How can anyone be sure of your questions if you do not fix up your post.
How can anyone be sure of your questions if you do not fix up your post.
Hi to all , and in Acts 2:1 on the Day of Pentecost , they were ONE accord in one place !
And in verse 2 , there came a mighty Rushing wind !
Did you FEEL the Wind ?
Then there appeared unto them CLOVEN TONGUES like as FIRE , and sat on each of them !
The Pentecostals claim is that IF you have not been Baptized as in Acts 3 , you can not be saved !
If you were Baptized as those in Acts 2:1-4 , then , it is a group Baptism of the Holy Spirit !
Did you have A CLOVEN TONGUE of FIRE sitting on you ??
Explain the CLOVEN TONGUE ?
Explain , why Fire is used , and it's meaning ?
How were you able to receive HOLY SPIRIT and is it part of Salvation ??
There was no fire there.
Acts 2:1-4
And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.
2 And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.
4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
It was LIKE AS of fire.
It was like fire, but it was not fire.
That is clear and simple, "Like as"
Ever noticed that if some topic or idea really bothers some of the TOL forum members, that they will rag on it, beat it death, run it up one side and the other, try kill it, derail the thread, and believe that unless they say so everybody and everything is wrong with whatever.
What a small and petty life they must live.
Early church believers saw manifestations and in this day we will begin to see similar manifestations as God brings in more than ever before into His Kingdom.
Three questions here:
1. What did Jesus offer that the Jews rejected?
2. Since Jesus was not restoring the physical kingdom as prophesied, were the Jews in the right by rejecting Jesus? Is this an option for them?
3. I don't see where it says they were "put aside" in these passages. You know greek better than me, so does the greek indicate a "putting aside"?
Hi , and John 12:39-42 !!
Verse 40 . He ( God ) has blinded there EYES and hardened their HEARTS , that they should not SEE with there Eyes , nor understand with their HEARTS and be CONVERTED , and I ( God ) should HEAL them !!
This is a Prophecy from Isaiah 6:6-10 !
Every one needs to not only to study 2 Tim 2:15 and sudy and understand the OT !!
Hi , and John 12:39-42 !!
Verse 40 . He ( God ) has blinded there EYES and hardened their HEARTS , that they should not SEE with there Eyes , nor understand with their HEARTS and be CONVERTED , and I ( God ) should HEAL them !!
This is a Prophecy from Isaiah 6:6-10 !
Every one needs to not only to study 2 Tim 2:15 and sudy and understand the OT !!
I agree, as far as I can see, everything in conversion is preceded by baptism except receiving the HS which comes with baptism. If we look at the order in Acts 2:38 "Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
Totally agree.
Hi , and WHY do you agree , when the CONTEXT in verse 36 , Peter is talking to THE HOUSE of Israel ??
There ate no one here in the Body of Christ as no one yet KNOW that there is a Body of Christ ?
Gal 3:28 TRUMPS Acts 2:38 , don't you see !!:rotfl::rotfl:
dan p
Tell me, what were these people added to?
Acts 2:41 So then, those who had received his word were baptized; and that day there were added about three thousand souls.
Hi and these are the EKKLESIA / ASSEMBLY that Saul was persecuting !!
EKKLESIA ,meaning a calling out of people likr from EGYPT , have I called my Son !!
So , what was the word that they Received ?
Verse 37 says they were PIERCED through the Heart , WHY ?
They realized , from Peter's preaching that they had killed there MESSIAH , and they said " WHAT SHALL WE DO ??
In , other words , WE killed Him and He is Dead , we can not raise the dead !!
Then Peter tells them to REPENT of His Murder and be BAPTIZO / CLEANSED in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins , and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit .
This forgiveness was ONLY for Israel and for Usrael only !!
#1 , The verb " said " is in the Greek Imperfect Tense and means that it is somrthing that happened in Aorist Tense or Past Tense and then stopped .
#2 , The verb " repent " is in the Past Tense also and meant for that time and not for today !!
#3 , The verb be " baptizo " is also in the Aorist Tense or Past Tense and only for Israel !
#4 , The verb " ye shall " is in teh Greek Future Tense , because that is when Israel's DUE DATE to be Born Again will happen , at the Second Coning of Christ and saved Israel , at the End of the Great Tribulation and those that Endure to the END !!
So what were they added to?
Hi and are the disciple and are the MESSIANNIC ASSEMBLY as the YET is nothing called the Body of Christ >
This is why in Rom 16: 7 , there are some in Christ before Paul BUT not the Body of Christ !!
It is impossible , as anyone that is BAPTIZO / PLACED into the Body loses there Identity as in the Body of Christ there are NEITHER Jews and Greek , Gal 3:28 !!
They then become the " LITTLE FLOCK " in Luke 12:32 !!
You Pentecostals , seem to have no knowledge about simple things , do you ??
dan p
Could you please show me how you come to this conclusion using scripture.
I agree, but I don't see that it creates a conflict with other passages.
How were the thief's sins forgiven if Christ hadn't offered his blood for the sins of the world yet?
Can you show me this "MESSIANNIC ASSEMBLY" in scripture?
Hi , and this never IS brought up !!
#1 , Only the LORD was ADDING to this EKKLESIA /ASSEMBLY as is written in Acts 2:47 ?
#2 , These people were all Jews !!
#3 , The verb " ADDING " is in the Greek Imperfect Tense , Active Voice and in the Indicative Mood .
#4 , The Imperfect Tense means the Lord did " ADD " BUT STOPPED adding as ACTS 28:28 APPROACHED !!
#5 ,It is in the Active Voice and means that the subject ( the LORD ) is producing the Action of " OF ADDING ."
#6 And many call it the Messiannic ASSEMBLY as there MESSIAH is trying to get Israel to Repent and be Baptized , Matt 3:6 !!
#7 , It is in the Indicative Mood , which means it is a FACT , what I just wrote for you NOT to believe , for you are a Pentecostal !!
dan p