1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)


Well-known member

Go easy.

I understand, but this is not the tone of discussion.

We will lose harmony and peace if we speak from frustration.

I want this to be civilized all the way through.

I'm getting on to myself and all here.

Where there is condemnation, no sharing can safely take place.

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You are now taking sides after "God's Truth" broke your own "commandments" for this thread time and time again while you said nothing? So you say that you do not believe Paul "abolishes the law" and yet you yourself abolish it in your own heart and mind for yourself. However herein you make up your own set of laws, which you neither keep yourself, nor expect others to keep, unless of course you disagree with them: then it is time for you to enforce your laws. Do you not see a problem with this? It is once again called hypocrisy, (in addition to your own flagrant lawlessness). Have a nice thread. :)

God's Truth

New member
And therefore I know by your fruit that you are a dishonest hypocrite for labeling me dishonest without a legitimate reason. I showed what was true at the start, from the scripture, which you misquoted and misinterpreted; but you only care about the name you have chosen, boasted, and vaunted for yourself in this forum, "God's Truth", and therefore anyone who might be able to show from the scripture that you have not spoken "God's Truth" must be silenced or relegated to the trash bin. In the doctrine of Yeshua therefore murders do proceed from your mouth, just as he says, which according to the Testimony of Yeshua have come forth from your heart; and you therefore clearly defile yourself with your own tongue, which again, lights aflame the fire of Gehenna, and yet you cannot tame it. :)

I will not read what you write and debate you. You keep saying untruths about me. That is dishonest.

Please do not post to me anymore.


Well-known member
I will not read what you write and debate you. You keep saying untruths about me. That is dishonest.

Please do not post to me anymore.

Excellent! :chuckle:
You are a dishonest hypocrite and have nothing to do with "God's Truth".
I now expect the same from you if you have it in you: do not post to me anymore. :)


1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

You are now taking sides after "God's Truth" broke your own "commandments" for this thread time and time again while you said nothing? So you say that you do not believe Paul "abolishes the law" and yet you yourself abolish it in your own heart and mind for yourself. However herein you make up your own set of laws, which you neither keep yourself, nor expect others to keep, unless of course you disagree with them: then it is time for you to enforce your laws. Do you not see a problem with this? It is once again called hypocrisy, (in addition to your own flagrant lawlessness). Have a nice thread. :)

I consider myself admonished and corrected. [emoji1013]

Yet, I still can tell you write with a smile on your face. [emoji846]

I accept your rebuke. [emoji36][emoji35][emoji853][emoji22][emoji72]

Now to address your (Stone Law exalting speech) and (indictment reading of my flagrant lawlessness). [emoji48][emoji12][emoji41][emoji846]

I confess the stone law is always in my flesh as my accuser.

That's the Stone upside my nugget [emoji298] ️that makes me dependent on Jesus. [emoji848][emoji854]

However, I indeed leave no place for that awful set of concrete shoes that begs me to sleep with the fishes, in the exposition of grace. [emoji33]

I submit a set of verses I believe you are familiar with, which I will try to follow up with serious, humorous conjecture, in hopes that you laugh, but get what I'm expressing. [emoji2]

1 Cor. 9.

19 For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more;

Jesus has freed me from religion of stipulations and shown me the error of human government, so I answer to only Him.

But, Jesus also Loved ALL and forgave ALL and Died for ALL as the Magnificent, Loving Servant Leader/King/God that He is.

So I guess that means I have to do all of that, but only in Him as my Loving Servant Leader, teaching me to be a Loving servant leader. Um, and the knowledge that I'm a loved, filthy beggar, that was given the keys to the Kings bread pantry and told to show other filthy beggars the way to the pantry too. [emoji50]

20 and to the Jews I became as a Jew, that I might win Jews; to those who are under the law, as under the law, that I might win those who are under the law;

So, here Paul professes that he is no longer under the law, but respects those who are. Um, with the exception of blowing up on Jewish leaders from time to time. [emoji33][emoji848]

21 to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law;

Paul now distinguishes that He is without the Law. (You want to call him lawless don't ya? [emoji14]). But then, He immediately explains He is under Law towards Christ.

This is the Royal Law of the King. [emoji471][emoji231]. Love one another and all that space age jazz. [emoji259]. It is an introspective Law that Jesus's Indwelling Spirit teaches without condemnation or judgment. It's awesome, because it is malleable to circumstance and never harms or judges! [emoji872]

It sums up the law and the prophets without turning someone into a judgmental drag! It allows me to love sinners as they are, while I recognize what a sinner I am.

The best part is that it teaches me that God Loves everybody so much, He would rather die, than make people feel like they have to change to get His giant hug, fatted calf killed for an awesome party and the signet ring of the King put on their finger. [emoji120][emoji106]

22 to the weak I became as weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.

Man, Paul is dynamic. This weak thing is the one that I have trouble imagining him doing.

But, I can see him shedding tears with someone and telling about his secret weaknesses to help someone turn to the free provision of the slain lamb that took away the sins of the world. [emoji5]

23 Now this I do for the gospel’s sake, that I may be partaker of it with you.

Why? Why are we given so much super duper freedom to stop fretting the Law?

For the Gospel's sake of course. It's all back to that beat those feet and love that fallen meat thing.

It's about that Jesus thing.

That, amazing Grace thing!

Ya dig?

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Well-known member

Hi and in Gal 1:4 we see another Greek word EXAIREO /DELIVER us from the world or what is the DEPARTURE / or Called the RAPTURE and this verb points to the beginning of when Paul was saved in Acts 9;6 and is controlled by the SUBJUSTIVE MOOD , speaks of IMMINENCY only to when Christ comes back for His EKKLESIA !!

Because the next verb is in the Perfect Tense , where Paul by the Holy Spirit of this evil age !!

There is more , but have to go !!

daN P


Hi and in Gal 1:4 we see another Greek word EXAIREO /DELIVER us from the world or what is the DEPARTURE / or Called the RAPTURE and this verb points to the beginning of when Paul was saved in Acts 9;6 and is controlled by the SUBJUSTIVE MOOD , speaks of IMMINENCY only to when Christ comes back for His EKKLESIA !!

Because the next verb is in the Perfect Tense , where Paul by the Holy Spirit of this evil age !!

There is more , but have to go !!

daN P

That's a whole bunch of awesome to chew on.

Thank you.

I look forward to hearing more.

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I found a verse for you.

Romans 10:3-4New King James Version (NKJV)

3 For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. 4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.

~ What do you make of it?

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Daqq has an excellent point.

I promised to moderate this and the commandments have indeed been broken.

I noted that there was some harsh speech, and I promised to haze the dickens out of anyone who brought this on.

It is clear that this topic is heated.

It is also clear that law keeping and obedience are difficult for many that battled here last night.

I'm issuing forgiveness, and asking Daqq to forgive me for jumping on him when many more had been rugged.

Clean slate. Let's try to stay focused on the select material.

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Well-known member
I consider myself admonished and corrected. [emoji1013]

Yet, I still can tell you write with a smile on your face. [emoji846]

I accept your rebuke. [emoji36][emoji35][emoji853][emoji22][emoji72]

Now to address your (Stone Law exalting speech) and (indictment reading of my flagrant lawlessness). [emoji48][emoji12][emoji41][emoji846]

I confess the stone law is always in my flesh as my accuser.

That's the Stone upside my nugget [emoji298] ️that makes me dependent on Jesus. [emoji848][emoji854]

However, I indeed leave no place for that awful set of concrete shoes that begs me to sleep with the fishes, in the exposition of grace. [emoji33]

I submit a set of verses I believe you are familiar with, which I will try to follow up with serious, humorous conjecture, in hopes that you laugh, but get what I'm expressing. [emoji2]

Jesus has freed me from religion of stipulations and shown me the error of human government, so I answer to only Him.

But, Jesus also Loved ALL and forgave ALL and Died for ALL as the Magnificent, Loving Servant Leader/King/God that He is.

So I guess that means I have to do all of that, but only in Him as my Loving Servant Leader, teaching me to be a Loving servant leader. Um, and the knowledge that I'm a loved, filthy beggar, that was given the keys to the Kings bread pantry and told to show other filthy beggars the way to the pantry too. [emoji50]

So, here Paul professes that he is no longer under the law, but respects those who are. Um, with the exception of blowing up on Jewish leaders from time to time. [emoji33][emoji848]

Paul now distinguishes that He is without the Law. (You want to call him lawless don't ya? [emoji14]). But then, He immediately explains He is under Law towards Christ.

This is the Royal Law of the King. [emoji471][emoji231]. Love one another and all that space age jazz. [emoji259]. It is an introspective Law that Jesus's Indwelling Spirit teaches without condemnation or judgment. It's awesome, because it is malleable to circumstance and never harms or judges! [emoji872]

It sums up the law and the prophets without turning someone into a judgmental drag! It allows me to love sinners as they are, while I recognize what a sinner I am.

The best part is that it teaches me that God Loves everybody so much, He would rather die, than make people feel like they have to change to get His giant hug, fatted calf killed for an awesome party and the signet ring of the King put on their finger. [emoji120][emoji106]

Man, Paul is dynamic. This weak thing is the one that I have trouble imagining him doing.

But, I can see him shedding tears with someone and telling about his secret weaknesses to help someone turn to the free provision of the slain lamb that took away the sins of the world. [emoji5]

Why? Why are we given so much super duper freedom to stop fretting the Law?

For the Gospel's sake of course. It's all back to that beat those feet and love that fallen meat thing.

It's about that Jesus thing.

That, amazing Grace thing!

Ya dig?

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Once upon an appointed time there were two sisters, twins, and they had both developed a lump in the same place. So they went to the Doctor, and after having done his diagnostics on them, the Doctor said to them, Both of you have cancer, and this is urgent: both of you need to go immediately under the knife so this plague can be removed. And the twins looked at each other, and looking back at the Physician, they answered at the same time, saying, We are free of all such things, and are no more under the knife, for we have been set free from all things concerning knives and death. Then the Physician, scratching his head, looked down at their charts, and answered them both, saying, Having looked at both of your charts, I must say, neither of you have ever been under the knife according to what is recorded in your charts. And again, this is urgent, the cancer must be removed before it begins to spread and ends up killing both of you. I know the knife can be fearful but it is the only option if you want to live. So there was a pause, and silence, as the two looked at each other once more for confirmation one from another; and the one turns to the Physician, and says, Okay Doc, I know that you know what you are doing, and your track record is perfect, so I trust you; I will place my life in your hands and go under the knife. But the other drew back in fear, saying, I will wait to see what happens with my sister. So the next day the one enters the hospital and puts herself and her life into the hands of the Physician to undergo the knife. But during the procedure she actually ended up dying, that is, for about three and a half minutes she was clinically dead, but the Surgeon and his team of seven revived her. And she recovered, and after about three and a half days she left the hospital, on her own two feet; and she made a full recovery being made completely whole, and cancer free. But meanwhile the other, having seen what had happened to her sister, refused to go under the knife; not trusting the Great Physician. And within six months that one died of her plagues. And she is not coming back because she refused to put her trust in the Physician and allow herself go under the knife to remove her plagues. So they both died but the one who faithfully trusted, and put her life into the hands of the Great Physician; she now lives, though she died.

"Under the Knife" = "Under the Law" :Shimei:


Once upon an appointed time there were two sisters, twins, and they had both developed a lump in the same place. So they went to the Doctor, and after having done his diagnostics on them, the Doctor said to them, Both of you have cancer, and this is urgent: both of you need to go immediately under the knife so this plague can be removed. And the twins looked at each other, and looking back at the Physician, they answered at the same time, saying, We are free of all such things, and are no more under the knife, for we have been set free from all things concerning knives and death. Then the Physician, scratching his head, looked down at their charts, and answered them both, saying, Having looked at both of your charts, I must say, neither of you have ever been under the knife according to what is recorded in your charts. And again, this is urgent, the cancer must be removed before it begins to spread and ends up killing both of you. I know the knife can be fearful but it is the only option if you want to live. So there was a pause, and silence, as the two looked at each other once more for confirmation one from another; and the one turns to the Physician, and says, Okay Doc, I know that you know what you are doing, and your track record is perfect, so I trust you; I will place my life in your hands and go under the knife. But the other drew back in fear, saying, I will wait to see what happens with my sister. So the next day the one enters the hospital and puts herself and her life into the hands of the Physician to undergo the knife. But during the procedure she actually ended up dying, that is, for about three and a half minutes she was clinically dead, but the Surgeon and his team of seven revived her. And she recovered, and after about three and a half days she left the hospital, on her own two feet; and she made a full recovery being made completely whole, and cancer free. But meanwhile the other, having seen what had happened to her sister, refused to go under the knife; not trusting the Great Physician. And within six months that one died of her plagues. And she is not coming back because she refused to put her trust in the Physician and allow herself go under the knife to remove her plagues. So they both died but the one who faithfully trusted, and put her life into the hands of the Great Physician; she now lives, though she died.

"Under the Knife" = "Under the Law" :Shimei:


Beautiful story.

But the Great Physician is Jesus, and He took the cancer and died from it for both of the twins.

Turns out the twins were trying to go under the knife of Moses, when they should have dialed 1-800-The-LAMB


Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary


Once upon an appointed time there were two sisters, twins, and they had both developed a lump in the same place. So they went to the Doctor, and after having done his diagnostics on them, the Doctor said to them, Both of you have cancer, and this is urgent: both of you need to go immediately under the knife so this plague can be removed. And the twins looked at each other, and looking back at the Physician, they answered at the same time, saying, We are free of all such things, and are no more under the knife, for we have been set free from all things concerning knives and death. Then the Physician, scratching his head, looked down at their charts, and answered them both, saying, Having looked at both of your charts, I must say, neither of you have ever been under the knife according to what is recorded in your charts. And again, this is urgent, the cancer must be removed before it begins to spread and ends up killing both of you. I know the knife can be fearful but it is the only option if you want to live. So there was a pause, and silence, as the two looked at each other once more for confirmation one from another; and the one turns to the Physician, and says, Okay Doc, I know that you know what you are doing, and your track record is perfect, so I trust you; I will place my life in your hands and go under the knife. But the other drew back in fear, saying, I will wait to see what happens with my sister. So the next day the one enters the hospital and puts herself and her life into the hands of the Physician to undergo the knife. But during the procedure she actually ended up dying, that is, for about three and a half minutes she was clinically dead, but the Surgeon and his team of seven revived her. And she recovered, and after about three and a half days she left the hospital, on her own two feet; and she made a full recovery being made completely whole, and cancer free. But meanwhile the other, having seen what had happened to her sister, refused to go under the knife; not trusting the Great Physician. And within six months that one died of her plagues. And she is not coming back because she refused to put her trust in the Physician and allow herself go under the knife to remove her plagues. So they both died but the one who faithfully trusted, and put her life into the hands of the Great Physician; she now lives, though she died.

"Under the Knife" = "Under the Law" :Shimei:

I also have a story.

Two scumbags were getting crucified on either side of Jesus.

One said I believe you are He, the Messiah, while the other mocked Him and told Him to get off of the cross by His fleshly effort to prove He was the Messiah.

I think you remember the ending of this one, right?

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Well-known member

Beautiful story.

But the Great Physician is Jesus, and He took the cancer and died from it for both of the twins.

Turns out the twins were trying to go under the knife of Moses, when they should have dialed 1-800-The-LAMB


Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

That's the problem with the flesh man:
He will deny everything except himself to save his own skin and not take up his own stake.

I also have a story.

Two scumbags were getting crucified on either side of Jesus.

One said I believe you are He, the Messiah, while the other mocked Him and told Him to get off of the cross by His fleshly effort to prove He was the Messiah.

I think you remember the ending of this one, right?

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Yeah, in fact the whole story is on the front page at home; neither one could have made his choice had they not spent those three days and three nights in the heart of the Land, (Yerushalaim), in the Sanhedrin underground dungeon pit with Yeshua before his trial. It is all in the Torah of Moshe when he lifted up the Rod of Elohim in the sign of the Son of Man and bney Yisrael passed through the Sea of Reeds under the sign on dry land, (20-21 Abib). All our fathers were under the Cloud and passed through the Sea, being immersed in the Cloud and in the Sea, (under the sign of the Son of Man, that is, Tav), even as Moshe lifted up the Seraph in the desert which is a like analogy and parable.


God's Truth

New member
Luke 18:9-14Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and looked down on everyone else: 10 “Two men went up to the temple complex to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee took his stand[a] and was praying like this: ‘God, I thank You that I’m not like other people —greedy, unrighteous, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give a tenth[c] of everything I get.’

13 “But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even raise his eyes to heaven but kept striking his chest[d] and saying, ‘God, turn Your wrath from me[e]—a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this one went down to his house justified rather than the other; because everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”

The Pharisees are not the only people who obeyed the law. Did you think they were the only ones? Why are you giving this passage?

I will explain this passage to you. This passage is about how the Pharisees would not speak of anything they did wrong, but rather, they only spoke of what they did right.
We have to admit we are sinners, confess, and repent of the things we do wrong; which also proves faith alone is dead.

God's Truth

New member
Matthew 9:17Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

17 And no one puts[a] new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.”
Jesus gave us new commandments for the new covenant, then he shed his blood for the new covenant.

God's Truth

New member
Ephesians 2:

8 For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God’s gift— 9

not from works, so that no one can boast.

10 For we are His creation, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared ahead of time so that we should walk in them.
The ‘works’ being spoken of is the purification works.

Paul would NOT ever say not from works as in not from obeying. You are confusing works of purification to works such as obedience.

God's Truth

New member
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law of perfection.

Matthew 5:17-20King James Version (KJV)

17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

He is the Perfection we require for eternal salvation.

Colossians 2:14
He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it out of the way by nailing it to the cross.

Our debt of lifetime transgression of the law is gone. He is its payment.

2 Corinthians 5:21

He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

We of sin are counted sinless, by He alone who is Perfect and sinless.

https://www.openbible.info/labs/cros...nthians+5:21 Cross ref last verse.

NOWHERE anywhere does it mean we do not have to obey what we are commanded.


It's not obedience to Christ and His Spirit through faith, (trust in Christ) that Paul opposed. He opposed the prideful attempt to follow the Torah apart from faith in Christ.

".... If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." ( Galatians 1:10 )
I hope I understand you right. Please correct me, but I agree with the indwelling Spirit and following Jesus in concern of universal love through the Holy Spirit, but the new and old wine don't mix.