You seem to be projecting some of your own baggage, here. Rather big-time!Heroin addicts differ from other types. A heroin addict is part of the walking dead. This addiction destroys the addict's capacity for God. Heroin addicts are rendered worthless by the heroin. They have no intrinsic value. They are by its very definition atheists.
Confessing atheists are deluded. Heroin addicts are the only real atheists that are possible. They have no intrinsic value and are damned.
For one thing, any of the heroin addicts I've known took whatever drugs he/she could get hold of. Not just heroin. Because what they were addicted to primarily was getting high, not necessarily getting high on heroin. Even if they preferred heroin.
I had a friend who was a heroin addict, and he admitted that he was as addicted to the danger of it as he was to the high. He used to deliberately load the needle to a very calculated point that he knew was equally as likely to kill him as it was to get him very high. The danger of plunging it into his arm knowing he might be dead in a few seconds added enormously to the rush of the drug hitting his blood steam.
These addictive phychopathologies are not simple, and they do not play out the same way for everyone. I think you need to set aside your bias and look at addicts as individuals. They are sick physically, mentally, and spiritually. And although their sicknesses are similar, none of them are exactly the same.