Addiction, addict = adjudged.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Yes, in Christ we are to all be un-judgmental.

1 Corinthians 2

15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

I like the contrast. Saint John W taught me that catch phrase.


1 Corinthians 2

15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

I like the contrast. Saint John W taught me that catch phrase.

In context:

"The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.[c] 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”[d]

But we have the mind of Christ.


Well-known member
You are not a spiritual man, so by judging, you condemn yourself.
It's true that I sometimes judge others when I should not be. But at least I recognize this in myself, and try not to. Because I do understand the difference between judging the ideas and behaviors of others relative to my own spiritual goals, and judging them to make myself feel righteous in comparison.


New member
It's true that I sometimes judge others when I should not be. But at least I recognize this in myself, and try not to. Because I do understand the difference between judging the ideas and behaviors of others relative to my own spiritual goals, and judging them to make myself feel righteous in comparison.

You are so full of guile and you can't hide the fact. You have in mind the things of men and not Elohim.


I witnessed your words on here for nearly two years and I am not ashamed.

Most apostates aren't.

By the way I have met many people who claim to be atheists but are not. They only pay lip service to atheism for one reason or another.

But heroin addicts I know several. They are all true atheists whether they admit it or not. Most of them admit to being atheists.


New member
Most apostates aren't.

By the way I have met many people who claim to be atheists but are not. They only pay lip service to atheism for one reason or another.

But heroin addicts I know several. They are all true atheists whether they admit it or not. Most of them admit to being atheists.

The OP is about addicts. There is another thread regarding atheist. That thread is not about who is an atheist, but it has more to do is why an atheist is so.


The OP is about addicts. There is another thread regarding atheist. That thread is not about who is an atheist, but it has more to do is why an atheist is so.

Generally heroin addicts are not atheists when they start out. Atheism is part of the heroin addiction package. I don't really expect a novice apostate to understand that right away. Generally apostates enjoy gazing at their own navel. Apostates can't read so good.


Well-known member
I witnessed your words on here for nearly two years and I am not ashamed.
You confuse your religion with God, and so assume that if I am not overtly religious, I am not connected to God.

You are a fool, for that.

The only false idol more common than money is religion. And both of them are all about the idolator's ego. Both are about him needing to feel superior to everyone else. And needing to judge and control everyone else as an expression of that false superiority. I'm sad for you. It appears you traded one addiction for another: self-righteousness.


Well-known member
Generally heroin addicts are not atheists when they start out. Atheism is part of the heroin addiction package. I don't really expect a novice apostate to understand that right away. Generally apostates enjoy gazing at their own navel. Apostates can't read so good.
I have spent many years associating with recovering addicts and alcoholics, and I have found that they are no more inclined to atheism than anyone else (active or recovering). They are, however, FULL of intense resentments against God, as the mental thought-path of addiction includes a process of blaming the damage that addictions cause in one's life, externally. So as they were active in their addictions, they were blaming everything and every one for the damaging results; especially God.

It is true, however, that drug addicts tended to be extremely materialistic, because they had to come up with a lot of money every day to stay high. And that kind of ultra-materialism does lead them into a more amoral, atheistic mind-set. And they tend to be so busy every waking moment of their drug addicted existence, chasing their next high, that they don't think that much about God, or fate, or their personal resentments. It's not that they don't have them, they just can't afford to indulge them while looking to get high.

Whereas alcoholics absolutely wallow in their resentments, constantly, because they are an ongoing excuse for getting drunk. I knew many a man who drank for decades over the loss of some woman he believed cheated on him. A good drunk could nurse that single resentment for a lifetime. Whereas a drug addict would not have time for that. Or the luxury of keeping enemies. He has to be able to do whatever it takes, with whomever he has to, to get to that next high.


New member
You confuse your religion with God, and so assume that if I am not overtly religious, I am not connected to God.

You are a fool, for that.

The only false idol more common than money is religion. And both of them are all about the idolator's ego. Both are about him needing to feel superior to everyone else. And needing to judge and control everyone else as an expression of that false superiority. I'm sad for you. It appears you traded one addiction for another: self-righteousness.

Until July 17th 1999 at 10:30am I had nothing. I was in the world without Elohim and without hope. Any criticism of what I have is a direct criticism of the Eternal Almighty and His provisions. Coupled with the fact you completely ignore, showing your lack of reverence, the scriptures about calling a man a fool. Your very words condemn you, but the spirit by which you speak, seals your condemnation.


Well-known member
Until July 17th 1999 at 10:30am I had nothing. I was in the world without Elohim and without hope. Any criticism of what I have is a direct criticism of the Eternal Almighty and His provisions. Coupled with the fact you completely ignore, showing your lack of reverence, the scriptures about calling a man a fool. Your very words condemn you, but the spirit by which you speak, seals your condemnation.
My, my, my!

You can't seem to tell where you stop and God begins. That's what happened when ego deifies itself, I guess.


Well-known member
''I Guess'' is the sum total of all you say.
Yes, I guess it is.

Since I am not a god, nor must I pretend to be one for the sake of some egocentric religion, guessing is what I'm left with.

But at least it's honest.


New member
Yes, I guess it is.

Since I am not a god, nor must I pretend to be one for the sake of some egocentric religion, guessing is what I'm left with.

But at least it's honest.

Every word you speak is a lie, just like your father, who was a liar from the beginning.


Phhhhttt! :chuckle:

That's what an untreated alcoholic looks like, saved by religion but never addresses the personality problem that is alcoholism. They go from an obsession with booze to an obsession with religion. It's religious addiction.


I have spent many years associating with recovering addicts and alcoholics, and I have found that they are no more inclined to atheism than anyone else (active or recovering). They are, however, FULL of intense resentments against God, as the mental thought-path of addiction includes a process of blaming the damage that addictions cause in one's life, externally. So as they were active in their addictions, they were blaming everything and every one for the damaging results; especially God.

It is true, however, that drug addicts tended to be extremely materialistic, because they had to come up with a lot of money every day to stay high. And that kind of ultra-materialism does lead them into a more amoral, atheistic mind-set. And they tend to be so busy every waking moment of their drug addicted existence, chasing their next high, that they don't think that much about God, or fate, or their personal resentments. It's not that they don't have them, they just can't afford to indulge them while looking to get high.

Whereas alcoholics absolutely wallow in their resentments, constantly, because they are an ongoing excuse for getting drunk. I knew many a man who drank for decades over the loss of some woman he believed cheated on him. A good drunk could nurse that single resentment for a lifetime. Whereas a drug addict would not have time for that. Or the luxury of keeping enemies. He has to be able to do whatever it takes, with whomever he has to, to get to that next high.

Heroin addicts differ from other types. A heroin addict is part of the walking dead. This addiction destroys the addict's capacity for God. Heroin addicts are rendered worthless by the heroin. They have no intrinsic value. They are by its very definition atheists.

Confessing atheists are deluded. Heroin addicts are the only real atheists that are possible. They have no intrinsic value and are damned.