Why men won't marry you

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
The commission announces the fulfilment of the promise made to Abraham. God told Abraham to look into the sky and count the stars; those would be the number of his descendants that would inherit the gift of the Spirit. That promise cannot be fulfilled without human procreation. The commission cannot be carried out without human procreation.

Clever, but Jesus raised the dead. He claimed you would do greater works. I know children are a reward from God according to scripture. I know rewards are for works according to scripture. I know you claim to be Christian. If you are it follows that Jack is your reward for doing a work, the work of procreation. It is my position that conceiving eternal life through the act procreation is a greater work than raising a dead man.

God created us in a way that we need to procreate. It's not possible that God believes "if a man is capable, better to refrain." God said "Be fruitful and multiply" more than once.

Paul was trying to balance the ideas of the "women being saved in childbearing" with what the Lord said about the coming persecutions and tribulation…"But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days! But pray that your flight will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will.…"

It's clearly a command, and He repeats it as a command after the flood. God even commanded other laws to ensure procreation occurred in certain situations. Onan died for violating a law like that. He was obligated to procreate and disobeyed the command.

There were stories of mass starvation and suffering in the Bible, some are explicitly described as plagues ordained by God. Those events are not attributable to overpopulation. Furthermore, depopulation, not overpopulation, is the threat the world faces. Have more kids; you'll be helping the world. :cheers:

Elo, this is more in regards to the polygamy aspect that may have got lost in the midst of this. I'll be honest, I don't get it. I'm not trying to cast aspersions on the relationship between you and your wife with the following question, but if you truly love her then would it be possible to contemplate intimate relations with another woman?


Well-known member
So you can be as much in love with another woman as you can with your wife?

I can't think of a reason why that isn't possible, but I would have to experience it to know for sure.

Which of my seven children do you think I love the most? Believe it or not, I love them all equally.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I can't think of reason why that isn't possible, but I would have to experience it to know for sure.

Which of my seven children do you think I love the most? Believe it or not, I love them all equally.

The love a parent has for a child is a separate issue. I would say that any loving parent doesn't 'play favourites'.

That's far removed from having romantic feelings for someone. If you're devoted to your partner then how on earth can you feel attracted in any sort of intimate way to somebody else? Please explain how that works or at least how you think it could work.


Well-known member
If you're devoted to your partner then how on earth can you feel attracted in any sort of intimate way to somebody else? Please explain how that works or at least how you think it could work.

I can't imagine. It's not something I've pondered that much. You're welcome to explain how it couldn't work.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Why? I've read about women who truly loved their husband but got impregnated by another man.

Were these deliberate or indiscretions during a tough spot in the relationship etc? Those things happen but with regrets if it's truly a loving relationship overall and can be overcome. I'm wondering whether you think multiple simultaneous relationships for a person is a healthy thing? I can't see how or why anyone would even want to if they had genuine feelings for their partner...


Well-known member
Were these deliberate or indiscretions during a tough spot in the relationship etc? Those things happen but with regrets if it's truly a loving relationship overall and can be overcome.

What you are implying is that even a woman in a truly loving relationship can feel attracted in an intimate way to somebody else. Is the same possible for a man?

There I gave you an example involving adultery, a sin. In that case you can imagine the woman truly loved her husband even though she commits indiscretions during a tough spot in the relationship.

Since polygamy is about marriage and isn't a sin, you should also be able to imagine how a husband who truly loves his wife can feel attracted in an intimate way to somebody else that is legitimately his wife.

I'm wondering whether you think multiple simultaneous relationships for a person is a healthy thing?

I wouldn't make a generalized claim like that, and wouldn't promote the notion. For some people it may be a healthy thing, as healthy as one wife I suppose.

I can't see how or why anyone would even want to if they had genuine feelings for their partner...

Maybe one day it will make sense to you why some people do.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
I can't think of a reason why that isn't possible, but I would have to experience it to know for sure.

Which of my seven children do you think I love the most? Believe it or not, I love them all equally.
Yet you love none of them the same way you love your spouse. I hope.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You're confusing love with sex. My point was that I don't love one child more than another.
No, I am acknowledging that we love our children in a way that we do not love our spouses. The love we have for our children is pretty unconditional. The love we share with our spouses is, whether you care to admit it or not, conditional. You can "fall out of love" with your spouse for any number of reasons. That is far, far, less likely to happen with your kids.


Well-known member
The love we have for our children is pretty unconditional. The love we share with our spouses is, whether you care to admit it or not, conditional.

How is the love for your spouse conditional?

You can "fall out of love" with your spouse for any number of reasons. That is far, far, less likely to happen with your kids.

You seem to be implying that you could fall out of love with your children, even though it is "less likely" that you will. That would require conditional love, no?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
How is the love for your spouse conditional?
you're a smart man, think about it. A hint, what do you expect from your wife.

You seem to be implying that you could fall out of love with your children, even though it is "less likely" that you will. That would require conditional love, no?
No. There are people that hate their kids. Maybe nobody can tell why they hate them, they just do. For the rest of us that are "normal patents", we will love our kids no matter what they do. The same cannot be said of our spouses.


Well-known member
elohiym said:
How is the love for your spouse conditional?
you're a smart man, think about it.

In other words, you can't answer the question that challenges your claim.

A hint, what do you expect from your wife.

I can't imagine.

What do you expect from your wife that, if you didn't get, would make you "fall out of love" with her?

...we will love our kids no matter what they do. The same cannot be said of our spouses.

Can you name something your children can do that you wouldn't forgive your spouse for doing?


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
In other words, you can't answer the question that challenges your claim.
I do have an answer, but why bother posting something you are just going to disagree with? I thought it would be more interesting to ask you to think about your 7 kids and wife. Each one of them is unique. But a spouse is something special.

I can't imagine.
Try harder.

What do you expect from your wife that, if you didn't get, would make you "fall out of love" with her?
I will give you the short answer for now: I expect her to be my wife.

Can you name something your children can do that you wouldn't forgive your spouse for doing?
Yes. Can you?

I'm on my phone so you will have to think a bit before I'm in a place where I can elaborate.

I fixed several typos.
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