Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

As shown throughout this thread on numerous occasions, patients of reparative therapy have defined success, i.e. what they wanted out of the therapy.

just not in Davison and Wilson. In many cases the therapists these men interviewed were claiming "success" for individuals they saw over a decade ago.

Again, no links to back up those claims.

On a related note:

Can we talk about what happened in Twin Falls Idaho that made you HATE as much as you do?

DO you know what isn't a lie? The fact the every single child molester in Twin Falls Idaho is a white heterosexual male. Pedophilia is a sick part of being a white heterosexual man it's the foundation of their culture and it is about time good people everywhere did something to protect children form these disease spreading perverts.

PM me if you're not comfortable discussing it in an open forum.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that it hasn't been fun, but it's time to...
move on.

Translation: my lies have been exposed (again) and I am truly afraid that kid from You -Tube will actually show up.

Here's what "moving on" means:

After pouring a can of delouse over me, I go and take at least 3 showers to get the stench of this absolutely disgusting subject off of me.

I then kiss my beautiful wife, hug my beautiful children, and spend time around people who don't defend perversion.

I then read Holy Scripture and pray to God to give me the strength to continue fighting this war against God and everything good and decent another day.

Unless He has other plans for me, chances are that you'll see me back here tomorrow.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Not that it hasn't been fun, but it's time to...
move on.

Here's what "moving on" means:

After pouring a can of delouse over me, I go and take at least 3 showers to get the stench of this absolutely disgusting subject off of me.

I then kiss my beautiful wife, hug my beautiful children, and spend time around people who don't defend perversion.

I then read Holy Scripture and pray to God to give me the strength to continue fighting this war against God and everything good and decent another day.

Unless He has other plans for me, chances are that you'll see me back here tomorrow.

He says, continuously obsessing and posting about it each day he's on here and even turns threads that have nothing to do with homosexuality into ones that can somehow be related to homosexuality...

It's a wonder you haven't showered yourself down the drain aCW, although that seems to have been where you've gotten most of your material for the last five years...


patrick jane

He was talking to Gentiles in the covenants of promise. Not us.

"Non Christian Gentiles" is a made up term. All Greeks are Gentiles, but not all Gentiles were Greeks. So Paul is already sent to certain Gentiles, "Greeks". They are those Gentiles to whom Paul was first sent (Acts 26:17 KJV). They were the Gentiles who were being called at that time (Acts 13:26 KJV, 1 Cor. 1:24 KJV). They feared God (Acts 13:26 KJV). Paul found them in the synagogue of the Jews. What were Gentiles doing in the synagogue of the Jews? They were seeking a blessing as per Genesis 12:3 KJV. They were fearing God and working righteousness. What they didn't know, was that their blessing would be the forgiveness of sins! They would hear how that Christ died for their sins and that He was buried and rose again the third day for their justification! They would be stablished into the Body of Christ by Paul's my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery, the wisdom of God in a mystery (1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV, Romans 16:25-27 KJV, 1 Corinthians 2:6-8 KJV)!

The Greeks are of those who "first trusted in Christ" (the body of Christ beginning with the apostle Paul 1 Timothy 1:16 KJV). They are the "them that were nigh" (Ephesians 2:17 KJV). They were aligned with Israel. They had a hope (Genesis 12:3 KJV). They were in the promise: heirs according to the promise.

Galatians 3:29 KJV And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.

That cannot be said about Gentiles such as we! It was not until Paul revealed that the Lord was going to send him again, but this time far hence unto the Gentiles (different Gentiles, different sending Acts 22:17-21 KJV), that he became a prisoner of Jesus Christ for "you Gentiles" (Ephesians 3:1 KJV people like you and me).

The Ephesians to whom Paul wrote the letter, were not "heirs according to the promise". These Gentiles were cursed Gentiles, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise. These Gentiles in time past had no hope and were without God in the world!

Ephesians 2:11-12 KJV Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands; 12 That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

These Ephesians are of the "ye" whom "also trusted" (as are we).

Ephesians 1:13-14 KJV In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

It is the fellowship of the mystery~ the "both" made "one", the "twain" made "one new man"!

1.The Jews and Greeks, those gathered during Paul's Acts ministry, those in the commonwealth of Israel. They had a hope


2. The "you Gentiles",in time past aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world

Ephesians 2:13-15 KJV But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. 14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace;

We are fellowheirs, and of the same body with those who first trusted in Christ (Ephesians 1:12 KJV beginning with Paul 1 Timothy 1:16 KJB which includes the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians and Thessalonians) and partakers of His promise in Christ by the gospel:

Ephesians 3:6 KJV That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel:
(by the gospel: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJB)

Ephesians 3:8-12 KJV Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; 9 And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:10 To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, 11 According to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord: 12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.
Excellent post in this otherwise disgusting thread of a disgusting manchild


He says, continuously obsessing and posting about it each day he's on here and even turns threads that have nothing to do with homosexuality into ones that can somehow be related to homosexuality...

It's a wonder you haven't showered yourself down the drain aCW, although that seems to have been where you've gotten most of your material for the last five years...


Welcome back to the thread Art. You missed the segment several pages ago where ...Dante couldn't refute the median age of death for those who engage in homosexual behavior.

As I recall (even with HAART drugs), it's still around 45ish.


Excellent post in this otherwise disgusting thread of a disgusting manchild

When it comes to copy and pasting verses that have absolutely nothing to do with this thread, none surpass heir.

Any chance we'll get a response from her on my earlier post?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Based on my research, they [the pro homosexual Metropolitan Community Church] have a similar (but probably even more liberal) philosophy as your good friend and ally patrick jane:

Quote: Originally posted by patrick jane
i am not against homosexuals or gay marriage either when based on love and family and doing good and charitable deeds...

Before we move on and talk about the openly homosexual Metropolitan Community Church, can I get your opinion on what patrick jane said?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Welcome back to the thread Art. You missed the segment several pages ago where ...Dante couldn't refute the median age of death for those who engage in homosexual behavior.

As I recall (even with HAART drugs), it's still around 45ish.

So, haven't missed anything then. You're still just the same homosexuality obsessed nut who quotes from unaccredited sites, swallows whatever a far right blog flings out as long as it 'fits' and then 'projects'...

Let me know when this 'reparative therapy' has anything approaching any conclusive results that are accepted as legitimate by reputable sources and organisations.

Cos so far...


So, haven't missed anything then. You're still just the same homosexuality obsessed nut who quotes from unaccredited sites, swallows whatever a far right blog flings out as long as it 'fits' and then 'projects'...

Let me know when this 'reparative therapy' has anything approaching any conclusive results that are accepted as legitimate by reputable sources and organisations.

Cos so far...

No you haven't missed anything Art: The child molesting/indoctrinating-disease ridden-jack boot thug tyrannical-culture of death LGBTQ movement is the same as the last time you graced the thread with your presence.

Oh and btw: Isn't your 45th birthday coming up soon?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No you haven't missed anything Art: The child molesting/indoctrinating-disease ridden-jack boot thug tyrannical-culture of death LGBTQ movement is the same as the last time you graced the thread with your presence.

Oh and btw: Isn't your 45th birthday coming up soon?

So, not having much success in the presumed endeavour of your project to have homosexuality re-criminalized then eh?

Also not much in the way of any credible support for 'reparative therapy' either I notice. That's...not really surprising at all to be fair.

One thing you at least got right for once is my upcoming age!


(Sorry dude, still straight)


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
No you haven't missed anything Art: The child molesting/indoctrinating-disease ridden-jack boot thug tyrannical-culture of death LGBTQ movement is the same as the last time you graced the thread with your presence.

Oh and btw: Isn't your 45th birthday coming up soon?

So, not having much success in the presumed endeavour of your project to have homosexuality re-criminalized then eh?

Also not much in the way of any credible support for 'reparative therapy' either I notice. That's...not really surprising at all to be fair.

One thing you at least got right for once is my upcoming age!


(Sorry dude, still straight)

While reading up on conversion therapy, I ran across the term "Gay Affirming Therapy". Evidently it's counseling that makes the homosexual feel better about his perversion (i.e. putting a band aid over a cancer). Even if the homosexual feels better about his or her perversion, it doesn't make the behavior itself any less disease ridden.

From a spiritual aspect the person is no longer struggling with their perversion and hence are not likely to repent, i.e. they're Hell bound.

While I haven't read any articles on it, I wonder how many homosexuals stay in the closet because they know that their parents won't approve of their lifestyle? Granted, if the parents see that their 50 year old son never has had any girlfriends and has never married, they're probably aware that he's a homosexual. I suspect once the parents pass, the closeted homosexual comes out and makes up for all of those lost years by cruising 'gay' bars, bathhouses, public toilets and park bushes looking for the action that he missed in his younger years.

Thoughts Art?


New member
He says, continuously obsessing and posting about it each day he's on here and even turns threads that have nothing to do with homosexuality into ones that can somehow be related to homosexuality...

It's a wonder you haven't showered yourself down the drain aCW, although that seems to have been where you've gotten most of your material for the last five years...


Most? You must mean all.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
While reading up on conversion therapy, I ran across the term "Gay Affirming Therapy". Evidently it's counseling that makes the homosexual feel better about his perversion (i.e. putting a band aid over a cancer). Even if the homosexual feels better about his or her perversion, it doesn't make the behavior itself any less disease ridden.

Well, if you have read up on 'conversion therapy' then you'll be aware of some of the disgusting 'techniques' and barbaric methods utilized within the 'practice'. You'll also be aware that's it's globally regarded as pseudo scientific bunk with no evidence that any of it works. This person acknowledged that:

"I believe I owe the gay community an apology for my study making unproven claims of the efficacy of reparative therapy. I also apologize to any gay person who wasted time and energy undergoing some form of reparative therapy because they believed that I had proven that reparative therapy works with some “highly motivated” individuals."


From a spiritual aspect the person is no longer struggling with their perversion and hence are not likely to repent, i.e. they're Hell bound.

Everyone's headed for 'the grave' or death, and that includes you. Just because you're bound by fundamentalist doctrine doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

While I haven't read any articles on it, I wonder how many homosexuals stay in the closet because they know that their parents won't approve of their lifestyle? Granted, if the parents see that their 50 year old son never has had any girlfriends and has never married, they're probably aware that he's a homosexual. I suspect once the parents pass, the closeted homosexual comes out and makes up for all of those lost years by cruising 'gay' bars, bathhouses, public toilets and park bushes looking for the action that he missed in his younger years.

Thoughts Art?

Well, for someone who claims to be 'disgusted' by homosexuality, you sure do invest more time on the subject than anyone else on this planet most likely, not to mention the graphic imagination you have going on...



Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
While reading up on conversion therapy, I ran across the term "Gay Affirming Therapy". Evidently it's counseling that makes the homosexual feel better about his perversion (i.e. putting a band aid over a cancer). Even if the homosexual feels better about his or her perversion, it doesn't make the behavior itself any less disease ridden.

Well, if you have read up on 'conversion therapy' then you'll be aware of some of the disgusting 'techniques' and barbaric methods utilized within the 'practice'. You'll also be aware that's it's globally regarded as pseudo scientific bunk with no evidence that any of it works. This person acknowledged that:

No comments on GAT? How many other extremely harmful physical and/or psychological behaviors should that philosophy be embraced by: Drug addiction? Alcoholism? Pedophila? Porography addiction ?
That being said: Aversion therapy, which you are referring to, was discussed several posts back (see all of the things that you miss when you're away at hair dresser conventions Art?).

"I believe I owe the gay community an apology for my study making unproven claims of the efficacy of reparative therapy...

The late Robert Spitzer has been discussed on several occasions in this 4 part thread. It's sad that in the end, someone who originally had helped so many sexually confused people, sold out God and those who were in dire need of spiritual and psychological help.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
From a spiritual aspect the person is no longer struggling with their perversion and hence are not likely to repent, i.e. they're Hell bound.

Everyone's headed for 'the grave' or death,...

Unlike those who engage in homosexuality, they're not headed for 'the grave' in their mid 40's.

Just because you're bound by fundamentalist doctrine doesn't mean everyone else has to be.

Which brings up the pro homosexual Metropolitan Community Church again:




which according to my research, doesn't follow "fundamentalist doctrine".

Since no one else seems to want to discuss the MCC, take a shot at it Art and explain why those who embrace sexual sins are not Hell bound, but will spend eternity sitting next to God.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I haven't read any articles on it, I wonder how many homosexuals stay in the closet because they know that their parents won't approve of their lifestyle? Granted, if the parents see that their 50 year old son never has had any girlfriends and has never married, they're probably aware that he's a homosexual. I suspect once the parents pass, the closeted homosexual comes out and makes up for all of those lost years by cruising 'gay' bars, bathhouses, public toilets and park bushes looking for the action that he missed in his younger years.

Thoughts Art?

Well, for someone who claims to be 'disgusted' by homosexuality, you sure do invest more time on the subject than anyone else on this planet most likely, not to mention the graphic imagination you have going on...


If your opinion on 50 year old men who are homosexuals, but stay in the closet because of their parents was in that last paragraph, I must have missed it.

Care to try again?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
No comments on GAT? How many other extremely harmful physical and/or psychological behaviors should that philosophy be embraced by: Drug addiction? Alcoholism? Pedophila? Porography addiction ?
That being said: Aversion therapy, which you are referring to, was discussed several posts back (see all of the things that you miss when you're away at hair dresser conventions Art?).

Your barber fixations notwithstanding, aversion 'therapy' has indeed been discussed, several times on this thread as it goes. When you were first put on the spot over it you revealed an embarrassing ignorance in regards to the methods involved in the practice of it. Small wonder that it's been increasingly derided by reputable organizations and laws put in place to protect minors from being the victims of it.

The late Robert Spitzer has been discussed on several occasions in this 4 part thread. It's sad that in the end, someone who originally had helped so many sexually confused people, sold out God and those who were in dire need of spiritual and psychological help.

If you consider honesty the equivalent of 'selling out' then it's not surprising you'd see it that way. He had no personal gain in his decision and it reflects the general scientific consensus on the issue. There's no accredited proof that any of this 'therapy' has or has ever worked.

Unlike those who engage in homosexuality, they're not headed for 'the grave' in their mid 40's.

Neither are they.

Which brings up the pro homosexual Metropolitan Community Church again:




which according to my research, doesn't follow "fundamentalist doctrine".

Since no one else seems to want to discuss the MCC, take a shot at it Art and explain why those who embrace sexual sins are not Hell bound, but will spend eternity sitting next to God.

You're the fundamentalist who's shackled by doctrine. I'm not so not real interested.

If your opinion on 50 year old men who are homosexuals, but stay in the closet because of their parents was in that last paragraph, I must have missed it.

Care to try again?

Hopefully they're very few and far between and most would have understanding families that don't sit in pious judgment of their children in order to cripple them to the extent they had to keep it a secret.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

No comments on GAT? How many other extremely harmful physical and/or psychological behaviors should that philosophy be embraced by: Drug addiction? Alcoholism? Pedophila? Porography addiction ?
That being said: Aversion therapy, which you are referring to, was discussed several posts back (see all of the things that you miss when you're away at hair dresser conventions Art?).

Your barber fixations notwithstanding, aversion 'therapy' has indeed been discussed, several times on this thread as it goes. When you were first put on the spot over it you revealed an embarrassing ignorance in regards to the methods involved in the practice of it. Small wonder that it's been increasingly derided by reputable organizations and laws put in place to protect minors from being the victims of it.

Still no comment on GAT and other harmful behaviors that should be embraced if using that phony ideology?

I'll be the first to admit that up until a few months ago that I was almost as ignorant about reparative therapy as you currently are. I then decided to do some objective research (i.e. unlike you, not take the word of the LGBTQueer movement that it's horrific) and looked into the organizations, it's trained professional psychologists, and more importantly the testimonies of the people it helped overcome homosexuality.

Regarding aversion therapy. Do you think that an organization that has helped countless alcoholics overcome their alcoholism is less reputable because they use aversion therapy?

Counter Conditioning (Aversion Therapy)

The Schick Shadel addiction treatment program is founded on the counter conditioning method, also known as "aversion therapy," which eliminates addiction at the root: in the neurological and physiological processes of the brain. Research findings and decades of experience demonstrate that transforming the way the brain processes drug and alcohol stimuli provides the strongest way for patients to battle addiction.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
The late Robert Spitzer has been discussed on several occasions in this 4 part thread. It's sad that in the end, someone who originally had helped so many sexually confused people, sold out God and those who were in dire need of spiritual and psychological help.

If you consider honesty the equivalent of 'selling out' then it's not surprising you'd see it that way. He had no personal gain in his decision and it reflects the general scientific consensus on the issue. There's no accredited proof that any of this 'therapy' has or has ever worked.

Only the testimony of countless individuals who have been helped through reparative therapy.

Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Unlike those who engage in homosexuality, they're not headed for 'the grave' in their mid 40's.

Neither are they.

I'd post the homosexual obituary page once again for reference, as well CDC links, but once a Queen of Denial, always one.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Which brings up the pro homosexual Metropolitan Community Church again:


which according to my research, doesn't follow "fundamentalist doctrine".

Since no one else seems to want to discuss the MCC, take a shot at it Art and explain why those who embrace sexual sins are not Hell bound, but will spend eternity sitting next to God.

You're the fundamentalist who's shackled by doctrine. I'm not so not real interested.

Wise choice Art. Homosexuals pretending to be Christians isn't something that even you want to touch with the proverbial 20 foot pole.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
If your opinion on 50 year old men who are homosexuals, but stay in the closet because of their parents was in that last paragraph, I must have missed it.

Care to try again?

Hopefully they're very few and far between and most would have understanding families that don't sit in pious judgment of their children in order to cripple them to the extent they had to keep it a secret.

So you admit that there are some homosexuals who in their mid 40's have never married, never had girlfriends, who are in the closet because they know that their parents wouldn't approve of their homosexuality?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Still no comment on GAT and other harmful behaviors that should be embraced if using that phony ideology?

I'll be the first to admit that up until a few months ago that I was almost as ignorant about reparative therapy as you currently are. I then decided to do some objective research (i.e. unlike you, not take the word of the LGBTQueer movement that it's horrific) and looked into the organizations, it's trained professional psychologists, and more importantly the testimonies of the people it helped overcome homosexuality.

You were, and still are more ignorant as regards 'reparative therapy'. If you'd done some truly objective research on the matter you'd know how thoroughly derided such practices are from a global scientific perspective, that there's no verifiable proof that any of the 'techniques' have actually altered anyone's sexuality outside of anecdote and the monstrous processes such as electro shock, induced vomitting and abusive humiliation are documented fact from the onset of such "counselling".

Regarding aversion therapy. Do you think that an organization that has helped countless alcoholics overcome their alcoholism is less reputable because they use aversion therapy?

Counter Conditioning (Aversion Therapy)

The Schick Shadel addiction treatment program is founded on the counter conditioning method, also known as "aversion therapy," which eliminates addiction at the root: in the neurological and physiological processes of the brain. Research findings and decades of experience demonstrate that transforming the way the brain processes drug and alcohol stimuli provides the strongest way for patients to battle addiction.

Equating an addiction with orientation is a mistake for a start. It wouldn't surprise me if you think there's only one form of alcoholism or depression even.

Only the testimony of countless individuals who have been helped through reparative therapy.

Even if there were these "countless" individuals it still wouldn't count as 'proof'. Given that there seems to be a dearth of these accounts and plenty who deride these 'therapy centers' after having being abused then it's no wonder there are laws in place to stop children being forced into them and global derision from actual scientists.

I'd post the homosexual obituary page once again for reference, as well CDC links, but once a Queen of Denial, always one.

Eh, hopefully your homosexual obsession will dissipate with time. Have you deloused and taken your obligatory three showers yet?

Wise choice Art. Homosexuals pretending to be Christians isn't something that even you want to touch with the proverbial 20 foot pole.

Just not interested dude. Your fundamentalist beliefs are the antithesis of anything resembling logic, love, reason and compassion.

So you admit that there are some homosexuals who in their mid 40's have never married, never had girlfriends, who are in the closet because they know that their parents wouldn't approve of their homosexuality?

Sure, just as as there's people who are that obsessed on a subject where they're only suppressing the truth about themselves in a desperate attempt to deny it, and then shift that on to others through projection.

I'm straight aCW.

Sorry. (Well, no I'm not)



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Still no comment on GAT and other harmful behaviors that should be embraced if using that phony ideology?

I'll be the first to admit that up until a few months ago that I was almost as ignorant about reparative therapy as you currently are. I then decided to do some objective research (i.e. unlike you, not take the word of the LGBTQueer movement that it's horrific) and looked into the organizations, it's trained professional psychologists, and more importantly the testimonies of the people it helped overcome homosexuality.

You were, and still are more ignorant as regards 'reparative therapy'.

Still no comment on GAT (Gay Affirmation Therapy) and other harmful behaviors that should be embraced if using that phony ideology?

If you'd done some truly objective research on the matter you'd know how thoroughly derided such practices are from a global scientific perspective, that there's no verifiable proof that any of the 'techniques' have actually altered anyone's sexuality outside of anecdote and the monstrous processes such as electro shock, induced vomitting and abusive humiliation are documented fact from the onset of such "counselling".

You're referring to aversion therapy, not conversion therapy, which was, as mentioned, talked about in an earlier post. Since you obviously won't go back looking for that post, here is the information that was provided by NARTH on aversion therapy.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding aversion therapy. Do you think that an organization that has helped countless alcoholics overcome their alcoholism is less reputable because they use aversion therapy?

Counter Conditioning (Aversion Therapy)

The Schick Shadel addiction treatment program is founded on the counter conditioning method, also known as "aversion therapy," which eliminates addiction at the root: in the neurological and physiological processes of the brain. Research findings and decades of experience demonstrate that transforming the way the brain processes drug and alcohol stimuli provides the strongest way for patients to battle addiction.

Equating an addiction with orientation is a mistake for a start. It wouldn't surprise me if you think there's only one form of alcoholism or depression even.

to devote or surrender (oneself) to something habitually or obsessively.

Those who engage in homosex are addicted to it. Many have used various forms of therapy (conversion and aversion) to successfully overcome that addiction.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Only the testimony of countless individuals who have been helped through reparative therapy.

Even if there were these "countless" individuals it still wouldn't count as 'proof'...

I can see that other sexually confused peoples' success stories are very hard on you Art. Perhaps this thread isn't for you?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I'd post the homosexual obituary page once again for reference, as well CDC links, but once a Queen of Denial, always one.

Eh, hopefully your homosexual obsession will dissipate with time. Have you deloused and taken your obligatory three showers yet?

I'm going to pray that a soon to be 45 year old male that has never had girlfriends and never married, seeks spiritual and psychological counseling to overcome his sexual confusion.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Wise choice Art. Homosexuals pretending to be Christians isn't something that even you want to touch with the proverbial 20 foot pole.

Just not interested dude. Your fundamentalist beliefs are the antithesis of anything resembling logic, love, reason and compassion.

It sounds like you've got much of the ideology that openly homosexual Metropolitan Community Church embraces, are you sure you don't want to defend their ideology against that of what Holy Scripture says?

On that note: I have to go pray for a very sexually and morally confused soon to be 45 year old male...i.e....

moving on.
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