Why men won't marry you


It's not. You can read the thread and see for yourself. She posted a link.

Make sure to notice that I stated clearly a marriageable age of twenty-one.

Based on my recent college experiences, I'd say that's still a bit young. But that's just an opinion

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It's not a nutball theory to heterosexuals. Rather, it's in-your-face obvious to any male who has ever played the field. A smaller percentage of hot guys score with multiple women while the majority hardly score, if at all.

No, I'm saying that a smaller percentage of men score. That's reality; I'm only claiming what is self-evident. Yorshik was doing the same, imo.

I'm heterosexual and it's nuts to me. The majority of people, both men and women have had sex with one or more partners and to deny that is to fly in the face of reality. Some have had more than others sure, that's reality too but this 80-20% principle is just ridiculous.

According to Yorhzik an 'ex party girl' is pretty much 'damaged goods' and his misogyny is as ignorant as it is reprehensible frankly.


Well-known member
Your flat out lying now and have been corrected more than once.

This is just more false accusation from you. :yawn: State the specific lie you are accusing me of and post the specific quote I allegedly told the lie.

you continually post that i support abortion because i posted what a doctor said, where an 11 year old gang rape victim who was extremely tiny, and whose womb could not sustain pregnancy terminate for the life the mother.

Color it however you want. You support abortion in the case of rape. You are wrong and those who don't correct you are as evil as you.

I guess you would kill them both.

No. That wasn't the scenario and you know it. Both Knight and Stripe had to correct you on that thread, even though you ignored their comments, so I will defer (and hide behind :)) their posts. I'd be happy to post your quotes in defense of abortion in the case of rape if you want, so everyone knows just where you are coming from and how Knight, Stripe, Rusha and I tried to help you understand the truth you are rejecting. NickM was right about you, just not right about much else.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
If I do "the math" then you are claiming my fifteen year old should be a slut rather than wait until she's ready for marriage, which may be earlier than my ideal of twenty-one or older.

You're okay with my daughter marrying as a teenager, right? Or do you agree with me that twenty-one and over is preferential?

If you've ever seen my comments regarding Phil 'Duck Dynasty Dingbat' Robertson's comments regarding 15 year old girls then you'll know fine well what I think about marrying teenagers. I'm not claiming that any 15 year old girl should be a "slut" and I'm at a complete loss as to how you've 'worked that out' to be quite honest.


Hall of Fame
I'm heterosexual and it's nuts to me. The majority of people, both men and women have had sex with one or more partners and to deny that is to fly in the face of reality. Some have had more than others sure, that's reality too but this 80-20% principle is just ridiculous.

According to Yorhzik an 'ex party girl' is pretty much 'damaged goods' and his misogyny is as ignorant as it is reprehensible frankly.

It's clearly a double standard.


New member
Hall of Fame
Color it however you want. You support abortion in the case of rape. You are wrong and those who don't correct you are as evil as you.

See what i mean, i just corrected you yet again, like many other times, i dont "support" it at all, i just know in some cases its nessesary to save a life, and i only agree when its TO SAVE A LIFE. ONLY (mother will die which will kill them both, ectopic pregnancy (yes we know your wife says they shouldnt be terminated either)

I have NEVER said in cases of rape, the girl was raped but her issue was that her body could not sustain a pregnancy, it would kill them BOTH.

So, keep acting retarded and willfully telling what you know is a LIE - because her pregnancy came from rape, you are using that part to lie about my position, my position is life of the mother ONLY

Nick lying about it and continuing to harrass me is part of why he got banned, should i report you too for your lies?

When he came back from that ban for his unbelievable harrassing statement, he made an idiotic report on me for nothing then demanded they ban me, and said if they didnt he would never support this site again.

They didnt (beause i didnt do anything to deserve one) and he left, his choice.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
This is just more false accusation from you. :yawn: State the specific lie you are accusing me of and post the specific quote I allegedly told the lie.

Color it however you want. You support abortion in the case of rape. You are wrong and those who don't correct you are as evil as you.

No. That wasn't the scenario and you know it. Both Knight and Stripe had to correct you on that thread, even though you ignored their comments, so I will defer (and hide behind :)) their posts. I'd be happy to post your quotes in defense of abortion in the case of rape if you want, so everyone knows just where you are coming from and how Knight, Stripe, Rusha and I tried to help you understand the truth you are rejecting. NickM was right about you, just not right about much else.

Er, not sure how this has happened exactly but you've attributed quotes by me that I haven't actually said?


Well-known member
I'm heterosexual and it's nuts to me.

Did you score a lot? If not, then I'm not surprised it "nuts" to you. If you did, then I'm confused why you don't know what most men know. Maybe a few other men will act as surprised as you but I'm thinking that most agree with the 80-20 rule when it comes to scoring and realize that hot guys score more than pimple-faced geeks that don't know how to talk to or manipulate girls. I said manipulate because among that 20% are the pick up artists, the guys who know how to push girl's buttons (it's a science of sorts).

The majority of people, both men and women have had sex with one or more partners and to deny that is to fly in the face of reality.

You can't see how reality reflects the 80-20 principle? Never saw that short, average looking rich guy with the incredibly gorgeous blonde wife? Really? I think Yorzhik was just claiming what is self-evident. We can disagree, but don't treat me like a pervert for a different opinion, okay?

Some have had more than others sure, that's reality too but this 80-20% principle is just ridiculous.

It's like you are validating it and mocking it at the same time. Just my impression, right or wrong.

According to Yorhzik an 'ex party girl' is pretty much 'damaged goods' and his misogyny is as ignorant as it is reprehensible frankly.

I can't speak for him but I would gladly take damaged goods if that is what God gave me. I was damaged good, and I'm glad I was taken by a chaste women.

I don't want my daughters to be damaged goods. Can you imagine a reason why they shouldn't remain chaste as they seem to want to be (like their mother)? Would you forbid your sons from marrying chaste women?


Well-known member
If you've ever seen my comments regarding Phil 'Duck Dynasty Dingbat' Robertson's comments regarding 15 year old girls then you'll know fine well what I think about marrying teenagers. I'm not claiming that any 15 year old girl should be a "slut" and I'm at a complete loss as to how you've 'worked that out' to be quite honest.

I'm at a partial loss as to why you are arguing with me on this thread.

You have some friends on this forum and among them are Catholics. Their canon law allows for marriage at age fourteen. I repudiate that law and think that women shouldn't participate in a religion that legalized such things. Do you agree with me?

If I have to choose a random age for marriage, I choose twenty-one. Do you agree with me or do you think it should be lower, in the teen-ages?


Hall of Fame
Based on my recent college experiences, I'd say that's still a bit young. But that's just an opinion

The discussion I was speaking of on marrying teen girls came up after some supported this statement by Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty):

They got to where they're getting hard to find, mainly because these boys are waiting 'til they get to be about 20 years old before they marry 'em," Robertson says in a video clip that resurfaced Monday. "Look, you wait 'til they get to be 20 years old, the only picking that's going to take place is your pocket. You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16. They'll pick your ducks.

It's never okay for old/older guys to prey on teen girls. Or old/older women to prey on teen boys.

Here are few threads to check out if you wish to know other posters positions on the above:

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16..."

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16... redux"

"About Controlling Teen Love and Marriage"

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Did you score a lot? If not, then I'm not surprised it "nuts" to you. If you did, then I'm confused why you don't know what most men know. Maybe a few other men will act as surprised as you but I'm thinking that most agree with the 80-20 rule when it comes to scoring and realize that hot guys score more than pimple-faced geeks that don't know how to talk to or manipulate girls. I said manipulate because among that 20% are the pick up artists, the guys who know how to push girl's buttons (it's a science of sorts).

You can't see how reality reflects the 80-20 principle? Never saw that short, average looking rich guy with the incredibly gorgeous blonde wife? Really? I think Yorzhik was just claiming what is self-evident. We can disagree, but don't treat me like a pervert for a different opinion, okay?

It's like you are validating it and mocking it at the same time. Just my impression, right or wrong.

I can't speak for him but I would gladly take damaged goods if that is what God gave me. I was damaged good, and I'm glad I was taken by a chaste women.

I don't want my daughters to be damaged goods. Can you imagine a reason why they shouldn't remain chaste as they seem to want to be (like their mother)? Would you forbid your sons from marrying chaste women?

I can't separate your quotes at the moment as my laptop mouse has decided to bog off to 'nonworkingville' unfortunately.

Where it comes to some people "scoring" more than others then sure, that's bound to happen. What I'm talking about is averages. I'm not calling you a pervert for a difference of opinion but I'm flat out calling Yorzhik's comments misogynist because that's what they are.

I can completely respect that you don't want your daughters to be "damaged goods" and that you'd prefer they remain chaste. I wouldn't forbid any son marrying a chaste woman but then I wouldn't question him marrying an "ex slut" either.


Well-known member
See what i mean, i just corrected you yet again, like many other times, i dont "support" it at all...

I know what you posted and can quote it, unlike your false accusations against me.

I have NEVER said in cases of rape, the girl was raped but her issue was that her body could not sustain a pregnancy, it would kill them BOTH.

You are equivocating now. Okay. Here is your chance to tell everyone that you object to abortion in any case if the mother can survive the pregnancy. Go ahead, say it. I doubt you will because that is not what you were claiming on Wiz's thread I can quote you.

So, keep acting retarded...

So now you are picking on the mentally handicapped? You think you can use retarded as a slur?

and willfully telling what you know is a LIE - because her pregnancy came from rape, you are using that part to lie about my position, my position is life of the mother ONLY

Then just state plainly that age is irrelevant as long as the mother can survive the pregnancy. Is that your new position now?

Nick lying about it and continuing to harrass me is part of why he got banned, should i report you too for your lies?

NickM was an idiot and you're an idiot. Report what you want, coward. It's easier to run to mommy for protection instead of defending your ideas in the marketplace.

When he came back from that ban for his unbelievable harrassing statement, he made an idiotic report on me for nothing then demanded they ban me, and said if they didnt he would never support this site again.

All I know is that NickM will not return until you are gone, so he claims. I'm torn because I'm glad to see him gone but really, really want you gone more than him. You are pure evil.

They didnt (beause i didnt do anything to deserve one) and he left, his choice.

Whatever. Like I care what you think.


Well-known member
Where it comes to some people "scoring" more than others then sure, that's bound to happen. What I'm talking about is averages. I'm not calling you a pervert for a difference of opinion but I'm flat out calling Yorzhik's comments misogynist because that's what they are.

I believe you have misjudged Yorzhik's comments, imo. Even if you don't agree with all his points, please don't miss the wisdom in his posts. He really did make some good points.

I can completely respect that you don't want your daughters to be "damaged goods" and that you'd prefer they remain chaste. I wouldn't forbid any son marrying a chaste woman but then I wouldn't question him marrying an "ex slut" either.

Thank you. :e4e:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I'm at a partial loss as to why you are arguing with me on this thread.

You have some friends on this forum and among them are Catholics. Their canon law allows for marriage at age fourteen. I repudiate that law and think that women shouldn't participate in a religion that legalized such things. Do you agree with me?

If I have to choose a random age for marriage, I choose twenty-one. Do you agree with me or do you think it should be lower, in the teen-ages?

One of my closest and trusted friends here is Catholic although I don't pretend to be that knowledgeable about canon law and the like. I'm darn sure that plenty of Catholics wouldn't support such a ruling but Catholicism itself is material for another thread IMO. Not all protestants agree with each other by way of.

I think 18 should be the lowest age for marriage and 21 would work for me as well.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I believe you have misjudged Yorzhik's comments, imo. Even if you don't agree with all his points, please don't miss the wisdom in his posts. He really did make some good points.

Thank you. :e4e:

He may make some good points here and there but his attitude in regards to women is one I'm fundamentally opposed to. He can be incredibly patronizing and I have zero respect for that, whether it's born out of ignorance or else.


I received a PM from that poster and responded. I have received, I think, maybe two PMs from that poster. If he is voltair, he fooled me.

You are just evil, Rusha. I hope you repent.

As I told angel4truth, I have been lurking for a very long time on this board. I have read voltaires posts and find some things to agree on. I mostly disagree with him. I wonder what it is about me that makes Rusha think i am he? She and her friend seem obzzessed with this guy. Who sneaks around to see who is chatting with whom? What did this fellow do to drive her to bizarre behavior?


New member
Hall of Fame
The discussion I was speaking of on marrying teen girls came up after some supported this statement by Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty):

It's never okay for old/older guys to prey on teen girls. Or old/older women to prey on teen boys.

Here are few threads to check out if you wish to know other posters positions on the above:

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16..."

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16... redux"

"About Controlling Teen Love and Marriage"

:thumb: Very enlightening threads


Well-known member
Here are few threads to check out if you wish to know other posters positions on the above:

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16..."

Started by a woman who actively supports a church that claims it's legal for a fourteen year old woman to get married. But you don't care about those details, right?


New member
Hall of Fame
As I told angel4truth, I have been lurking for a very long time on this board. I have read voltaires posts and find some things to agree on. I mostly disagree with him. I wonder what it is about me that makes Rusha think i am he? She and her friend seem obzzessed with this guy. Who sneaks around to see who is chatting with whom? What did this fellow do to drive her to bizarre behavior?

I could care less who you are, and about "that" poster, i only brought his name up, because what i was talking about that eloyhim said, was in a thread where i was having a conversation with voltaire and elo came to save him.

If you want make things up though, knock yourself out, your obviously someones sock, because you are inserting yourself into something you nothing of, unless you were there :carryon:

Rusha is right here too, she doesnt need me to answer for her, shes a grown intelligent woman, ask her yourself what you want to know.