1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

God's Truth

New member

Mark 12

28 One of the scribes approached. When he heard them debating and saw that Jesus answered them well, he asked Him, “Which command is the most important of all?”

29 “This is the most important,” Jesus answered:

Listen, Israel! The Lord our God, the Lord is One. 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.

31 “The second is: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other command greater than these.”

32 Then the scribe said to Him, “You are right, Teacher! You have correctly said that He is One, and there is no one else except Him. 33 And to love Him with all your heart, with all your understanding, and with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is far more important than all the burnt offerings and sacrifices.”

34 When Jesus saw that he answered intelligently, He said to him, “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” And no one dared to question Him any longer.

You said my teachings are false. I should not have erred and magnified that to heretic.

I personally admit I struggle with hypocracy frequently. I hate hypocracy and thus default to Jesus as the perfection in my life.

He is my perfect Half, because I am not whole without Him. [emoji846]

The Counselor is the great Teacher. It is not displeasure that I find in your words. It is the pain of knowing how deeply you judge yourself before God and the knowledge that you want to help others obey because you Love Jesus.

I had stated earlier, on another thread, that to know others and love them as they are, we must know ourself and love ourself as we are.

Jesus Loved all while all were in sin. Jesus called all as sinners.

Romans 5:8

8 But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ Died for us.

Matthew 22:

“Then he told his slaves, ‘The banquet is ready, but those who were invited were not worthy. 9 Therefore go to where the roads exit the city and invite everyone you find to the banquet.’ 10 So those slaves went out on the roads and gathered everyone they found,

both evil and good.

The wedding banquet was filled with guests. 11 But when the king came in to view the guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed for a wedding. 12 So he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes?’ The man was speechless.

Isaiah 61:10-62:3Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

10 I greatly rejoice in the Lord,
I exult in my God;
for He has clothed me with the garments of salvation
and wrapped me in a robe of righteousness,
as a groom wears a turban
and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.
11 For as the earth produces its growth,
and as a garden enables what is sown to spring up,
so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise
to spring up before all the nations.

I only know that when I judge myself by the law, I tend to judge others by it too. I am intimate with personal experience that only God is Perfect, and in this, I am joined to unconditional Love that bares no judgment.The

2 Cor. 3

14 but their minds were closed. For to this day, at the reading of the old covenant, the same veil remains; it is not lifted, because it is set aside only in Christ. 15 Even to this day, whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their hearts, 16 but whenever a person turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

You have to understand the scriptures about judging. We are to make RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS.

We are not to make hypocritical judgments.

You confuse final judgments with all kinds of judgments.

But a spiritual man judges everything and he is not judged by any man.

We are to judge those in the church.

We already know those who are not in Christ are condemned.

God's Truth

New member
The entire Law is a ceremonial work

You have believed that Jesus only fulfilled the atonement part of the Law GT.

Moses is indivisible.

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No, the entire law is not the purification/ceremonial works.

These are the works that are associated with the purification works:

The Burnt Offering; The Grain Offering; The Fellowship Offering; The Sin Offering; The Guilt Offering; Dietary Laws; Purification After Childbirth; Cleansing From Infectious Skin Diseases; Cleansing From Mildew; Discharges Causing Uncleanness; The Day of Atonement; Rules for Priests; The Sabbath; Firstfruits; The Passover and Unleavened Bread; Feast of Weeks; Feast of Trumpets; Feast of Tabernacles; Oil and Bread Set Before The LORD; the Sabbath Year; The Year of Jubilee; Circumcision.

Go read Leviticus.

Read how Jesus is the Lamb.

God's Truth

New member
I also have a story.

Two scumbags were getting crucified on either side of Jesus.

One said I believe you are He, the Messiah, while the other mocked Him and told Him to get off of the cross by His fleshly effort to prove He was the Messiah.

I think you remember the ending of this one, right?

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One thief believed and obeyed. The other thief believed and did not obey.

Luke 23:29 One of the criminals who were hanged there was hurling abuse at Him, saying, "Are You not the Christ? Save Yourself and us!"

The other thief obeyed by believing, humbling himself, admitting his sins, confessing, showing sorrow, fearing God, acknowledging Jesus in front of others, and calling on Jesus.


It is now that time. The next chunk of Galatians is here. Please refrain from anything other than exposition of Galatians until all are done with their exposition. All are welcome to pick up here.

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Galatians 2 (HCSB)

11*But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned.
12*For he regularly ate with the Gentiles before certain men came from James. However, when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, because he feared those from the circumcision party.
13*Then the rest of the Jews joined his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.
14*But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel Gentiles to live like Jews?”
15*We who are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners”
16*know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ. And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no human being will be justified.
17*But if we ourselves are also found to be “sinners” while seeking to be justified by Christ, is Christ then a promoter of sin? Absolutely not!
18*If I rebuild the system I tore down, I show myself to be a lawbreaker.
19*For through the law I have died to the law, so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ
20*and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who lovedme and gave Himself for me.
21*I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

I have caused much cringing already. Even staunch advocates of Grace have been concerned that I may be an Antinomian.

I indeed approach all scripture with the idea that the entire Law/Moses has indeed been fulfilled by Jesus, and His fulfillment of Moses (The Pentateuch) has now been issued as a payment for ALL mankind so sin/rebellion/imperfection/missing the mark is no longer an issue to God.

Am I now saying that the entire Moral/Ceremonial/Cleansing/Dietary/Judicial/Stone Law is to be thrown in the garbage? Yes! I confess that it has no place in my life! It's only purpose was to show me that my flesh is sinful. If I couple Moses with Jesus's beautiful Sermon on the mount, I find that Moses and ALL scripture can be read as Moral Compass and Law to flesh and spirit. If I utilize 1 extrapolated scripture to judge myself or others, I have begun to undo what Jesus fulfilled and I am rebuilding the system of sin/death/condemnation.

But N.I.G., what about Morality? Doesn't that mean that you are suggesting that God's law isn't God's Law? Morality is not just for followers of God! There are even Atheist's that have a solid moral compass that surpasses even the best Christian. And about God's law, it was a teaching tool, and governmental foundation of epic proportion that was given to a people that many misunderstand. Egyptian dwelling Hebrews had been subjected to spiritual practices that were terrible, and concepts about God / gods that were exceptionally wicked and destructive.

In case you didn't know, eating pork is prohibited in Moses. Wait, why do we call it Moses, when churches have the Ten Commandments up on their walls and call it God's Law. Hold on, let's get back to the pork thing. The Law calls Pork unclean. But we eat Pork today! See, Pigs were used to sacrifice to foreign gods. And, just in case you didn't know, people ate the meat of sacrificed animals. Priests offered an animal up and then they were to consume it. Also, remember that Jesus drove the demons into the pigs? That was symbolic of demons moving amongst unclean people.

This is where I implore you to listen up! You have been fooled to believe that the devil and his demons are out to make people commit sins of the flesh! This is a lie! We don't need any help doing that. The devil is all about contaminating people at the source. When he deceived humanity to try to be like God, that was our first warning. Who do you think inspired people to ascribe hostile, unloving aspects to God? Who do you think demanded punishment for people's failures? Who do you think deceived people that God is a tyrannical God that demands obedience, or people will burn eternally?

If you want to understand Satan, you can observe Islam. That is indeed the full culmination of the Accusers work. Tyranny, Death, Torture, Ritual, Impersonal God, Judgment, Slavery, Hypocrisy, Removal of free will, Global Domination and False Government, Deception, Women Blamed for sin, Shame, guilt, Pride, God of statistics that doesn't mind losing a bunch of people because they are flawed, lack of value assigned to the disobedient and many other traits that people today falsely ascribe to the God of biblical Canon!

The deepest mark of foreign gods is that they were without mercy and demanded child sacrifice and tyrannical following. Most foreign gods demanded strict religious observance! No, no, no, no, N.I.G., Foreign gods promoted Orgies and all kinds of sins of the flesh. Maybe, but their deepest mark was a requirement of deep religious custom that exalted ritual and obedience over relationship. God had to approach the Hebrews from the perspective of malice and cruelty that they had attributed to Him. He had to approach them as the hardened slaves they had become in Egypt. The example of Islam should help you understand how distorted Egypt had made the Hebrews!

See, to Jesus, even the most rebellious matter. Jesus looks past sin and past obedience! Because He was lashed, beaten, spit on, mocked, humiliated, condemned under the Law and much more, so He could do so. Next time we point a finger at a believer or non believer, may we be quickened with fear! That person is as God, and our finger is judging God! Jesus seeks out relationship above ALL things. Jesus loved everyone so much that He showed us He would would rather die, then spend eternity without any of us! Jesus never shunned anyone, accept the self righteous.. Note, He still Loved and forgave the self righteous.

N.I.G., what does this have to do with Galatians? Well, back to the Law. The Law/Moses contained hidden prophecies about Jesus and rituals that pointed to His sacrifice, but you must note, the Atonement blood covered all transgression of the Law.

But N.I.G., God commanded stoning and even directly ensured it happened to a man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath. You are correct. That man wasn't lost that day, but is one of God's greatest revelations. Jesus is our Sabbath rest and utilizing obedience to any point of scriptural law or holding others to it are like gathering sticks/ working on the Sabbath.

Jesus is teaching us to sin? NO!!!!! The Law was God's revelation to us, that we are condemned in our flesh and spirit because we are sinners that sin. The Sword of the Spirit divides to bone and marrow and the depths of our soul that we don't even know about. Whether a person likes it or not, they sin every day, with or without the Holy Spirit and with or without trying. The stone Law consisted of 613 laws. It's penalty of transgression was Death!

But, Paul talks about the commandments and says they are Love? Paul talks about a fraction of the stone 10, let alone the fact that he left out the other 603. You cannot break the stone. It is as solid as mount Sanai. Paul is expressing that Love is Superior to Law. Love builds relationships with mankind, but, above all, it is the gesture that we return to Him who Loved us before Creation!

Love does NOT Judge! Love protects and forgives! Love does not demand obedience or ritual! Love simply demands that we value everyone as a child of God. Love demands that we open our eyes and see the heartbreak, of a loveless world that is growing colder. The chill is in and outside of the Church! The temperature is dropping!
The deepest transgression we can commit is to devalue any human being with the idea that they are unloved by Jesus as they are. The deepest transgression the devil can encourage is the shunning of a brother or sister in HUMANITY! Do I have to plunge onto a killers knife? No! But I have to believe that Jesus Loves them and died for them too. We do not serve an Eye for an Eye task master that demands perfect obedience, but a Father that Loves His every Child (EVERY!)

So yes, the stone idle of Moses is gone! It is even pointed out that it was given by a mediator in Galatians!

The glory of God initiated the Stone law through Moses, and impersonally to humanity. Jesus Royal decree to Love God with our all and Love one another as we Love ourselves was given on Calvary!

We are only... Only... ONly... ONLy... ONLY Clean by His Life in place of ours, His Death in place of ours, and His resurrection as a call to Hope. Love is now our unpayable debt. Love is the work we do with the aid of the Spirit and Faith in Jesus is our obedience. If we find morality springing up in us, as we walk this path, then count it joy and blessing! But, never count it of your effort and never be proud of your fleshly or spiritual righteousness. It's just borrowed bread in the mouth of a beggar! We must shun pride as our Servant King did, for life can level our flesh and spirit in an instant. God is our only Pride! We may boast in Him amongst us, but we must never cast stones and we must forever kneel on the blade of repentance in our hearts. It is He alone that is worthy to be PRAISED!

Galatians 2 (HCSB)

11*But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned.

Paul had to rise up and chastise Peter in Antioch!
12*For he regularly ate with the Gentiles before certain men came from James. However, when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, because he feared those from the circumcision party.

Peter was eating with the Gentile sinners and loving them as Jesus commanded him to do. But then, men of obedience and law keeping came to Antioch with James. These exalters of the Law created division between the gentile sinners and the self righteous. Peter was afraid of these self righteous people. He feared for his life, and temporarily gave up his freedom in Jesus for fear of his transgression of the Moses.
13*Then the rest of the Jews joined his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.

Soon, all of the Jews that had turned from Moses to Jesus, turned back to Moses and shunned the gentile sinners. Even Barnabas, a close friend and companion of Paul, lost his Way.

14*But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel Gentiles to live like Jews?”

Paul saw the evil of Satan amongst his friends in Jesus and proceeded to publicly rebuke Peter. He pointed out that Peter lived like the Gentiles in his Heart and Flesh, but he was now binding the Gentiles to be Self Righteous by Moses!

15*We who are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners”
16*know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ.

And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no human being will be justified.

Now it begins! I implore you to pay attention. I predict that my insane proclamations, that Moses/The entire Law has no place in salvation or revelation of the new wine, will be echoed throughout Galatians.

Jesus is the True, Perfect vessel of the True Water turned to New Wine of Love that bears no judgment. We are just fractured dipping jars that are only liquid tight by the covering mercy and grace of Jesus. Moses is a Man Created Jar that was guided by the true Craftsman's hands. His Wine is old and fermented to the point of bitterness and alcohol content that is destructively stout. We cannot dip into the Jar of Moses without the Loving Nature of Christ being removed from our cracked dipping vessel.
We are only renewed by dipping into the Loving vessel of Jesus!

Jesus said this another way:

Matthew 9

17*And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.”

If you put the new wine of Jesus in the old skin of Moses, the thin skin of the already stretched wineskin will bust as the new wine ferments (Holy Spirit teaching the fruit or grapes of the spirit) and expands the wineskin.

Believe me, I tell you, we are all gentile sinners though Jesus makes us as sinless Gentiles with His Love and Sacrifice. We once followed the Law, but only Jesus Saves us. We are only saved by the Grace of Jesus and never by 1 letter of obedience to the Law.

17*But if we ourselves are also found to be “sinners” while seeking to be justified by Christ, is Christ then a promoter of sin? Absolutely not!

So, what if we are sinners by the Law while seeking the Grace of Jesus? Does this mean this teaching of turning from the condemnation of the Law and towards the Mercy of Jesus makes Jesus a promoter of Sin? NO!

18*If I rebuild the system I tore down, I show myself to be a lawbreaker.

If I lay one stone from the old covenant towards myself or another, I am now subject to Moses and a full transgressor of the Stone Law that brings DEATH!

19*For through the law I have died to the law, so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ

Because of the Love, forgiveness and Grace that are found in Jesus and taught to me by His Spirit of the Royal Law, I have died to the Condemnation of the Stone Law of Moses that brings Death! I am counted as dead with Jesus in His Tomb, but it is His resurrection and Perfection that are in the place of that crucified man of death that I am now in this fading kingdom of dust!

20*and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

I am DEAD in Jesus's tomb, yet Jesus lives in this dead flesh. I am only alive by my FAITH in Jesus! I only have this gift because Jesus Loved me and died for me.

21*I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.

I refuse to set aside Jesus's Grace, because Jesus's grace IS my Cloak of Righteous Perfection, over this Dead and Dying body of sinful flesh. If this were a lie and I personally could live a life of righteousness according to ANY part of the Law, then Jesus died for NOTHING!

1st Chunk 1A

2nd Chunk 1B

2nd Chunk

3rd Chunk

4th Chunk

6th Chunk

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Was there no atonement for sin?

What did Jesus say were the weightier matters of the law.

And why all this discussion about a law that was only applicable to Jacob's people?



Galatians is Pauls Magnum Opus that explains how the Law/Moses that demanded obedience and had provision of ephemeral sacrifice, was fulfilled in Full for us by Jesus.

It exalts Grace, Peace, Love and Faith as our Foundation built on Jesus.

It meticulously explains how Moses breeds judgment and slavery, while Jesus provides forgiveness and Freedom.

It exonerates that the revelation of the turning from Moses to Jesus does not promote sin, but instead provides rich soil for the Holy Spirit to grow seeds of Love, Joy and Gospel cultivation that provide eternal life and maximum witness.

It is the edge of the dividing sword of Jesus that divides Human Effort from God's work.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

Why did the law label pork unclean? Was there a reason?

There is. I expounded in the write up.

It involves how we are unclean without absolute Faith, void of human effort. I did not tie this in yet, but this is 1 of 5 debate topics. I will expand as time goes on.

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God's Truth

New member
There is. I expounded in the write up.

It involves how we are unclean without absolute Faith, void of human effort. I did not tie this in yet, but this is 1 of 5 debate topics. I will expand as time goes on.

The dietary laws were laws to obey, and they were a teaching tool, a shadow of Jesus, and it signified a separation between people, those who belonged to God, and those who do not belong to God.


New member
Galatians is Pauls Magnum Opus that explains how the Law/Moses that demanded obedience and had provision of ephemeral sacrifice, was fulfilled in Full for us by Jesus.

The Law of Moses precluded human sacrifice. Jesus' death had nothing to do with fulfilling Mosaic law. On the contrary, Jesus' sacrifice is completely and totally outside of Mosaic law. Jesus didn't fulfill the law, he magnified it and then asked the Father not to hold the Jews accountable for his death.


New member
One other thing, it was Christ who became Jesus who gave Moses the law for Israel so that the Father's people could live peaceful, productive lives.

I feel you are mocking Jesus Christ by denigrating the law the Father instructed him to give to the Father's firstborn.

The Mosaic law does not apply to you, to me, or to anyone on TOL. Why not leave it be?


Literal lunatic
There is. I expounded in the write up.

It involves how we are unclean without absolute Faith, void of human effort. I did not tie this in yet, but this is 1 of 5 debate topics. I will expand as time goes on.

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Epistle of Barnabas


The Food-law of the Jews -- The explanation in the Psalter

1 Now, in that Moses said, "Ye shall not eat swine, nor an eagle, nor a hawk, nor a crow, nor any fish which has no scales on itself," he included three doctrines in his understanding.

2 Moreover he says to them in Deuteronomy, "And I will make a covenant of my ordinances with this people." So then the ordinance of God is not abstinence from eating, but Moses spoke in the spirit.

3 He mentioned the swine for this reason: you shall not consort, he means, with men who are like swine, that is to say, when they have plenty they forget the Lord, but when they are in want they recognise the Lord, just as the swine when it eats does not know its master, but when it is hungry it cries out, and after receiving food is again silent.

4 "Neither shalt thou eat the eagle nor the hawk nor the kite nor the crow." Thou shalt not, he means, join thyself or make thyself like to such men, as do not know how to gain their food by their labour and sweat, but plunder other people's property in their iniquity, and lay wait for it, though they seem to walk in innocence, and look round to see whom they may plunder in their covetousness, just as these birds alone provide no food for themselves, but sit idle, and seek how they may devour the flesh of others, and become pestilent in their iniquity.

5 "Thou shalt not eat," he says, "the lamprey nor the polypus nor the cuttlefish." Thou shalt not, he means, consort with or become like such men who are utterly ungodly and who are already condemned to death, just as these fish alone are accursed, and float in the deep water, not swimming like the others but living on the ground at the bottom of the sea.

6 Sed nec "leporem manducabis." Non eris, inquit, corruptor puerorum nec similabis talibus. Quia lepus singulis annis facit ad adsellandum singula foramina; et quotquot annis vivit, totidem foramina facit.

7 Sed "nec beluam, inquit, manducabis"; hoc est non eris moecus aut adulter, nec corruptor, nec similabis talibus. Quia haec bestia alternis annis mutat naturam et fit modo masculus, modo femina.

8 Sed et quod dicit mustelam odibis. Non eris, inquit, talis, qui audit iniquitatem et loquitur immunditiam. Non inquit adhaerebis immundis qui iniquitatem faciunt ore suo.

9 Moses received three doctrines concerning food and thus spoke of them in the Spirit; but they received them as really referring to food, owing to the lust of their flesh.

10 But David received knowledge concerning the same three doctrines, and says: "Blessed is the man who has not gone in the counsel of the ungodly" as the fishes go in darkness in the deep waters, "and has not stood in the way of sinners" like those who seem to fear the Lord, but sin like the swine, "and has not sat in the seat of the scorners" like the birds who sit and wait for their prey. Grasp fully the doctrines concerning food.

11 Moses says again, "Eat of every animal that is cloven hoofed and ruminant." What does he mean? That he who receives food knows him who feeds him, and rests on him and seems to rejoice. Well did he speak with regard to the commandment. What then does he mean? Consort with those who fear the Lord, with those who meditate in their heart on the meaning of the word which they have received, with those who speak of and observe the ordinances of the Lord, with those who know that meditation is a work of gladness, and who ruminate on the word of the Lord. But what does "the cloven hoofed" mean? That the righteous both walks in this world and looks forward to the holy age. See how well Moses legislated.

12 But how was it possible for them to understand or comprehend these things? But we having a righteous understanding of them announce the commandments as the Lord wished. For this cause he circumcised our hearing and our hearts that we should comprehend these things.


One other thing, it was Christ who became Jesus who gave Moses the law for Israel so that the Father's people could live peaceful, productive lives.

I feel you are mocking Jesus Christ by denigrating the law the Father instructed him to give to the Father's firstborn.

The Mosaic law does not apply to you, to me, or to anyone on TOL. Why not leave it be?
If you don't know, then you just don't know.

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