Our friends at MassResistance are dealing with the LGBTQueer crowd and legislation attempting to take parental rights away in Massachusetts when it comes to helping sexually/gender confused children with therapy:
Public hearing Tuesday on hateful bill to ban needed counseling for youth on “sexual orientation” issues. Huge push by national LGBT movement.
Rejected by 20 state legislatures, the big target is now Massachusetts. COME and TESTIFY on Tuesday, July 28 if possible! (See below)
POSTED: July 23, 2015
The fight to protect children from radical activists continues in Massachusetts. For the second time, the well-funded national LGBT movement is attempting to pass a bill that would ban professional counseling that would help youth deal with sexual-orientation or sexual identity problems. (And it's being in states pushed across the US.)
VIDEO: This very moving video a therapist tells his personal story: "Reparative therapy saved my life. I was one of those 5-year-old boys who was sexually abused . . . Very often homosexual feelings arise in puberty because of one's sexual abuse. . . I didn't know how to deal with those issues." From 2012 NARTH conference.
Putting vulnerable kids in danger to support an ideology
Homosexuality is very often a result of early sexual trauma (such as sexual molestation, exposure to pornography, abuse, etc.) or serious issues with one or both parents. Young people who have emotional problems can be drawn into homosexuality by others. Skilled mental health professionals can often successfully help them work out the resulting same-sex attraction or gender-identity issues and heal their often severe emotional wounds.
If youth can be helped when they are starting down the road to same-sex behavior or gender identity confusion, it can save them years of pain, depression, disease, and even suicide. We've personally seen situations where such help has had incredible positive effects on teenagers and changed their lives wonderfully.
But the homosexual movement wants to make it illegal to help children. They are obsessed forcing all people to believe the false concept that they are "born that way." Passing this cruel bill in order to perpetuate and enforce that myth is a top priority for the Massachusetts homosexual lobby.
They also are fixated on attempting to discredit the growing numbers of ex-gays -- people who have been healed from their same-sex addictions. This phenomenon greatly angers the LGBT movement and there are great efforts made to deny the existence of ex-gays and to viciously attack them whenever possible.
Dishonest and deceitful lobbying tactics
Two years ago, at the July 16, 2013 public hearing for the previous bill
we saw first-hand what we were up against. Major regional and national homosexual activists, organized by the state's homosexual lobby, came and testified about how “conversion therapy” allegedly harms children.
It's basically a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned up hysteria...
Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/15c/Anti-therapy-bill-hearing_072815/coming-up.html
Public hearing Tuesday on hateful bill to ban needed counseling for youth on “sexual orientation” issues. Huge push by national LGBT movement.
Rejected by 20 state legislatures, the big target is now Massachusetts. COME and TESTIFY on Tuesday, July 28 if possible! (See below)
POSTED: July 23, 2015
The fight to protect children from radical activists continues in Massachusetts. For the second time, the well-funded national LGBT movement is attempting to pass a bill that would ban professional counseling that would help youth deal with sexual-orientation or sexual identity problems. (And it's being in states pushed across the US.)
VIDEO: This very moving video a therapist tells his personal story: "Reparative therapy saved my life. I was one of those 5-year-old boys who was sexually abused . . . Very often homosexual feelings arise in puberty because of one's sexual abuse. . . I didn't know how to deal with those issues." From 2012 NARTH conference.
David Pickup NARTH 2012 Press Conference | |
Putting vulnerable kids in danger to support an ideology
Homosexuality is very often a result of early sexual trauma (such as sexual molestation, exposure to pornography, abuse, etc.) or serious issues with one or both parents. Young people who have emotional problems can be drawn into homosexuality by others. Skilled mental health professionals can often successfully help them work out the resulting same-sex attraction or gender-identity issues and heal their often severe emotional wounds.
If youth can be helped when they are starting down the road to same-sex behavior or gender identity confusion, it can save them years of pain, depression, disease, and even suicide. We've personally seen situations where such help has had incredible positive effects on teenagers and changed their lives wonderfully.
But the homosexual movement wants to make it illegal to help children. They are obsessed forcing all people to believe the false concept that they are "born that way." Passing this cruel bill in order to perpetuate and enforce that myth is a top priority for the Massachusetts homosexual lobby.
They also are fixated on attempting to discredit the growing numbers of ex-gays -- people who have been healed from their same-sex addictions. This phenomenon greatly angers the LGBT movement and there are great efforts made to deny the existence of ex-gays and to viciously attack them whenever possible.
Dishonest and deceitful lobbying tactics
Two years ago, at the July 16, 2013 public hearing for the previous bill
we saw first-hand what we were up against. Major regional and national homosexual activists, organized by the state's homosexual lobby, came and testified about how “conversion therapy” allegedly harms children.
It's basically a campaign of disinformation, propaganda, and ginned up hysteria...
Read more: http://www.massresistance.org/docs/gen2/15c/Anti-therapy-bill-hearing_072815/coming-up.html