Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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... now as far as your thread topic of re-criminalizing it, how would we do that ac dub ?

I wanted to address this before I post the table of contents and start the new segment.

1). Become politically active by voting in social conservative candidates at the local, state and federal level. Get involved at your precinct level prior to that to make certain that social conservative candidates are nominated.

When social conservative candidates are elected, stay on them to make certain that they legislate pro traditional family laws (repealing unconstitutional legislation such as Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges, thus giving the respective States the right to make those decisions until something is done (a Constitutional Amendment) to protect traditional family values).

2). Take back our culture through our Education system. A well informed populace is the key to taking back our culture. Once the populace is informed, they'll no longer tolerate the lies that the mainstream news media puts out. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and Faux News will all collapse making way for news organizations that speaks the Truth.

I hope that answered your question.


Since so many of TOL's pagans and atheists (and even some who call themselves Christian) use the word "consent" to justify sexual activities (some use the phrase "between 2 consenting adults", others use the phrase "between consenting adults", while others say "between consenting people") I thought that I would share this article showing how morally confused these people are.

The limits of consent

Consent only has value when it is based on knowledge of what is truly good for us.

Oct 1, 2015

Earlier this year, an article in New York Magazine featured a story involving an eighteen-year-old woman who plans to marry and have children with her father. When the interviewer asked her to respond to those who might question her relationship, she offered the following reply:

I just don’t understand why I’m judged for being happy. We are two adults who brought each other out of dark places ... When you are 18 you know what you want. You’re an adult under the law and you’re able to consent.

Her reasoning is typical of contemporary liberal approaches to sexual morality, which are usually justified by appealing to mutual consent. So long as an activity is performed in private between consenting adults, it is argued, there can be nothing inherently objectionable about what they do. Why? Because they have given their consent, and consent is what matters most when it comes to one’s decision to engage in sexual activity.

The implications of this position are far-reaching. Many have invoked the consent principle to argue for the permissibility of polyamory and consensual incest. Once we view the morality of sex as being determined only by mutual agreement, then it becomes very hard to make any principled distinctions about the shape of sexual relationships.

When Consent Goes Wrong

There are a number of problems with this way of understanding sex. The most obvious problem with basing sexual morality on consent is that we can consent to things that are bad for us. Here we need only to think of those who deliberately cut themselves, desire the amputation of a healthy limb, or intentionally neglect their own health. These persons may have consented to engage in these activities, but their exercise of autonomy is nevertheless bad and self-destructive. So the mere fact that we may agree to do something does not show that what we are doing is morally permissible.

The defender of liberal sexual morality might respond by making a distinction between consent and informed consent. The self-harmer may choose to engage in these activities, but he does so without the full knowledge and understanding of the self-destructive effects that accompany them. If he really knew what he were about to do, then things might have turned out differently.

But this response is problematic for a number of reasons. If informed consent is just a matter of knowing the risks of one’s actions, then it is quite conceivable that someone may still freely choose to pursue self-destructive actions, having understood and accepted the risks. Yet there still seems to be something deeply wrong with a person who chooses to engage in self-destructive activities, even if he understands the risks of what he is doing...

The Purpose of Freedom Sexual liberalism’s misguided view of consent is a symptom of a deeper problem: we have forgotten what it means to be free. Our power of free choice, like the rest of our nature, has a purpose. The point of freedom is not to choose whatever we want, but to choose only those ends that are in accordance with our rational human nature. It is this exercise of freedom that gives rise to self-mastery. This classical understanding of freedom was best expressed by Samuel West, in a sermon delivered to the Massachusetts legislature in 1776:

The most perfect freedom consists in obeying the dictates of right reason, and submitting to natural law. When a man goes beyond or contrary to the law of nature and reason, he becomes the slave of base passions and vile lusts; he introduces confusion and disorder into society, and brings misery and destruction upon himself. This, therefore, cannot be called a state of freedom, but a state of the vilest slavery and the most dreadful bondage. The servants of sin and corruption are subjected to the worst kind of tyranny in the universe. Hence we conclude that where licentiousness begins, liberty ends...

We must first look to human nature and understand the goods that fulfill it. Only then can we really understand what it means to be free. Appeals to consent, autonomy, liberty, and harm all rest on moral assumptions that need to be justified. While conservatives have offered powerful defenses of their moral assumptions, this task has been ignored by defenders of liberal sexual morality.

Read more: http://www.mercatornet.com/articles/view/the-limits-of-consent



In these first 20 pages of Part 4 there are a wide variety of topics being discussed: aversion therapy (vs. conversion therapy); more testimonials by EX homosexuals and the out and out hatred of those brave souls by the LGBTQueer movement. I've reviewed the harm that allowing homosexuals into the military has done to our armed forces by using articles from the pro military website "Center for Military Readiness" as evidence. The SCOTUS Obergefell v Hodges ruling was discussed along with the basis of the ruling: the supposed "right to privacy", which will have a negative impact on our culture and laws down the road if people who believe in decency don't become active. And let's not forget how the United Kingdom's leading homosexual activist (Peter Tatchell) justifies sex with children (in his own words). If you think that American homosexual activists are any different than Tatchell, then you haven't been paying close attention to this 4 part thread.

Table of contents for pages 1-20

Opening post, table of contents and extensive index; page 1, post's 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9

The communist "Workers World" sides with the LGBTQueer movement on hatred of the US criminal justice system/police; page 2, post #21

A review of some EX homosexual testimonies and a pictorial of LGBTQueer harassment of EX homosexuals; page 2, post #27

Openly homosexual football player Michael Sam's immoral life finally catches up with him (link to Dr. Michael Brown's article "Let's Pray for Michael Sam"); page 3, post #37

LGBTQueer activist TracerBullet continues to mock EX homosexuals with an attack against JONAH (Jews Offering New Alternatives for Healing); page 3, post #43

'Gay' Marriage- Nothing New Under the Sun (article showing the moral debauchery of ancient Rome); page 4, post #55

How the Supreme Court’s gay ‘marriage’ ruling is tied to abortion and contraception (it all comes down to the ideology of "the right to privacy", link to article); page 6, post #78

Five Lessons From The Hacking Of An Adultery Website (the Ashley Madison scandal); page 6, post #84

Pentagon Social Policies Increase Military Sexual Assaults (information from the Center for Military Readiness); page 7, post #'s 91 & 105

AFTAH's Peter LaBarbera denied access to "Sexual Freedom Summit" (what have they got to hide?); page 10, post #147

AFTAH VIDEO: Scott Lively Describes ‘Malicious Deception’ of Homosexual Activists – Says Obergefell Ushers in ‘Forced Participation in Gay Culture’ (Lively describes the five stages of the incremental homosexual activist advance in societies: 1) Tolerance; 2) Acceptance; 3) Celebration; 4) “Forced participation in gay culture”; and 5) Punishment of dissenters); page 12, post #173

MassResistance article and video (by psychologist and EX homosexual David Pickup) showing how LGBTQueer activists are attempting to ban therapy to help sexually and gender confused youth in Massachusetts; page 13 post #181

'Marriage Equality' Groups Rally to Decriminalize Prostitution; Denounce Laws Against 'Sexual Exchange'; page 13, post #182

lovemeorhateme (aka Pete) returns to take further jabs at aCW's ...."method"; page 13, post #189; and leaves without responding to aCW's questions, page 14, post #197

LGBTQueer activist and scaremonger TracerBullet talks about NARTH and aversion therapy (but doesn't supply answers to questions asked by aCW); page 14, post #205

LGBTQueer movement in Massachusetts put's forth legislation to decriminalize bestiality; page 14, post #207

Stabbing for Sodomy: A Christian man was stabbed simply for disapproving of sodomy (it must have been the Mennonite's..."method"); page 14, post #209

Poor misunderstood UK homosexual activist Peter Tatchell explains what he really meant by wanting to lower the age of sexual consent and that not all adult-child sex is "unwanted, abusive and harmful"; page 15, post #216; Pedophile/pederast (i.e. "boy love") book "Dares to Speak" exposed; post #218; book linked to Journal of Paedophilia; post #220; "sexual rights are human rights", page 16, post #227

Great news, Oregon. 15 year olds can now get govt funded sex change surgery without parental permission (thanks in part to bisexual Governor... the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym...Kate Brown); page 15, post #223

Alleged victim in [HRC founder and accused pederast] Terry Bean case is now AWOL, prosecutor says; trial can’t begin without him; page 15, post #225

Fox News exposed for recruiting at LGBTQ journalist conference and anchor Megan Kelly for being soft on homosexuality; page 16, post #s 233 & 237

Hollywood Retail Folds to LGBT Pressure and Pulls Caitlyn Jenner Costume (more death threats from the tolerant LGBTQueer so-called "community"); page 17, post #243

Inside Virginia shooter Bryce Williams' home: Unwashed sex toys, gay porn, cat faeces and pictures of himself reporting; page 17, post #245

Ted Cruz Targets Over 100,000 Pastors as he Launches New Church-based Campaign Push; page 17, post #249

If godly men should stay out of politics, God is the biggest offender (aCW responds to annabenedetti's claim that Christians should stay out of the political realm with a Bryan Fischer article showing otherwise); page 17 post #251

Two articles on how pedophiles/pederasts "groom" their child victims as well as their parents; page 17, post #253
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From another thread: (moved here so as to not to derail a thread that has nothing to do with homosexuality).

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There is no doubt in my mind that you were in one of my threads defending the decriminalization of homosexuality?

Nope. Homosexuality is not a criminal offence in either of our countries, so there is nothing to defend. I would certainly however oppose your desire to recriminalise it.

So you admit that you were in Part 2 of my WHMBR! thread defending the decriminalization of homosexuality and here in Part 4 continue to defend it?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Was it you that believed that people who engage in a deviant sexual behavior should have "rights" when it comes to employment, housing and other matters?

So you can call yourself a "Christian" and still defend immoral laws and immoral behaviors, things that God abhors?

How is that possible? (Feel free to call Grosnick Marowbe or Patrick Jane for backup if you feel the need).


So which is it, did Pope Francis meet with Kim Davis or meet with an openly proud and unrepentant sodomite couple while here in the US, or both?

The real story behind the pope’s meeting with Kim Davis

Actually, this is the real story behind the Pope's meeting with Kim Davis

CNN Exclusive: Pope held private meeting with same-sex couple in U.S.

One must keep in mind that Pope Frank was given the Person of the Year award by the sodomites at The Advocate.


Pro illegal immigration, pro climate change hoax, Pope Frank is a fraud and does support homosexuality.
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Brilliant strategy Hilary, kowtow to 2% of the vote.

Clinton promotes gay rights as a main pillar of 2016 bid


Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday delivered the strongest speech in support of gay rights in the 2016 presidential race on Saturday, promising that ending discrimination against gay, lesbian and transgender people would be a central pillar of her administration.

I see the injustices and the dangers that you and your families still face," she told hundreds of gay activists at the annual meeting of the Human Rights Campaign. "I'm running for president to stand up for the fundamental rights of LGBT Americans."

She added: "That's a promise from one HRC to another."

The statement marked a remarkable evolution for Clinton, who opposed same-sex marriage for more than two decades in public life as first lady, senator and presidential candidate...

Read more: http://news.yahoo.com/clinton-makes-gay-rights-core-promise-2016-campaign-154346018--election.html


LGBTQueer "fundamental rights":

1). The "fundamental right" to contract deadly incurable STD's.
2). The "fundamental right" to mentally, spiritually and physically molest innocent children.
3). The "fundamental right" to tell parents that they can't help their sexually/gender confused youth through therapy.
4). The "fundamental right" to change invaluable institutions, including the Church, which according to LGBTQueer doctrine, now accepts something that God has always abhorred.

Etc. etc. etc.

patrick jane

I wanted to address this before I post the table of contents and start the new segment.

1). Become politically active by voting in social conservative candidates at the local, state and federal level. Get involved at your precinct level prior to that to make certain that social conservative candidates are nominated.

When social conservative candidates are elected, stay on them to make certain that they legislate pro traditional family laws (repealing unconstitutional legislation such as Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges, thus giving the respective States the right to make those decisions until something is done (a Constitutional Amendment) to protect traditional family values).

2). Take back our culture through our Education system. A well informed populace is the key to taking back our culture. Once the populace is informed, they'll no longer tolerate the lies that the mainstream news media puts out. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and Faux News will all collapse making way for news organizations that speaks the Truth.

I hope that answered your question.

Very well, yes it sounds like you do have a plan and an outline, and it starts with each and every one of us and our families and neighbors.


Returning to "Speechless: Silencing the Christians"

[yt="Speechless: Silencing the Christians", Part 4 of 7, Hate Crimes]pYdq67e_wjc[/yt]

10 minutes


So which is it, did Pope Francis meet with Kim Davis or meet with an openly proud and unrepentant sodomite couple while here in the US, or both?

The real story behind the pope’s meeting with Kim Davis

Actually, this is the real story behind the Pope's meeting with Kim Davis

CNN Exclusive: Pope held private meeting with same-sex couple in U.S.

One must keep in mind that Pope Frank was given the Person of the Year award by the sodomites at The Advocate.


Pro illegal immigration, pro climate change hoax, Pope Frank is a fraud and does support homosexuality.
While many commend your enthusiasm, I sincerely doubt his statements about homosexual faux marriage were taken seriously by the media. Pope Francis other statements being political correctile were given plenty of comment. Thusly, I have to disagree with ACW. The Pope isn't gay; we just haven't found his [once] pregnant concubine-nun yet.
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Regarding Pope Francis' recent meeting with Kim Davis and a old friend/former student who is a proud and unrepentant homosexual:

While many commend your enthusiasm, I sincerely doubt his statements about homosexual faux marriage were taken seriously by the media. Pope Francis other statements being political correctile were given plenty of comment. Thusly, I have to disagree with ACW. The Pope isn't gay; we just haven't found his pregnant concubine-nun yet.

Who said or implied that the Pope is a practicing sodomite? I'm simply pointing out (and I covered the topic extensively in Part 1) as Catholic scholars have, that there are powerful forces inside the Catholic Church promoting and defending homosexuality.



It appears that the protestants have their own version of Pope Frank in a fraud that goes by the name of Russell Moore.

Back later with that information.



Matthew 7:15

One such wolf is Russell Moore, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.

What Should Christians Think of Governments That Criminalize Homosexuality?

by Russell Moore and Andrew Walker

March 3, 2014

On Saturday, the New York Times featured an article exploring the various measures around the world designed to outlaw homosexual acts and, in many cases, harass homosexual persons. Uganda, for instance, recently passed legislation singling out homosexuals for harsh penalties such as life imprisonment for those caught in acts of homosexuality. Moreover, the law targets those who aid or abet homosexual persons, along with anyone promoting homosexuality.

Of course, Uganda is not alone in how it treats homosexuality. Some Islamic regimes already include harsh penalties, including death, for homosexual persons. And, as we’ve already pointed out, Russia under Vladimir Putin attempts to masquerade as a “pro-family values” state because its law expresses disapproval of homosexuality, when in reality the government is accustomed to marginalizing unpopular minorities of all sorts (including evangelical Christians and orphaned children) for political gain.

So how should Christians think and speak about such laws?

As evangelical Christians, we believe what the catholic (small “c”) and orthodox (small “o”) church has always, and everywhere, believed: that sexuality is to be expressed only within the one-flesh union of the marriage of a man to a woman. Anything else is a sin against God. The church has believed this, and will always believe this, because the Bible teaches it.

At the same time, we believe laws criminalizing homosexual activity to be unjust and an affront to the image of God embedded in all persons.

Our opposition to imprisonment and execution of gay and lesbian persons around the world isn’t because we think, with the American sexual revolution, that governments have no interest in the stability of the family. To the contrary, Statecraft is quite often Soulcraft.

To this end, though, we believe a nation can teach a positive truth in its laws about marriage and sexuality without prohibiting and targeting its opposite.

Read more: http://www.canonandculture.com/what...f-governments-that-criminalize-homosexuality/

Did Moore and his widdle buddy Andy Walker just say that God embeds perverse desires in all people?

I wonder how Moore and Walker feel about incest and other laws that deal with sexual sins?


New member
I wanted to address this before I post the table of contents and start the new segment.

1). Become politically active by voting in social conservative candidates at the local, state and federal level. Get involved at your precinct level prior to that to make certain that social conservative candidates are nominated.

When social conservative candidates are elected, stay on them to make certain that they legislate pro traditional family laws (repealing unconstitutional legislation such as Roe v Wade, Lawrence v Texas and Obergefell v Hodges, Loving v Virginia, Brown v the board of education thus giving the respective States the right to make those decisions until something is done (a Constitutional Amendment) to protect traditional family values).
there - fixed that for you

2). Take back our culture through our Education system. A well informed populace is the key to taking back our culture. Once the populace is informed, they'll no longer tolerate the lies that the mainstream news media puts out. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and Faux News will all collapse making way for news organizations that speaks the Truth.

I hope that answered your question.

The more well informed an individual the less likely he/she is to be prejudiced.


there - fixed that for you
[TracerBullet is still comparing sexual perversion with racial discrimination, hence his use of Loving v Virginia and Brown v the board of education SCOTUS cases].

As I've told you many times TB, be careful out there, as there are some bad arsed bruthas that don't like having their skin color compared to a sexual perversion.

Welcome back btw. I was wondering where all the defenders of sodomy had gone. (GFR7, Al...).


New member
LGBTQueer "fundamental rights":

1). The "fundamental right" to contract deadly incurable STD's.
something anyone can do.

2). The "fundamental right" to mentally, spiritually and physically molest innocent children.
You seem to be thinking of the so called reparative therapists - child abuse is their thing

3). The "fundamental right" to tell parents that they can't help their sexually/gender confused youth through therapy.
Well that just isn't true.

4). The "fundamental right" to change invaluable institutions, including the Church, which according to LGBTQueer doctrine, now accepts something that God has always abhorred.

Etc. etc. etc.
Shrimp scampi?


New member
[TracerBullet is still comparing sexual perversion with racial discrimination, hence his use of Loving v Virginia and Brown v the board of education SCOTUS cases].

As I've told you many times TB, be careful out there, as there are some bad arsed bruthas that don't like having their skin color compared to a sexual perversion.
and even more people who are offended by homophobes using the same rhetoric and justifications for bigotry that racists use.
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