Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 6

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Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:
Good for you, as it's not only an extremely destructive lifestyle, inherently it's perverse.
That's your opinion.
I get a feeling that there might be more destruction on your life, CW.
So if homosexuality is not your thing, why is it ok for others to do it?
CW, I am not a bigot, mate. I do not expect all the World to adopt my feelings ideas and beliefs.
Only a megalomaniac could judge everybody who does not do what I do, feel, live.

Do you really hate your fellow man that much?

No CW, I don't ...

Now, please answer my question... Have you ever been gay?


aCultureWarrior said:
Good for you, as it's not only an extremely destructive lifestyle, inherently it's perverse.
That's your opinion.
As shown in the book that I posted above 'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality', it's an extremely physically, emotionally and spiritually destructive lifestyle.
I get a feeling that there might be more destruction on your life, CW.[
Like every follower of Christ, I struggle with sin, but pray that He'll give me the strength to overcome those temptations the next time that they happen.

aCultureWarrior said:
So if homosexuality is not your thing, why is it ok for others to do it?
CW, I am not a bigot, mate.
If you don't tell someone that they're engaging in an extremely destructive behavior, that's hatred of your fellow man. Wait, you aren't one of those who promote homosexuality but encourage "discipline" are you?
I do not expect all the World to adopt my feelings ideas and beliefs.
Only a megalomaniac could judge everybody who does not do what I do, feel, live.
The world pretty much has adopted your view towards homosexuality and transgenderism. Heck, look the Presidential candidates, rainbow flag wavers even coming out of the allegedly conservative Republican Party
Now, please answer my question... Have you ever been gay?
Do you mean have I ever experienced homosexual desires or acted on them? I've been asked that many times in this 6 part thread and answered as I am now:

While I would be the first one to admit that I am an 'ex homosexual" and hence put a plug in for the 'Ex homosexual movement' through personal experience, no, I have never had homosexual desires nor engaged in homosexual behavior. I was never molested as a child like most homosexuals were nor did I grow up in a dysfunctional home like many homosexuals have.
My sexual appetite for the female gender is quite healthy, in fact the temptations out there are one reason I pray to God regularly to help me overcome them.


Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:
Good for you, as it's not only an extremely destructive lifestyle, inherently it's perverse.

As shown in the book that I posted above 'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality', it's an extremely physically, emotionally and spiritually destructive lifestyle.

Like every follower of Christ, I struggle with sin, but pray that He'll give me the strength to overcome those temptations the next time that they happen.

aCultureWarrior said:
So if homosexuality is not your thing, why is it ok for others to do it?

If you don't tell someone that they're engaging in an extremely destructive behavior, that's hatred of your fellow man. Wait, you aren't one of those who promote homosexuality but encourage "discipline" are you?

The world pretty much has adopted your view towards homosexuality and transgenderism. Heck, look the Presidential candidates, rainbow flag wavers even coming out of the allegedly conservative Republican Party

Do you mean have I ever experienced homosexual desires or acted on them? I've been asked that many times in this 6 part thread and answered as I am now:

While I would be the first one to admit that I am an 'ex homosexual" and hence put a plug in for the 'Ex homosexual movement' through personal experience, no, I have never had homosexual desires nor engaged in homosexual behavior. I was never molested as a child like most homosexuals were nor did I grow up in a dysfunctional home like many homosexuals have.
My sexual appetite for the female gender is quite healthy, in fact the temptations out there are one reason I pray to God regularly to help me overcome them.
One more question, please.
Do you have a wife or partner?

I married in 1972 and was widowed in 1991. In 1992 a woman took up with me and is now my wife. So I have answered the same question as I asked you. OK. ?


Dying for a juicy piece of gossip, TOL's certified gossip queen makes his appearance in the WHMBR! Part 6 thread.
Whoa. You, after ten years of this tripe, are finally admitting that you're an "ex homosexual"?
What part of me saying "While I would be the first one to admit that I am an 'ex homosexual" and hence put a plug in for the 'Ex homosexual movement' through personal experience, no, I have never had homosexual desires nor engaged in homosexual behavior"...do you not understand?

. What you have done is invent all sorts of lurid scenarios as to people who disagree with your premise as being gay. Remember all of those posts where you sleazily implied that Wizard Of Oz and I were having late night phone calls and the like?
As I've mentioned before: those that adamantly defend abortion are likely to have had an abortion or supported a female(s) that had one (or more). Those that adamantly defend pornography are likely to view pornographic material Those that adamantly defend prostitution are either a prostitute or a john who engages in prostitution. Why is it far fetched to speculate that those who adamantly defend homosexuality, which you and my bestest friend in the whoooole wide world do, are practicing homosexuals?

You also claim that you keep your private life outside of the 'www' despite claiming that you're happily married with children on this very thread, or earlier parts at least?!
There are a lot of extremely sick people on the internet. I prefer to keep my private life private.
If only 'Alright' and others were still around to witness this.
I miss Al. How come you killed him off?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Dying for a juicy piece of gossip, TOL's certified gossip queen makes his appearance in the WHMBR! Part 6 thread.

What part of me saying "While I would be the first one to admit that I am an 'ex homosexual" and hence put a plug in for the 'Ex homosexual movement' through personal experience, no, I have never had homosexual desires nor engaged in homosexual behavior"...do you not understand?

As I've mentioned before: those that adamantly defend abortion are likely to have had an abortion or supported a female(s) that had one (or more). Those that adamantly defend pornography are likely to view pornographic material Those that adamantly defend prostitution are either a prostitute or a john who engages in prostitution. Why is it far fetched to speculate that those who adamantly defend homosexuality, which you and my bestest friend in the whoooole wide world do, are practicing homosexuals?

There are a lot of extremely sick people on the internet. I prefer to keep my private life private.

I miss Al. How come you killed him off?
I actually deleted my post as I realized I'd misread yours but not quickly enough as it would appear. Fair enough to be honest, my bad. Not something that I would expect you to do and your comments in regards to not sharing any of your private life still stand. You've stated what 'private life' you supposedly have on many an occasion throughout this train wreck. You're hardly one to talk about 'gossip' after your former garbage either.

You don't miss, love, care for people at all and your latter is predictably pathetic in that regard.


I actually deleted my post as I realized I'd misread yours but not quickly enough as it would appear. Fair enough to be honest, my bad.
Apology accepted.

Not something that I would expect you to do and your comments in regards to not sharing any of your private life still stand. You've stated what 'private life' you supposedly have on many an occasion throughout this train wreck. You're hardly one to talk about 'gossip' after your former garbage either.
I had one guy state that he'd love to decapitate me and play soccer with my head. LOL...he takes his homosexuality serious it appears.
You don't miss, love, care for people at all and your latter is predictably pathetic in that regard.
Even though Al promoted sexual perversion, he did it with a certain amount of intellectualism. Granted, I shot him down every time with the truth, but he always came back for more.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Apology accepted.

I had one guy state that he'd love to decapitate me and play soccer with my head. LOL...he takes his homosexuality serious it appears.

Even though Al promoted sexual perversion, he did it with a certain amount of intellectualism. Granted, I shot him down every time with the truth, but he always came back for more.
Apologies were certainly never your remit, even though you had your fair share to make if you actually had some humility about you and acknowledged your puerile and bizarre behaviour. The only person you ever 'shot', was yourself ironically, in your own foot no less. I don't support the anecdote you supply but eh, in one sense it might have ended up with you getting some more sense in it...


Apologies were certainly never your remit, even though you had your fair share to make
Going back to my earlier analogy using abortion, pornography and prostitution....

if you actually had some humility about you and acknowledged your puerile and bizarre behaviour. The only person you ever 'shot', was yourself ironically, in your own foot no less. I don't support the anecdote you supply but eh, in one sense it might have ended up with you getting some more sense in it...
Thanks for stopping by and bringing all of your drama with you. In the future..



Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:

Not "OK', as you're still promoting the homosexual agenda.

This thread "acknowledges" that homosexuality exists but doesn't defend, promote or condone it like you do, in fact it speaks the truth about it.
Give it up, CW.
The more people that you push out, so the lonelier you become.
LGBT folks live around where I live. A gay couple live down the road. The community just accepts them like any other couple.
There's this very tall lady who shops in the same store as we do. She has the typical female form only so much larger. She is so liked by everybody, all the staff, the other people who shop on Wednesday mornings which is how we noticed her at first. Once she was a man. If you cannot understand how to acknowledge such folks as her then I don't think that you actually learned how to love and understand at all.
I feel sorry for you, CW. Honest.


aCultureWarrior said:
aCultureWarrior said:

Not "OK', as you're still promoting the homosexual agenda.

This thread "acknowledges" that homosexuality exists but doesn't defend, promote or condone it like you do, in fact it speaks the truth about it.

Give it up, CW.
That will change major plans that I've made. When that inevitable time comes that comes to all mankind, I've instructed the following to be put on my grave headstone:

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

So you see, for that reason alone I can't "give it up".
The more people that you push out, so the lonelier you become.

Except that you nor anyone else knows how many lives this 6 part thread has positively impacted over the years. I've put a lot of information into this thread that not only shows how destructive homosexual behavior is, but how evil the homosexual agenda is. I've also shown these lost souls that engage in homosexuality/transgenderism and support the evil of the homosexual agenda, a way out of the lifestyle other than through the typical body bag that homosexuals are used to.
LGBT folks live around where I live. A gay couple live down the road. The community just accepts them like any other couple.

Either "the community" is ignorant about the homosexual lifestyle and agenda that goes with it, or they're supportive of immoral behavior and an evil agenda. I would suspect that there's some of both in your "community".
There's this very tall lady who shops in the same store as we do. She has the typical female form only so much larger. She is so liked by everybody, all the staff, the other people who shop on Wednesday mornings which is how we noticed her at first. Once she was a man. If you cannot understand how to acknowledge such folks as her then I don't think that you actually learned how to love and understand at all.

I wonder how many suicide attempts that this man pretending to be a woman has made in his lifetime? You're only hurting him by not trying to help him out of his mental and moral confusion.
I feel sorry for you, CW. Honest.
I hear that a lot from homosexual activists such as yourself, which helps remind me that I am "fighting the good fight".


Well-known member
aCultureWarrior said:
aCultureWarrior said:

Not "OK', as you're still promoting the homosexual agenda.

This thread "acknowledges" that homosexuality exists but doesn't defend, promote or condone it like you do, in fact it speaks the truth about it.

That will change major plans that I've made. When that inevitable time comes that comes to all mankind, I've instructed the following to be put on my grave headstone:

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
2 Timothy 4:7

So you see, for that reason alone I can't "give it up".

Except that you nor anyone else knows how many lives this 6 part thread has positively impacted over the years. I've put a lot of information into this thread that not only shows how destructive homosexual behavior is, but how evil the homosexual agenda is. I've also shown these lost souls that engage in homosexuality/transgenderism and support the evil of the homosexual agenda, a way out of the lifestyle other than through the typical body bag that homosexuals are used to.

Either "the community" is ignorant about the homosexual lifestyle and agenda that goes with it, or they're supportive of immoral behavior and an evil agenda. I would suspect that there's some of both in your "community".

I wonder how many suicide attempts that this man pretending to be a woman has made in his lifetime? You're only hurting him by not trying to help him out of his mental and moral confusion.

I hear that a lot from homosexual activists such as yourself, which helps remind me that I am "fighting the good fight".
Give it up, CW.
I am not an lgbt activist.
It is you who are an homophobic activist.


Give it up, CW.
I am not an lgbt activist.
It is you who are an homophobic activist.
You'll have to do more than that to steal away Arthur Brain's 'Queen of Denial' tiara that he's been wearing pretty much since this 6 part thread started. Of course you two don't come anywhere close to this county's real queen of denial:



Well-known member
You'll have to do more than that to steal away Arthur Brain's 'Queen of Denial' tiara that he's been wearing pretty much since this 6 part thread started. Of course you two don't come anywhere close to this county's real queen of denial:

See you later, CW.
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