Well, no. Now you are using way too broad of a term.First, nature put the fetus where it now exists...
Rocks, plants, dogs, etc. are nature.
None of them put a child in the woman's womb. You are going to have to narrow that term "nature" a WHOLE LOT before you get to what put the child in the womb.
Come on, Quip!it still may be considered a trespass upon her body.... using an alternate connotation of the word.
The only possible way you could use any form of "trespass" would be in the case of rape.
But even then, it was not the child that trespassed, but the male sperm from the father.
definately need to do better than "trespass" and "nature".Speaking of such, if you two still want to deflect via minced terms I could gladly find another.
I have.Second, you two have never heard of the concept of a visitor "overstaying their welcome"?
Is it OK to solve the problem of "a visitor overstaying their welcome" by murdering them?