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  • You sent me the message first, so no I don't understand. I don't care how long I've been here you have been name calling and bullying me since I got here. So report what you want and let come what may. As long as you message me I will message you back. As long as you neg rep me I will do the same. They can see timestamps ya know. And so if they did side with you, who name calls and neg reps because you can't debate, then so be it. I will not stop saying the truth. And again, there is no reason for the hostility anyway, I have extended my hand of friendship, don't want it, that is fine. so stop messaging me. Understand?
    Look, I am willing anytime you are to bury the hatchet so to speak. I am more than willing to be your friend on here. Just as I am with SaultoPaul and AMR, and Cross Refreference whom neither of them do I hold to all the beliefs that they hold to. But I see them as brothers in Christ and therefore can have fellowship with them as well as debate theirs and my views. I will not be bullied by the likes of you or anyone else here.
    I try to get along with everybody. Doesn't mean I am going to fold to what you believe. I can have a debate about our different theologies without getting personal or offended. Ever since you guys have found out that I wont latch on to your theology you have done nothing but hate. I show no hatred toward you or anyone else. I do not resort to name calling and the like. I back up what I say with scripture and no I don't claim to know it all, but what I am going to be changed into believing is going to have to come from scripture, not from someone telling me I'm an idiot. I have no problem with any difficulties I may come into here. First off, name calling doesn't work, second neg rep, big deal, like I came here for rep? You could always try to get me banned, then I would be in a world of hurt wouldn't I?
    Thank you. Sometimes I don't feel as gentle when I'm yelling at some to get off my lawn. The lawn isn't that important, but I suppose it is the defacing of the Crèche that goes along with trampling the lawn... Merry Christmas! For unto us, a Child is born, a Son is given. Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God. His blessings, -Lon
    GM, you speak and act as a child.
    All you know how to do is neg rep, never a scriptural rebuttal.
    :) super. Remember to me its all about 'creative dialogue'.....be artistic with your writing, but do so in a less ridiculing way, use the opportunity of discussion to explore the subject, all dimensions, all angles. There's always more to learn, consider and discover. We can do it respectfully though. Im always available on forum in public or private for sharing. Be well :cloud9:
    Then stop harassing me

    You make false accusations of people and then cry about it when you get called out. If you cannot take it do not dish it out

    Fair enough
    Stop being such a jerk by calling men to be woman when you know they are not, then we can deal with what else you need improvement on.

    Fair enough?

    If the verses are self explanatory as most are, why bother with unnecessary commentary?
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