When I run across articles like this I can't help but comment on them. (I'll call it "Those good homosexuals").
Christian Baker Jack Phillips Says Hundreds of LGBT People Have Backed His Rights Not to Make Gay Marriage Cakes
August 21, 2015
Christian cake artist Jack Phillips, who recently was told by the Colorado Court of Appeals that he will not be allowed to refuse to make same-sex wedding cakes if he wants to keep running his business, has said that hundreds of gay people have told him they support his religious freedom rights to not make such cakes.
Phillips revealed in an interview with The Daily Signal that while he has been targeted with death threats by some members of the gay community for his stance against baking same-sex marriage cakes, hundreds of others have backed his position.
The other day a guy from Daytona Beach called and left a message. He said he's gay and he wanted to offer his support, and gave me his phone number to call him back," Phillips said.
"So that's one, but there's dozens or hundreds of gays who say they think this is just not right [and is] politically motivated mostly. 'You have the right to turn us down and these people are making us all look like we're terrorists. … But we're not, we just want to live our lives.'"
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First of all: Who do you think voted in those politicians that passed legislation which denies Jack Phillips his religious freedom? (Those hundreds of homosexuals that allegedly support him).
What would those hundreds of homosexuals who allegedly support Jack Phillips do if he denied them employment or denied them housing because he didn't want proud and unrepentant homosexuals around his children? (They'd scream bloody murder).
What if Jack Phillips publically announced that he wants all homosexuals (including the hundreds that allegedly support him) to repent and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior so that they will spend eternity in Heaven, would they be supportive of Jack Phillips then?
Like GFR7 has done with his pro traditional marriage smokescreen, these people really don't care about Jack Phillips or his Christian values, they're just attempting to make it look as though not all proud and unrepentant homosexuals are radical (and as I pointed out with the above examples, they are.)