Why do you think smearing my profession is a good idea?Truck drivers are mostly perverts
Why do you think smearing my profession is a good idea?Truck drivers are mostly perverts
I was parts manager at a big trucking company, I know the truth.Why do you think smearing my profession is a good idea?
I was parts manager at a big trucking company, I know the truth.
I forgot. You sound alot like aCW, are you his sock?That doesn't answer my question. Why do you think smearing my profession is a good idea, considering that this topic is on homosexuality, not the trucking industry?
If I had access to a library on a regular basis like you seem to think I do, then I would look it up. However, I'm a truck driver and I'm not often at home.
You might have some insight if you had actually read the study you linked.
a boogeyman is something one might fear. Cameron is a laughing stock not a boogeyman
You don't have a clue what teh Evelyn hooker study was about do you? :dunce:I'm well aware that the Mailman School's pro LGBTQueer study that I linked had to use homosexuals who had attempted suicide as their subjects. Undoubtedly the Mailman School went the Evelyn Hooker route and selectively chose their subjects like Hooker did with Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay and his Mattachine Society:
First, to find her homosexual subjects, she enlisted the early gay rights group Mattachine Society, which, as she put it in her published report, "has as its stated purpose the development of a homosexual ethic...."[3] Members of the Mattachine Society volunteered for the study and also recruited their friends...
the Mailman School study needed live subjects (even though they undoubtedly answered questions the way the LGBTQ friendly Mailman School wanted them to).
As I suspected: No LGBTQueer studies have been done on the median lifespan of those who engage in homosexuality.
I forgot. You sound alot like aCW, are you his sock?
You don't have a clue what teh Evelyn hooker study was about do you?
Again if you had actually read the study you linked...
Since there are such things as actuary tables no one has done any studies on this topic period.
Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I'm well aware that the Mailman School's pro LGBTQueer study that I linked had to use homosexuals who had attempted suicide as their subjects. Undoubtedly the Mailman School went the Evelyn Hooker route and selectively chose their subjects like Hooker did with Harry "NAMBLA walks with me" Hay and his Mattachine Society:
First, to find her homosexual subjects, she enlisted the early gay rights group Mattachine Society, which, as she put it in her published report, "has as its stated purpose the development of a homosexual ethic...."[3] Members of the Mattachine Society volunteered for the study and also recruited their friends...
Evelyn Hooker, besides being a pseudo psychologist, was the female version of Alfred Kinsey: her purpose in life was to promote sexual perversion.
Same old lies :yawn:Did Hooker rape babies and young children in her pro LGBTQueer studies like Kinsey did in his?
I'm sure you take great pride in the suffering that your particular brand of hate causesQuote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
...the Mailman School study needed live subjects (even though they undoubtedly answered questions the way the LGBTQ friendly Mailman School wanted them to).
According to you and your LGBTQueer movement, it's people like me who share God's love with sexually confused people who are at fault here and cause the premature death of homosexuals, not the physical harmful behavior and emotionally and spiritually empty lifestyle that homosexuals lead.
Hate is a powerful weapon, but you know that.Speaking of the Mailman School study:
The authors also found that suicide, homicide/violence, and cardiovascular diseases were all substantially elevated among sexual minorities in high-prejudice communities. LGB respondents living in high-prejudice communities died of suicide on average at age 37.5, compared to age 55.7 for those living in low-prejudice communities, a striking 18-year difference.
Do inquiring minds want to know what the median age of white male Christians is? I found that information quite edifying.In those LGBTQ friendly cities like Sodomy and Gonorrhea South (San Franswishco) where the median age of homosexuals that commit suicide is 55+ years old (as opposed to 37 in areas that aren't hip to perversion), did the Mailman Study explain why homosexuals are killing themselves at the relatively young age of 55?
Inquiring minds really gotsta know.
Wow we have a winner for the dumbest post of the day....possibly for the whole yearWhy study the obvious?
If you were to attempt to come up with a median age of death for those who engage in homosexual behavior, what method would you use?
Keep in mind that:
1). When using older homosexuals, you'd first have to know if they had been celibate for decades (if so, then they're not "real homosexuals").
Same old lies. Face it no one is stupid enough or inbred enough to believe you.
Do inquiring minds want to know what the median age of white male Christians is? I found that information quite edifying.
Wow we have a winner for the dumbest post of the day....possibly for the whole year
And anyone actually reading from the source of these tables would find that they came form the journals of a single individual started in 1917. Pool, Gary "Sex, science, and Kinsey: a conversation with Dr. John Bancroft ". Humanist. 1996Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Did Hooker rape babies and young children in her pro LGBTQueer studies like Kinsey did in his?
Homosexual Alfred Kinsey's Table 34
What is the median age of white Christian males who commit suicide?Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Speaking of the Mailman School study:
In those LGBTQ friendly cities like Sodomy and Gonorrhea South (San Franswishco) where the median age of homosexuals that commit suicide is 55+ years old (as opposed to 37 in areas that aren't hip to perversion), did the Mailman Study explain why homosexuals are killing themselves at the relatively young age of 55?
Inquiring minds really gotsta know.
So no answer as to why homosexuals at the young age of 55 are killing themselves in areas that are homosexual friendly?
Still don't know anything about her actual study? Or do you and you are just trying to perpetuate another one of your lies?More on Evelyn Hooker:
While it appears that she didn't approve of the typical pederast relationships found in the homosexual lifestyle:
And anyone actually reading from the source of these tables would find that they came form the journals of a single individual started in 1917. Pool, Gary "Sex, science, and Kinsey: a conversation with Dr. John Bancroft ". Humanist. 1996
Jones, James H. . Alfred C. Kinsey: A Public/Private Life. New York: Norton.1997
What is the median age of white Christian males who commit suicide?
An inquiring mind woudl want to know that. And obviously you don't.
Still don't know anything about her actual study? Or do you and you are just trying to perpetuate another one of your lies?
You do realize that what you posted about Kinsey was a cut and paste don't you....Or maybe you don't care.Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Did Hooker rape babies and young children in her pro LGBTQueer studies like Kinsey did in his?
Homosexual Alfred Kinsey's Table 34
Do you realize that your pro LGBTQ copy and pastes are getting lamer as time goes on?
Alfred Kinsey coverup: Sexologist Kinsey Uses A Nazi Pedophile To Defame The Greatest Generation
Hundreds of articles appeared in the USA in 2004 and 2005 critiquing Kinsey's two PBSTV specials and the Fox Searchlight "Kinsey" feature. In a daring, "one time" mainstream media exposure, on October 3, 2004, The New York Times published reporter Caleb Crain's article, "Alfred Kinsey: Liberator or Pervert?" Crain was the only reporter who revealed both Kinsey's on-going collaboration with serial rapist pedophile Rex King as well as Kinsey's Gestapo/Nazi "sex expert" and pedophile collaborator, Dr. Fritz von Balluseck.
Homosexual Alfred Kinsey
also paid people here in the US to sexually molest children
so that he could use it in his bogus reports on human sexuality.
The scientist who shielded and enabled pedophiles
I thought we were still debating...ahem...discussing the Mailman School study?
How about you tell the followers of this thread why homosexuals at the young age of 55 are killing themselves in areas that are homosexual friendly, or maybe I should?
Why? They aren't pedophiles.Don't cha just hate pederastphobes ...Dante?
Do you think that Harvey Milk and HRC founder Terry Bean and their boy toys would have been welcomed at the Hooker house ...Dante?
Trying to get out of reading her study?On that note: Go ahead and tell the followers of this 4 part thread all about LGBTQueer activist Evelyn Hooker's supposed "study".