Arthur Brain
Well-known member
1972 agenda, item # 7...
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
Legal pedophilia is next.
Oh not this paranoid slippery slope fallacy crap again...
1972 agenda, item # 7...
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
Legal pedophilia is next.
So your answer to the problem is to try and deal with the individual cases as they arise and not deal with the cause of the problem, that being the LGBTQueer movement as a whole?
Why is it that you want to take on the abortion movement, who because of their political clout, huge financial and mainstream media backing are able to kill well over a million unborn babies a year here in the US (I'm only talking about surgical procedures, not abortions due to pharmaceuticals)
1972 agenda, item # 7...
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
Legal pedophilia is next.
Oh not this paranoid slippery slope fallacy crap again...
As I talked about in the latter pages of Part 3:
In order for there to be "slope", homosexuals would have to be on a higher moral ground than pedophiles.
Regarding #7 on the 1972 'gay' agenda: Being that the vast majority of homosexual 'icons' were pederasts or pedophiles, I need not make my case any further.
Sexual orientation is NOT a crime. Crimes are committed by *individuals* ...
Because abortion is done for one purpose ... to kill an unborn baby ...
Heterosexuality and homosexuality is not based on the desire to intentionally harm another human being, but rather the emotional desire for companionship.
Rather, you have no idea about law, safeguards and legal precedent in relation to minors or abandoning age of consent laws.
Thanks for playing.
Since I have no idea: Why don't you give us your favorite speech where children are no longer forced to sweep chimneys which obviously means that they're safe from sexual predators. And tell us that children are better off in numerous states because their 'nosey parents' can no longer have say when it comes to their children receiving therapy for their sexual confusion.
They weren't safe from sexual predators back then either, which should really be bloody obvious even to you. Children had no voice whatsoever and unless you're gormless enough to think that child molestation is a recent phenomenon you'd do your homework and get with reality. Refute my position if you can in regards to age of consent laws and the protection of minors.
I'll wait while you realize you can't do it, blabber on about something completely irrelevant and shove it under the carpet with some crap cut 'n' paste and a selection of pride parade pics...
law, safeguards and legal precedent
(When homosexual activists use terms like "abusive perverts", they're really talking about those 'nosey parents' who don't want to see their sexually confused son or daughter engaging in a behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and often times a very premature death).
1972 agenda, item # 7...
7. Repeal of all laws governing the age of sexual consent.
Legal pedophilia is next.
no I'm talking about the perverts who claim to be therapists just so they can hurt children.
These pervert therapists use therapeutic techniques such as forcing children to remove all their clothing during both individual and group therapy sessions.
Nudity in front of the individual that the client has the "troubled relationship" with is encouraged as is “cuddling” If the father is unavailable then a substitute male (such as the "therapist") is used for this.
Fathers are encouraged to shower with their daughters.
Electrodes may be placed on the child's genitals in order to provide painful shocks and burns when the child is exposed to gay themed images....
And now for a little scare mongering from a LGBTQueer activist:
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
(When homosexual activists use terms like "abusive perverts", they're really talking about those 'nosey parents' who don't want to see their sexually confused son or daughter engaging in a behavior that brings nothing but disease, misery and often times a very premature death).
No people, homosexual activist TracerBullet isn't talking about what goes on in one of the HUNDREDS of "gay youth clubs" across the US, he's talking about AVERSION THERAPY,
which as shown below has been discredited by NARTH and other organizations that help sexually confused people with their unwanted same sex desires:
"National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) and International Federation for Theraputic Choice (IFTC), have all spoken out against the use of aversion therapy"
Perhaps homosexual activist TracerBullet can show me in this list of 35 therapy organizations that help people overcome their unwanted same sex desire which ones use AVERSION THERAPY?
And next on LGBTQUeer activist TracerBullet's "to do list" he can explain why the drag queens, fairies and bull dykes of the LGBTQueer movement banned ALL therapy for sexually confused youth in the numerous states that I've listed instead of just AVERSION THERAPY?
Awwww...seems that you don't like the facts about the abusive "therapy" they support being brought out into the open
Culturewarrior, NAMBLA does not even exist any more .
Furthermore, it is in NO WAY typical of gay men,...
Fact : The overwhelming majority of gay men are NOT pedophiles, and most are HETEROSEXUAL .
Jerry Sandusky , convited of mlesting young boys as a football coach , is a heterosexual married man with children .
The same is true of so many other pedophiles . The overwhelming majority of gays have NEVER approved of or supported NAMBLA .
You love NAMBLA and everything that it stands for. Quit conning people. You're really bad at it.
I think you and I are probably the only intelligent people on this thread.
I've decided not to waste my time anymore. Watching the stupid "Christian" who denies the gospel debate the stupid leftists who hate God and his law is just too much.
Thanks for the compliment from one whom I consider to have intelligence of a very high order. aCW's stupidity is unmatched, and liberal arguments only bait him to continue his drivel. Subtlety and complexity in thinking and in philosophical reasoning is not a forte of our era. :cheers:I think you and I are probably the only intelligent people on this thread. I've decided not to waste my time anymore. Watching the stupid "Christian" who denies the gospel debate the stupid leftists who hate God and his law is just too much.