Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Kit the Coyote

New member
So the Multnomah County Prosecuting Attorney charged Terry Bean, the founder of the nation's largest homosexual organization (Human Rights Commission/HRC) with 3rd-degree sodomy, which is a felony, even though the boy was at or past the age of sexual consent?

Either the Prosecuting Attorney for Multnomah County Oregon better read up on his State's statutes, or ole Kit Coyote has been caught in another lie.

In Oregon, it is illegal for an adult (someone 18 or older) to have sex with a minor (someone younger than 18), even if the sex is consensual. Those who break the law have committed statutory rape.


I stand corrected. The initial search I did of legal sites came up with 14 as the age of consent. Once I went back and dug in further it seems that only applies if the other parties involved are also teenagers.

That based on the other details I found, I find that I agree with you. Terry Bean is clearly a pederast and I join you in condemning him.

Oh, I did find out something else, it wasn't the monetary settlement that prevented the boy from testifying, though I am sure he didn't object to it in consolation, it was the prosecutor in the case outing him to his family and friends ruining his relations with his family and his life. It caused him such distress that the very idea of appearing in the court drove him to attempted suicide. It seems this boy was raped by Bean and the people supposedly wanting to help him.

Meaning that 8 out of 10 do engage in buggery, and I suspect on a regular basis, which as shown, causes/spreads all kinds of diseases, some of them incurable.

From what I could gather that 8 out of 10 is for entire life experience, less than half that practice it on a regular basis. And as pointed out by the CDC, education, and monogamy would solve most of the disease issue.

Studies from homosexual pedophile/sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey, who used convicts, homosexuals, prostitutes and the dregs of society for his supposed "studies"?

Have been largely replaced by more scientific studies using larger general population samples and controls precisely for the reasons you state.

Those early studies using prison populations and mental patients are the source by the way of most of the information you spread about the 'causes' of homosexuality. Particularly the claims that homosexuality is caused by abuse and trauma as a youth. Are you saying they are not reliable?

Because if they aren't then you have to fall back to Freud and his contemporaries who felt that homosexuality was caused by an arrested development. he thought that same-sex attractions were a natural phase you went through on the way to heterosexuality, that was not worth trying to cure and would likely cause more harm than good. Where have we heard that before?

I've noticed that you really avoid talking about two things that I bring up on occasion:

It just amazes me how many of the tactics you follow in After the Ball..." Kit, and use data from homosexual pedophile/sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey's books.

Ya know, since I covered all 3 books in Part 1, which was several years ago, I bet you'd like it if I discussed those books again, ey Kit?

I don't discuss them because I've never read them. I generally gather information through online searches and research. Since you insist on them, I have started shifting the CDC and NIH as top resources.

Surely you're not saying that Grinder has replaced good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.) are you Kit?

For the most part yes. That is one of the advantages of legalizing homosexuality.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Bill Oreilly called it right in this video (although I doubt that CNN gave it much coverage).


If the word got out that those involved with the homosexual movement were/are child molesters, chances are they wouldn't get the sympathy that they're currently getting.

But since the LGBTQ movement pretty much owns the mainstream media...

There are bad people in any group. I agree the Bean case is very embarrassing for HRC and the civil rights community.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Heck, Kit even confirmed that 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery.

So you are at least agreeing now that the myth that all gay men engage in anal sex is not true. Does this mean you have no problem with the million or so (based on the above percentage and LGBT demographics) in the US who don't?


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Heck, Kit even confirmed that 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery.

So you are at least agreeing now that the myth that all gay men engage in anal sex is not true. Does this mean you have no problem with the million or so (based on the above percentage and LGBT demographics) in the US who don't?

I like your LGBTQ optimism Kit: "The mass grave isn't 3/4 full, it's 1/4 empty." Kind of reminds me of the headline from the Bay Area Reporter 20 years ago when they celebrated the one day that they didn't post an obituary of a homosexual who died from AIDS.


Wait: 1998? And here we were told that the AIDS epidemic was confined to the 80's.

So 2 out of 10 homosexual males most likely don't have HIV/AIDS and won't contract it because they don't engage in buggery, something that is common amongst homosexual males.

"Celebrate good times, come on!"

If 2 out of 10 homosexual males aren't engaging in anal sex ("they're not real homosexuals") that must mean that they're disproportionately contracting STD's through other means (I have to eat later today, so I won't discuss what homosexuals do in their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc. etc. etc.)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So the Multnomah County Prosecuting Attorney charged Terry Bean, the founder of the nation's largest homosexual organization (Human Rights Commission/HRC) with 3rd-degree sodomy, which is a felony, even though the boy was at or past the age of sexual consent?

Either the Prosecuting Attorney for Multnomah County Oregon better read up on his State's statutes, or ole Kit Coyote has been caught in another lie.

In Oregon, it is illegal for an adult (someone 18 or older) to have sex with a minor (someone younger than 18), even if the sex is consensual. Those who break the law have committed statutory rape.

I stand corrected. The initial search I did of legal sites came up with 14 as the age of consent. Once I went back and dug in further it seems that only applies if the other parties involved are also teenagers.

(There's much work to be done for the pederasts and pedophiles of the homosexual movement).

That based on the other details I found, I find that I agree with you. Terry Bean is clearly a pederast and I join you in condemning him.

(Now that the founder of the most powerful homosexual organization in the world has served his purpose, Kit the Coyote throws HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean to the wolves).

I remember reading a statement from HRC regarding Bean: It never mentioned that Bean founded their organization, it said something to the effect that he was "one of several hundred men and women employed by HRC."

Oh, I did find out something else, it wasn't the monetary settlement that prevented the boy from testifying, though I am sure he didn't object to it in consolation, it was the prosecutor in the case outing him to his family and friends ruining his relations with his family and his life. It caused him such distress that the very idea of appearing in the court drove him to attempted suicide. It seems this boy was raped by Bean and the people supposedly wanting to help him.

That darned prosecutor, messing with the lives of youth!

Funny, one would think that all of the months that the youth assisted in the investigation of serial child rapist/HRC founder Terry Bean, he would have figured out that his family would find out. Chances are Terry Bean found himself a street prostitute and the family of the kid already knew what kind of life he was living.

In any event, a link to your source please.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Studies from homosexual pedophile/sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey, who used convicts, homosexuals, prostitutes and the dregs of society for his supposed "studies"?

Have been largely replaced by more scientific studies using larger general population samples and controls precisely for the reasons you state.

Those early studies using prison populations and mental patients are the source by the way of most of the information you spread about the 'causes' of homosexuality. Particularly the claims that homosexuality is caused by abuse and trauma as a youth. Are you saying they are not reliable?

Kinsey's books (based on "studies" by convicts, prostitutes and homosexuals) told what kind of things Americans are doing in their bedrooms. It was lies, married couples weren't engaging in anal sex and the other depraved things that homosexuals do.

We can talk more about Kinsey if you like, as I have tons of information on him, after all, he is consider the "father of the sexual revolution".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've noticed that you really avoid talking about two things that I bring up on occasion:

It just amazes me how many of the tactics you follow in After the Ball..." Kit, and use data from homosexual pedophile/sadomasochist Alfred Kinsey's books.

Ya know, since I covered all 3 books in Part 1, which was several years ago, I bet you'd like it if I discussed those books again, ey Kit?

I don't discuss them because I've never read them.

Uh huh.

I generally gather information through online searches and research. Since you insist on them, I have started shifting the CDC and NIH as top resources.

I just happened to be reviewing the 'bibles' of the LGBT propaganda movement last night and the following had your name written all over it: (from the precursor to "After the Ball...")

STRATEGIES OF THE HOMOSEXUAL MOVEMENT: "The Overhauling of Straight America"


A media campaign to promote the Gay Victim image should make use of symbols which reduce the mainstream's sense of threat, which lower it's guard, and which enhance the plausibility of victimization. In practical terms, this means that jaunty mustachioed musclemen would keep very low profile in gay commercials and other public presentations, while sympathetic figures of nice young people, old people, and attractive women would be featured. (It almost goes without saying that groups on the farthest margin of acceptability such as NAMBLA, [Ed note -- North American Man-Boy Love Association] must play no part at all in such a campaign: suspected child-molesters will never look like victims.)


In order to make a Gay Victim sympathetic to straights you have to portray him as Everyman...


You're a professional propagandist Kit, but you don't fool those of us who study your LGBT movement.

Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not saying that Grinder has replaced good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.) are you Kit?

For the most part yes. That is one of the advantages of legalizing homosexuality.

i.e. Grinder and other homosexual websites "expedite" perversion.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Heck, Kit even confirmed that 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery.

I like your LGBTQ optimism Kit: "The mass grave isn't 3/4 full, it's 1/4 empty." Kind of reminds me of the headline from the Bay Area Reporter 20 years ago when they celebrated the one day that they didn't post an obituary of a homosexual who died from AIDS.


Wait: 1998? And here we were told that the AIDS epidemic was confined to the 80's.

So 2 out of 10 homosexual males most likely don't have HIV/AIDS and won't contract it because they don't engage in buggery, something that is common amongst homosexual males.

"Celebrate good times, come on!"

If 2 out of 10 homosexual males aren't engaging in anal sex ("they're not real homosexuals") that must mean that they're disproportionately contracting STD's through other means (I have to eat later today, so I won't discuss what homosexuals do in their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc. etc. etc.)

And there you have it. If a gay man doesn't engage in anal sex then he's not a "real homosexual".


Kit the Coyote

New member
I like your LGBTQ optimism Kit: "The mass grave isn't 3/4 full, it's 1/4 empty." Kind of reminds me of the headline from the Bay Area Reporter 20 years ago when they celebrated the one day that they didn't post an obituary of a homosexual who died from AIDS.

Wait: 1998? And here we were told that the AIDS epidemic was confined to the 80's.

Yes, it is customary to celebrate good news. There has likely been more since then and hopefully one day that will be every day.

So 2 out of 10 homosexual males most likely don't have HIV/AIDS and won't contract it because they don't engage in buggery, something that is common amongst homosexual males.

If 2 out of 10 homosexual males aren't engaging in anal sex ("they're not real homosexuals") that must mean that they're disproportionately contracting STD's through other means (I have to eat later today, so I won't discuss what homosexuals do in their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc. etc. etc.)

And more who only practice it occasionally, use proper precautions, limit their partners to avoid exposure, etc.

You seem to engage in the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy a lot to explain people who don't fit your stereotypes.

(Now that the founder of the most powerful homosexual organization in the world has served his purpose, Kit the Coyote throws HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean to the wolves).

If he deserves it, yes I said as much before remember.

That darned prosecutor, messing with the lives of youth!

Funny, one would think that all of the months that the youth assisted in the investigation of serial child rapist/HRC founder Terry Bean, he would have figured out that his family would find out. Chances are Terry Bean found himself a street prostitute and the family of the kid already knew what kind of life he was living.

In any event, a link to your source, please.

Actually going back to the source it was the lead investigator who actually outed him.

The boy, identified in court records by his initials, MSG, is distraught that his sexual orientation was disclosed to his family, friends, and co-workers by the state's lead investigator, Deveny said.

"My client was outed by the detective in this case," Deveny said. "That undermined his support system," she said.

Kinsey's books (based on "studies" by convicts, prostitutes, and homosexuals) told what kind of things Americans are doing in their bedrooms. It was lies, married couples weren't engaging in anal sex and the other depraved things that homosexuals do.

If Kinsey's was the only study that found that you might have a point but a major backbone of sound science is repetition by others. And yes they found that married couples and unmarried couples engage in anal sex.

A 2010 study published by the NIH found on the subject of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse(HAI):
In our sample, 13.2% of women had engaged in recent HAI and 36.3% in lifetime HAI. Women of all racial and ethnic backgrounds and religions reported recent anal intercourse.
Correlates of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse among Women in the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth.

The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2010 published the study that found that 40% of women age 20 to 24 had tried what the NIH calls Heterosexual Anal Intercourse (HAI) and 20% had used HAI in the last three months.

A woman commentator in Cosmopolitan discussing the issue had what I find an interesting speculation. She suggested that more and more women were turning to HAI because:

We live in a pretty puritanical society, and many people are raised to prize maintaining their virginity until marriage. But with women marrying later if at all, it can be a pretty long road to happily ever after these days, and you gotta do something, so.…

"Anal was my 'everything but,'" a religious friend of mine confided.
Is Everyone Having Anal Without Me?

I just happened to be reviewing the 'bibles' of the LGBT propaganda movement last night and the following had your name is written all over it: (from the precursor to "After the Ball...")

So? All groups try to represent themselves in the best possible light and get their message out.

Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not saying that Grinder has replaced good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.) are you Kit?

i.e. Grinder and other homosexual websites "expedite" perversion.

So that it isn't necessary to engage in "good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.)" yes. If it is going to happen, I think you would prefer it to largely remain in private.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I like your LGBTQ optimism Kit: "The mass grave isn't 3/4 full, it's 1/4 empty." Kind of reminds me of the headline from the Bay Area Reporter 20 years ago when they celebrated the one day that they didn't post an obituary of a homosexual who died from AIDS.

Wait: 1998? And here we were told that the AIDS epidemic was confined to the 80's.

Yes, it is customary to celebrate good news. There has likely been more since then and hopefully one day that will be every day.

Yes, hopefully one day homosexuality will be recriminalized and those lost souls who proudly engage in it will realize that their lifestyle was a culture of death. See how different a Christian and a secular humanist define "good news"?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So 2 out of 10 homosexual males most likely don't have HIV/AIDS and won't contract it because they don't engage in buggery, something that is common amongst homosexual males.

If 2 out of 10 homosexual males aren't engaging in anal sex ("they're not real homosexuals") that must mean that they're disproportionately contracting STD's through other means (I have to eat later today, so I won't discuss what homosexuals do in their sodomy chambers, public restroom toilet stalls, public park bushes, etc. etc. etc.)

And more who only practice it occasionally, use proper precautions, limit their partners to avoid exposure, etc.

You seem to engage in the "No True Scotsman" Fallacy a lot to explain people who don't fit your stereotypes.

Since 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery (your statistic, not mine) it explains why so many homosexual males have HIV/AIDS (many of them don't even know it).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(Now that the founder of the most powerful homosexual organization in the world has served his purpose, Kit the Coyote throws HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean to the wolves).

If he deserves it, yes I said as much before remember.

Why the change of heart? It wasn't but a couple of posts ago that you were defending the serial child molester.

Quote: Originally posted by Kit the Coyote
So lets take a look at your claim. There is only one case made against Terry Bean, under the sodomy laws at the time and it was dismissed for lack of evidence since the alleged victim refused to testify. Terry Bean claims that he was innocent and falsely accused. Since innocent until proven guilty is a mainstay of US justice, his claim must be considered valid. But even if the accusation were true, the boy involved was over the age of consent in Oregon. He was never charged with pedophilia but with sodomy. Your snide remark about 12 year olds thus has no basis beyond perhaps your obsession with pedophiles.

Perhaps Kit the Coyote knows when to raise the lavender flag of surrender when it comes to defending one of the many pedophile and pederast icons of the LGBT movement?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That darned prosecutor, messing with the lives of youth!

Funny, one would think that all of the months that the youth assisted in the investigation of serial child rapist/HRC founder Terry Bean, he would have figured out that his family would find out. Chances are Terry Bean found himself a street prostitute and the family of the kid already knew what kind of life he was living.

In any event, a link to your source, please.

Actually going back to the source it was the lead investigator who actually outed him.
The boy, identified in court records by his initials, MSG, is distraught that his sexual orientation was disclosed to his family, friends, and co-workers by the state's lead investigator, Deveny said.

"My client was outed by the detective in this case," Deveny said. "That undermined his support system," she said.

No name, just the initials "MSG" is hardly being "outed". Remember that the boy, who appears to be one of many that HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean raped, was cooperative with authorities until the $225,000 settlement was made, then he mysteriously disappeared. Odds are that the death threats that the LGBTQ so-called "community" are well known for might have had an influence on his disappearance, but without a doubt the huge financial settlement did.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Kinsey's books (based on "studies" by convicts, prostitutes, and homosexuals) told what kind of things Americans are doing in their bedrooms. It was lies, married couples weren't engaging in anal sex and the other depraved things that homosexuals do.

If Kinsey's was the only study that found that you might have a point but a major backbone of sound science is repetition by others. And yes they found that married couples and unmarried couples engage in anal sex.

Homosexual pedophile Alfred Kinsey made it appear that sexual deviancy was common amongst married couples back in the late 1940's and early 1950's. He used homosexuals, convicts and prostitutes as his study groups to paint that false picture. After releasing his books on America, the sexual revolution followed (amongst other things glorifying out of wedlock sex, cohabitation, pornography, abortion and homosexuality).

A 2010 study published by the NIH found on the subject of Heterosexual Anal Intercourse(HAI):

..."Anal was my 'everything but,'" a religious friend of mine confided.
Is Everyone Having Anal Without Me?

You don't have to remind me that there are heterosexual perverts out there (they're the "A" in the LGBT etc etc etc acronym: "Allies"), without them the homosexual movement would not have succeeded in overturning Judeo-Christian based laws and destroying Judeo-Christian based culture in our once great nation.

That being said: It's interesting to note that even though there has been an increase in anal sex amongst your heterosexual allies, women still aren't contracting HIV/AIDS like homosexual males are.

"Folks, with 70 percent of the people in this country living with HIV being gay or bi, we cannot deny that HIV is a gay disease. We have to own that and face up to that."
-Matt Foreman, the former head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just happened to be reviewing the 'bibles' of the LGBT propaganda movement last night and the following had your name is written all over it: (from the precursor to "After the Ball...")

So? All groups try to represent themselves in the best possible light and get their message out.

Accept a compliment when I give you one Kit. You've presented an Oscar award winning act:

Happy married/monogamous heterosexual, with children.
Has same sex desires but doesn't act on them. They just came to him when he was a young lad and took interest in the men's underwear section of the Sears and Roebuck catalogue.

There's thousands of propagandists like you out there Kit, and you all fooled America bigtime, thanks to the propaganda tools handed to you by Kirk and Madsen.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not saying that Grinder has replaced good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.) are you Kit?

i.e. Grinder and other homosexual websites "expedite" perversion.

So that it isn't necessary to engage in "good ole fashioned toe-tapping and peeking through glory holes (etc. etc. etc.) in public restroom toilet stalls and anonymous sex in public park bushes (etc. etc. etc.)" yes. If it is going to happen, I think you would prefer it to largely remain in private.

I would prefer that these lost souls seek spiritual and if necessary psychological counseling to overcome their perverse desires.

Regarding Grinder and other homosexual 'dating' websites:

Are you aware that sex is the main focus on these websites aren't you?

And surely you're not saying that arrangements aren't made to meet in pubic park bushes and public restroom toilet stalls just because the internet is used?

Next up: Rainbow flag waver Donald Trump and his judicial picks (he's also begging his evanjellyfish base to continue to support him...like he has to ask).
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Kit the Coyote

New member
Yes, hopefully, one-day homosexuality will be recriminalized and those lost souls who proudly engage in it will realize that their lifestyle was a culture of death. See how different a Christian and a secular humanist define "good news"?

Yes, the 'secular humanist' is a realist that realizes that just driving it back underground will not be any more effective than it was for the rest of Human history. Far better to bring the wilder elements of under control and into society by using the same tools that society has always used for taming heterosexual passions, the encouragement of monogamy and marriage for one. The free love mentality of the 60's sexual revolution needs to be put to rest.

Since 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery (your statistic, not mine) it explains why so many homosexual males have HIV/AIDS (many of them don't even know it).

Yes, it is a major factor.

Why the change of heart? It wasn't but a couple of posts ago that you were defending the serial child molester.

Because despite your constant insulting implications otherwise, I am an honest person.

I made it clear before that I do not care who they are if a person is guilty of abusing children they should be punished to the full extent of the law. And as I researched further and found the full details of the case I realized that I was wrong. When that happens I admit it.

Funny, one would think that all of the months that the youth assisted in the investigation of serial child rapist/HRC founder Terry Bean, he would have figured out that his family would find out. Chances are Terry Bean found himself a street prostitute and the family of the kid already knew what kind of life he was living.

Funny how once it is clear the boy is gay you couldn't help virtually raping him yourself.

No name, just the initials "MSG" is hardly being "outed". Remember that the boy, who appears to be one of many that HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean raped, was cooperative with authorities until the $225,000 settlement was made, then he mysteriously disappeared. Odds are that the death threats that the LGBTQ so-called "community" is well known for might have had an influence on his disappearance, but without a doubt the huge financial settlement did.

The report was that he was outed to his family, not the whole world. Even if he was, he is a victim in a sexual assault case, common practice is not to print the name of the person.

You don't have to remind me that there are heterosexual perverts out there (they're the "A" in the LGBT etc etc etc acronym: "Allies"), without them the homosexual movement would not have succeeded in overturning Judeo-Christian based laws and destroying Judeo-Christian based culture in our once great nation.

Ahh yes, they are LGBT Allies because they don't want the government and busybodies intruding in their bedrooms.

That being said: It's interesting to note that even though there has been an increase in anal sex amongst your heterosexual allies, women still aren't contracting HIV/AIDS like homosexual males are.

"Folks, with 70 percent of the people in this country living with HIV being gay or bi, we cannot deny that HIV is a gay disease. We have to own that and face up to that."
-Matt Foreman, the former head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)

Yes, the US population as a whole benefitted that the disease entered the US in the homosexual population and didn't break out of it before we became aware of it and started education on prevention. Unlike Africa where the disease is broke out and spread in the heterosexual population.

Accept a compliment when I give you one Kit. You've presented an Oscar award winning act:

Happy married/monogamous heterosexual, with children.
Has same-sex desires but doesn't act on them. They just came to him when he was a young lad and took interest in the men's underwear section of the Sears and Roebuck catalog.

There's thousands of propagandists like you out there Kit, and you all fooled America bigtime, thanks to the propaganda tools handed to you by Kirk and Madsen.

And once again you demean my honesty and integrity.

I would prefer that these lost souls seek spiritual and if necessary psychological counseling to overcome their perverse desires.

Yes, and what you prefer and a dollar together will buy you a cup a coffee, though only a small one these days. I too would prefer that the wilder elements of the gay community were discouraged but if there is going to be some it is far better that it be in private.

Regarding Grinder and other homosexual 'dating' websites:

Are you aware that sex is the main focus on these websites, aren't you?

In the case of Grinder and a few others yes. But it was those types of anon one-night stand relationships that you were talking about.

Most gays are not meeting their romantic partners in parks and bathrooms. Which is why most conventional dating sites are now providing their services to homosexuals looking for more romantic long-term relationships.

And surely you're not saying that arrangements aren't made to meet in public park bushes and public restroom toilet stalls just because the internet is used?

Possibly but not likely in most cases when it safer to arrange something more private.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Yes, hopefully, one-day homosexuality will be recriminalized and those lost souls who proudly engage in it will realize that their lifestyle was a culture of death. See how different a Christian and a secular humanist define "good news"?

Yes, the 'secular humanist' is a realist that realizes that just driving it back underground will not be any more effective than it was for the rest of Human history....

That's the twofold intent of laws: To bring justice to those who commit crimes against others and society, and to keep (in this case sexual perversion) "underground" where sexual deviancy should be.

I've shown the homosexual 'culture' and how perversion has come out of the closet since it was made legal.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Why the change of heart? It wasn't but a couple of posts ago that you were defending the serial child molester.

Because despite your constant insulting implications otherwise, I am an honest person.

I made it clear before that I do not care who they are if a person is guilty of abusing children they should be punished to the full extent of the law. And as I researched further and found the full details of the case I realized that I was wrong. When that happens I admit it.

So prior to a few posts ago, you didn't know "the full details" behind HRC founder and serial child rapist Terry Bean's case, uh huh. Granted, outside of The Oregonian and brief coverage on CNN, this case like so many other homosexual child molestation cases has been swept under the rug by the mainstream media, but one would think that while visiting the homosexual pornography site that just so happens to have a political forum in it, that the Bean case would have been discussed in full.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Funny, one would think that all of the months that the youth assisted in the investigation of serial child rapist/HRC founder Terry Bean, he would have figured out that his family would find out. Chances are Terry Bean found himself a street prostitute and the family of the kid already knew what kind of life he was living.

Funny how once it is clear the boy is gay you couldn't help virtually raping him yourself.

He's yet another sexually confused youth that has been lead to believe by homosexual child molesters like Terry Bean that he was born with homosexual desires, will always have them, and that there's nothing that he can do about it.

No wonder that he, like so many other 'gay' youth, are suicidal.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No name, just the initials "MSG" is hardly being "outed". Remember that the boy, who appears to be one of many that HRC founder and serial child molester Terry Bean raped, was cooperative with authorities until the $225,000 settlement was made, then he mysteriously disappeared. Odds are that the death threats that the LGBTQ so-called "community" is well known for might have had an influence on his disappearance, but without a doubt the huge financial settlement did.

The report was that he was outed to his family, not the whole world.

So you're saying that a detective for the Portland Bureau of Police contacted the minor's parents and told them that he was a victim of sexual abuse by a prominent homosexual activist? If that were the case, isn't it better for the family to hear about it from law enforcement officials instead of through the media?

Even if he was, he is a victim in a sexual assault case, common practice is not to print the name of the person.

I did a pretty thorough internet search and the only "name" I found printed was the initials "MSG". Please supply the information that you've found with the victim's name.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You don't have to remind me that there are heterosexual perverts out there (they're the "A" in the LGBT etc etc etc acronym: "Allies"), without them the homosexual movement would not have succeeded in overturning Judeo-Christian based laws and destroying Judeo-Christian based culture in our once great nation.

Ahh yes, they are LGBT Allies because they don't want the government and busybodies intruding in their bedrooms.

Oh how well I remember that lie: "We just want to have privacy in our bedrooms." People actually fell for that.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
That being said: It's interesting to note that even though there has been an increase in anal sex amongst your heterosexual allies, women still aren't contracting HIV/AIDS like homosexual males are.

"Folks, with 70 percent of the people in this country living with HIV being gay or bi, we cannot deny that HIV is a gay disease. We have to own that and face up to that."
-Matt Foreman, the former head of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)

Yes, the US population as a whole benefitted that the disease entered the US in the homosexual population and didn't break out of it before we became aware of it and started education on prevention. Unlike Africa where the disease is broke out and spread in the heterosexual population.

I would hardly call the massive death of homosexuals from the 'gay' disease known as HIV/AIDS "beneficial to society", but then I don't belong to the culture of death.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Accept a compliment when I give you one Kit. You've presented an Oscar award winning act:

Happy married/monogamous heterosexual, with children.
Has same-sex desires but doesn't act on them. They just came to him when he was a young lad and took interest in the men's underwear section of the Sears and Roebuck catalog.

There's thousands of propagandists like you out there Kit, and you all fooled America bigtime, thanks to the propaganda tools handed to you by Kirk and Madsen.

And once again you demean my honesty and integrity.

Kirk and Madsen would be proud. BTW, are they still alive or did they perish at a relatively young age like so many proud and unrepentant homosexuals before them have?

Let's see:

Marshall Kenneth Kirk (December 8, 1957 – approx. July 28, 2005) was a New England Historic Genealogical Society librarian, and a noted writer and a researcher in neuropsychiatry. He is, however, best known as one of the co-authors of After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the '90s, a strategy for the LGBT movement in the 1990s.

Dead at 48. No information on Hunter Madsen, aka "Erastes Pill". Any information on him?

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Grinder and other homosexual 'dating' websites:

Are you aware that sex is the main focus on these websites, aren't you?

In the case of Grinder and a few others yes. But it was those types of anon one-night stand relationships that you were talking about.

Most gays are not meeting their romantic partners in parks and bathrooms. Which is why most conventional dating sites are now providing their services to homosexuals looking for more romantic long-term relationships.

Uh huh. Have I mentioned how amazingly well you follow the marching orders of the late Marshall Kirk and (unknown whereabouts of) Hunter Madsen?


Moving on...


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
As I told Al the atheist: the anus in a homosexual relationship is what the vagina is in a heterosexual relationship. I just ate dinner so I won't go into details as I don't want to throw up, but to put it bluntly, vaginal intercourse doesn't involve feces nor a tearing of the vaginal walls like anal sex does (and when there's tearing, there's blood and the potential for disease).

Chill Aart, it was a conversation that I had with alwight regarding how rampant anal sex is amongst homosexual males. Heck, Kit even confirmed that 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery.

WARNING! The health hazards of homosexuality revealed!

RECTAL SEX Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly. In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries,3 gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year.
Rectal sex is dangerous. During rectal intercourse the rectum becomes a mixing bowl for 1) saliva and its germs and/or an artificial lubricant, 2) the recipient's own feces, 3) whatever germs, infections or substances the penis has on it, and 4) the seminal fluid of the inserter. Since sperm readily penetrate the rectal wall (which is only one cell thick) causing immunologic damage, and tearing or bruising of the anal wall is very common during anal/penile sex, these substances gain almost direct access to the blood stream. Unlike heterosexual intercourse (in which sperm cannot penetrate the multilayered vagina and no feces are present),7 rectal intercourse is probably the most sexually efficient way to spread hepatitis B, HIV syphilis and a host of other blood-borne diseases.
Tearing or ripping of the anal wall is especially likely with "fisting," where the hand and arm is inserted into the rectum. It is also common when "toys" are employed (homosexual lingo for objects which are inserted into the rectum--bottles, carrots, even gerbils8). The risk of contamination and/or having to wear a colostomy bag from such "sport" is very real...

Something from Paul Cameron...no wonder you put it in a spoiler box.

Lets take a look

"RECTAL SEX Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly. In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries,3 gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year." Thanks to the link ACW provided we can find out that this statistics comes from: Weinberg G. SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL. NY St. Martin's, 1972, preface.

Cameron has a long history of making false claims about the research of others. This fake reference is particularly funny because SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL is a book about homophobia and the fact that homophobia is a mental illness.

Amazon.com includes the entire preface of Weinber's book: https://www.amazon.com/Society-Healthy-Homosexual-George-Weinberg/dp/031273851X GO read for yourselves

Kit the Coyote

New member
So prior to a few posts ago, you didn't know "the full details" behind HRC founder and serial child rapist Terry Bean's case, uh huh. Granted, outside of The Oregonian and brief coverage on CNN, this case like so many other homosexual child molestation cases have been swept under the rug by the mainstream media, but one would think that while visiting the homosexual pornography site that just so happens to have a political forum in it, that the Bean case would have been discussed in full.

Nope, I did a search and it never came up but that forum tends to stay more focused on current politics than this one. As you point out the trial seems to have been an obscure event and wouldn't have come up there unless it was part of DC or major state politics.

So you're saying that a detective for the Portland Bureau of Police contacted the minor's parents and told them that he was a victim of sexual abuse by a prominent homosexual activist? If that were the case, isn't it better for the family to hear about it from law enforcement officials instead of through the media?

Lacking any more details I could not really say. It seems clear that they did not react in a supportive way.

I did a pretty thorough internet search and the only "name" I found printed was the initials "MSG". Please supply the information that you've found with the victim's name.

I never found the boy's name, only the MSG reference that you did. Again this is pretty common practice in sexual assault cases.

Oh how well I remember that lie: "We just want to have privacy in our bedrooms." People actually fell for that.

I will let the FBI know you are all for them putting a camera in your bedroom. You actually think that average Americans prefer the government intruding in their private lives? That whole 4th and 5th Amendment thing must have been an error.

I would hardly call the massive death of homosexuals from the 'gay' disease known as HIV/AIDS "beneficial to society", but then I don't belong to the culture of death.

Beneficial only in that it could have been much worse.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Oh how well I remember that lie: "We just want to have privacy in our bedrooms." People actually fell for that.

I will let the FBI know you are all for them putting a camera in your bedroom.

The point of my above comment was that the homosexual movement constantly denied that they had an agenda. They originally stated that they weren't interested in changing invaluable American institutions (marriage, the family, the military, etc. etc. etc.), they just wanted to be left alone to sodomize whomever/whatever in the privacy of their own sodomy chambers (be that a bedroom, public restroom toilet stall, public park bushes, etc.).

Regarding your remark about the FBI (i.e. the government) putting cameras in bedrooms:

Might I suggest that Human Rights Campaign founder and serial child molester Terry Bean be put in charge of that department, as he has expertise in that area (oh and speaking of Grindr, it appears to be a homosexual pedophile/pederast hookup website as well).

Terry Bean's ex-boyfriend helped police find alleged 15-year-old victim in sex abuse indictment, former lawyer says

Portland police tracked down the 15-year-old boy whose testimony helped lead to the sex abuse indictment against prominent Democrat Terrence P. Bean and his former boyfriend, Kiah L. Lawson, after Lawson gave police the teen's phone number, according to Lawson's former lawyer.
Bean and Lawson are accused of setting up an encounter with the teen through the iPhone app Grindr, a mobile social network that helps men find "local gay, bi and curious guys for dating.''
The app advertises, "Meet the men nearest you with GPS.''
Bean, 66, and Lawson, 25, are accused of having sex with the boy at a Eugene hotel on Sept. 27, 2013...

The Lane County indictments follow a tumultuous relationship between Bean, 66, and Lawson, 25, that unraveled after Lawson discovered Bean had a hidden camera in the bedroom of his Southwest Portland home in the West Hills, according to Dickey.
Lawson had found Bean was surreptitiously videotaping his sexual encounters with Lawson and a handful of other men,
Dickey said. The falling out led to each taking out restraining orders against the other earlier this year, and Bean trying to evict Lawson from Bean's Jantzen Beach condo.



Terry Bean 66: founder of the Human Rights Campaign, the most powerful homosexual organization in the world; serial child molester, voyeur (and who with his 25 year old former 'boyfriend' were into pederast threesomes).


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Chill Aart, it was a conversation that I had with alwight regarding how rampant anal sex is amongst homosexual males. Heck, Kit even confirmed that 8 out of 10 homosexual males engage in buggery.

WARNING! The health hazards of homosexuality revealed!

Something from Paul Cameron...no wonder you put it in a spoiler box.

(Why is ...Dante answer for Aart?)

The spoiler with a WARNING! label is used (per TOL administrators advice) when showing or describing sickening homosexual behavior and/or culture.

Lets take a look

"RECTAL SEX Surveys indicate that about 90% of gays have engaged in rectal intercourse, and about two-thirds do it regularly. In a 6-month long study of daily sexual diaries,3 gays averaged 110 sex partners and 68 rectal encounters a year." Thanks to the link ACW provided we can find out that this statistics comes from: Weinberg G. SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL. NY St. Martin's, 1972, preface.

Cameron has a long history of making false claims about the research of others. This fake reference is particularly funny because SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL is a book about homophobia and the fact that homophobia is a mental illness.

Did you just say in so many words that Weinberg G. in his "Society and the Healthy Homosexual" stated same sex buggery is healthy? If there is something that is not true regarding the health hazards of buggery, then please refute it.

Here's the references that Dr. Paul Cameron used in his article:

1. Karlen A. SEXUALITY And HOMOSEXUALITY. NY Norton, 1971.
2. Pines B. BACK TO BASICS. NY Morrow, 1982, p. 211.
3. Weinberg G. SOCIETY AND THE HEALTHY HOMOSEXUAL. NY St. Martin's, 1972, preface.
4. Amici curiae brief, in Bowers v. Hardwick, 1986.
5. Corey L. & Holmes, K.K. Sexual transmission of Hepatitis A in homosexual men. "New England Journal of Medicine," 1980302435- 38.
6. Cameron P et al Sexual orientation and sexually transmitted disease. "Nebraska Medical Journal," 198570292-99; Effect of homosexuality upon public health and social order "Psychological Reports," 1989, 64, 1167-79.
7. Manligit, G.W. et al Chronic immune stimulation by sperm alloan- tigens. "Journal of the American Medical Association," 1984251 237-38.
8. Cecil Adams, "The Straight Dope," THE READER (Chicago, 3/28/86) [Adams writes authoritatively on counter-culture material, his column is carried in many alternative newspapers across the U.S. and Canada].
9. Dritz, S. & Braff. Sexually transmitted typhoid fever. "New England Journal of Medicine," 19772961359-60.
10. Dritz, S. Medical aspects of homosexuality. "New England Journal of Medicine," 1980302463-4.
11. CDC Hepatitis A among homosexual men --United States, Canada, and Australia. MMWR 199241155-64.
12. Christenson B. et al. An epidemic outbreak of hepatitis A among homosexual men in Stockholm, "American Journal of Epidemiology," 1982115599-607.
13. Jay, K. & Young, A. THE GAY REPORT. NY Summit, 1979.
14. McKusick, L. et al AIDS and sexual behaviors reported by gay men in San Francisco, "American Journal of Public Health," 1985 75493- 96.
15. USA Today 11/21/84.
16. Gebhard, P. & Johnson, A. THE KINSEY DATA. NY Saunders, 1979.
17. Bell, A. & Weinberg, M. HOMOSEXUALITIES. NY Simon & Schuster, 1978.
18. Jaffee, H. et al. National case-control study of Kaposi's sarcoma. "Annals Of Internal Medicine," 198399145-51.
19. Quinn, T. C. et al. The polymicrobial origin of intestinal infection in homosexual men. "New England Journal of Medicine," 1983309576-82.
20. Biggar, R. J. Low T-lymphocyte ratios in homosexual men. "Journal Of The American Medical Association," 19842511441-46; "Wall Street Journal," 7/18/91, B1.
22. Chu, S. et al. AIDS in bisexual men in the U.S. "American Journal Of Public Health," 199282220-24.
23. Cameron, P., Playfair, W. & Wellum, S. The lifespan of homo- sexuals. Paper presented at Eastern Psychological Association Convention, April 17, 1993.
24. Dooley, W.W. et al. Nosocomial transmission of tuberculosis in a hospital unit for HIV-invected patients. "Journal of the American Medical Association," 19922672632-35.
25. Schechter, M.T. et al. Changes in sexual behavior and fear of AIDS. "Lancet," 198411293.
26. Elford, J. et al. Kaposi's sarcoma and insertive rimming. "Lancet," 1992339938.
27. Beral, V. et al. Risk of Kaposi's sarcoma and sexual practices associated with faecal contact in homosexual or bisexual men with AIDS. "Lancet," 1992339632-35.
28. Testimony before House Health & Environment Subcommittee, 2/24/92.
29. Ciesielski, C. et al. Transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in a dental practice. "Annals of Internal Medicine, 1992116 798-80; CDC Announcement Houston Post, 8/7/92.
30. Rubin, S. "Sex Education Teachers Who Sexually Abuse Students." 24th International Congress on Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August 1988.
31. Cameron, P. & Cameron, K. Prevalence of homosexuality. "Psychology Reports," 1993, in press; Melbye, M. & Biggar, R.J. Interactions between persons at risk for AIDS and the general population in Denmark. "American Journal of Epidemiology," 1992135593-602.
32. Rodriguez-Pichardo, A. et al. Sexually transmitted diseases in homosexual males in Seville, Spain, "Geniourin Medicina," 1990 66;423-427.
33. AIDS Prognosis, Washington Times, 2/13/93, C1.

If you're interested in discussing (discussing means not running away) the contents of this book, which is much more updated than Paul Cameron's findings (his findings involved numerous other studies/medical reviews besides Weinberg G.'s) I'll gladly discuss them with you.

The Health Hazards of Homosexuality

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Kit the Coyote

New member
The point of my above comment was that the homosexual movement constantly denied that they had an agenda. They originally stated that they weren't interested in changing invaluable American institutions (marriage, the family, the military, etc. etc. etc.), they just wanted to be left alone to sodomize whomever/whatever in the privacy of their own sodomy chambers (be that a bedroom, public restroom toilet stall, public park bushes, etc.).

All civil rights movements have an agenda, it would not be a movement with goals. It started out with wanting to 'be left alone', in other words, stop the abuse of them as a minority and then as they gained acceptance it expanded to equal treatment. This is a natural trend of all civil rights movements.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
All civil rights movements have an agenda, it would not be a movement with goals. It started out with wanting to 'be left alone', in other words, stop the abuse of them as a minority ...

estimates of the numbers of pedophiles in the us population are roughly five times those of homosexuals

in other words, as a "minority" pedophiles outnumber homos by a factor of five


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
The point of my above comment was that the homosexual movement constantly denied that they had an agenda. They originally stated that they weren't interested in changing invaluable American institutions (marriage, the family, the military, etc. etc. etc.), they just wanted to be left alone to sodomize whomever/whatever in the privacy of their own sodomy chambers (be that a bedroom, public restroom toilet stall, public park bushes, etc.).

All civil rights movements have an agenda, it would not be a movement with goals. It started out with wanting to 'be left alone', in other words, stop the abuse of them as a minority and then as they gained acceptance it expanded to equal treatment. This is a natural trend of all civil rights movements.

Unlike other civil rights movements, this one is based on sexual perversion. "After the Ball..." taught you homosexual activists to downplay the agenda, as people weren't ready for perverts to amongst other things redefine the institution of marriage, adopt and mentor children and serve in the military. People in general didn't care what kinds of sexual depravity homosexuals were doing behind closed public restroom toilet stall doors, etc. etc., as long as they didn't have to see it. It was a simplistic mentality, as they didn't realize that an agenda was in the works and that disease was being contracted during those depraved sex acts. Besides, not caring about sinful behavior as long as you don't have to see it goes against Christian doctrine (Love God (and His institutions) with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as you'd love yourself).

Looking back at the opening post in Part 3, which is from over 4 years ago, I gave 4 main reasons as to why homosexuality MUST be recriminalized:

1). Infiltrating and redefining society's invaluable and important institutions. Since homosexuality was decriminalized, we've seen how the invaluable institutions of marriage and the family have been mocked by homosexuals in the name of "equality". We've also seen how these very very sick people through their evil agenda and political and cultural clout were able to enter and have a negative effect on other institutions such as the military, the media/entertainment, and youth mentor groups. I'll continue to talk about those institutions throughout part 3 of the thread, as well as go into other institutions (which I've briefly talked about, but will go into greater detail) such as education and religion.

2). The indoctrination of children and teens into accepting homosexuality as something 'normal'. By exposing toddlers and infants to homosexual 'culture' and being raised by homosexual 'parents', it starts children off at a very young age into accepting this perversion as something natural.
Two year old adopted twins of homosexuals at San Francisco's Folsom Street Fair

This indoctrination not only involves taking these innocent children to homosexual "pride parades" and festivals where all kinds of sexual debauchery are openly displayed in public, but indoctrinating them through the news media, entertainment and education.

The physical molestation of our youth has always been a big part of homosexuality as well, be it 'grooming' children into having sex with a homosexual elder, or the outright rape of the child. We've seen that the modern day "pioneers" of the homosexual movement were advocates of the pedophile organization known as the North American Man Boy Love Association, and it will be shown in the "Homosexual Pedophilia and Pederasty" segment that children have always played a major role for many of those that engage in homosexual behavior.

As seen in this Youtube video, compliments of our friend Peter LaBarbera at Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, proud and unrepentant HIV homosexual Walter Lee Hammond II has seen older homosexual males chase teenage boys "a thousand times".

Homosexual activists also use the force of law to take parental rights away from those parents who want to help their sexually confused child who is suffering from same sex attraction. Drafting and passing legislation that prohibits those children from receiving therapy is yet another form of child molestation.

3). Intolerance and violence against those that speak out against homosexual behavior or it's agenda and amongst those that engage in homosexual behavior themselves. Remember that these threats and violence are often times perpetrated against Christians whose only 'crime' is that they're attempting to share the Word of God with sinners.

Bakeries, florists and innkeepers who simply state that it goes against their Christian beliefs to cater to a faux homosexual marriage ceremony, have been fined, threatened with jail time, and ordered to attend "sensitivity training".

Professional athletes, the most recent being a football player who responded on a social network to an openly homosexual football player kissing his boyfriend with the word "horrible", was suspended, fined and sent to "sensitivity training" for his non politically correct view of homosexuality.

I'll continue with "violence amongst homosexuals" in part 3, showing the disproportionate amount of homosexual serial killers and the violence amongst homosexual domestic partners.

4). Disease and early death.

Throughout both part 1 and 2, reports have been shown that homosexuals are disproportionately contracting HIV/AIDS and various other sexually transmitted diseases through CDC and other medical organization studies. I've also shown why these terribly sexually confused people contract these preventable diseases, but will go into much greater detail in a segment entitled "Disease and early death amongst homosexuals".
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