Why men won't marry you


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Hall of Fame
Okay. Here is your chance to tell everyone that you object to abortion in any case if the mother can survive the pregnancy.

Ive already made myself clear, read what i said till you understand it.
See what i mean, i just corrected you yet again, like many other times, i dont "support" it at all, i just know in some cases its nessesary to save a life, and i only agree when its TO SAVE A LIFE. ONLY (mother will die which will kill them both, ectopic pregnancy (yes we know your wife says they shouldnt be terminated either)

I have NEVER said in cases of rape, the girl was raped but her issue was that her body could not sustain a pregnancy, it would kill them BOTH.

So, keep acting retarded and willfully telling what you know is a LIE - because her pregnancy came from rape, you are using that part to lie about my position, my position is life of the mother ONLY


Well-known member
As I told angel4truth, I have been lurking for a very long time on this board. I have read voltaires posts and find some things to agree on. I mostly disagree with him. I wonder what it is about me that makes Rusha think i am he? She and her friend seem obzzessed with this guy. Who sneaks around to see who is chatting with whom? What did this fellow do to drive her to bizarre behavior?

These girls are off their rockers.

You seem very different from poster voltaire.

Thanks for clearing that up... again.


Hall of Fame
Started by a woman who actively supports a church that claims it's legal for a fourteen year old woman to get married. But you don't care about those details, right?

:chuckle: I don't care much for you misrepresentation of who MY friends or what you claim they believe.

It really does bother you when you are not capable of driving a wedge between other people's friendships, doesn't it? :)


New member
Hall of Fame
:chuckle: I don't care much for you misrepresentation of who MY friends or what you claim they believe.

It really does bother you when you are not capable of driving a wedge between other people's friendships, doesn't it? :)

yeah, didnt he say that he tells his friends who they should be friends with?

He was wrong to see you as a friend and I warned him about you.


Well-known member
Ive already made myself clear, read what i said till you understand it.

No you haven't made yourself clear. I guess Rusha was just imagining what she was arguing against on that thread. I guess Knight and Stripe were wrong to object to your comments on that thread, right? :think:


Well-known member
:chuckle: I don't care much for you misrepresentation of who MY friends or what you claim they believe.

Oh please, I'm not misrepresenting anything. You defend homosexuals and A4T is against homosexuality. If you can't do the math, you're a bigger idiot that I give you credit for.

It really does bother you when you are not capable of driving a wedge between other people's friendships, doesn't it? :)

A4T is not your friend, idiot.


New member
Hall of Fame
Oh please, I'm not misrepresenting anything. You defend homosexuals and A4T is against homosexuality. If you can't do the math, you're a bigger idiot that I give you credit for.

A4T is not your friend, idiot.

Yes, i am her friend even when i disagree with her, even when i don't like something she thinks - i still consider her a friend and have a great deal of respect for her. That has never changed the entire time I've been here.

Thats what real friends do, they don't dictate to the other one who they are suppose to be to be your friend, like you do.

Real friends can disagree with each other and be honest about it.

For you: Jude 1:16-19

These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage. But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit.


New member
Hall of Fame
Hey, ding dong, I warned him about you before you turned on him like a viper.

yes, God knows telling an old guy that wants a teen girl, that i dont think thats smart, is being a viper :loser:

Or saying that "a guy in his 20s should be able to date down by 10 years" is a sick thing to think - makes me a viper :rotfl:

Oh and or warning him that a "smokin hot young russian mail order bride" chick just might be using him for $ or a way to america.

All things that make me such a viper...


Hall of Fame
Absolutely. It exposes you and Rusha and the other femi-NAZIs. :thumb:


And we know them by the words they use ...