1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

patrick jane

I respect you. If you want to delete WARNIG, you are welcome to. I only use it as a gimmick.

Your call. I respect everyone here, so very much, that I won't have hard feelings.

However, if you would show me grace for being honest and allow me to keep this, I would appreciate it. I am not deceitful and I did not open another account to be such.

Grace is a face of Love. I would like to have WARNIG in case Love has to be politely righteously indignant.

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I respect you too. Personally I don't mind but I am not a mod or a TOL representative. I just noticed Wrathand Redemption NIG and put two and two together. Again, I don't mind but I think it's against the rules. For being honest, they may let you keep all your accounts


I respect you too. Personally I don't mind but I am not a mod or a TOL representative. I just noticed Wrathand Redemption NIG and put two and two together. Again, I don't mind but I think it's against the rules. For being honest, they may let you keep all your accounts

You may not be a mod, but I respect your demeanor. It is refreshing.

Whether we ever agree or disagree, you make me smile.

People forget how important Joy is to the kingdom.

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Hall of Fame
I should be one account per person

I would agree ... however history and practice tells us that is not the case. There are more than a couple of users who have worn out ID's with multiple infractions and/or been permabanned under other ID's and they are allowed to join and openly post. Based on that standard, I don't see anything wrong if NIG has a second account.


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
I respect you. If you want to delete WARNIG, you are welcome to. I only use it as a gimmick.

Your call. I respect everyone here, so very much, that I won't have hard feelings.

However, if you would show me grace for being honest and allow me to keep this, I would appreciate it. I am not deceitful and I did not open another account to be such.

Grace is a face of Love. I would like to have WARNIG in case Love has to be politely righteously indignant.

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It's not against the rules to have more than one username account.

However, by doing so, it causes some unnecessary confusion, and will cause several to just write you off as some kooky dork and not even bother to read any more of your posts.
Most of the time, using multiple accounts turns out negatively for the user.

Bottom line ----- it's not a good idea.
But ---- you can make bad decisions here if you wish.
Don't know why you would want to, but you can.

As for me, personally, I will most likely skip reading your posts because it is too confusing to try and keep up with all your sock-puppets, and try to have to address your different accounts.
It just ain't worth the hassle when you could make things so much easier for the both of us to just stick with one username.

And just so you know ...........
If one of your sock-puppets gets banned, the mods will not let you post under a different username account until your ban is lifted.
So having multiple usernames severs no purpose other than to confuse things around here.
Is that what you are going for?


It's not against the rules to have more than one username account.

However, by doing so, it causes some unnecessary confusion, and will cause several to just write you off as some kooky dork and not even bother to read any more of your posts.
Most of the time, using multiple accounts turns out negatively for the user.

Bottom line ----- it's not a good idea.
But ---- you can make bad decisions here if you wish.
Don't know why you would want to, but you can.

As for me, personally, I will most likely skip reading your posts because it is too confusing to try and keep up with all your sock-puppets, and try to have to address your different accounts.
It just ain't worth the hassle when you could make things so much easier for the both of us to just stick with one username.

And just so you know ...........
If one of your sock-puppets gets banned, the mods will not let you post under a different username account until your ban is lifted.
So having multiple usernames severs no purpose other than to confuse things around here.
Is that what you are going for?

A lot of people write me off anyways.

I appreciate your honest feedback.

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It's not against the rules to have more than one username account.

However, by doing so, it causes some unnecessary confusion, and will cause several to just write you off as some kooky dork and not even bother to read any more of your posts.
Most of the time, using multiple accounts turns out negatively for the user.

Bottom line ----- it's not a good idea.
But ---- you can make bad decisions here if you wish.
Don't know why you would want to, but you can.

As for me, personally, I will most likely skip reading your posts because it is too confusing to try and keep up with all your sock-puppets, and try to have to address your different accounts.
It just ain't worth the hassle when you could make things so much easier for the both of us to just stick with one username.

And just so you know ...........
If one of your sock-puppets gets banned, the mods will not let you post under a different username account until your ban is lifted.
So having multiple usernames severs no purpose other than to confuse things around here.
Is that what you are going for?

On the flip, I have always been clear that war NIG is me.

It just means I've been pushed past peace.

No nastiness. Just a more forceful delivery.

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I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I respect you. If you want to delete WARNIG, you are welcome to. I only use it as a gimmick.

Your call. I respect everyone here, so very much, that I won't have hard feelings.

However, if you would show me grace for being honest and allow me to keep this, I would appreciate it. I am not deceitful and I did not open another account to be such.

Grace is a face of Love. I would like to have WARNIG in case Love has to be politely righteously indignant.

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Socks are not against TOL rules until you use them to cause trouble or skirt a ban. If you use the socks to dog pile on a TOL member then yes I will ban them.


Socks are not against TOL rules until you use them to cause trouble or skirt a ban. If you use the socks to dog pile on a TOL member then yes I will ban them.

I understand. I know your fighter jet well. [emoji2]. I'll edit the signature of WrathAndRdmpt.NIG to implicitly show that It is me. I added the NIG in the name to keep it honest.

I enjoy the fellowship of ToL. I won't abuse it.

Even my stronger words are not hostile.

I am no Daisy, but I appreciate ToL and the command of Love is my creed.

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Socks are very dishonest when used to reengage in conversation those whom you know already ignore your other handle, or simply oppose you. It's scummy hypocrisy and it's lying.

Not questioning the rule, just an opinion.

It has my name in it. WrathAndRdmpt.NIG. It's obvious it's me. But to add to the point, I'm editing the signature to show its me.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

So why do things to add to the frustration?

Take it as you wish,
I am actually trying to help.
Waste of my effort at times.

Over and out.


If people care what I have to say, it won't matter. If people are too impatient to understand the point of the two names, I wasn't targeting them anyways.

Patience is one of the fruits, after all.

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Time to get back on topic.

Today, I'm simply posting the scripture that we've been gearing towards.

It reads well for itself.

We have done much work to get here.

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Galatians 4

Sarah and Hagar: Two Covenants

21 Tell me, those of you who want to be under the law, don’t you hear the law? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave and the other by a free woman. 23 But the one by the slave was born according to the impulse of the flesh, while the one by the free woman was born as the result of a promise. 24 These things are illustrations, for the women represent the two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai and bears children into slavery—this is Hagar. 25 Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. 27 For it is written:

Rejoice, childless woman,
who does not give birth.
Burst into song and shout,
you who are not in labor,
for the children of the desolate are many,
more numerous than those
of the woman who has a husband.
28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29 But just as then the child born according to the flesh persecuted the one born according to the Spirit, so also now. 30 But what does the Scripture say?

Drive out the slave and her son, for the son of the slave will never be a coheir with the son of the free woman.

31 Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.

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Do you see it? Please feel FREE to explain if you see the importance of this passage.

Thanks for dropping by and reading with me. [emoji846][emoji106]

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

It's been a difficult road today. I'll finish up Galatians starting Monday. God Bless All of You. This is also Nameless, BTW...
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New member
Nameless.In.Grace, WrathAndRdmpt.NIG, are you plagued by multiple personalities?


Nameless.In.Grace, WrathAndRdmpt.NIG, are you plagued by multiple personalities?


I just like the idea of being able to address people that are pushing me with their pride to visibly see that they are doing so. WAR NIG, only exists to respond to people after they have been warned by me that they have pushed me to use him. I then go around and enjoy discussing matters with people with the cool avatar of Cloud and His super cool sword.


People tend to think I'm feminine, because of much focus on Love and typically gentle manner. I know I mess the gentleness thing up, from time to time, but I try to repent before my fellow human being and seek forgiveness.

It's just fun to be my manly self, sometimes. [emoji846]

So no, I'm not loony.

Peace and Grace to you, my friend of the house of cross and flame.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

Galatians 4

Sarah and Hagar: Two Covenants

21 Tell me, those of you who want to be under the law, don’t you hear the law?

-This is serious stuff! The stone Law is good! However, the one that uses it to cause judgment and hate isn't good. Satan hates Love! Plain and simple, he hates when God's light of Grace and Love, breaks through the confusion of a world growing cold.

22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave and the other by a free woman.

-One covenant is slavery (Moses), while the other covenant bares freedom (Jesus)

23 But the one by the slave was born according to the impulse of the flesh, while the one by the free woman was born as the result of a promise.

-The impulse of our flesh is to do it our way. Religion that is complicated, fancy and self reliant; like Sarah doubting God and using human effort to bare a child by having Abraham sleep with her young slave girl.

-Jesus promised redemption to all who call on His name and also promised that those who Love are in Him.

24 These things are illustrations, for the women represent the two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai and bears children into slavery—this is Hagar.

-Again, Paul is emphasizing two, diametrically apposing Covenants.

-Hagar represents the covenant of Moses, that was given on Mt. Sanai! That's where the 10 commandments were given! This tied into circumcision that was given to Abraham and Ismael and follows through to Deuteronomy 31:26.

25 Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children.

-Again, this has many implications to modern day, but we will focus on the matters at hand.

-Mt. Sanai is the sacred mountain where Moses was given the Ten Commandments. If you can't see that Paul is literally saying that the Old Wine is the 10 commandments, and the 603 laws that followed under dispensation of Angels and Men, you are missing the mark.

-He even ties this to Jerusalem and the Jew, which again revere Moses, or reject Jesus! This doesn't mean their fate is sealed, but it definitely means that their road to Damascus is coming.

26 But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother.

Now he says that Home above is Free! Free from what? Law of Moses! Why? Because Love is the real answer to everything.

27 For it is written:

- [ ] Rejoice, childless woman,

That's all of humanity that claims freedom and salvation in Jesus and exalts Love to all as their highest call!

- [ ] who does not give birth.

That's a reference of everyone waiting from the time of the Protoevangelium to the birth of Jesus!

- [ ] Burst into song and shout,

Happy Time!!!!!

- [ ] you who are not in labor,

This is irony! Paul is saying that those who work of the flesh to be saved are without Jesus. This is not funny, not good and is a very sad expression of truth.

- [ ] for the children of the desolate are many,

This is stating that the pride of mankind claims the souls of many.

- [ ] more numerous than those

-This even suggests that the number of the proud, without Jesus, because they won't turn to Him in admission of their perpetual need for Him, but tarry on in the labor of their dust.

- [ ] of the woman who has a husband.

That's Jesus the Bride Groom and those that rest in Him, alone.

- [ ] 28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.

This assures the faithful that rely on Jesus, alone, that they are co-heirs of the promise.

- [ ] 29 But just as then the child born according to the flesh persecuted the one born according to the Spirit, so also now.

The Self-Righteous and Judgmental judge the flesh of sinners and persecute the children of the Faith and Love crowd. Want a great example? Read all four gospels and watch Jesus and the Pharisees. It cannot be missed, if you brave the passages, with open eyes!

- [ ] 30 But what does the Scripture say?

This is a direct quote form Genesis, and we read it together earlier. I have this posted many times before today in direct scriptural quotation.

- [ ] Drive out the slave and her son, for the son of the slave will never be a coheir with the son of the free woman.

No more Mosaic Law! Through Jesus, alone! Through Faith, Alone! Through Love, Alone! Glory to God, Alone! Words of Scripture, Alone! Through Grace, Alone!

Do not be ensnared by Satan! The children of the accuser are adversaries to God.

Satan means adversary and Accuser means Devil.

- [ ] 31 Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman.

Choose ye this day whom you will serve! Please! The brothers and sisters of Grace are diminishing. The Love of many is growing cold! Are you mad at me, then remember how mad the Pharisees were at Jesus. Do you Love Him, then turn ye now and REPENT of your religious, self reliance. Be Born Of Heaven, Be Born Of Love! God IS LOVE!

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