Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Should check out his sex column "Savage Love" at TheStranger.com. If you really want to know what the face of sexual perversion and HATRED of God looks like, this is it:
In any event, I'm glad that you're acting like Dan Savage is some kind of decent human being instead of saying that he represents the far-out fringe of the LGBT movement. Like I said before, he's a respected icon.
He is a bit of a scamp, isn't he?
From heroic LGBT icon who has pro monogamy articles published in the NYT's to "scamp". Savage not only has been involved in threesomes in his own home (his two adopted children must be impressed), but he also believes that the forever grieving parents of the late gender confused Joshua Alcorn should have been brought up on murder charges for not embracing their son's gender confusion.
Dan Savage is more than a "scamp", he's the epitome of a true sexual degenerate. As mentioned, he's a well respected icon in the LGBT movement.
I did check out the advice column, in particular, the one that started the whole monogamy issue and I wondered how you would answer it.
He was responding to a bisexual woman who says she only finds sexual satisfaction with men but no romantic connections so she doesn't stay with one man. She only finds romantic connections (love) with a woman. She 42 years old so she is not a confused teenager...
So what would you tell her? Your usual spiel that puts her on the path to death and unhappiness?
There are hundreds of EX lesbian stories out there, many of them older women. Instead of having her seek advice from Dan Savage, who wrote an article about "good pedophiles",
I'd let them do the talking.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
When you use the findings of respected German historians it makes it's accurate.
I personally don't care if he was or wasn't. This from the wiki tells me all I need to know about him:
All you need to know about Hitler and his homosexual SS can be found in Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams
"The Pink Swastika".
If you want to refute anything from that book, please attempt to do so.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I laugh harder than that every time you use the word "monogamous" in the same sentence as homosexuality.
That being said: Remember that you admitted that 80% of homosexual males engage in buggery? (I'd say more do, but we'll go with 8 out of 10 figure). Putting aside all of the homosexual males that currently have HIV (many of them not aware of it), let's play pretend and say that neither Bruce or whatshisname came up HIV positive at their last monthly checkup. Here's what they have to look forward to getting:
And once again biology 101, you can't get a disease if no one in the relationship has the disease. You may laugh at monogamy among homosexuals but your claims to magic in relation to homosexual sex is the laughable issue. From the CDC:
As shown, numerous diseases are contracted from feces and are easily spread to others:
The anus is full of bacteria.
Even if both partners do not have a sexually-transmitted infection or disease, bacteria normally in the anus can potentially infect the giving partner.
...Anal sex can carry other risks as well. Oral contact with the anus can put both partners at risk for hepatitis, herpes, HPV, and other infections.
Kevin "fistgate" Jennings coming up next (as he deserves his own post).