Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Only the testimony of countless individuals who have been helped through reparative therapy.


And here they are at the massive ex-gay march and rally in Washington DC. To bad none of the eleven attendees were actually ex-gay

I just can't imagine why thousands of EX homosexuals wouldn't want to show up in public and be warmly embraced by the ever so loving LGBTQueer movement.

Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays

Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair
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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
You're referring to aversion therapy, not conversion therapy, which was, as mentioned, talked about in an earlier post. Since you obviously won't go back looking for that post, here is the information that was provided by NARTH on aversion therapy.


Um, I'm aware of all the quack procedures involved through actual legitimate research dude. I notice you've yet to deride any of them...

to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively.

Those who engage in homosex are addicted to it. Many have used various forms of therapy (conversion and aversion) to successfully overcome that addiction.

Orientation isn't addiction. Your ignorance and simplicity in regards to your obsession is duly noted.

I can see that other sexually confused peoples' success stories are very hard on you Art. Perhaps this thread isn't for you?

Projection again? What is it with you dude?

I'm going to pray that a soon to be 45 year old male that has never had girlfriends and never married, seeks spiritual and psychological counseling to overcome his sexual confusion.

Oh dear, this again? Sorry dude, still straight :)

It sounds like you've got much of the ideology that openly homosexual Metropolitan Community Church embraces, are you sure you don't want to defend their ideology against that of what Holy Scripture says?

On that note: I have to go pray for a very sexually and morally confused soon to be 45 year old male...i.e....

moving on.

Um, yeah, you go do that...

Oh, be sure to mention hairdressers...



New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Only the testimony of countless individuals who have been helped through reparative therapy.

I just can't imagine why thousands of EX homosexuals wouldn't want to show up in public and be warmly embraced by the ever so loving LGBTQueer movement.
are all these thousands of ex-gays ashamed?

Or just imaginary.

That picture shows the throng of angry homosexuals just waiting to assault those poor ex-gays. ....Maybe they are all invisible angry militant homosexuals.

This is still going around?

PFOX identified this man as Wayne Besen...because of his trademark orange shirt.

Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair


As reported by the Metro Weekly. The Arlington police said they were never summoned to the s fair and at no time did any officer remove anyone from the fair. There was no complaint or report of any disturbance at the fair much less an assault.
The event manager Denise Marshal also said nothing like this happened.
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Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You're referring to aversion therapy, not conversion therapy, which was, as mentioned, talked about in an earlier post. Since you obviously won't go back looking for that post, here is the information that was provided by NARTH on aversion therapy.

Facts and Myths on Early Aversion Techniques in the Treatment of Unwanted Homosexual Attractions

Um, I'm aware of all the quack procedures involved through actual legitimate research dude. I notice you've yet to deride any of them...

I was trying to find you a reparative therapy clinic in the UK that you could go to so that you can get professional counseling, but no such luck. (Sigh, the UK has tons of mosques worshipping the pedophile and false prophet Mo, but no therapist clinics to help people overcome sexual confusion).

The clinic founded by the late great Joseph Nicolosi here in the States seems to be the best that there is.

Here's the link: http://www.josephnicolosi.com/

Please investigate the link and then call or email them and get as much information from these compassionate men and women as you can so that you can be helped with your confusion like so many others have.

God bless,


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just can't imagine why thousands of EX homosexuals wouldn't want to show up in public and be warmly embraced by the ever so loving LGBTQueer movement.

are all these thousands of ex-gays ashamed?

These brave men and women have been through enough horrors in life:

1) Sexually molested as children and/or growing up in a dysfunctional home.
2) Because of #1 they ontracted perverse and unnatural sexual desires and were constantly being told by the haters in the LGBTQueer movement and their allies in the media that there is no way out.
3) Disease, drug addiction, alcoholism, attempted suicide, broken relationships, anonymous sex partners, i.e. all of the things that go with the homosexual lifestyle.

Gee, I wonder why these brave men and women have no desire to go public and be confronted by people who remind them of the living hell that they went through?

Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays

This is still going around?
PFOX identified this man as Wayne Besen...because of his trademark orange shirt.

Please be respectful and address Wayne Besen as 'Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen', as he's worked very hard to earn his 'gaystapo' credentials.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

As reported by the Metro Weekly. The Arlington police said they were never summoned to the s fair and at no time did any officer remove anyone from the fair. There was no complaint or report of any disturbance at the fair much less an assault. The event manager Denise Marshal also said nothing like this happened.

This topic was addressed back on page 82 with LGBTQueer activist TracerBullet ;) :

Per the article that you linked above:

John Lisle, public information officer for the Arlington County Police Department countered that claim [by openly homosexual police board member Jay Fisette] in a Sept. 10 e-mail, forwarded to Metro Weekly Sept. 12. In his e-mail, addressed to David Roberts, a contributing writer to Ex-Gay Watch.com, a Web site that monitors the ”ex-gay” movement, Lisle contradicts the findings of Fisette’s office, stating: ”I wanted to let you know that I have now spoken to two officers who are familiar with an incident that took place at the Fair similar to what has been described.”

Next up: Is sexual perversion a 'civil right'? One of the Circuit Courts of Appeal seems to think so.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I was trying to find you a reparative therapy clinic in the UK that you could go to so that you can get professional counseling, but no such luck. (Sigh, the UK has tons of mosques worshipping the pedophile and false prophet Mo, but no therapist clinics to help people overcome sexual confusion).

The clinic founded by the late great Joseph Nicolosi here in the States seems to be the best that there is.

Here's the link: http://www.josephnicolosi.com/

Please investigate the link and then call or email them and get as much information from these compassionate men and women as you can so that you can be helped with your confusion like so many others have.

God bless,

Hmm, well that would be a rather strange conversation...:

"Hi, I'm straight but there's this incredibly strange person on a forum I frequent that seems to think I need your help."

"Uh...if you're straight then you don't..."

"Kinda what I told him and yet for some reason he still prefers to imagine that I'm gay. Would you consider this normal behaviour for a straight person?"

"Um, not especially no. Are there any other strange traits he exhibits?"

"Well, he's fantasized about a number of straight people being gay, oh, and he talks about hair dressers and flower arranging a lot..."

"Hmm, sounds as though he's the one who needs our help, please feel free to pass on our number."

"Well, I highly doubt you can help anybody really but will do..."

You really are one prize clown Connie...


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I was trying to find you a reparative therapy clinic in the UK that you could go to so that you can get professional counseling, but no such luck. (Sigh, the UK has tons of mosques worshipping the pedophile and false prophet Mo, but no therapist clinics to help people overcome sexual confusion).

The clinic founded by the late great Joseph Nicolosi here in the States seems to be the best that there is...

...You really are one prize clown Connie...

Let them know that you like to call men by women's names (it's probably due to all of the time you've spent around drag queens), I'm sure they can help you with that as well.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I just can't imagine why thousands of EX homosexuals wouldn't want to show up in public and be warmly embraced by the ever so loving LGBTQueer movement.

These brave men and women have been through enough horrors in life:

1) Sexually molested as children and/or growing up in a dysfunctional home.
2) Because of #1 they ontracted perverse and unnatural sexual desires and were constantly being told by the haters in the LGBTQueer movement and their allies in the media that there is no way out.
3) Disease, drug addiction, alcoholism, attempted suicide, broken relationships, anonymous sex partners, i.e. all of the things that go with the homosexual lifestyle.
Yeah listening the lies and false witness people like you spread would be pretty horrible indeed.

Gee, I wonder why these brave men and women have no desire to go public and be confronted by people who remind them of the living hell that they went through?
you mean all those invisible people

Hateful Homosexual Attacks on Ex-Gays

Please be respectful and address Wayne Besen as 'Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen', as he's worked very hard to earn his 'gaystapo' credentials.


so who is the guy in the orange shirt?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Gay Activists Assault Ex-Gay, Trash Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays Booth at Fair

This topic was addressed back on page 82 with LGBTQueer activist TracerBullet ;) :

Per the article that you linked above:

John Lisle, public information officer for the Arlington County Police Department countered that claim [by openly homosexual police board member Jay Fisette] in a Sept. 10 e-mail, forwarded to Metro Weekly Sept. 12. In his e-mail, addressed to David Roberts, a contributing writer to Ex-Gay Watch.com, a Web site that monitors the ”ex-gay” movement, Lisle contradicts the findings of Fisette’s office, stating: ”I wanted to let you know that I have now spoken to two officers who are familiar with an incident that took place at the Fair similar to what has been described.”
we have unnamed unarmed officers who didn't respond to a call or complaint yeah that is almost as believable as the terrorized members of media hungry PFOX didn't even file a complaint.

Next up: Is sexual perversion a 'civil right'? One of the Circuit Courts of Appeal seems to think so.
you just learned about Brown v the Board of Education?


Oh my, yet another homosexual icon accused of pederasty (i.e. rape of an underage boys) : Seattle Mayor Ed Murray.

The openly homosexual mayor of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North (aka Seattle) who also happens to be the owner and operator of 'Ed the Ped's Daycare Center for Teenage Boys' likes em young.

Allegations against the Seattle mayor

The Kent man — referred to as D.H. in court documents — alleges that the interactions with Murray began when he was 15 years old and regularly rode Metro bus no. 7 in the Capitol Hill area in the mid ’80s. At the time, the teen had dropped out of Nathan Hale High School as a freshman. He was a troubled youth who was homeless, using drugs, and whose parents were also addicted to drugs. According to the Times’ report, the man — then a teen — was addicted to crack-cocaine. Court documents state that the teen met Murray on the bus and the two “developed a friendly interaction.” Murray was 32 years old at the time.

Murray was aware of the teen’s age as the relationship between the two allegedly turned sexual over time, court documents state. That relationship was allegedly based on Murray paying the teen $10-20 for sexual acts, often at Murray’s Capitol Hill apartment. Court documents go further into detail about the interactions and describe physical aspects of the allegations as evidence. D.H. was below the age of consent during the time of the alleged acts, and therefore the mayor is being accused of child rape.

Since the incidents in the ’80s, Murray has accepted collect calls at his home from D.H., the lawsuit alleges...

The recent allegations against Mayor Murray aren’t the first. The Times further reports that within the past decade, two other men have accused Murray of sexual abuse. The men have said the abuse occurred in the ’80s when they, too, were teens in the Portland area and before Murray moved to Seattle. Their stories, as reported in The Seattle Times, are similar to the tale told in the recent lawsuit — troubled youth who entered into sexual relationships with Murray.

Read more: http://statement-analysis.blogspot.com/2017/04/seattle-mayor-responds-to-rape.html

Surely these allegations can't be true, all of Ed's friends in this picture look over the age of 15.




Have you deloused and taken your obligatory three showers yet?


How about instead of you having sick and twisted fantasies of me showering, we talk about the child-raping/pederast mayor of Sodom and Gonorrhea North, Ed Murray?

Ed must feel like a kid in a candy store in this photo of him at a recent march of the moral degenerates parade.


So many tasty treats to choose from!


Frustrated with not being able to get the Employment Non Discrimination Act to pass in Congress after all of these years,

the LGBTQ/NAMBLA movement has decided to go another route:

To make sexual perversion a protected civil right.

U.S. court rules 1964 civil rights law protects LGBT workers from bias

April 4, 2017

A U.S. appeals court, for the first time ever, on Tuesday ruled that federal civil rights law protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees from discrimination in the workplace.
The ruling from the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago represents a major legal victory for the gay rights movement.
In its 8-3 decision, the court bucked decades of rulings that gay people are not protected by the milestone civil rights law, because they are not specifically mentioned in it.

"For many years, the courts of appeals of this country understood the prohibition against sex discrimination to exclude discrimination on the basis of a person's sexual orientation," Chief Judge Diane Wood wrote for the majority. "We conclude today that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is a form of sex discrimination."
The ruling also allows a lawsuit to go forward in Indiana, where plaintiff Kimberly Hively said she lost her community college teaching job because she is lesbian...

Read more: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-lgbt-employment-idUSKBN17632G

Is it me, or is anyone else failing to see a connection between a person's skin color or a person's gender and that of a mentally ill person who engages in sexual perversion?


FILE PHOTO: The actual Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 document and pen is on display in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, U.S. on July 1, 2004


New member
Is it me, or is anyone else failing to see a connection between a person's skin color or a person's gender and that of a mentally ill person who engages in sexual perversion?


FILE PHOTO: The actual Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 document and pen is on display in the East Room of the White House in Washington, DC, U.S. on July 1, 2004

I don't see any connection between a person's skin color and you.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How about instead of you having sick and twisted fantasies of me showering, we talk about the child-raping/pederast mayor of Sodom and Gonorrhea North, Ed Murray?

Ed must feel like a kid in a candy store in this photo of him at a recent march of the moral degenerates parade.


So many tasty treats to choose from!

Dude, rest assured I have no fantasies about you at all apart from perhaps being less of a projecting, homosexuality obsessed dingbat.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Is it me, or is anyone else failing to see a connection between a person's skin color or a person's gender and that of a mentally ill person who engages in sexual perversion?

I don't see any connection between a person's skin color and you.

Come on ...Dante, you can do better than that.

Surely you can explain why those who have been persecuted for having sex with underage boys (like Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is currently being accused of and HRC founder Terry Bean has been accused of) should be afforded the same protections as women and racial minorities?


New member
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Is it me, or is anyone else failing to see a connection between a person's skin color or a person's gender and that of a mentally ill person who engages in sexual perversion?

Come on ...Dante, you can do better than that.

Surely you can explain why those who have been persecuted for having sex with underage boys (like Seattle Mayor Ed Murray is currently being accused of and HRC founder Terry Bean has been accused of) should be afforded the same protections as women and racial minorities?

The protections of the law are for everyone, even someone like Joseph Nicolosi. It's a shame he died of AIDS before this ruling came down.
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