When you have something, anything to substantiate your story, do let me know.
Can we both come to a mutual agreement that transgender- (genital mutilation) phobic moms who make up stories using their daughters as the source of the complaint are the scum of the earth anna?
Here's some more of those filthy disgusting lying moms:
College Protects ‘Civil Right’ of Male Crossdresser to Strip Naked in Girl’s Locker Room
Nov. 2, 2012
Parents whose swim team daughters use the locker room at a Washington college are expressing concern following the continued refusal of school officials to stop a crossdressing man from stripping naked along with the girls — many of whom are young children.
According to reports, because of the non-discrimination policy of Evergreen State College, the educational institution feels that it must protect the “civil rights” of the man to use the female locker room. Children from a variety of schools and swim teams are said to use the facility, such as the Aquatics Academy, the Evergreen Swim Club, and the Capital High School and Olympia High School swim teams. The youth range from ages 6-18.
The 45-year-old man, who goes by the name “Colleen Francis,” was recently reported to the police following complaints from parents whose daughters have witnessed the man exposing his body parts by sitting naked in the sauna. One report states that police were contacted by a mother whose 17-year-old daughter was “upset because she observed a person in the women’s locker room naked and displaying male genitalia.”
“[She] felt that her daughter shouldn’t have been a victim to this type of situation and wanted something done about it,” the report, written by Chief Ed Sorger, stated.
Sorger then continued to explain that the previous day, another complaint had been lodged by swim team officials.
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Poor Colleen, he just wants to be one of the girls (even though he's still one of the boys).
Don't cha just hate all those LIARS! LIARS! LIARS! out there picking on innocent LGBTQueer people anna?