Why men won't marry you


Hall of Fame
So same arguments and hostilities makes it obvious? There are many more people than me who find your fascist positions disgusting. Not very many people are willing to confront you on them and my not backing off in the face of your blistering hostility is more a sign that people deem that you are not worth the trouble. I could privately interview any number of people based on guaranteed anonymity and find an enormous amount of agreement with my assessment of you. As for my hostility being an indicator of being your favorite boogeyman, you show greater hostility toward the men on this board who have not been metaphorically castrated by the feminism so prevelant in this society. My supposed hostility is no greater than many on here and the only time I am " hostile" is when I am confronting you.....hardly a consistent behavior. I am assuming by your use of that description as some sort of evidence that Voltaire was consistently hostile. That is hardly the case for me. Me and your bogeyman have one thing in common, namely our need to expose and confront you and hopefully make you "repent" so to speak. Beyond that, you are seeing what you want to see.


Hall of Fame
The only other person I have seen call Rusha a Fascist is 1PeaceMaker. DOLO/VOL/DOORMAT is 1Peacemakers brother, if memory serves me well (which is iffy). Now BOLOCATS is calling Rusha Fascist. Does tend to make one wonder of BOLO is another sock puppet.

Exactly ...

Not to mention the misuse of that word ...


Hall of Fame


or Fascism : a way of organizing a society in which a government ruled by a dictator controls the lives of the people and in which people are not allowed to disagree with the government

the rise of Fascism in Europe before World War II

: very harsh control or authority


Hall of Fame
Which is a big reason to think BOLO is another sock puppet.

The only other person I have seen call Rusha a Fascist is 1PeaceMaker. DOLO/VOL/DOORMAT is 1Peacemakers brother, if memory serves me well (which is iffy). Now BOLOCATS is calling Rusha Fascist. Does tend to make one wonder of BOLO is another sock puppet.

Certain words, agendas, reactions and hostilities towards certain members are a dead give away.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
You are dead wrong, CM, I have no brother, physically. I called Volt a brother in the Lord. Period.
Well, I did say it was an iffy memory. I just remember some relationship from the marry 'em off at 15 thread. I thought it was you and doormat.


New member
Hall of Fame
The only other person I have seen call Rusha a Fascist is 1PeaceMaker. DOLO/VOL/DOORMAT is 1Peacemakers brother, if memory serves me well (which is iffy). Now BOLOCATS is calling Rusha Fascist. Does tend to make one wonder of BOLO is another sock puppet.

Ok, that makes more sense then, i thought it horribly strange that another mans wife would seem to be so close to another man, but being siblings, it make more sense. Thanks for the information.


New member
Says the woman who got pretty chummy.

I defended an innocent brother in the LORD. I didn't "get close."

Doormat is my husband elohiym's only other account and it's no more a secret than Red77/Arthur Brain.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Says the woman who got pretty chummy.

I defended an innocent brother in the LORD. I didn't "get close."

Doormat is my husband elohiym's only other account and it's no more a secret than Red77/Arthur Brain.

That was it! Why did he bother with a sock puppet account.


New member
Hall of Fame
Says the woman who got pretty chummy.

I defended an innocent brother in the LORD. I didn't "get close."

Doormat is my husband elohiym's only other account and it's no more a secret than Red77/Arthur Brain.

:rotfl: Yeah its real chummy to rebuff a mans advances and quickly tell him in no uncertain terms i am married and then watch him go off the deep end because i don't agree with him and you on young women marrying, or that a man will be physically harmed if he doesnt have sex.

Nice try to falsely disparage my character. You are just like your husband, wicked.


Hall of Fame
Says the woman who got pretty chummy.

I defended an innocent brother in the LORD. I didn't "get close."

No you didn't. He was no innocent. The Woodshed verifies this. What you did was defend someone regardless of how much he harassed (and even stalked) those who dared disagree with you.


New member
Hall of Fame
No you didn't. He was no innocent. The Woodshed verifies this. What you did was defend someone regardless of how much he harassed (and even stalked) those who dared disagree with you.

:thumb: and stalked and stalked without a single word to them in over 8 months


New member
:rotfl: Yeah its real chummy to rebuff a mans advances and quickly tell him in no uncertain terms i am married and then watch him go off the deep end because i don't agree with him and you on young women marrying, or that a man will be physically harmed if he doesnt have sex.

Nice try to falsely disparage my character. You are just like your husband, wicked.

You were friendly, chummy in every way that posters here are when they get along and run in packs.

As for the "advances" you claim, this is news to me.


New member
Hall of Fame
You were friendly, chummy in every way that posters here are when they get along and run in packs.

As for the "advances" you claim, this is news to me.

You mean polite to others? You don't understand the word 'chummy'.

I don't defend the indefensible - i dont defend someone just because they are my friend or even just because they are a believer if i think they are wrong, and i dont tell my friends what to think - and i can have friends who i dont agree with on every issue - you know like you and your husband are unable do.

I don't dictate to others who their friends can be and who their enemies should be. Losers do that. Losers also try to divide friends for their own gain. (your husband)