Addiction, addict = adjudged.


New member
There are certain words, which describe the situation or circumstances of a group of people or indeed an individual, which have fallen into misuse. The kind of misuse that gives glory to humanity, while bringing into question the sovereignty of the Eternal Almighty. The wrong interpretation/understanding of these words and their continued misuse denies His sovereignty in administration.

Addict is one of these words. Those unfortunate people that have addictions to drugs or alcohol are looked upon by society as being foolish or stupid for ‘’having thrown their life away’’ or ‘’wasting their lives’’. These statements infer that the person made a conscious or controlled decision to do so. This of course means that the individual is in control and if only they would, ‘’pull themselves together’’ they could be free of addiction.

The root meaning of addict is adjudged. The recipient of the judgment is imprisoned or bound by the substance or circumstance to which they have an insatiable craving or desire. That’s why they are known as life controlling substances or circumstances. They are bound by the judgment to the accompanying torments: fury wrath, tribulation and anguish. Within this prison, ‘’there is no peace unto the wicked’’ only desperation.

Addictions can be to sports or pastimes and of course religion. There can be a zeal that is shown towards the true worship of the Almighty, but is practiced outside of salvation that becomes addictive.
This is particularly the case where the addict has a leadership role and gets his weekly or biweekly hit or rush at meetings where he is the center of attention.
In Welsh chapels and denominational churches this can be seen in the ‘man worship’ of the minister by the flock, or audience, as the case may be.

One of the Puritans said that it is a good thing for a man to attend a church meeting, but if the man is not saved at the meeting it is better that he should cease to attend. Because there is a danger he might begin to enjoy religion and that at some stage he may be ‘encouraged’ and told he has an ability to preach or teach and the man begins a ministry. He then becomes a blind guide and from that judgment there is very little hope of escape.

Anyone addicted has been judged. The addiction is the judgment against the sin of the individual and/or of society where the judgment is the lust that accompanies homosexuality for instance. If he is forgiven and granted repentance the judgment is lifted. That man is liberated indeed. Amen.

We must take great care in how we think of poor unfortunate souls who are addicted (judged) and how we deal with them or else we could fall under addiction (judgment) ourselves.

The just also fall under judgment, trials, testing and tribulations, but we have the promise that the Good Shepherd will come looking for and deliver us.

Addiction has a root meaning and that meaning is adjudged. The addict’s judgment is guilt of sin and the judgment is the addiction. The addiction can be drugs, alcohol, sexual perversion, gambling or whatever. The addict cannot escape the judgment and cannot escape the addiction. I know this to be a fact because once my sin was forgiven my addictions were lifted. The worse possible addiction is that of false religion. Where that is found there is little or no room for grace.
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TOL Subscriber
Addictions can be to sports or pastimes and of course religion. There can be a zeal that is shown towards the true worship of the Almighty, but is practiced outside of salvation that becomes addictive.
These addicted themselves to the ministry proving not all addiction is bad!

1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:14 Let all your things be done with charity.

1 Corinthians 16:15 I beseech you, brethren, (ye know the house of Stephanas, that it is the firstfruits of Achaia, and that they have addicted themselves to the ministry of the saints,)

1 Corinthians 16:16 That ye submit yourselves unto such, and to every one that helpeth with us, and laboureth.

1 Corinthians 16:17 I am glad of the coming of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus: for that which was lacking on your part they have supplied.

1 Corinthians 16:18 For they have refreshed my spirit and yours: therefore acknowledge ye them that are such.


TOL Subscriber
You just haven't got a clue and you obviously can't understand.
I believe the scripture. "addicted" is said in a positive light, but you don't believe it as "you just haven't got a clue and you obviously can't understand".


I'm amazed that Truster compares drug addiction with someone who loves football. Something's are inherently immoral, whether or not the person is addicted to them or not. I find that recovering addicts (and those who are currently using) often times use comparisons like that to make themselves feel better.


New member
I'm amazed that Truster compares drug addiction with someone who loves football. Something's are inherently immoral, whether or not the person is addicted to them or not. I find that recovering addicts (and those who are currently using) often times use comparisons like that to make themselves feel better.

I pointed out the judgement in the form of addiction takes on many forms.


Blessed beyond measure
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You just haven't got a clue and you obviously can't understand.

Your opening post was pretty good. I wouldn't get hostile just because of what she posted. I think addiction can mean different things to different people. Most people think of it in a negative way and that's probably a good thing. But if somebody uses the word "addictive" to describe being so connected to the Lord in their love and desire to serve Him, that's simply their way of describing a feeling. I think there are better things to get so worked up over. :)

Truster is a homo.

Ah, c'mon.... really? :nono:


New member
The AA, etc. mentality of once an addict always an addict is not true in the least. Also calling someone an addict is placing judgement on a person. Saying they are addicted to something does not. Saying once addicted always addicted is not true in the least and borders on placing judgement on them if not outright does. It's easy and of the carnal worldy nature to place someone under judgement, which also has a very prideful effect of you saying you are better than that person. Reminds me of a parable Jesus told about two people praying and only one walked away justified before God.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Ah, c'mon.... really? :nono:

Yes. I could have called him a bastard child of satan like the Lord Jesus Christ did to people like him. I thought I would take it easy in his retarded thread.

patrick jane

Addiction has a root meaning and that meaning is adjudged. The addict’s judgment is guilt of sin and the judgment is the addiction. The addiction can be drugs, alcohol, sexual perversion, gambling or whatever. The addict cannot escape the judgment and cannot escape the addiction. I know this to be a fact because once my sin was forgiven my addictions were lifted. The worse possible addiction is that of false religion. Where that is found there is little or no room for grace.

Your sin was always forgiven, Since Christ Jesus


New member
Your sin was always forgiven, Since Christ Jesus

Redemption first needs to be applied to the sinner and that is the work of the Holy Spirit. This is the work of reconciliation. If you have access to a theological library you should look up the ''application of redemption''.


Well-known member
I spent 30 years in addiction, but not heroin. Age of 13 to 43. I was delivered at 10:30am on July 17th 1999.
So … you now believe this makes you the defining entity for all addictions?

Don't get me wrong, I am truly pleased and joyous that you have been relieved of your addiction, and I sincerely mean that. Because I also know what a living hell addiction is, and how it destroys people's lives.

But I hesitate to assume that my experience with addiction, and with recovery from addiction, makes me the expert for how addictions manifest themselves in other people. Or how "God feels" about the subject. I mean, I have my opinions, of course. And those opinions are informed by my personal experiences of the matter. But that does not make me an expert on anyone else. Only someone that other people in a similar situation might want to pay attention to, because I've been there.

I'm not scolding; I'm just saying … :)


New member
So … you now believe this makes you the defining entity for all addictions?

Don't get me wrong, I am truly pleased and joyous that you have been relieved of your addiction, and I sincerely mean that. Because I also know what a living hell addiction is, and how it destroys people's lives.

But I hesitate to assume that my experience with addiction, and with recovery from addiction, makes me the expert for how addictions manifest themselves in other people. Or how "God feels" about the subject. I mean, I have my opinions, of course. And those opinions are informed by my personal experiences of the matter. But that does not make me an expert on anyone else. Only someone that other people in a similar situation might want to pay attention to.


My addictions were the judgement of the Almighty upon me because of my sin. As soon as my sin was forgiven my addictions were lifted. I spent a number of years questioning how and why this was and found the answer.

When Messiah healed He explained why/how...''thy sins are forgiven''.


Well-known member
The AA, etc. mentality of once an addict always an addict is not true in the least.
I can't imagine how you can know what is true or untrue of OTHER PEOPLE'S ADDICTIONS. And I can't imagine how you could be so self-centered and arrogant that you actually think you have the right to make such blind proclamations about a disease that kills more people than cancer.
Also calling someone an addict is placing judgement on a person.
I am an alcoholic (addicted to alcohol). This is not a judgment, this is a fact. I was born with a genetic inclination to become alcoholic, and the first time I drank that inclination was fulfilled. I became alcoholic from that moment on, and I remain an alcoholic to this day, even though I have not drunk a drop of alcohol since 1993.

I do agree with you, however, that it's a pointless judgment for other people to label someone an addict/alcoholic. Because the truth is that the only person that can ever really do anything about it is the addict/alcoholic, themselves. So that everyone else's judgment is basically pointless.

As an addict/alcoholic, myself, I'd ask that you to please refrain from making these blanket proclamations about my condition, when you in fact know nothing about it. Or about the conditions of millions of other addict/alcoholics that you likewise know nothing about.


Blessed beyond measure
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Yes. I could have called him a bastard child of satan like the Lord Jesus Christ did to people like him. I thought I would take it easy in his retarded thread.

Christ told the truth about people. Are you telling the truth about Truster, calling him a homo?