Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Then society has no compelling interest in keeping adult incestuous relationships illegal? What would be the reasons for having adult-youth incestuous relationships illegal again?
From my research so far the compelling interest once you set aside the genetics issue is simply societal. The federal government has no ban on adult incest and the states vary on it. There are even some states that have no law on the books at all and never have.
A society that embraces same sex perversion really has no compelling interest to ban incest. Since you were hesitant to say it, I said it for you.
The adult-youth issue is primarily lack of consent with underage youths and whatever the state's law is above that age.
Laws aside (remember that homosexuality was a criminal act for the first 200 years in the US), age of consent can be changed or as I mentioned earlier, ignored. Then there's the case of HRC founder/child rapist Terry Bean. When the evidence weighed heavily against him, under the laws in the State of Oregon HRC founder/child rapist Terry Bean was able to pay the underage male that he raped a financial settlement and the case was over.
What in the world is HRC founder and child rapist Terry Bean doing with someone over the age of 12???
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Again, beef eaters don't need a cow's consent to kill and slaughter it, I don't know why homosexual activist Frank "I see nothing wrong with bestiality..." Kameny would have to have had the consent of an animal to have sex with it.
Explain your logic.
The law does not recognize the ability of an animal to give or withhold informed consent.
There simply is no legal framework for an animal to do so. Society and the laws do recognize that animals are sensing creatures and provide various protection of animals against abuse. To the best of my knowledge, all states categorize sex with animals as abuse and ban it on that basis.
I suppose that more LGBTQ/taxpayer funded studies need to be done to find out if what homosexual pedophile and supporter of bestiality Frank Kameny said is true:
"As long as the animal doesn't mind, and it rarely does."
It is an interesting note that as a sci-fi fan the subject of how laws are written for and about Human beings only is a subject that has come up in relations to extraterrestrials. Larry Niven observed that the way the law is written if Superman and Lois Lane were to have sex it would be considered bestiality under the law since he is not Human.
What I find "interesting" is that sexual perversion seems to be a subject discussed wherever you go.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Good point, as homosexuality is not morally superior to incest or bestiality, in fact it's probably more harmful from a disease aspect.
With SCOTUS's ruling on the supposed "right to privacy" that "slope" will be getting some action in the years to come (you pretty much gave your blessing to incest 'as long as consent is used and they're adults'.).
In the case of adult incest, you may be right, we will have to see how it plays out in the courts.
Heck, if the perversion that you embrace gets the nod of the courts, why not one where a son has sex with his mother?
Note, discussing the legal and social issues of incest or any other social issue is not giving my blessing. If you want my personal view I think incest is a bad idea because of the impact it has on family dynamics.
Try not to be too judgmental of your sexual anarchist allies Kit; if society ever comes around and gains an ounce of sanity again the behavior at the top of that 'slippery slope' will be recriminalized.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
What about diseases that are associated with oral/anal sex? While I don't want to discuss what homosexuals do in their sodomy chambers (and in public restroom toilet stalls, etc. etc.) as I have to eat tonight, the mixture of feces, blood, and semen can have very negative results for those homosexuals who are engaging in homosexual acts.
I would remind you again there is no sexual act that homosexuals engage in that is not also engaged in by heterosexuals.
As I told Al the atheist: the anus in a homosexual relationship is what the vagina is in a heterosexual relationship. I just ate dinner so I won't go into details as I don't want to throw up, but to put it bluntly, vaginal intercourse doesn't involve feces nor a tearing of the vaginal walls like anal sex does (and when there's tearing, there's blood and the potential for disease).
And as you have said, what happens in the marriage bed is none of our business.
Lie much? (is that a rhetorical question or what?) In a traditional marriage government has no compelling interest as to what goes on in the bedroom.
Society has, and has always had a compelling interest in condemning sexual perversion, which homosexuality inherently is.
It would be very helpful for people who do plan to engage in such activities on a regular basis to seek advice on how to do so in ways that minimize potential health risks. Your favorite web site the CDC has some helpful information on that. though it mostly focuses on the STD risk because it is the CDC. But there are plenty of sex education sites available too.
i.e. when engaging in homosexuality, one must read the rule book.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I must have missed where it said that monogamy and phony marriages lessen the risk. Could you point that out?
If it's "not there", it's "not there" for a reason.
Look at any CDC report and you'll find the "group" that is disproportionately (there's that word again) effected by STD's and HIV'AIDS is men having sex with men. One would think that if monogamy and faux marriage even helped lower those risks, the Center for Disease Controls would mention it.
It hasn't.
Once again, it is not there because the page is NOT TALKING ABOUT RISK REDUCTION. The CDC page on reducing risk from STDs, including HIV, says these are the effective means of reducing your risk:
- Abstinence: the only 100% reliable approach but as the results from abstinence-only sex education programs is showing, not very realistic.
- Vaccination: If a vaccine is available for an STD you might be exposed to get it. HIV does not have a vaccine yet but there is a drug treatment called PrEP that is 90% effective at preventing HIV infection if taken daily. Probably near 100% if used with condoms.
- Reduce the number of sex partners: A big one that needs to emphasize in the gay community. Marriage would be part of this as well as the next one.
- Mutual Monogamy: Marriage encourages this. The CDC says: "Being in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner is one of the most reliable ways to avoid STDs."
- Use condoms.
Wow, that's a whole lotta precautions that people who engage in homosexuality have to follow in order to (allegedly) not get sick and in many cases die.
Oh and Kit, the "mutual monogamy: marriage encourages this" statement on the CDC website shows a man and a woman.
Nice try.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It depends, what if consent is used? You've heard bug chasers haven't you?
Yes, a small fetish group of people who seek out the risk of HIV infection. While they should be discouraged, and I think some states have made it illegal but as you say they are consenting to this and are not spreading the disease to others. It rather like suicide, you can ban it all you want but if someone is really set on doing it you aren't going to stop them.
There's quite a pot pourri of perverted 'tastes' in the homosexual so-called "community", hence the dozen or more letters in the LGBTQ, etc. etc. etc. acronym.
And no, you can't stop suicide, but when you see signs of it (in this case at a societal level) you can do something to help prevent it, hence another reason "Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized!"
On that note: I've tired of your lies and endorsements of sexual perversion of every kind. In other words I'm:
moving ....(to the next subject).