I repeat: when was a covenant made with Gentiles after the fall of, and without regard to, Israel? Show it in Scripture.
Why do you keep adding criteria without biblical warrant to your question?
The answer to your question is that the New Covenant was made with the house of Israel and Judah (Heb 8:8) and that the gentiles were included - according to Romans they were "grafted in" (Romans 11:17) - when, on the cross, Christ broke down the dividing wall between Jew and gentile (Eph 2:14) making them fellow citizens (Eph 2:19) so that believers are heirs according to the promise (Gal 3:29).
That's why Paul calls himself a minister of a New Covenant (2 Cor 3:6) and why he instructed the gentiles in the appropriate celebration of the Lord's Supper, which is the sign of the New Covenant (1 Cor 11:25).
If the Gentiles have no part of the New Covenant, then why are they celebrating the Lord's Supper?
If the gentiles have no part of the New Covenant then why does Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, call himself a minister of a new covenant?
If the gentiles have no part of the NC why does Romans refer to the gentiles being grafted into the cultivated olive tree that nourished believing Jews?
Musterion said:
Second, many covenant (!) folks believe the Church is Israel,
Of this I am aware and I think that this is somewhat inaccurate as it is an oversimplification. Israel, the nation, was comprised of believing Jews and non-believing Jews. The Church is entirely comprised of believers.
Musterion said:
...or the Church is the Kingdom,
Well only the church will be in the Kingdom, that's for sure.
Musterion said:
...so the Church has inherited the covenant(s) which apostate, Christ-rejecting Israel forfeited.
Some covenants aren't inherited. The church doesn't inherit the Old Covenant.
Only the church benefits form the New Covenant.
One of the problems with Dispensationalism is that it tries to maintain a false contrast between the church and Israel. The church was started by a remnant of believing Jews and we continue to see Jews come into the kingdom (praise the Lord!) A non-believing Jew is just as lost as a non-believing gentile and has no place in the current covenant (the New Covenant).
Musterion said:
Of course, you won't have a problem with believing that.
No, I don't have any problem believing that there is only one group of people who can accurately call themselves the people of God and those people are the ones who call Jesus Lord.
Musterion said:
That is not the gospel for today. You cannot be saved while believing that you MUST be somehow water baptized else God won't save you.
I didn't say that you must be water baptized or God won't save you. Paul is clear that faith is sufficient to save. Incidentally, Jesus is also clear on this point as He announced that the thief on the cross next to Him would be with Him in paradise despite His not being baptized as a believer.
However, one who
refuses water baptism, despite it being a clear biblical command, might want to ask themselves why they say to Him "Lord, Lord" but will not do what He commands. Is that faith a genuine faith?
Now, you are honest enough to admit that nowhere in the bible is the mosaic law called a gospel.
Musterion said:
We don't. Not that I'm aware of.
So far so good.
Then you say:
Musterion said:
Yet it was still good news to them.
Traditions of men hard at work....
Musterion said:
We don't find the word "Bible" in the Bible either,
Sure we do.
See Acts 1:7 in Greek for example.
Musterion said:
Yet we can easily deduce the clear truths of the Trinity from scripture, can't we?
1. There is only one God (Gal 3:20)
2. The Father is God (2 Cor 11:31), the Son is God (John 1:1) and the Spirit is God (Acts 5:4)
3. The Three are distinct in Person (2 Cor 13:14)
Where are the clearly articulated principles that lead us to the conclusion that the mosaic law was a gospel?
And you probably don't know either. It's just something that some dispensationalist teacher taught you and you bought it and now refuse to consider that it isn't true despite the fact that you can't substantiate it with scripture.
If you continue to maintain that the mosaic law was a "good news" then why does Paul call the mosaic law a "ministry of death" 2 Cor 3:7?
Does that sound like good news to you?
Bottom line, obedience to the law could never save, therefore it was not a gospel, in fact all it could do was tutor Israel until the time of the Messiah could come, read Galatians 3 paying special attention to verses 19-25. The law was not good news, it just prepared gospel people for good news.
Concerning works
of righteousness you say:
Musterion said:
Yes, they are for those who are already in the Body of Christ to do. They are not to help one get into the Body of Christ or to help one remain in the Body of Christ; those are false gospels and the majority of Christendom believes one or the other, or both.
Who said that baptism gets or keeps one in Christ? I never did and I never would.
Musterion said:
Water baptism was a Kingdom rite a Jew HAD to submit to if he was repentant. It was non-negotiable. There is nothing akin to it during this dispensation of grace.
What makes you think it is "negotiable" today?
Christ commanded His disciples to practice baptism (Matthew 28:19), Peter commanded those who accepted the gospel to be baptized (Acts 2:38) and Paul submitted to baptism himself (Acts 9:18) and practiced baptism among the gentiles (Acts 16:15, 16:33, 18:8, and 19:3).
Either MAD has some 'splaining to do as to why they refuse to follow Paul's example in baptizing those who receive the gospel or Paul has some 'splaining to do for practicing it so widely when he shouldn't have.
Whose right?
You or the apostle Paul?
Musterion said:
Salvation today is by grace through faith ALONE,
Musterion said:
You might want to continue to follow Paul's argument and keep reading until you get to Romans 6:1.
We are justified by faith, not by works, not by baptism, by faith ALONE. Nevertheless, we are not saved to live a life of abject disobedience to the Lord nor are we saved to be ashamed of the gospel of Christ and refuse to testify to our faith in public profession through baptism.
Peter followed the preaching of the gospel with the invitation to baptism and it is clear that Paul followed the same practice so riddle me why MAD folks can follow the traditions of men rather than the commissionof Jesus, the commands of Peter and the practice of Paul?
Musterion said:
Funny how we consistent dispensationalists hold more truly to the solas than you professing Reformed do, with your magical quasi-Catholic salvific water rites..
Your comments miss the mark here, I don't believe in baby baptism.
Musterion said:
and your confessional-minded "keep short accounts with God"
...And I don't really buy this either... another swing and a miss.
Musterion said:
and your works righteousness-driven Lordship Salvation.
If you mean that one has to confess that Jesus is Lord (Romans 10:9 and that this actually means something for their life, and isn't lying when they say it, then I guess I'm guilty of this one and so is Paul, the guy who wrote Romans 10:9.
Musterion said:
•What would have happened to a Jew who said "I believe Jesus is the Messiah" but refused to submit to John's baptism?...
If they refused baptism, knowing that this is what their God and Messiah has commanded, then we have sufficient cause to doubt the sincerity of their belief, don't' we?
Musterion said:
So devout Mormons are saved.
Uh, no.
Different Jesus.
I know a guy who lives down the street named Jesus. No one will get saved by believing in him because this guy not the
same Jesus as the Eternal Son of God who became flesh and Who died to save us from our sins. Same is true of the Mormon Jesus, we simply aren't talking about the same guy. The Mormon Jesus is simply a mythical character that can't save anyone. The fact that they share the same name is meaningless.
Musterion said:
Devout Catholics are saved.
Perhaps. But most Catholics, like MAD believers, refuse baptism. Sprinkling a kid on the head with a few drops of water from a pretty little basin isn't baptism. So if a person's heart is genuinely regenerated by the Holy Spirit, why would they refuse to obey the very first command Jesus gives to them??
Do you?
Musterion said:
Dunno Oatmeal...
Musterion said:
Nope. Her Jesus is not the Jesus of the bible. The Jesus of the bible is the incarnate, eternal Son of God. Meshak's Jesus isn't. Meshak's Jesus can't save anymore than the guy I know named Jesus down the street.
Musterion said:
I hope so, but you might want to ask why you refuse to obey Christ's command to be baptized and teach others to refuse to obey the Lord as well.
Musterion said:
You're saying they do not have to know, thus don't have to believe, He died FOR THEIR SINS and was raised from the dead FOR THEIR JUSTIFICATION? They're saved even in ignorance of those Bible facts -- or even in rejection of them?
Is that how you witness to people? You give them a theology quiz on substitutionary atonement before inviting them to come to Jesus?
I don't think a person has to understand the "ins" and "outs" of substitutionary atonement in order to be saved.
One isn't saved by grace through accurate theology...
Nevertheless, someone who willfully
disputes that Jesus death is sufficient for the forgiveness of one's sins, for example, is a bit of a different story.
Let me give you an example.
I know a guy named Bill. He went to Yale. If I am talking to a guy about someone named Bill and mention that he went to Yale, the other guy might
learn that the Bill I know went to Yale. I wouldn't doubt that the guy knew the Bill I know just because he didn't previously know that Bill went to Yale. The guy might well have just met Bill and hadn't discovered this fact concerning Bill yet. But if I am talking with someone about Bill and the other guy insists that I am wrong, that Bill never went to Yale he went to MIT, then I know that we aren't talking about the same Bill.
Someone may
learn that Christ's death saves them from
their sins (actually, this happens pretty frequently with Arminians and Open Theists who don't believe that the atonement actually saves anyone). But if they argue that the cross isn't sufficient to save, then I start having some questions...
Now, on to the "my gospel" nonesense.
Musterion said:
I heard you the first several times you said Paul's "my gospel" was not just "his gospel." I get that.
What you have avoided is explaining why Paul still called it "my gospel" anyway, and more than once.
Explain it.
Because it is "his gospel" just like the believers in Philippi were "his brothers" but only a fool would conclude that Paul calling the Philippians "his brothers" meant that they were
only his brothers and no other person could call them brothers.
In the same way, Paul is not laying unique claim to the gospel by calling it "his" gospel.
No you just reiterate what you cannot prove with the Word.
Musterion said:
But revealed by God to and through Paul first.
Whistle blown, flag on the play...
Where in the bible does it say that God revealed the gospel you and I receive today to Paul
What verse specifically says that God revealed that gospel to Paul
first? Because none of the verses you have given to us say that.
It certainly isn't in Ephesians 3:8-10 where you seem to think it is. You tell us, which translation has the word "first" in Ephesians 3:8-10. Words have meaning don't they Musterion? You don't get to insert words into passages to rescue your theology.
Musterion said:
What part of that is so difficult for you to understand?
The part where you somehow think that the word "first" is written in invisible ink in the translation you study from.
That part.
Musterion said:
It's right there in the very passage you quoted.
Just because you want the word "first" to be in the passage doesn't mean it's in there.
Musterion said:
You simply don't believe him because it'd blow most of what you already believe out of the water?
Ask yourself that question, I'm not the one inserting words into the text...
Musterion said:
Also...what here being made known?
The manifold wisdom of God.
To [U said:
principalities and powers in the heavenly places...
Musterion said:
and how is it made known?
according to the eternal purpose which God accomplished in Christ.
Your turn?
Where in that passage does it say Paul got that revelation first.
Musterion said:
Paul didn't say the revelation of the mystery is made known directly to the church. That was revealed to him alone.
Ah, now we are putting the word "alone" in the text.
What version are you studying from that has the word "alone" in Ephesians 3:8-10?
Musterion said:
What he says here is that the manifold wisdom of God may be shown through the Body of Christ to the principalities and powers in the heavenlies, the same principalities and powers that members of the Body will one day judge.
So far so good.
Musterion said:
The revelation of the previously hidden secret was revealed to and through Paul alone, not directly to the Church. Only to Paul. He was the conduit.
Verse please...
Musterion said:
God first revealed it through Paul.
Are you hoping that if you repeat it enough times it will magically appear in your bible?
Musterion said:
Yes. Peter learned of things given to Paul that were "hard to be understood" from Paul and confirmed to him by the Spirit.
God first revealed it through Paul.
I am still waiting for the verse that says that the gospel we recieve today came to Paul first, or alone.
Where in the bible does it say that?
Musterion said:
Your deficient logic, as far as I can follow it, appears to be that Paul was not the only one to receive the revelation of the mystery (despite his saying so repeatedly).
...Saying so repeatedly in a version of the bible known only to you apparently...
Musterion said:
It appears you start this chain of reasoning based on the term "saint." Okay. Abraham was a saint. David was a saint. Zaccheus was a saint. But none of them received the revelation given directly and exclusively to Paul.
Don't be ridiculously anachronistic. Of course they didn't know what Paul knew, they were dead by the time Paul was born.
Musterion said:
What, specifically, is it that you don't think Peter knew that was essential to the gospel Paul preached?
Musterion said:
Paul said it was unknown to man before God made it known to him...
in the bible, do we have record of Paul saying this????
Musterion said:
that's either true, or Paul lied.
Or (C) this is your tradition that you believe apart from biblical warrant.
Lets chat about Galatians 1:7
Musterion said:
You are twisting Paul's words to your own destruction. He did not say "...not that there is another one."
ὃ οὐκ ἔστιν ἄλλο (Gal 1:7a)
The Byzantine and Alexandrian witnesses are in harmony here.
Not (οὐκ) that there is (ἔστιν) another (ἄλλο).
Consequently the:
HCSB "not that there is another gospel"
ESV "not that there is another one."
KJV "which is not another."
NAS "which is really not another"
NIV "which is really no gospel at all"
NKJ "which is not another."
Musterion said:
He said "...which [the specific message they were hearing] is not another."
Not another what?
The message they were hearing from the Judaizers that one must be circumcised and obey the law of Moses to keep themselves saved was not another gospel, it was a perversion of the gospel. But MAD says that it
was another gospel just delivered to the wrong address.
Musterion said:
No, I don't. That's why I highlighted your "if." Peter wouldn't do as you speculate because he agreed in Galatians 2:9 to confine his ministry to the circumcision (and geographically to Israel) both of which he did.
So why is Peter addressing his epistle to the elect exiles in Galatia and reminding them that Paul wrote
to them (2 Peter 3:15)?
2 Peter 3:15 is indesputable, Peter is writing
to the same audience as Paul wrote.
So which gospel is Peter preaching in 1 and 2 Peter Musterion?
The same gospel as Paul or a different gospel?
:sozo: PLEASE!!!! Answer this question.
Musterion said:
That's true, because Peter did not preach to Gentiles after Paul was on the scene, and his letters are addressed to the circumcision, not to the uncircumcision.
You just directly contradicted God's Holy Word for the sake of maintaining your tradition and you probably don't even know it.
2 Peter 3:15 is indisputably clear.
You like the NKJ it seems, so here it is in the NKJ.
" Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;
15 and consider that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation-- as also our beloved brother Paul, according to the wisdom given to him,
has written to you,
16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures. (2Pe 3:14-16 NKJ)
Peter wrote to the same group of believers that Paul wrote to in Galatians!!!!
Musterion said:
Peter didn't address Gentiles.
'splain 2 Peter 3:15 then...