Abortion and The Holocaust....Differences?

Nathon Detroit

First, nature put the fetus where it now exists.
That wacky nature she's always causing trouble. I had nature over for dinner the other night and she spilled wine all over the carpet.

Who would have thought she was sneaking babies into wombs?? :idunno:

Second, you two have never heard of the concept of a visitor "overstaying their welcome"?
Oh the irony. :rotfl:


That wacky nature she's always causing trouble. I had nature over for dinner the other night and she spilled wine all over the carpet.

Who would have thought she was sneaking babies into wombs?? :idunno:

Oh the irony. :rotfl:

Keep your day job, Knight!


I’m sorry you think that way.
What you should be sorry for is the fact that you haven’t amended your lying misquote that I pointed out in Post#138.

Instead of saying "lying misquote" it would have been more helpful if you would have just simply said "When you said "X" I had hard time believing you because..." Using communication like this will open a lot of doors with friends, loved ones and especially members of your immediate family.

I don't know what you are exactly talking about. I can be incredibly dense at times and I confess I am left in the dark here. Please be specific. I crave respectful criticism; in fact, it is one of the main ways that I learn new information.

If you are pointing out some hypocrisy in me, know that I need to be aware of it and if I have been hypocritical I will be totally accountable for it. As any careful reader of the New Testament knows full well, Jesus had a lot[/] to say about hypocrisy.


Actually, I was hoping your answer would be, “I blundered into a really stupid statement. Of course I didn’t mean to blaspheme The Almighty. I am so, so sorry.”
It won't be the first OR the last time I blunder into some uninformed thinking. But I have to say that your prescience and arrogance at knowing how the infinite divine God that created us feels about my own Christian faith life, and deems to somehow "prove" your own pinched and narrow view with your own cherry-picked theology is astonishing to me.

I never fail to think that folks like you are turning the Christianity I and millions of others love into something that Jesus would reject. In fact, I doubt he would even recognize what became of his teachings today.


New member
So, can anyone offer a significant difference between the two?

The Holocaust killed humans that were capable of
fighting back, but too passive, preoccupied,
and unorganized to assess the threat and prepare
an effective defense.

Abortion is the killing of utterly helpless human
beings that are totally incapable of defending
their own fragile life.


The Holocaust killed humans that were capable of
fighting back, but too passive, preoccupied,
and unorganized to assess the threat and prepare
an effective defense.

Abortion is the killing of utterly helpless human
beings that are totally incapable of defending
their own fragile life.
BTW, what most American Christians do not know is that nonviolent protest worked every time it was tried against the Nazis during the Second World War.

In fact, war criminal Adolf Eichmann who was tried and executed in Israel admitted to prosecutors that his "final solution" was basically a failure in the Netherlands.

King cobra

Instead of saying "lying misquote" it would have been more helpful if you would have just simply said "When you said "X" I had hard time believing you because..." Using communication like this will open a lot of doors with friends, loved ones and especially members of your immediate family.

I don't know what you are exactly talking about. I can be incredibly dense at times and I confess I am left in the dark here. Please be specific. I crave respectful criticism; in fact, it is one of the main ways that I learn new information.
Calling human beings like terrorists, immigrants and gays as a "disease," "vermin" or "inhuman" is hardly pro-life. The hypocrisy of the anti-abortionists is well known and the underlying truth of it is usually dealt with by blaming and dehumanizing others.

My own opinion, of course.
See posts #106, #115, # 138

You included the above statement (in yellow) in a quote box attributed to me. I never said that. It is a lie to imply that I did. You implied that I did by including it in the quote box (attributed to me, which would be untrue).
If you are pointing out some hypocrisy in me, know that I need to be aware of it and if I have been hypocritical I will be totally accountable for it. As any careful reader of the New Testament knows full well, Jesus had a lot[/] to say about hypocrisy.

I was not trying to point out hypocrisy in you, only dishonesty in attributing to me the decidedly wicked statement (in yellow...above).

But….since you asked so nicely:
It would be beyond cool if you could respond like an adult. Immaturity does not contribute anything to effective and mature communication skills.
Then, just twenty posts later...same thread:
Speaking of hook, line and sinker, I thought I would pass along to you this definition of what fishing actually is:


King cobra

It won't be the first OR the last time I blunder into some uninformed thinking. But I have to say that your prescience and arrogance at knowing how the infinite divine God that created us feels about my own Christian faith life, and deems to somehow "prove" your own pinched and narrow view with your own cherry-picked theology is astonishing to me.
You likened God’s judgement in Revelation to the “ethnic cleansing,” “revenge,” and “murder” (post #157) that Hitler espoused. You even had the temerity to imply that Hitler’s ideas were less egregious! If calling your statement blasphemous is pinched and narrow, I’m blessed to be on that path.

I never fail to think that folks like you are turning the Christianity I and millions of others love into something that Jesus would reject. In fact, I doubt he would even recognize what became of his teachings today.
The "christianity" that you, and millions of others love, is largely responsible for the tragedy of abortion. Hitler claimed a similar "christianity" to justify The Holocaust.

Oy vey! Yet another similarity! We’re looking for differences!!!

King cobra

The Holocaust killed humans that were capable of
fighting back, but too passive, preoccupied,
and unorganized to assess the threat and prepare
an effective defense.

Abortion is the killing of utterly helpless human
beings that are totally incapable of defending
their own fragile life.

Thank you THall. This is indeed a difference.
While the Jews had the capability to not only fight, but to have the presence of mind
and capability to escape before the onslaught (which many did),
unborn babies have neither.

While this is a difference, it also serves as a further indictment of the evil of abortion. Victimizing humans even more vulnerable and helpless than the Jews.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The Holocaust killed humans that were capable of fighting back, but too passive, preoccupied, and unorganized...
Still in the victim blaming business then. It's not uncommon for people, faced with evil, to be almost baffled and unable to process it. That said, the problem the Jewish population faced in Germany was that prior to the violence it had been isolated and stripped of power and means. Jews were not only facing one of the most efficient and powerful military forces in the world, but a mostly hostile population as well.

People should read Gilbert's The Holocaust: The Jewish Tragedy.

In every ghetto, in every deportation train, in every labor camp, even in the death camps, the will to resist was strong, and took many forms. Fighting with the few weapons that would be found, individual acts of defiance and protest, the courage of obtaining food and water under the threat of death, the superiority of refusing to allow the Germans their final wish to gloat over panic and despair.​

Here's a link to a free treatment.

There were any number of armed uprisings against the Nazis by those same Jews. To write off that inhumanity by tainting the victims with some vestige of guilt is beyond wrong headed.


Calling human beings like terrorists, immigrants and gays as a "disease," "vermin" or "inhuman" is hardly pro-life. The hypocrisy of the anti-abortionists is well known and the underlying truth of it is usually dealt with by blaming and dehumanizing others.

My own opinion, of course.
See posts #106, #115, # 138

You included the above statement (in yellow) in a quote box attributed to me. I never said that. It is a lie to imply that I did. You implied that I did by including it in the quote box (attributed to me, which would be untrue).

I was not trying to point out hypocrisy in you, only dishonesty in attributing to me the decidedly wicked statement (in yellow...above).

But….since you asked so nicely:

Then, just twenty posts later...same thread:
You folks get to the point where you rage, rage and rage and forget to have a sense of humor.

The fishing joke was a...JOKE. Anyone else would have seen it as not having a thing to do with anyone on this forum.

And I would hope you read my comments more carefully. Do you read the Bible the same way? I didn't say you personally "call human beings terrorists." Did I?

Does it say "King Cobra calls human beings whatever?"

No it does not. Stop being so sensitive and put upon.

Good Lord, man.

--NO ONE is pro-abortion and few are fully pro-life.

--And the debate from your end seems ironically de-humanizing.

--"Pro-Life" and "Pro-Choice" don't even represent most people.

--And I have mentioned this many times: your pro-life stance comes across as clearly disingenuous.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now, on abortion...I don't think an attempt is being made to kill all the unborn in the world. I don't even think the sort of people who slaughter these innocents realize they're killing human beings...an evil law allows them a distance, a way of considering their right instead of the life they're taking. And it gives those who support them the same abstraction to hide behind.

Abortion is then a different sort of evil, less obvious because it relies on slight of hand. We look at the individual exercising an alleged right and miss the individual being denied right.


New member
Hall of Fame
The murder of the innocent is wrong in all places and at all times. We should never stray from that truth.


You likened God’s judgement in Revelation to the “ethnic cleansing,” “revenge,” and “murder” (post #157) that Hitler espoused. You even had the temerity to imply that Hitler’s ideas were less egregious! If calling your statement blasphemous is pinched and narrow, I’m blessed to be on that path.
I should have been more clear. I meant to say that I likened John of Patmos fantastical and paranoid imagery of Nero's Rome to ethnic cleansing and murder. Since Adolf Hitler favored the same, in that respect they are the same.

And good luck and Godspeed on your path.

The "christianity" that you, and millions of others love, is largely responsible for the tragedy of abortion. Hitler claimed a similar "christianity" to justify The Holocaust.
I do not justify abortion. I believe I am just more aware of and empathetic with the medical and social circumstances that often surround it.

Like it or not, abortion is being done, has been done and will be done by women and men all over the world.


The murder of the innocent is wrong in all places and at all times. We should never stray from that truth.
Capital punishment, war, genocide, murder and violence.
Remind those who continue to self-identify as pro-life Christians to remember this.


New member
Hall of Fame
One would think abortion's bad enough in and of itself without having to resort to comparing it to the Final Solution. At best this is a lazy kind of button-pushing.

And the short answer is no, there's no comparing the two.