Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
At age 59, shouldn't Fry be shopping for a coffin?

Who for, you?


I didn't watch much of the video that you posted. Did proud and unrepentant homosexual/homosexual activist Stephen Fry admit that he was sexually molested as a youth, or was it an absent or distant father that brought on his perverse desires?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I didn't watch much of the video that you posted. Did proud and unrepentant homosexual/homosexual activist Stephen Fry admit that he was sexually molested as a youth, or was it an absent or distant father that brought on his perverse desires?

It was an energy drink or cornflour, forget which.



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Please be respectful and address Wayne Besen as 'Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen', as he's worked very hard to earn his 'gaystapo' credentials.


so who is the guy in the orange shirt?

Remind me not to partner up with you if we ever get into a game of "Name that LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activist".

Pastor Bob Enyart had a debate (if that's what you want to call a Christian pastor catching a homosexual activist in lie after lie) with Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen:

Homosexuality Debate: Bob Enyart vs. Wayne Besen

Feel free to critique the article.


New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Please be respectful and address Wayne Besen as 'Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen', as he's worked very hard to earn his 'gaystapo' credentials.

Remind me not to partner up with you if we ever get into a game of "Name that LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activist".

Pastor Bob Enyart had a debate (if that's what you want to call a Christian pastor catching a homosexual activist in lie after lie) with Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen:

Homosexuality Debate: Bob Enyart vs. Wayne Besen

Feel free to critique the article.

when did Enyart do this? It's hard to keep track of him considering he is in and out of prison so often.

As for lie after lie. I don't know what "lie" Besen was accused of. I stopped counting Enyart's lies at 35, long before he even gets to Besen.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

...Remind me not to partner up with you if we ever get into a game of "Name that LGBTQueer/NAMBLA activist".

Pastor Bob Enyart had a debate (if that's what you want to call a Christian pastor catching a homosexual activist in lie after lie) with Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen:

Homosexuality Debate: Bob Enyart vs. Wayne Besen

Feel free to critique the article.

when did Enyart do this? It's hard to keep track of him considering he is in and out of prison so often.

As for lie after lie. I don't know what "lie" Besen was accused of. I stopped counting Enyart's lies at 35, long before he even gets to Besen.

The article was written in 2009. That was 8 years ago, is Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen still alive after all of that time? That's right, the chance of getting AIDS from 8 year old boys isn't that great.

Keeping in mind that a Queen of Denial is really someone who is lying to himself as well as others, let's discuss this topic from the article (one that is near and dear to every sodomite's heart: kiddy rape).

* Queen of Denial: Wayne Besen discounted the widespread tolerance and even promotion of pedophilia among leading homosexuals and organizations. For example, Besen said that only the most fringe homosexuals tolerated sex with kids. Yet Bob Enyart asked Besen if he has ever heard of the following mainstream homosexual publications and leaders who have defended pedophila.
- Out magazine and Harvey Milk: Damien Martin, the head of New York City's homosexual Harvey Milk High School was quoted positively by Jesse Green in a leading homosexual publication, Out magazine, saying, "No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]".
-*Allen Ginsburg: The homosexual yet nationally-acclaimed poet became a member of and defended the pedophile group NAMBLA. Yet his accolades include being honored honored by Boulder, Colorado which annually*gave him the key to the city.
- The Advocate: This popular homosexual magazine published Carl Maves asking, "How many gay men, I wonder, would have missed out on a valuable, liberating experience - one that initiated them into their sexuality - if it weren't for so-called molestation?" in their article despicably titled "Getting Over It." (Perhaps Besen would also remember the "Recruit, Recruit, Recruit" article about kids also published in The Advocate.)
- Salon.com: 2017 Update. The popular liberal media outlet, Salon, published pro-pedophile articles written by Todd Nickerson and then*removed*them two years later...
- Alyson Publications, Daddy's Roommate, Heather's Mommies and Paedophilia: Initially, although it canceled the Bob Enyart Live account because of our "homophobia", Amazon.com was selling the Alyson book Paedophilia*that advocated sex with children. When*he insisted that only the gay fringe tolerated sex with children, Bob asked Wayne Besen if he had heard of Alyson Publications of Boston, a leading homosexual publisher. Yes, Besen had heard of the publishers of, among hundreds of titles, the infamous and pro-homosexual kids books, Heather has Two Mommies, Daddy's Roommate, and Gloria Goes to Gay Pride. But when Enyart asked Wayne Besen to condemn Alyson for publishing Paedophilia: The Radical Case, with 300 pages of why and how to have sex with even preteen boys, Besen himself refused!
So, this leader of the homosexual community has never met a homosexual who tolerated the promotion of sex with children, yet if he looked in the mirror, he would find his true self, in rebellion against Jesus Christ who made us male and female. Besen denied all this.

Truth or lies?


Oops, forgot. After all, I still remember the day when I chose to be attracted to women...

I remember mine too. It was a Thursday.

Wow, what a coincidence!

Mine was a Tuesday...


I do too. I looked at my Dad's Playboy when I was 3, I knew I liked it. :chuckle:

I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You heterosexuals wouldn't mind if I did that would you?

patrick jane

I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You heterosexuals wouldn't mind if I did that would you?
More power to ya


New member
The article was written in 2009.
so it was after his time in prison for child abuse but before his time in jail for breaking and entering.

So a man beats a seven year old to the point of needing emergency medical treatment but he knows the kid liked it so it was OK and the liberal controlled police and courts were just out to get him is going to try to talk about how gays abuse children. :think:

On a side note it seems you are a fan of yet another child abuser. What are the odds?

That was 8 years ago, is Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen still alive after all of that time? That's right, the chance of getting AIDS from 8 year old boys isn't that great.
I suppose that is why Enyart doesn't think he should be tested.

Keeping in mind that a Queen of Denial is really someone who is lying to himself as well as others, let's discuss this topic from the article (one that is near and dear to every sodomite's heart: kiddy rape).

* Queen of Denial: Wayne Besen discounted the widespread tolerance and even promotion of pedophilia among leading homosexuals and organizations. For example, Besen said that only the most fringe homosexuals tolerated sex with kids. Yet Bob Enyart asked Besen if he has ever heard of the following mainstream homosexual publications and leaders who have defended pedophila.
- Out magazine and Harvey Milk: Damien Martin, the head of New York City's homosexual Harvey Milk High School was quoted positively by Jesse Green in a leading homosexual publication, Out magazine, saying, "No kid has ever been hurt by [oral sex]".

hurt by....?
Hurt by what? What is the original quote?


New member
I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You heterosexuals wouldn't mind if I did that would you?

You're going to invent people to post here?


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The article [of Pastor Bob Enyart's interview with homosexual/homosexual activist Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals" Besen] was written in 2009. That was 8 years ago, is Wayne "does my bullhorn disrupt your meeting of EX homosexuals?" Besen still alive after all of that time? That's right, the chance of getting AIDS from 8 year old boys isn't that great.

Keeping in mind that a Queen of Denial is really someone who is lying to himself as well as others, let's discuss this topic from the article (one that is near and dear to every sodomite's heart: kiddy rape).

so it was after his time in prison for child abuse but before his time in jail for breaking and entering.

So a man beats a seven year old to the point of needing emergency medical treatment but he knows the kid liked it so it was OK and the liberal controlled police and courts were just out to get him is going to try to talk about how gays abuse children. :think:

On a side note it seems you are a fan of yet another child abuser. What are the odds?

I suppose that is why Enyart doesn't think he should be tested.

hurt by....?
Hurt by what? What is the original quote?

If there was condemnation on your part of the LGBTQueer movement-NAMBLA connection, I must have missed it.

(Keep in mind folks, that perverts will never condemn another faction of their pervert movement, just like the shoplifter won't condemn the burglar who won't condemn the armed robber because they're all thieves).

The Family Research Council (you've heard of them, a homosexual activist attempted to murder it's staff a few years ago) did a much more detailed article on the child rapists of the LGBTQueer movement.

Homosexuality and Child Sexual Abuse

I'd ask you to critique the article, but as shown below, I'm interested in a "real homosexual" responding.

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You're going to invent people to post here?

LOL...there's enough sock puppets in this thread already; I'm looking for those who aren't ashamed to admit that they're sexually aroused by another man's body part that was designed to expel human waste, i.e. "real homosexuals".

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You heterosexuals wouldn't mind if I did that would you?

Eh, knock yourself out dude, and btw, folk who invent up all sorts of gay innuendo about people are often times in the closet themselves.



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I've spent a fair amount of time and effort going to forums outside of TOL promoting this thread (hence the large number of people who visit it daily). I really need to get some people in here who not only defend the LGBTQueer/NAMBLA agenda, but aren't ashamed to admit that they engage in homosexuality (i.e. they're "real homosexuals" who embrace the term 'gay pride").

You heterosexuals wouldn't mind if I did that would you?

Eh, knock yourself out dude, and btw, folk who invent up all sorts of gay innuendo about people are often times in the closet themselves.


Until some "real homosexuals" start posting in this thread, how about we talk about LGBTQ culture?

As seen in previous posts of mine, the Mayor of Sodomy and Gonorrhea North, Ed the Ped Murray, had been accused of doing what so many homosexual adults do: Rape underage boys.

Do you think that the openly homosexual previous Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, had a few skeletons hiding in his closet as well?

As shown in this picture, Boris does like to hang out with the young ins.

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