aCultureWarrior said:
Good for you, as it's not only an extremely destructive lifestyle, inherently it's perverse.
As shown in the book that I posted above 'The Health Hazards of Homosexuality', it's an extremely physically, emotionally and spiritually destructive lifestyle.
Like every follower of Christ, I struggle with sin, but pray that He'll give me the strength to overcome those temptations the next time that they happen.
aCultureWarrior said:
So if homosexuality is not your thing, why is it ok for others to do it?
If you don't tell someone that they're engaging in an extremely destructive behavior, that's hatred of your fellow man. Wait, you aren't one of those who promote homosexuality but encourage "discipline" are you?
The world pretty much has adopted your view towards homosexuality and transgenderism. Heck, look the Presidential candidates, rainbow flag wavers even coming out of the allegedly conservative Republican Party
Do you mean have I ever experienced homosexual desires or acted on them? I've been asked that many times in this 6 part thread and answered as I am now:
While I would be the first one to admit that I am an 'ex homosexual" and hence put a plug in for the 'Ex homosexual movement' through personal experience, no, I have never had homosexual desires nor engaged in homosexual behavior. I was never molested as a child like most homosexuals were nor did I grow up in a dysfunctional home like many homosexuals have.
My sexual appetite for the female gender is quite healthy, in fact the temptations out there are one reason I pray to God regularly to help me overcome them.