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  • God did everything through his first creation. Understand that God was alone until he created his Christ. Jesus came many years later as a man.
    I know you do not understand my question. Yet you preach a God man.
    You do not even understand why you think Jesus is God.

    Think GM, in what way was God manifest in Jesus?
    Romans 8:16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
    Hi GM thanks for the thumbs up it is so pleasant to look upon our new friendship and not feel the old animosity that was tangible. I'm sure you felt and feel the same way. Each and every blessing my friend.
    Originally Posted by GM
    If you place someone on ignore, then you won't see their neg-rep
    to you! FYI.

    Does that mean I won't feel its effects?
    thanks GM :) - I'm all about exploring, expanding and discovering new realms of consciousness with my fellow posters,...you know that. I do sometimes 'put you in your place' (and you have your ways too) lol, but I'm just addressing attitudes, beliefs, concepts, and general psychological dispositions that may inhibit or prevent a fun, creative dialogue. I'd ask you be more open, or just not engage on a subject if not interested, but you know I will take an expanded view exploring all possible viewpoints, then my own 'take' on things. Ever evolving.........:surf:
    Thank you for the insight. He spiritualizes everything away. I think Paul would have told him what he said here:Acts 17:22 Then Paul stood in the midst of Mars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious.
    I'm really well thanks GM. Just got in from a visit down West Wales on business. It's 11:30pm here and I'm feeling just about ready for bed. I wish you each and every blessing, H.
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