Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Here is the actual article Mr. Crain wrote "Alfred Kinsey: Liberator or Pervert?"

Mr. Jones's book revealed that Kinsey had had affairs with men, encouraged open marriages among his staff, stimulated himself with urethral insertion and ropes, and filmed sex in his attic.

Other than not reporting that Kinsey (being a typical homosexual) liked to rape young boys on overnight Scout outings, that was a pretty accurate description of Kinsey.

But we are talking about a New York Times article, so one can't expect the whole truth about homosexual Alfred Kinsey can one ...Dante?


I see that a drag queen who liked to sew and hang around with pederasts expired at the ripe old age of 65 (cause of death not revealed, i.e. complications from AIDS).

Gilbert Baker, creator of the gay pride rainbow flag, dies at 65

March 31, 2017

Gilbert Baker was a soldier from Kansas, stationed in San Francisco at the start of the gay liberation movement.
When he was honorably discharged from the military, he decided to teach himself to sew.
“He was a drag queen,” explained his longtime friend Cleve Jones. “He sewed gowns and costumes.”
Soon he began sewing flags for gay and antiwar street marches.

In 1978, he designed and sewed the banner that would become a symbol for LGBTQ rights around the world: the rainbow flag.
Baker died at 65 in his sleep at his New York home, said Jones, a longtime gay rights and AIDS activist. He did not know the cause of death, but said Baker had suffered a massive stroke several years ago and had to teach himself to sew again.
He said Baker, his best friend for 45 years, was a creative, big-hearted force of nature.
“He was crazy,” Jones said. “He was still a hippie at heart, part of the psychedelic generation.”

In the mid-1970s, gay activists in the Castro District of San Francisco — including Jones, Baker and Harvey Milk — were trying to come up with a symbol for their movement.



I wonder if Donald Trump will be attending the funeral, as he likes the work that Baker did.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: Go ahead and tell the followers of this 4 part thread all about LGBTQueer activist Evelyn Hooker's supposed "study".

Trying to get out of reading her study?

Since you're obviously not in one of your copy and paste moods today, I'll give a short summary:

In a nutshell: Evelyn Hooker recruited a bunch of homosexuals from Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay's Mattachine Society and conducted a study which showed that homosexuals are as free from mental disorder as heterosexuals.

While I wouldn't consider the following to be a APA approved study, since it doesn't have bogus control and experimental groups like Evelyn Hooker's study did, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and I agree that there is something very very wrong with men who are sexually aroused with another man's anus.


How about you agree with Phil and me and we can send our study into the APA and see if they'll publish it in one of their upcoming LGBTQueer friendly journals?


New member
Mr. Jones's book revealed that Kinsey had had affairs with men, encouraged open marriages among his staff, stimulated himself with urethral insertion and ropes, and filmed sex in his attic.

Other than not reporting that Kinsey (being a typical homosexual) liked to rape young boys on overnight Scout outings, that was a pretty accurate description of Kinsey.

But we are talking about a New York Times article, so one can't expect the whole truth about homosexual Alfred Kinsey can one ...Dante?



New member
Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
On that note: Go ahead and tell the followers of this 4 part thread all about LGBTQueer activist Evelyn Hooker's supposed "study".

Since you're obviously not in one of your copy and paste moods today, I'll give a short summary:

In a nutshell: Evelyn Hooker recruited a bunch of homosexuals from Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay's Mattachine Society and conducted a study which showed that homosexuals are as free from mental disorder as heterosexuals.

Awwww....does the smart woman from the 1950's with all her big words scare you? :baby:

While I wouldn't consider the following to be a APA approved study, since it doesn't have bogus control and experimental groups like Evelyn Hooker's study did, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and I agree that there is something very very wrong with men who are sexually aroused with another man's anus.


How about you agree with Phil and me and we can send our study into the APA and see if they'll publish it in one of their upcoming LGBTQueer friendly journals?
I see you are still a fan of pedophile and advocate of child rape Phil Robertson


New member
I see that champion of child abuse Joseph Nicolosi died today at the relatively young age of 70. Cause of death - complication from the flu i.e complication from AIDS


Vimeo removed 850 videos from Christian website
Some months ago, Vimeo removed all of the videos from the Christian network of ministries to homosexuals, Restored Hope Network – an outstanding ministry that helps those who come to them for healing from wounds that have led to sexual brokenness.

Homosexuals have proven and significant levels of brokenness, such as histories of childhood sexual abuse, depression, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, domestic violence, etc. Research abounds at CDC and APA websites. Entire books have been written on the brokenness, not only by ministries like ours, but by secular and gay authors as well.
But the “thought police” at Vimeo don’t want it known that homosexuals have sexual brokenness. They have declared that such an idea is “demeaning”. They also consider the idea that Jesus Christ can bring healing to sexual brokenness both offensive and demeaning.


Hence the term 'gaystapo'. The LGBTQueer movement MUST silence any opposition, be it through the example above, the dozens and dozens of examples I've shown in this 4 part thread where violence and intimidation were used, or simply silencing people in forums so that the truth about homosexuality is hidden. No matter how hard they try, the truth will always surface to the top for all to see.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you're obviously not in one of your copy and paste moods today, I'll give a short summary:

In a nutshell: Evelyn Hooker recruited a bunch of homosexuals from Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay's Mattachine Society and conducted a study which showed that homosexuals are as free from mental disorder as heterosexuals.

Awwww....does the smart woman from the 1950's with all her big words scare you?

Prior to partaking in this now 4 part thread several years ago, certain words and phrases were never in my vocabulary. Unfortunately since becoming educated about the LGBTQueer agenda and homosexual behavior, the following "big words" and terms now are a part of it:

Pedophile, pre-pubescent, pederast, post-pubescent, man-boy love, transvestite, transsexual, transgender, human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia. Hepatitis B and C and genital herpes, just to name a few.

While my vocabulary has been expanded since exposing the truth about homosexuality, they are words and terms that I would gladly never see or use again.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
While I wouldn't consider the following to be a APA approved study, since it doesn't have bogus control and experimental groups like Evelyn Hooker's study did, Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson and I agree that there is something very very wrong with men who are sexually aroused with another man's anus.

How about you agree with Phil and me and we can send our study into the APA and see if they'll publish it in one of their upcoming LGBTQueer friendly journals?

I see you are still a fan of pedophile and advocate of child rape Phil Robertson.

I was hoping that we could come to some mutual agreement that certain sexual attractions would be grounds for mental illness. Evidently in your mind sexual attraction towards another man's body part that was designed to expel human waste isn't one of them.


I see that champion of child abuse Joseph Nicolosi died today at the relatively young age of 70. Cause of death - complication from the flu i.e complication from AIDS

Nicolosi died of complications from influenza on Wednesday, according to the Encinco, California-based Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, which he oversaw.
Linda Nicolosi, Joseph's wife of 39 years, said in a statement posted to Facebook on Thursday that her husband "was happy to swim against the cultural tide when he was sure the culture was going in the wrong direction."
"Dr. Nicolosi had always hoped for his legacy as the creator of Reparative Therapy to go on. His career was dedicated to helping people align their lives with their deeply held convictions," she said.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/p...colosi-dies-at-70-177264/#PGvv6ufShU6ETW8i.99

Do you realize that Dr. Nicolosi was married longer than many homosexuals live ...Dante?

Do you think Wayne Besen and his jack booted thugs at 'Truth Wins Out" will picket the funeral and throw Molotov cocktails at the casket?


God has a special place in Heaven for people like Joseph Nicolosi.

Rest in peace Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, knowing that your work helping others will continue.




New member
Since you're obviously not in one of your copy and paste moods today, I'll give a short summary:

In a nutshell: Evelyn Hooker recruited a bunch of homosexuals from Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay's Mattachine Society and conducted a study which showed that homosexuals are as free from mental disorder as heterosexuals.
Don't worry that smart woman from the 1950's can't scare you if you don't let her. Just check under the bed and get a nightlight.

I was hoping that we could come to some mutual agreement that certain sexual attractions would be grounds for mental illness.
Why woudl I agree with one of your lies?


New member
Nicolosi died of complications from influenza on Wednesday, according to the Encinco, California-based Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic, which he oversaw.
Linda Nicolosi, Joseph's wife of 39 years, said in a statement posted to Facebook on Thursday that her husband "was happy to swim against the cultural tide when he was sure the culture was going in the wrong direction."
"Dr. Nicolosi had always hoped for his legacy as the creator of Reparative Therapy to go on. His career was dedicated to helping people align their lives with their deeply held convictions," she said.

Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/p...colosi-dies-at-70-177264/#PGvv6ufShU6ETW8i.99

Do you realize that Dr. Nicolosi was married longer than many homosexuals live ...Dante?

Do you think Wayne Besen and his jack booted thugs at 'Truth Wins Out" will picket the funeral and throw Molotov cocktails at the casket?


God has a special place in Heaven for people like Joseph Nicolosi.

Rest in peace Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, knowing that your work helping others will continue.



will that place be next to the millions of gays and lesbians that he tortured?


New member
will that place be next to the millions of gays and lesbians that he tortured?

You are a perfect example of folks that have their ears , eyes, and heart closed to the truth. The truth to your ilk is always torture because there will always be those that knows homosexuality/lesbianism is nasty and wrong based on FACTS not the fiction of those caught in that perversion and depravity.


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior

God has a special place in Heaven for people like Joseph Nicolosi.

Rest in peace Dr. Joseph Nicolosi, knowing that your work helping others will continue.

will that place be next to the millions of gays and lesbians that he tortured?

Healing Homosexuality:
Case Stories of Reparative Therapy

Repairs Self-Esteem and Relatedness

"...Central to reparative therapy is the client's understanding of how his masculine deficit becomes projected onto idealized males--"The other man has something I lack--therefore I need to be close to him [sexually]."
Reparative therapy is initiatory in nature. It requires not just a passive musing over self-insights, but an active initiation of new behaviors. The client must struggle to break down old patterns of avoidance and defensive detachment from males in order to form close, intimate, non-sexual male friendships.
Therapy challenges the client to master gender-related tasks missed in early boyhood. His developmental path requires mastering of these tasks during adulthood.
He is called to "catch up" to what the heterosexual man achieved years before. Thus he may eventually arrive at a heterosexual place, but from a different direction.
Many early feelings toward the father and other significant male figures will be transferred onto the male therapist. Therapy will offer a valuable opportunity to work through these reactions. Feelings for the male therapist may include anticipation of rejection and criticism, a tendency toward dependency--including hostile dependency--and also sexual feelings and anger.
Like all psychotherapies, reparative therapy creates a meaning transformation. This meaning transformation is the result of the client's gains in insight. When he comes to see the true needs that lie behind his unwanted behavior, he gains a new understanding of this behavior. His unwanted romantic attractions are de-mystified. He begins to perceive them as expressions of legitimate love needs--attention, affection and approval from men--which were unmet in childhood. He learns that such needs indeed can be satisfied, but not erotically.
When this is understood, there is a meaning transformation--"I do not really want to have sex with a man. Rather, what I really desire is to heal my masculinity." This healing will occur when the legitimate love needs of male attention, affection and approval are satisfied.
Meaning transformation includes not just intellectual understanding (insight) but also the experience of the self in the doing of new behaviors.
Embodied experience--that is, the experience of the body in the world in a new way--transforms personal identity. Transformation in personal identity occurs through repeatedly feeling different about oneself in relationship to others. In the case of gender deficit and homosexuality, increased ownership of one's maleness diminishes erotic attraction toward other men. The gradual internalization of the sense of "masculinity as me" distances previously distressing temptations.
In recent years, Gay Affirmative Therapy (GAT) has emerged to help homosexuals accept and affirm their sexual orientations. GAT presumes that dissatisfied homosexuals would be "satisfied" if they could only be free of the internalized prejudices of society. GAT sees reparative therapy as playing on a man's self-deception, guilt and low self-esteem. It makes the arbitrary assumption that "coming out" is the answer to every homosexual client's problems.
Reparative therapy, on the other hand, sees homosexuality as a developmental deficit. According to reparative theory, Gay Affirmative Therapy is expecting the client to identify with his pathology in the name of health.
William Aaron, in his biographical book, Straight, says: "To persuade someone that he will make a workable adjustment to society and himself by lowering his sights and settling for something that he inwardly despises (homosexuality) is not the answer."
GAT presumes that homosexuality is a natural and healthy sexual variation. It then proceeds to attribute every personal and inter-personal problem of the gay man to social or internalized homophobia. Its theoretical model frames the life experiences of the client in the context of victimization, inevitably setting him against conventional society.
One cannot help but wonder how GAT would explain the obvious benefits of reparative therapy---increased self-esteem, with a diminishing of distress, anxiety and depression. Better relationships with others and freedom from distressing distractions are typically reported by men in reparative therapy.
Interestingly, GAT and reparative therapy agree on what the homosexual man needs and desires: To give himself permission to love other men. But GAT works within the gay ideology of eroticization of these relationships, while reparative therapy sees sex between men as sabotaging the mutuality necessary for growth toward maturity. Reparative therapy frees the homosexual man to love other men--not as sex partners, but as equals and as brothers."

Read more: http://www.josephnicolosi.com/healing-homosexuality-excerpts/


New member
You are a perfect example of folks that have their ears , eyes, and heart closed to the truth. The truth to your ilk is always torture because there will always be those that knows homosexuality/lesbianism is nasty and wrong based on FACTS not the fiction of those caught in that perversion and depravity.

No torture is what Children as young as three years old endured with Nicolosi. He was an advocate and practitioner of aversion therapy, that that is the application of pain to his patients. Nicolsi used rubber bands, slapping, electrodes and induced vomiting on children. Apparently he couldn't use them much on adults because they wouldn't put up with it.

Nicolosi also used “Hold therapy” again something only done with children. The child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. There have been some reports of parents being encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child. This will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay. This was often done with the child naked. I don't have information on the extend Nicolosi used forced nudity in his 'therapy sessions' but i woudl be willing to bet that most teenage girls got that special treatment.

I would ask if you approve of these methods used on children but i am afraid of what your answer would be.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
No torture is what Children as young as three years old endured with Nicolosi. He was an advocate and practitioner of aversion therapy, that that is the application of pain to his patients. Nicolsi used rubber bands, slapping, electrodes and induced vomiting on children. Apparently he couldn't use them much on adults because they wouldn't put up with it.

Nicolosi also used “Hold therapy” again something only done with children. The child is physically restrained while the therapist screams at them and encourages the child’s parents to express their hatred and disgust for the child. There have been some reports of parents being encouraged to hit, slap or kick the child. This will continue until the child admits that they are hurting their family and that they hate themselves for being gay. This was often done with the child naked. I don't have information on the extend Nicolosi used forced nudity in his 'therapy sessions' but i woudl be willing to bet that most teenage girls got that special treatment.

I would ask if you approve of these methods used on children but i am afraid of what your answer would be.

is this what happened to you?

was it unsuccessful?

is that why you harbor so much hate toward Nicolosi?


TOL Subscriber
You're assuming Terry died unrepentant.

I sent you a pm.
Yes, please refrain from pming me.

Which gospel did Terry hear that made him a "Christian" (as you call him)? Was it necessary for him to repent of homosexuality to become a Christian? Why or why not?


No torture is what Children as young as three years old endured with Nicolosi. He was an advocate and practitioner of aversion therapy, that that is the application of pain to his patients. Nicolsi used rubber bands, slapping, electrodes and induced vomiting on children. Apparently he couldn't use them much on adults because they wouldn't put up with it.

Facts and Myths on Early Aversion Techniques in the Treatment of Unwanted Homosexual Attractions

Aversion techniques are no longer used to treat unwanted homosexual attractions, yet many myths concerning such practices still exist. Beginning in the late 1960’s at several academic institutions, clinical aversive techniques were experimentally introduced as part of the curriculum and investigation of evolving aversive procedures, which were applied to a variety of conditions, including unwanted homosexual attractions (McBride, 1976; Rachman & Teasdale, 1969). Since their introduction, these techniques were the object of varying media coverage. Primarily for public consumption, many of the media reports contained significant misinformation and serious inaccuracies regarding aversive techniques and their uses.
This paper is an attempt to provide accurate information about the use of aversive techniques in general, to address some of the myths associated with aversive techniques, and to provide a more accurate description and assessment of what did and did not occur during the period in which aversive techniques were applied to a variety of client symptoms, including unwanted homosexuality...

Summary and Conclusion

Beginning as early as 1935, aversive techniques were among many behavioral therapies used in the treatment of unwanted sexual attractions and were employed in the treatment of impotence, frigidity, transvestic fetishes, masochism, exhibitionism, and several other fetishisms and paraphilias (Rachman & Teasdale, 1969). Such approaches were used in both clinical and experimental settings. In academic institutions, aversive treatments were used with full disclosure of the experimental nature of the treatment, never coerced and provided only with the full consent of those who participated in this form of behavioral therapy (McBride, 1976; Rachman & Teasdale, 1969). In part, such treatments were discontinued following the American Psychiatric Association’s officially-declared removal of homosexuality as a mental illness, per se. Moreover, many other alternative and less invasive interventions were made available in the treatment field.

Read more: https://www.narth.com/aversion-techniques-

Now that yet another lie of ...Dante has been exposed:

Do you know what would be great for this thread? If someone who actually went through reparative therapy counselling came forward and shared his or her experiences. Surely of the 200-300 people that follow this thread on a daily basis, one of them could step forward and share their experiences.

If a new username is needed for an existing member who constantly defends homosexuality (or those who attempt to silence me but don't openly defend homosexuality), but is too ashamed to admit that he or she is one, then I suggest he or she do that.
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