Addiction, addict = adjudged.


New member
I'm pursuing this topic because of all the sins that there are, you only mentioned homosexuality in your OP.

As you're probably aware, there are some very sick people out there who are trying to redefine Holy Scripture to meet their selfish perverted desires. A Christian organization started a website called "Gay Christian Movement Watch", and as well as exposing the frauds in the "Gay Christian Movement", it gives hundreds of testimonies of people who have left the homosexual lifestyle (and often times desires) behind.

I've talked about this website numerous times in my 4 part recriminalization of homosexuality threads; I'll pray that you visit the site and seek the help that you so desperately want and need.

As I have said homosexuality is mentioned in relation to Romans 1 and in relation to a judgement passed down because of the sins of society, namely injustice and irreverence.

It would seem to me that you approve of the homosexual act and despise the fact that it is given as a judgement against the sins of the society. That is your problem not mine.


As I have said homosexuality is mentioned in relation to Romans 1 and in relation to a judgement passed down because of the sins of society, namely injustice and irreverence.

Let me guess: You're focusing on this part of the passage:

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

It would seem to me that you approve of the homosexual act and despise the fact that it is given as a judgement against the sins of the society. That is your problem not mine.

(Busted). Was it my 4 part thread of recriminalizing homosexuality that gave away my "approval"?

Just say that all homosexual acts and desires are immoral and we can be done with this thread.


Yah Shua Messiah came into the world to save sinners, not drunks. So I must ask was the guilt of sin lifted from you?

I'm asking because I've met many young men who were brought up in ''Christian homes'' and then went off the rails for a couple of years. They then came under the teaching of the law and stopped drinking in case they went to hell.

Hope you don't mind me probing?

Yes, when I faced my sins and in turn un-judged others, the sense of being forgiven came over me.

God seeks all that are lost, that includes drunks.


New member
Let me guess: You're focusing on this part of the passage:

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts.

(Busted). Was it my 4 part thread of recriminalizing homosexuality that gave away my "approval"?

Just say that all homosexual acts and desires are immoral and we can be done with this thread.

You could have been done with this thread by not bothering to look in and comment.

First you accuse me of homosexuality and then get up on a high horse.

You are full of guile.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Just say that all homosexual acts and desires are immoral and we can be done with this thread.

You could have been done with this thread by not bothering to look in and comment.

First you accuse me of homosexuality and then get up on a high horse.

You are full of guile.

Actually it was Nick that accused you of being a "homo".

I'm trying to prove him wrong and you're not helping.


New member
Yes, when I faced my sins and in turn un-judged others, the sense of being forgiven came over me.

God seeks all that are lost, that includes drunks.

As I've said drunkenness was not my sin per sec ,it was judgement upon me because of my sin, ''let them be filthy still''.

When my sin was forgiven the judgement was lifted.

''Blessed is he unto whom Yah Veh doth not impute iniquity'' and amen.


New member

I just realised the difference between a recovering alcoholic and a justified, repentant, regenerate sinner.


Well-known member
Yet Paul said

Colossians 2

13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,

I like the contrast.

Sin was dealt with at the cross. But you don't preach it.

He's avoiding the point you raised here because he is always gotten very quiet when it comes to dealing directly with the Cross. One has to wonder why.


New member
I can't imagine how you can know what is true or untrue of OTHER PEOPLE'S ADDICTIONS. And I can't imagine how you could be so self-centered and arrogant that you actually think you have the right to make such blind proclamations about a disease that kills more people than cancer.
It's not a disease. Though man has mislabeled it as one so they can justify extracting money from insurance companies for all the doctors and psychologists whom can and do make more people "sick" than germs and hold them in bondage with their rapidly newly invented sicknesses. Also arrogance and self-centered mean totally different things than how you used them and attacking a person instead of their statements shows your statements and point of view falls flat.

No alcoholic, no sinner will be in heaven with Jesus. Says this multiple times throughout His Scriptures in various ways. He whom the Sons sets free is free indeed. Free from alcoholism, addiction. If you want to remain an alcoholic and not get into the New Heaven that is certainly your choice. But Jesus Christ, our Creator, declares that those who follow Him once were those things such as alcoholic, addict, but no longer are. I believe what Jesus says not some Doctor or Psycologist. Jesus knows way more than they do.

I am an alcoholic (addicted to alcohol). This is not a judgment, this is a fact. I was born with a genetic inclination to become alcoholic, and the first time I drank that inclination was fulfilled. I became alcoholic from that moment on, and I remain an alcoholic to this day, even though I have not drunk a drop of alcohol since 1993.

I do agree with you, however, that it's a pointless judgment for other people to label someone an addict/alcoholic. Because the truth is that the only person that can ever really do anything about it is the addict/alcoholic, themselves. So that everyone else's judgment is basically pointless.

As an addict/alcoholic, myself, I'd ask that you to please refrain from making these blanket proclamations about my condition, when you in fact know nothing about it. Or about the conditions of millions of other addict/alcoholics that you likewise know nothing about.

I will not stop declaring what Jesus says. And according to Jesus, AA, etc. is lying when they say once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
God seeks all that are lost, that includes drunks.

They are not lost because they are drunks. They are drunks because they are lost. Courtesy of Adam. The law proves it. When the law comes in sin revives and people die.


New member
It's not a disease. Though man has mislabeled it as one so they can justify extracting money from insurance companies for all the doctors and psychologists whom can and do make more people "sick" than germs and hold them in bondage with their rapidly newly invented sicknesses. Also arrogance and self-centered mean totally different things than how you used them and attacking a person instead of their statements shows your statements and point of view falls flat.

No alcoholic, no sinner will be in heaven with Jesus. Says this multiple times throughout His Scriptures in various ways. He whom the Sons sets free is free indeed. Free from alcoholism, addiction. If you want to remain an alcoholic and not get into the New Heaven that is certainly your choice. But Jesus Christ, our Creator, declares that those who follow Him once were those things such as alcoholic, addict, but no longer are. I believe what Jesus says not some Doctor or Psycologist. Jesus knows way more than they do.

I will not stop declaring what Jesus says. And according to Jesus, AA, etc. is lying when they say once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.


When I first read the verse, ''If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed'' I knew for an absolute fact it is true and that it is true for me. To the praise of the glory of His grace.

patrick jane

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Just say that all homosexual acts and desires are immoral and we can be done with this thread.

Actually it was Nick that accused you of being a "homo".

I'm trying to prove him wrong and you're not helping.

Boom, there's ACW bringing gayness into a non-gay Religion thread


Are recovering alcoholics who are counseling drunks "un-judgmental"?

Yes, in Christ we are to all be un-judgmental. That's what forgiving others means, we un-judge them, because if we hadn't judged them in the first place, there would be no need to forgive. We will be judged by the stick which we measured others by.

"Judge not that you be not judged."

patrick jane

Yes, in Christ we are to all be un-judgmental. That's what forgiving others means, we un-judge them, because if we hadn't judged them in the first place, there would be no need to forgive. We will be judged by the stick which we measured others by.

"Judge not that you be not judged."

Judging can't be avoided, we all do it, you do too.


New member
That's a given, and when we hold a grudge we need to un-judge.

When I was converted and started going to meetings I was always told not to judge. I did a few studies on judgement and I now judge everything and do so in minute details.

'But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man'.

There are other verses, but you'll need to find them yourself.


Well-known member
The difference is in judging the behavior of others relative to ourselves, or judging the behavior of others so as to judge them. The former we are called to do. The latter we are warned not to do.


New member
The difference is in judging the behavior of others relative to ourselves, or judging the behavior of others so as to judge them. The former we are called to do. The latter we are warned not to do.

You are not a spiritual man, so by judging, you condemn yourself.