There is a line in my old Catholic Bible that I came across in my early recovery in AA, that stated: "… for man is punished through that with which he sins". And it went on to give a detailed example of how this happens (it was in the 'Book of Wisdom'). And I found that line enormously helpful in getting me to understand the perverse thinking that I had been engaging in as an active alcoholic.My addictions were the judgement of the Almighty upon me because of my sin. As soon as my sin was forgiven my addictions were lifted. I spent a number of years questioning how and why this was and found the answer.
When Messiah healed He explained why/how...''thy sins are forgiven''.
All those years I was drinking, I believed I was drinking in response to all the bad things that were happening to me in my life. But that one single line, and the explanation that followed, got me to see that it was the drinking that was causing most all of those bad things to happen! That I had gotten it exactly backwards! And as a result I had fallen into a kind of self-perpetuating cycle of self-induced misfortune and then poorly chosen responses to the misfortune that resulted in yet more misfortune. "For man is punished through that with which he sins."
That was the heart of my addiction, right there in a nutshell. Stop the 'sin' - stop the punishment - stop the punishment - stop the sin. All I had to do was STOP! And stay stopped, and in time my life would right itself. And it did!
(It took a lot of work on my part, though, to learn how to do this: how to get out of my own way.)