Why men won't marry you

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Suddenly it's not evil to be hard hearted if the person you are being hard hearted to is evil? Where is this in the Bible?

Er, we're talking about a woman where she and her children are being abused, continually. Now how about just thinking through the effects that this can cause on the psyche? The amount of violence you may fear happening to you today? Worse still, the amount you may witness seeing inflicted on your helpless children? The fear that one day that violence could increase and kill you or your children or both?

For you to bring this down to being "hard hearted" is just asinine.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You were friendly, chummy in every way that posters here are when they get along and run in packs.

As for the "advances" you claim, this is news to me.

It's not news to me and I can tell you right now, that Dol had issues in which he required professional psychiatric help. I'll say no more than that.


Holy smokes!! I am seeing an incredible witch hunt. Is this what people used to do to this guy? He's not even here to defend himself. I'm having a hard time believing this guy is what he's being painted as. People want to make me into this Voltaire so they can burn me at the stake as well? This is a Christian forum? Where is thou shalt not bare false witness? If their god creates this kind of behavior, he is either evil or weak or it must be very easy to fool yourself into thinking you are converted.


New member
Hall of Fame
Holy smokes!! I am seeing an incredible witch hunt. Is this what people used to do to this guy? He's not even here to defend himself. I'm having a hard time believing this guy is what he's being painted as. People want to make me into this Voltaire so they can burn me at the stake as well? This is a Christian forum? Where is thou shalt not bare false witness? If their god creates this kind of behavior, he is either evil or weak or it must be very easy to fool yourself into thinking you are converted.

I could care less who you are, provided you conduct yourself like an adult and can control yourself, you are who seem to be a little too concerned about other people and events you supposedly don't even know anything about, yet have an opinion on.

That makes you suspect, period.


Their value system or a least that of Rush's is sick. They consider deceit in the form of hiding identity to be the epitome of evil and yet not have their conscience pricked in the slightest at the wholesale slaughter of someone's character...... in fact feeling righteous about it. Christianity?????? No thank you. Peacemaker and Elohiym.....what you believe in is not christianity.....couldn't be. Your Jesus said a tree cannot produce good fruit and bad.


New member
Hall of Fame
Their value system or a least that of Rush's is sick. They consider deceit in the form of hiding identity to be the epitome of evil and yet not have their conscience pricked in the slightest at the wholesale slaughter of someone's character...... in fact feeling righteous about it. Christianity?????? No thank you. Peacemaker and Elohiym.....what you believe in is not christianity.....couldn't be. Your Jesus said a tree cannot produce good fruit and bad.

yep, very suspect post.


I could care less who you are, provided you conduct yourself like an adult and can control yourself, you are who seem to be a little too concerned about other people and events you supposedly don't even know anything about, yet have an opinion on.

That makes you suspect, period.

I conduct myself just fine here. I am only suspect to those with an evil heart. I know things from what I have read since I've been here and from when I lurked. My behavior is fine. If you don't like what I post, dont read it.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Holy smokes!! I am seeing an incredible witch hunt. Is this what people used to do to this guy? He's not even here to defend himself. I'm having a hard time believing this guy is what he's being painted as. People want to make me into this Voltaire so they can burn me at the stake as well? This is a Christian forum? Where is thou shalt not bare false witness? If their god creates this kind of behavior, he is either evil or weak or it must be very easy to fool yourself into thinking you are converted.

It's hardly a witch hunt and unless you happen to know the guy then what position are you in to declare that anybody is bearing false witness exactly? If you weren't here then who are you to say that everyone here isn't simply recounting what he was like and relaying what happened to them? It's no trade secret that he had a hang up with A4T and was banned for harassing her despite being told to stop. Your investment here is rather baffling unless there's something else going on here?


Hall of Fame
It's not news to me and I can tell you right now, that Dol had issues in which he required professional psychiatric help. I'll say no more than that.

Holy smokes!! I am seeing an incredible witch hunt. Is this what people used to do to this guy? He's not even here to defend himself. I'm having a hard time believing this guy is what he's being painted as. People want to make me into this Voltaire so they can burn me at the stake as well? This is a Christian forum? Where is thou shalt not bare false witness? If their god creates this kind of behavior, he is either evil or weak or it must be very easy to fool yourself into thinking you are converted.

Sigh. It's no witch hunt. As AB pointed out, professional help was needed. I know this as a fact.

Apparently it is easier for you to take your aggressions out on the rest of us rather than actually dealing with your issues.


New member
Hall of Fame
I conduct myself just fine here.


I am only suspect to those with an evil heart.

Also debatable.

I know things from what I have read since I've been here and from when I lurked. My behavior is fine. If you don't like what I post, dont read it.

I see, youve lurked so long that you are even able to see private messages and rep posts of others and the woodshed... Got it. :banana:


Hall of Fame
I see, youve lurked so long that you are even able to see private messages and rep posts of others and the woodshed... Got it. :banana:

His newest ID shows he has *lurked* since 2015. It was news to me that blue members are able to read from the Woodshed.



Hall of Fame
Their value system or a least that of Rush's is sick. .

Oh ... you know this from your supposed short time here since 2015? BTW, feel free to post what part of my value system is *sick*.


New member
Hall of Fame
It's hardly a witch hunt and unless you happen to know the guy then what position are you in to declare that anybody is bearing false witness exactly? If you weren't here then who are you to say that everyone here isn't simply recounting what he was like and relaying what happened to them? It's no trade secret that he had a hang up with A4T and was banned for harassing her despite being told to stop. Your investment here is rather baffling unless there's something else going on here?


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Where is the science to back up your idea that she could stop growing before she could encompass an idea?
I didn't say it was science. But she has a peculiar notion of a thing she obviously hasn't encompassed from her own perspective. I suspect it has to do with her becoming involved seriously with you before she could, when she considered you a need and was almost physically ill because she hadn't learned to be singular and comfortable with it.

What you wrote did read cold, and I'm sure a majority of people polled on the street would agree it read cold.
You only speak for you, elo. And it didn't/shouldn't have within the context of a full answer. Here it is again:

I think you think that because you never grew out of it and into something else, didn't give yourself a chance to experience that...I didn't "need" my wife. I wanted her. Different thing. I appreciated her, desired her, but I didn't need her to complete me. Life was good before her. It's better with her. Life was good with her. It's better with Jack.

Nothing cold in desiring or appreciating or finding life better with her. Nothing cold in not considering my life empty before her, in not having physical ailments because I'm not in a relationship.

All that's missing is the notion that I'm broken and in need of mending without her. Sorry, but I think that's emotionally unhealthy and young, in her or in you, though it might have worked for the both of you, sharing that and it makes your otherwise unusual/unconventional union more understandable.

Then you need her. She completes you. Ask her if she agrees with me? Genesis 2:18-2:24 agrees with me.
I think you're over reading that. Paul thought so too. I even noted that your wife really doesn't believe her own advance against my position, unless she believes her children to be emotionally superfluous. If not, they made her happy union happier and not her broken, needsome union complete.

You need Jack, and needed Jack before you had Jack. Without him you have no lineage, and a diminished impact on the future, if any.
You can project that unhealthy bit but it still isn't true. I wanted him, was happy to have him come and am happier still to watch him grow. I didn't have him out of need. He came as an expression of love and plenty and multiplied it.

You needed to be married and needed a wife because you needed to have children. Can you refute that claim?
Sure. I wanted to be married because I loved my wife. I've answered on Jack, supra.

She has a need to deal with her need to need and be needed? Interesting. How do you suggest she deal with her need for me?
Now let's look at what she actually said and how I actually answered:

She said, "Don't marry a person unless you really need them."

I responded, far from your attempt to infer the convoluted:

Never marry a person from need. That's something in you that you need to deal with. Marry from love, which is a desire to give. It's an abundance, not a need.

She needs to deal with the idea that she needs another person. And I haven't been unclear about what I believe is a healthier approach or why.

If there is a giver, there is a receiver.
In a loving relation there should be two of each.

You need to be needed, need to be loved. Why deny what is obvious?
Mostly because I don't believe that it's true. You just asserted the need. I reject it for the reasons given prior.

I'm really interested in the seeing the science to support this idea you've brought up a couple of times now. How is she "patterned" and how is the learning curve "truncated" exactly?
I haven't asserted it as science. It's only speculation and observation. It fits. The only science I need to make the point I entered on is still standing without empirical refutation.

You see this patterning and truncating a symptom of having married me when she was eighteen? I'm skeptical.
Of course you are. She's already said that she needed you, that she was suffering physical symptoms from the stress of being alone. She met you and BAM, symptoms relieved. Meaning that she used you to deal with her inability to be alone. I don't think that's particularly healthy, though it's not the end of the world.

Why not throw a jab in at the mother-in-law. :chuckle:
It's not a jab. I love my in-laws and get along with both of them. We go out together and have always spent a good deal of time together. But it's the truth. Her daughter and her son would tell you.

It is necessarily so because God opens and closes the womb, according to scripture.
I'm not going to argue with you about it or get into your exegesis and how you apply it. I don't see the point.

God gave her seven children and a happy marriage. I think God knew what He was doing.
No one is arguing with God.

Listen, young man, she is a grown woman in her thirties raising seven children and doing an excellent job.
Who said she isn't? Not I, to be sure.

People go out of their way to compliment her on her child-rearing because they can see the results.
I think that's terrific, though I haven't said a thing against her on the point.

She far surpasses you in child-birthing and child-rearing experience and knowledge.
I suppose. I would hope so. I was the birthing coach for my Jack, so I'm fairly sure I have that part down pat. I seem to be doing a decent job with my son on the rest of it, but we've only been at it for four years. So far, so good.

You couldn't do her job ever
I really could. I'm actually doing it. Unless you mean the birthing part, but that's just biology.


New member
Er, we're talking about a woman where she and her children are being abused, continually. Now how about just thinking through the effects that this can cause on the psyche? The amount of violence you may fear happening to you today? Worse still, the amount you may witness seeing inflicted on your helpless children? The fear that one day that violence could increase and kill you or your children or both?

For you to bring this down to being "hard hearted" is just asinine.

You don't know how this started, do you? I made a simple claim, namely that God gave divorce for hard heartedness, so that's it's proper use. That's what it's there for, and it's hard to divorce without a hard heart being involved - in other words - the pain of separation would be prohibitive to two tenderhearted people.

CM tried to argue that it doesn't take a hard heart and used an abused woman as an example. In fact, he dodged my question "is murder a hard-hearted act" by answering with this example, not a yes or no. He's cornered.

He knows that this woman in the abuse scenario is married to a hard hearted person so he loses if she divorces. (that would mean his hard heart was the cause of the divorce, right?) So now he puts a gun in her hand and tells me she can be selectively hard-hearted and murder out of love on one hand with hate in the other.

It's just a weird move. He's already lost the mini-debate pages ago.

The abused woman could do many things like leave at the start of the abuse. Women who hang around enabling the abuse of themselves and their children for years on end would typically have to have a hard heart.

Murder is a hard hearted act. Self-defense is in another category. She doesn't have to be hard-hearted to defend herself or leave him.


New member
It's not news to me and I can tell you right now, that Dol had issues in which he required professional psychiatric help. I'll say no more than that.

So you say all this to strangers/newbs without proving your claim?

Yes, he was a man with suicidal depression. There, I said it. And that's why I defended him from slander.

I saw him try to keep up with his friends and debates on here by lurking on threads we participated in for many months and that's not stalking, that's a perfectly acceptable behavior.

However, on the threads I debated, A4T kept hating on him when he didn't post. It was weird. She was not letting anything go.


New member
It's hardly a witch hunt and unless you happen to know the guy then what position are you in to declare that anybody is bearing false witness exactly? If you weren't here then who are you to say that everyone here isn't simply recounting what he was like and relaying what happened to them? It's no trade secret that he had a hang up with A4T and was banned for harassing her despite being told to stop. Your investment here is rather baffling unless there's something else going on here?

It's no trade secret A4T wouldn't even let him lurk on MY threads without taunting him.

It's no secret to me or God that some are supporting lies about BOLCATS - because he's not the man some claim he is.

We all know how Voltaire would be reacting right now. Not as calmly, that's for sure. So unless he borrowed someone else's psyche or marriage is way more potent than I ever dreamed it was.... (I hope he's married by now!) it clearly aint the same man.