1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)


1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

And we are the flesh of Jesus. (Ephesians 5:30)



We eat the flesh (wheat) of Jesus as our food of righteousness.
We only overcome by accepting that He is the only OVERCOMER, and in that, accepting His Provision of imputed Perfection (Of Faith in the fact that He overcame for us).

We drink the New Wine (blood) of Jesus as our nourishment of Love and forgiveness.

We are the Body (not flesh) of God. We are commanded to Love as He Loved, so that our Love might compliment His Spirit.

We would spiritually starve without His provision.

His Flesh was sinless and Divine, obedient to every letter of Scripture.

He is the LIVING Scripture.

As the bible is created, so are we.

He is the Scripture and He is the Flesh of God.

We are sinful flesh.

We are creations pointing to His magnificence, and proclaiming His Unconditional Love.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

And we are the flesh of Jesus. (Ephesians 5:30)


To be blunt, this chapter speaks of how a bride becomes one flesh with her groom.

But only through making Love.

The groom is unique to the bride.

To destroy either of their unique identities is wrong.

We are bone of His bone and flesh of His flesh through Marriage to Him and the Birth of the Love Child of God and Creation.

God made Spiritual Love to Humanity and Mary was the Physical Birth Canal, as the Gospel shows her lineage all the way back to Eve (The mother of humanity).

To say our flesh is His flesh would not only be a Spiritual sex change, it is not a good thing to say.

God is God and we are not He.

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And we are the flesh of Jesus. (Ephesians 5:30)


To say this one last way,

He started His work by Breathing His Breath into Adam at creation and transferring that Spirit Breath through Adams Rib.

He Married us and took us to His Spiritual bed.

The result is when that physical Bone from Adam became a symbol of the Groom becoming the spiritual, transferred Bone from Eve to God.

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No, I do not believe Christ was created. That would be keypurr.

I believe Christ surrendered immortality to become mortal. I believe only God is immortal.

And you?

I can see that you believe Jesus is God. It's all good.

I can see it in a constant string of your excellent questions.

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New member
To say our flesh is His flesh would not only be a Spiritual sex change, it is not a good thing to say.

I just made reference to Paul's teaching, "For we are members of His body, of His flesh and of His bones. For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church." (Ephesians 5:30-32)

Paul was correct, we become one flesh with Jesus Christ. There is a trinity: Father, Son, Bride. This is the kingdom of God.


Sex requires gender and there is no gender in the spiritual realm. (Galatians 3:28)

And yet God chose the Union of a Bride and Groom as one of His deepest Spiritual examples of our relationship to Him as well as the entire BoC.

Is that safe to say, in your opinion?

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God's Truth

New member
Scripture is Carnal and Spiritual. It convicts of sin on the Carmel level and can be read as over 1600 laws in the flesh. The Spiritual side provides all of the righteousness for a lifetime IN Jesus.

The Holy Spirit of Christ moves our heart and mind through the mechanism of Love and we indeed manifest Spiritual attributes, but none of these attributes are gain on our part.

We are still forgiven sinners and nothing more. We are only perfect and overcomes through Jesus life alone.

If we believe we are righteous and good, we have missed the mark and forgotten our need for Jesus's sacrifice.

We can also become judgmental and lock up the kingdom of heaven to others with our words.

Jesus promised salvation by faith and you don't believe that is true.

You place obedience before salvation, and fixate on obedience after salvation.

We are supposed to fixate on Jesus and gain a Spirit of Hope and Love that simplifies the gospel to all.

We are forgiven our lifetime debt of sin through Jesus, thus we overcome the second we understand this.

Satan wants us to trade in this promise for our fleshly deeds so we will try to gain salvation through merit of fleshly obedience.

We will lose everything if we turn from Jesus alone. It's not about us GT.

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You are what Peter and James say.

You say it is not about us?

You are doomed until you repent.

God's Truth

New member
The only issue here is that GT means all of the Stone law, excluding the ceremonial laws and she believes humanity can be sinless in flesh.

I know her verbiage. I had a Sabbath keeping friend that said the law was spiritual too. GT would call Sabbath keeping legalistic, but GT genuinely believes that she can be as sinless as Jesus in the flesh.

This is why she talks a good game, but if you peel the shell of verbiage back, she really believes the narrow gate is a sinless life through "obedience."

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Jesus says you do NOT have eternal life unless you obey him.

Do you believe Jesus?

God's Truth

New member
I agree that the law is Spiritual, however, it is based on the Love of Jesus for ALL humanity, not the Stone precepts.

You reintegrate the judgment of the stone Law by holding your flesh and everyone else's flesh to every law outside of the ceremonial laws.

Love to God was challenged in First John by pointing out that if we hate our neighbor, we can't Love God whom we haven't seen.

You believe in human, salvational inequality, based on fleshly walk.

This is reducing repentance to flesh walk first, then you believe the Holy Spirit comes in.

You have also declared yourself sinless without question.

You use correct terms, but upon further observation, your heart on the matters is still based on judgment.

We only overcome in Spirit through Jesus's imputed perfection.

Overcomers, overcome because they have faith in Jesus alone.

This has nothing to do with measuring our fleshly walk against Jesus or others.

You believe that only sinless people will be in Heaven and that forgiveness is a sin, then repent and be perfect in the flesh matter until you mess up again.

This loads up the voucher theory. As in, someone could be in Jesus, but if they use up all their forgiveness vouchers, they will be cast away.

I have stressed that Jesus's Love is unconditional and you say it is conditional.

Am I misunderstanding you?

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God's Word is love, every word. You speak against God.


New member
I agree with this. So obedience becomes automatic when this happens and I hate the word 'obedience' because it has been so perverted by people like you.

When Jesus spoke of obedience, it was in regards to the mosaic law, not some new law people try to make up. The law no longer has any power over us in regards to righteousness. We don't go around obeying a lot of stop sign type rules. There simply are none in existence. We seek to know God and seek our place in making this world what God wants it to be. This requires prayer and practicing the presence of God. This is the obedience Jesus seeks today.


You are what Peter and James say.

You say it is not about us?

You are doomed until you repent.
That passage is interesting. It reads differently when you sew to the Spirit.

The carnally minded miss that Jesus is their perfection, so they attribute this to works of flesh.

Spiritual Adultery is when a person rejects their need of Jesus.

Spiritual idolatry is when we exalt someone other than Jesus. 😔

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