper theological understanding of the godhead then you don't know what the Gospel is all about.

The Church did not "become trinitarian" in the 4th century, it merely upheld it against heretical attacks. Your history is severely lacking.


New member
Recognizing Jesus as "God the Son" with a big G, or "very God of very God," as the Nicean Creed states, was a post-apostolic doctrine so can't be essential understanding for Muslims or anyone else to come to Christ. You are preaching a false Gospel if you think these theological points are what saves people.

Another lie. The first chapter of John, which is quite apostolic, belies you.


How about that justifying what Palestinians do to their own Muslims comrades, eh?

Take the MOTE out of your own eyes first so that you can see the speck on your so-called enemies eyes, who are day-by-day saving PALESTINIANS lives used as human shields (UN confirmed) over their own people while Palestinians are harming their own.

Love your own first, so that you can love your neighbor, for if you have NO love for your own, how can you love the person living beside you.

Muslims should fix the religion of Islam first, before going around demanding that the religion of others be conformed to the BROKEN religion of Islam.

What makes you think you don't love your loved one if you love your neighbor?

If you can love your enemy, you most certainly can love your loved ones.


Hall of Fame
What makes you think you don't love your loved one if you love your neighbor?

If you can love your enemy, you most certainly can love your loved ones.

It would really depend on the particular neighbor you are speaking of. Anyone who would wish harm towards OR try to harm my children, family, friends, members of society in general or myself is not my neighbor but rather my enemy.

Loving those who hate and try to destroy those you is a conflict of interest and contradictory to human nature.
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New member
The Jews are masters of propaganda and anything they do is ordered by their leaders . It is a military run state.


Have you looked at your own government lately? No? You should.

How would you feel living without never knowing when the next bomb was going to fall or the next bullet would kill your child going to school or the next knife slitting your belly or the next car bomb in a restaurant blowing up legs and arms or a bus full of children being blown up.

Jews employ Arabs in low paid jobs.

Americans are hired for low paid jobs also, but I do not see any of them blowing themselves up because of it or blowing others because of it.

Have you seen any low paid individuals blowing themselves up or others because of it?

Do you have any reports of them going to Canada or Mexico and blowing themselves up because of it?

Palestinians are a little crazy

Palestinians are a little crazy?

Do you think placing THEIR OWN CHILDREN/WOMEN/OLD PEOPLE (UN confirmed) as human shields and the men hiding like cowards while their own get killed a little crazy?

Do you realize that Israel warns Palestinians before they retaliate after they have been attacked first? Is it perfect? No? But at least they try.

Palestinians do not call or throw leaflets warning people that they are going to a restaurant to blow it up.

but it is all coming home to the USA itself

You mean those little crazy ones?

as its citizens are rebelling against the government by the thousands of armed groups.

You mean those little crazy ones are against their own government???? and are coming over here to destroy our government because they do not have the guts to fix their own problems and want to fix ours???? :think:

Booom at home.

It already happened and it had absolutely nothing to do with Jews or Palestinians or USA or low paid jobs or uneducated people.