Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 5

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Hitler had homosexuals interned in camps and murdered as you know. Please don't bother with an action replay of your bonkers revisionist bunk.


It appears that some people don't want to talk about one of the most famous homosexuals in history.

Thank you for acknowledging that homosexuals can be extremely violent though, i.e. murdering their own.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It appears that some people don't want to talk about one of the most famous homosexuals in history.

Thank you for acknowledging that homosexuals can be extremely violent though, i.e. murdering their own.

Was Eva Braun a man?

Thank you for providing yet another wingnut post for people to laugh or cringe at...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that some people don't want to talk about one of the most famous homosexuals in history.

Thank you for acknowledging that homosexuals can be extremely violent though, i.e. murdering their own.

Was Eva Braun a man?

Surely you're not speculating that Adolf Hitler was a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) are you?

Turns out like many homosexuals, ole Adolf was into coprophilia.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It appears that some people don't want to talk about one of the most famous homosexuals in history.

Thank you for acknowledging that homosexuals can be extremely violent though, i.e. murdering their own.

Surely you're not speculating that Adolf Hitler was a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) are you?

Turns out like many homosexuals, ole Adolf was into coprophilia.

Oh, well that was convincing and irrefutable. Nothing about him being gay in that either doofus considering it only mentioned women.

Really not much rattling about upstairs with you at all is there? Even the rocks have vacated the building...


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Surely you're not speculating that Adolf Hitler was a bisexual (the "B" in the LGBT acronym) are you?

Turns out like many homosexuals, ole Adolf was into coprophilia.

Oh, well that was convincing and irrefutable.

Surely you're not under the impression that I'm trying to convince you of anything are you Aart? Maybe way back when I might have, but those days are long gone.

Nothing about him being gay in that either doofus considering it only mentioned women.

It was well established by reputable German historians that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual. It appears that between sodomy with other males, he liked to have women do disgusting things to him as well (note that the author of the article stated that " Hitler was not capable of normal sex").

Really not much rattling about upstairs with you at all is there? Even the rocks have vacated the building...

I realize that this 5 part thread has been extremely hard on you Aart, and then I go and bring up again that one of the worst mass murderers in history was a homosexual...


Let's see what others have had to say about Adolf Hitler when it comes to homosexuality:

Dr. Walter C. Langer, who produced “A Psychological Analysis of Adolph Hitler, His Life and Legend,” which documents the Nazi leader’s hideous sex preferences wrote:

"Hitler derives pleasure from looking at men's bodies and associating with homosexuals.
"His personal body guard is almost always 100% homosexual.
"The belief that Hitler is homosexual has probably developed (a) from the fact that he does show so many feminine characteristics. And (b) from the fact that there were so many homosexuals in the party during the early days and many continue to occupy important positions.
"It does seem that Hitler feels much more at ease with homosexuals.
"Throughout his early adult life, in Vienna, in the Army, in Munich, in Landesberg, no informant has reported a heterosexual relationship.
"In fact, the informants of all these periods make a point of the fact that he had absolutely no interest in women or any contact." Hitler did have a girlfriend for 16 years, Eva Braun, whom he married just hours before committing suicide at the end of the war.
But he rarely had sex and the couple were childless.
At one point in the late 1920s, he was a frequent visitor to a friend's house in Munich that "became a kind of meeting place for homosexuals of both sexes".
Mr Langer added: "There was a good deal of drinking and great freedom in sexual activities of all kinds."

Then there's historian Siobhan Pat Mulcahy who wrote

'The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler'

Hitler had many gay partners, but his attempts at relationships with women proved disastrous, writes Siobhan Pat Mulcahy...

The Peculiar Sex Life of Adolf Hitler is the culmination of almost two years writing and research. It analyses all the phases of Hitler’s sexual experiences: His early mother fixation, his long-term homosexual phase, and his final years as a “reluctant heterosexual”.
During his childhood, Hitler was beaten viciously and often by his father, Alois, and adored by his gentle mother, who tried to protect him from his father’s whip and belt. Hitler later said that his fondest childhood memories were of “sleeping alone with his mother in the big bed” while his father was away at work. Throughout his life, his devotion to the memory of his mother Klara continued, but he rarely, if ever, spoke of his father.
For most of his life, Hitler was predominantly homosexual. In his teens and early twenties, he had a string of “exclusive male companions”, including August Kubizek, Reinhold Hanisch, and Rudolf Hausler. He shared accommodation with these men in seedy Viennese or Munich backstreets and in “homes for the destitute”...
From the outset of the war, he enjoyed a sexual relationship with fellow dispatch-runner, Ernst Schmidt which lasted almost six years. The relationship was not exclusive, however, and Hitler is believed to have had “sexual relations with a senior officer”. US intelligence later discovered that Hitler was never promoted during WW1 because of his “sexual orientation” and that he was arrested in Munich in 1919 for “pederasty and theft”. Indeed, former Nazi, Otto Strasser said that when Hitler became Nazi Party leader in 1921, “his personal bodyguards and chauffeurs were almost exclusively homosexual”. Two of these bodyguards, Ulrich Graf and Christian Weber, were expected to satisfy their boss’s needs whenever necessary.
Then, in 1924, when Hitler was jailed for treason in Landsberg Castle, he began a love relationship with Rudolf Hess, who was nicknamed “Fraulein Anna” and “Black Emma” by other Nazis. Their sexual relationship endured for many years until Hess, who was prone to hysterics became an embarrassment to the Nazi leader.


OLD LOVERS: Ernst Schmidt is said to have been Hitler's fella during World War 1

And this concludes this portion of

"Great people in LGBT history".

Kit the Coyote

New member
Quote: Originally posted by lovemeorhateme

Turing was not prosecuted under “child protection laws”. He was prosecuted for gross indecency under Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885.

It appears that more clarification is needed with what your pederast hero did:

Gross indecency is a legal term in the English-speaking world that was originally used to criminalize sexual activity between men short of sodomy, which required penetration.

Buggery by another name.

Reading comprehension problems again? I highlighted the relevant context for you. Buggery as defined in English law requires anal or animal sex and is only applied to those acts. "Short of sodomy" means that there was no proof that sodomy was committed. The law he was charged under would apply if they were just kissing and cuddling in bed, which was the reason it was created.

Since Kit the Coyote appears to be working his way up the ladder in his "Great people in LGBT history", I guess we should talk about the most famous homosexual in history:

The problem here is there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. It is a supposition and guess work drawn from propaganda materials created by the OSS during the war.

From the Wikipedia entry Sexuality of Adolf Hitler:

Two wartime reports by the Allies attempted to analyze Hitler psychologically. Walter C. Langer's 1943 report for the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) describes Hitler as having repressed homosexual tendencies and opined that he was an impotent coprophile. Psychologist Henry Murray wrote a separate psychoanalytical report for the OSS in 1943 that drew similar conclusions. Otto Strasser, one of Hitler's opponents in the Nazi Party, also told his post-war interrogators a similar story. British historian Sir Ian Kershaw describes Strasser's statement as "anti-Hitler propaganda".[1]

Kit the Coyote

New member
Hey, as long as we are going on loosely based claims of homosexuality in history here some others that are suspected of being gay and bisexual:

Sappho, Greek Woman Poet
Leonardo Da Vinci
Abraham Lincoln
James Dean
Eleanor Roosevelt
Marlon Brando
Joan of Arc
J Edgar Hoover
Pope Julius III
James Buchanan
Richard Nixon
Amelia Earhart

And yes the big one: Jesus Christ and several of his disciples.

Needless to say, it is easy to make the claim and it might be true but without real evidence it means little.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Surely you're not under the impression that I'm trying to convince you of anything are you Aart? Maybe way back when I might have, but those days are long gone.

You are aware that nobody takes you seriously right? The only thing you're convincing at is doing a spectacular impression of a gay obsessed, closeted nutcase.

It was well established by reputable German historians that Adolf Hitler was a homosexual. It appears that between sodomy with other males, he liked to have women do disgusting things to him as well (note that the author of the article stated that " Hitler was not capable of normal sex").


I realize that this 5 part thread has been extremely hard on you Aart, and then I go and bring up again that one of the worst mass murderers in history was a homosexual...

Dude, this train wreck hasn't been hard on anybody, except perhaps yourself. It's a running joke.


Quote: Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

It appears that more clarification is needed with what your pederast hero did:

Gross indecency is a legal term in the English-speaking world that was originally used to criminalize sexual activity between men short of sodomy, which required penetration.

Buggery by another name.

Reading comprehension problems again? I highlighted the relevant context for you. Buggery as defined in English law requires anal or animal sex and is only applied to those acts. "Short of sodomy" means that there was no proof that sodomy was committed. The law he was charged under would apply if they were just kissing and cuddling in bed, which was the reason it was created.

I stand corrected. When 41 year old Alan Turing was suspected of kissing or cuddling a 19 year male, he was given the choice of prison or what amounted to chemical castration.

Yeah, uh huh. Alan Turing, "the cuddlier".

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Since Kit the Coyote appears to be working his way up the ladder in his "Great people in LGBT history", I guess we should talk about the most famous homosexual in history:

The problem here is there is absolutely no evidence to support this claim. It is a supposition and guess work drawn from propaganda materials created by the OSS during the war.

From the Wikipedia entry Sexuality of Adolf Hitler:

Two wartime reports by the Allies attempted to analyze Hitler psychologically. Walter C. Langer's 1943 report for the American Office of Strategic Services (OSS) describes Hitler as having repressed homosexual tendencies and opined that he was an impotent coprophile. Psychologist Henry Murray wrote a separate psychoanalytical report for the OSS in 1943 that drew similar conclusions. Otto Strasser, one of Hitler's opponents in the Nazi Party, also told his post-war interrogators a similar story. British historian Sir Ian Kershaw describes Strasser's statement as "anti-Hitler propaganda".[1]

Langer's report dealt with Hitler's wartime activities. Langer had plenty of evidence to speculate that one of the great people in LGBT history was a homosexual. That being said: LGBT public enemy #3, Scott Lively (EX homosexuals are in the #2 position, and of course God is #1) chronicled Hitler's homosexuality in he and Kevin Abrams book

The Pink Swastika

And yes, I am aware that the child molesting sexual deviant movement and it's allies (Warren Throckmorton) haven't given Lively and Abrams' book the rainbow seal of approval, which of course to those seeking the truth, makes the book that much more credible.

If you would like to review the above information and attempt to refute any of it, "I'm your Huckleberry".


If you don't want to discuss the evidence found in The Pink Swastika we could always review openly homosexual Johann Hari's article:

The Strange, Strange Story of the Gay Fascists

… The twisted truth is that gay men have been at the heart of every major fascist movement that ever was - including the gay-gassing, homo-cidal Third Reich. With the exception of Jean-Marie Le Pen, all the most high-profile fascists in Europe in the past thirty years have been gay. It’s time to admit something. Fascism isn’t something that happens out there, a nasty habit acquired by the straight boys. It is - in part, at least - a gay thing, and it’s time for non-fascist gay people to wake up and face the marching music.


Hey, as long as we are going on loosely based claims of homosexuality in history here some others that are suspected of being gay and bisexual:

Sappho, Greek Woman Poet
Leonardo Da Vinci
Abraham Lincoln
James Dean
Eleanor Roosevelt
Marlon Brando
Joan of Arc
J Edgar Hoover
Pope Julius III
James Buchanan
Richard Nixon
Amelia Earhart

And yes the big one: Jesus Christ and several of his disciples.

Needless to say, it is easy to make the claim and it might be true but without real evidence it means little.

The smear campaign against devout anti communist J Edgar Hoover has been discussed in this now 5 part thread on at least two occasions. If you would like to discuss the smear campaign that started after Hoover's death, I will gladly do so.

Richard Nixon being a homosexual is news to me. Is there any evidence to support that claim?

And of course the mention of Jesus Christ/the son of God/God in the flesh only supports the 3 tenets of atheism that much more:

1). There is no God
2). I HATE Him
3). I HATE Him so much that I'll redefine Holy Scripture to meet my selfish desires.

What caused you to HATE God so much Kit?


New member
Excellent point. Prior to 1967 homosexuality was a criminal act in the UK. You can't have it a criminal act and have a homosexual age of consent law as well.

That being said: I would imagine that the UK had laws against child rape back then (i.e. child protection laws). Would someone who was caught in a homosexual act with another adult be treated the same as someone caught in a homosexual act with a child?
HA. got caught in another lie.


I'll be back to discuss homosexual California State Senator Scott Wiener's legislation that would take even more rights away from parents later.

'A baby cannot provide ... consent': Calif. lawmakers denounce infant intersex surgeries
“These surgeries should be performed only with informed consent by the person whose life will be permanently impacted."


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Richard Nixon being a homosexual is news to me. Is there any evidence to support that claim?

Completely missed the point, it just went right over your head.

Not really, because depending on what sodomite periodical you look at, many from your above list are touted as famous homosexuals.

Take for instance this one from LGBTQ Nation:


Granted, I understand that it's common for the sodomite movement to claim that those who speak out against homosexuality (i.e. Jesus Christ) are themselves homosexual, but I don't understand why Richard Nixon was on your list.

Kit the Coyote

New member
Next on LGBT hit parade: Tim Cook

CEO of Apple Inc and the first openly Gay CEO listed on the Fortune 500.

When discussing his homosexuality in a Bloomberg Business article he said, "I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me. Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. It’s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It’s been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It’s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you’re the CEO of Apple."


Kit the Coyote

New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Richard Nixon being a homosexual is news to me. Is there any evidence to support that claim?

Granted, I understand that it's common for the sodomite movement to claim that those who speak out against homosexuality (i.e. Jesus Christ) are themselves homosexual, but I don't understand why Richard Nixon was on your list.

I'm not claiming anyone on that list is or is not homosexual, they are just people who have had claims made that they are. I do believe some of them are but that wasn't the point. As for Nixon the claim was made in the book referenced below which also shows the ease at which such claims are made.

Was Nixon gay? No, but that doesn’t stop the rumor mill.
According to a book to be released Tuesday, “Nixon’s Darkest Secrets,” the former president and his best friend, Charles “Bebe” Rebozo, had a relationship of a “possibly homosexual nature.” But author Don Fulsom, a former radio reporter who covered the White House from Lyndon Johnson’s presidency to Bill Clinton’s, provides scant evidence for this claim.... Just a recollection from retired journalist Bonnie Angelo, who, in an interview with me, confirmed the story she told Fulsom: In 1972, she saw a tipsy Nixon pull Rebozo into a group photo at a Florida restaurant and hold his hand for “upwards of a minute.”


Not wishing to discuss the LGBTQ movement's most famous homosexual (Adolf Hitler) Kit the Coyote brings up another supposedly successful proud and unrepentant homosexual.

Next on LGBT hit parade: Tim Cook

CEO of Apple Inc and the first openly Gay CEO listed on the Fortune 500.

When discussing his homosexuality in a Bloomberg Business article he said, "I'm proud to be gay, and I consider being gay among the greatest gifts God has given me. Being gay has given me a deeper understanding of what it means to be in the minority and provided a window into the challenges that people in other minority groups deal with every day. It’s made me more empathetic, which has led to a richer life. It’s been tough and uncomfortable at times, but it has given me the confidence to be myself, to follow my own path, and to rise above adversity and bigotry. It’s also given me the skin of a rhinoceros, which comes in handy when you’re the CEO of Apple."


Wow, Tim Cook actually thinks that God made him with perverse desires. It appears that either Tim Cook likes to mock God like so many of his fellow proud and unrepentant homosexuals do, or has absolutely no understanding of Holy Scripture.

In any event, Tim Cook is one of many people in high profile positions that is leading a nation astray, children included (Psssst, Tim: God doesn't take kindly to your kind).


The Human Rights Campaign, founded by pederast Terry Bean, thinks highly of the way Tim Cook runs Apple, hence giving Apple a 100 score on their 2018 Corporate Index Rating.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Granted, I understand that it's common for the sodomite movement to claim that those who speak out against homosexuality (i.e. Jesus Christ) are themselves homosexual, but I don't understand why Richard Nixon was on your list.

I'm not claiming anyone on that list is or is not homosexual, they are just people who have had claims made that they are. I do believe some of them are but that wasn't the point. As for Nixon the claim was made in the book referenced below which also shows the ease at which such claims are made.

It makes no never mind to me if Tricky Dick was a sodomite, in fact with him selling out America to the Communist Chinese and other immoral acts (Watergate), it wouldn't surprise me if he was.

Oh and Kit, you're in a safe haven here. If you think for a second that you'd be banned for blasphemy (saying that Jesus Christ/the Son of God/God in the flesh is a pervert), one of TOL's most popular members stated that "Jesus approved of loving homosexual relationships".
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