Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Well, you're black and I'm white but we are both honest and proud red blooded Americans. We both have a fence to fix. We both love Donald J. Trump (you're just putting on a show), and we both detest homosexuality. I'm a little better than you, but otherwise, we are like two peas in pod.

Have I mentioned that you desperately need to seek spiritual and psychological counseling?


I wanted to discuss how sociopaths/psychopaths 'lure' their victims, in this case how Donald Trump is doing it (it's similar to how homosexual pedophiles/pederasts 'groom' their victims).

Trump has been saying that if elected President that he will nominate conservative Judges to the Supreme Court (need I remind followers of this thread that it was a republican President that appointed SCOTUS Judges that gave us Roe v Wade, etc.).

Looking over the child rape allegations against Donald Trump, I see that his 13 year old victim was 'lured' into going to Jeffrey Epstein's house with promises of a modeling job. Trump is 'luring' conservatives into voting for him by making similar promises, such as putting Utah Senator and devout Mormon Mike Lee at the top of his SCOTUS list.

Senator Mike Lee on His Mormonism

Senator Mike Lee, the junior senator from Utah, gave an interview for reason.com in which he discussed the Tea Party faction of the Republican party, the struggles the Republican party is having in connecting with young voters and how his Mormon faith influences his world view.

(Oh my, a Mormon on the Supreme Court?).

Don't be fooled by sociopaths/psychopaths people, they 'lure' their victims into trusting them with false promises and as seen with the poor little 13 year old that Donald Trump is accused of raping, fulfill their own evil agenda once they're in a position of power.



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
"Limp wristed hissy fit" is too long to write.

Dear oh dear aCW, you really haven't got much in your "mockery" arsenal have you? Pointing out that your beloved Ted Cruz has double standards and you do in turn by supporting him no more constitutes a 'rant' or 'hissy fit' than an egg resembles the Eiffel tower. On the other hand, how many times have you alluded to being persecuted on here again?


Poor Art, I can't imagine the pain that you're going through in your sexually confused life. Jesus is the answer you know.

Moving on...

Oh, I'm sure your fevered brain concocts all sorts of imaginings that have no stem in reality. For some of us we know exactly which way our breads buttered, no confusion at all. You, however seem to speculate all sorts of bizarre homosexual nonsense in regards to other posters, your latest insinuations having landed you yet another spell in the penalty box here.

Decidedly odd behaviour for a supposedly straight man that...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I wanted to discuss how sociopaths/psychopaths 'lure' their victims, in this case how Donald Trump is doing it (it's similar to how homosexual pedophiles/pederasts 'groom' their victims).

Trump has been saying that if elected President that he will nominate conservative Judges to the Supreme Court (need I remind followers of this thread that it was a republican President that appointed SCOTUS Judges that gave us Roe v Wade, etc.).

Looking over the child rape allegations against Donald Trump, I see that his 13 year old victim was 'lured' into going to Jeffrey Epstein's house with promises of a modeling job. Trump is 'luring' conservatives into voting for him by making similar promises, such as putting Utah Senator and devout Mormon Mike Lee at the top of his SCOTUS list.

Senator Mike Lee on His Mormonism

Senator Mike Lee, the junior senator from Utah, gave an interview for reason.com in which he discussed the Tea Party faction of the Republican party, the struggles the Republican party is having in connecting with young voters and how his Mormon faith influences his world view.

(Oh my, a Mormon on the Supreme Court?).

Don't be fooled by sociopaths/psychopaths people, they 'lure' their victims into trusting them with false promises and as seen with the poor little 13 year old that Donald Trump is accused of raping, fulfill their own evil agenda once they're in a position of power.



Hey, maybe he'll give Ted Cruz a role in government as a presidential tea boy?



Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I wanted to discuss how sociopaths/psychopaths 'lure' their victims, in this case how Donald Trump is doing it (it's similar to how homosexual pedophiles/pederasts 'groom' their victims).

Hey, maybe he'll give Ted Cruz a role in government as a presidential tea boy?


Donald Trump is everything that you love in a politician Art:

Pro LGBTQueer

Pro abortion

a socialist

and let's not forget a misogynist.

If only you were an American you could close your eyes and mark "x" by any of the two Presidential frontrunners names and you'd be guaranteed to be a winner.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

"Limp wristed hissy fit" is too long to write.

Dear oh dear aCW, you really haven't got much in your "mockery" arsenal have you?...

Actually I spend quite a bit of my time praying for sexually confused/lost souls such as yourself Art, so I have little time to work on my "mockery arsenal" these days.

I've recently been praying for alwight (aka Al the atheist) as I had this uneasy feeling that Al might be terminally ill (he had mentioned a while back some health issues). I hope that he's accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, as I would hate to think that he'll be spending eternity in damnation.

I'd ask you to pray for Al as well, but we both know that Christianity isn't your 'thing'.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Donald Trump is everything that you love in a politician Art:

Pro LGBTQueer

Pro abortion

a socialist

and let's not forget a misogynist.

If only you were an American you could close your eyes and mark "x" by any of the two Presidential frontrunners names and you'd be guaranteed to be a winner.

Hmm, you know about as much about what I look for in a politician as you do about everything else then, that being...nothing.

Quite a staggering feat that, if not exactly one to boast about aCW.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Actually I spend quite a bit of my time praying for sexually confused/lost souls such as yourself Art, so I have little time to work on my "mockery arsenal" these days.

Strikes me you'd be better off praying for yourself as it only seems to be you who has any confusion with these matters. As before, some of us know exactly which way our breads buttered and mines butter side up - aka straight. So why you feel the need to imagine otherwise is rather more indicative that you're the one struggling with certain issues. Take a look at your latest ban dude. Who, apart from you, would possibly think or imply that TH is anything other than a happily married straight man with a child? Trolls notwithstanding, nobody is what.

You wonder why folk think you're in the closet?

That's all on you, and your past history of bans for sleazy sexual slurs and innuendo only underscores that.

I've recently been praying for alwight (aka Al the atheist) as I had this uneasy feeling that Al might be terminally ill (he had mentioned a while back some health issues). I hope that he's accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, as I would hate to think that he'll be spending eternity in damnation.

I'd ask you to pray for Al as well, but we both know that Christianity isn't your 'thing'.

Your faux concern for Al is duly noted and filed in the appropriate place.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Donald Trump is everything that you love in a politician Art:

Pro LGBTQueer

Pro abortion

a socialist

and let's not forget a misogynist.

If only you were an American you could close your eyes and mark "x" by any of the two Presidential frontrunners names and you'd be guaranteed to be a winner.

Hmm, you know about as much about what I look for in a politician as you do about everything else then, that being...nothing.

Quite a staggering feat that, if not exactly one to boast about aCW.


Since you defend homosexuality, abortion and socialism, one can only assume that you would vote for a candidate who shares your worldview.

Care to discuss politics Art; after all we're in a politics forum (not a drama queen one).


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Actually I spend quite a bit of my time praying for sexually confused/lost souls such as yourself Art, so I have little time to work on my "mockery arsenal" these days.

Strikes me you'd be better off praying for yourself as it only seems to be you who has any confusion with these matters. As before, some of us know exactly which way our breads buttered and mines butter side up - aka straight. So why you feel the need to imagine otherwise is rather more indicative that you're the one struggling with certain issues. Take a look at your latest ban dude. Who, apart from you, would possibly think or imply that TH is anything other than a happily married straight man with a child? Trolls notwithstanding, nobody is what.

You wonder why folk think you're in the closet? That's all on you, and your past history of bans for sleazy sexual slurs and innuendo only underscores that.

I pray that all of the sexually confused people following this thread (or those who aren't but know someone who is) make use of the resources that I've posted in the index on page 1, so that they can escape the lie that they're living and eventually find true happiness through Jesus Christ.

Here is the list of clergy and counselors that can help those who are living a lie:

The organizations listed below may be helpful in providing education and help with same-sex attractions. Some are faith-based ministries and others are professional or service organizations. This list is for information and does not constitute an endorsement of these organizations.

Now don't get me wrong Art, I'm still fighting on the front lines of this culture war, educating people about the evil of the homosexual agenda and the deadly homosexual lifestyle. I'm still encouraging people to vote Godly men and women into political office who will help turn around this nightmare that our society is living.

Faith without works is dead. While God encourages our prayers, He doesn't want us only to pray.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I've recently been praying for alwight (aka Al the atheist) as I had this uneasy feeling that Al might be terminally ill (he had mentioned a while back some health issues). I hope that he's accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, as I would hate to think that he'll be spending eternity in damnation.

I'd ask you to pray for Al as well, but we both know that Christianity isn't your 'thing'.

Your faux concern for Al is duly noted and filed in the appropriate place.

I pray that Al pursued those resources that I posted above and became of follower of Christ. I look forward to the day when Al and I meet in Heaven.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

Donald Trump is everything that you love in a politician Art:

Pro LGBTQueer

Pro abortion

a socialist

and let's not forget a misogynist.

If only you were an American you could close your eyes and mark "x" by any of the two Presidential frontrunners names and you'd be guaranteed to be a winner.

Since you defend homosexuality, abortion and socialism, one can only assume that you would vote for a candidate who shares your worldview.

Care to discuss politics Art; after all we're in a politics forum (not a drama queen one).

Hmm, like most people I have no issue with homosexuals having the same rights as anyone else afforded under law, so not sure how that's 'defending' homosexuals as much as you just fixating on them and wanting to deprive them the same.

I'm not 'pro abortion' or some such so that's another fail.

I'm not a socialist either so...

Seems the drama here is all yours (again). Might wanna work on that.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I pray that all of the sexually confused people following this thread (or those who aren't but know someone who is) make use of the resources that I've posted in the index on page 1, so that they can escape the lie that they're living and eventually find true happiness through Jesus Christ.

Why do you lie and make up lurid innuendo about people who aren't sexually confused at all and obviously straight? Why would you, as a supposedly Christian man do that?


Now don't get me wrong Art, I'm still fighting on the front lines of this culture war, educating people about the evil of the homosexual agenda and the deadly homosexual lifestyle. I'm still encouraging people to vote Godly men and women into political office who will help turn around this nightmare that our society is living.

No you aren't. You're just some pompous ineffectual nutcase with a fixation on gay men who gets consistently banned for lurid sleaze. Your latest double standards in relation to your beloved Ted Cruz on this and other threads testify to your own 'moral relativism' also.

Faith without works is dead. While God encourages our prayers, He doesn't want us only to pray.

Does this include lying and sleaze as per your following?

I pray that Al pursued those resources that I posted above and became of follower of Christ. I look forward to the day when Al and I meet in Heaven.

Why on earth would he need to considering he's a heterosexual man?

Congrats aCW. You've taken sleazy lying innuendo to an all time new low.


They should be called 'gay sex supporters', so that it can be seen for what it is. 'LGBT advocate' has become too PC of a phrase :rolleyes:


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Since you defend homosexuality, abortion and socialism, one can only assume that you would vote for a candidate who shares your worldview.

Care to discuss politics Art; after all we're in a politics forum (not a drama queen one).

Hmm, like most people I have no issue with homosexuals having the same rights as anyone else afforded under law, so not sure how that's 'defending' homosexuals as much as you just fixating on them and wanting to deprive them the same.

Which would make you and "most people" pro LGBTQueer (although "most people" don't put the effort into defending and promoting the LGBTQ agenda and the homosexual 'lifestyle' as you do Art).


I'm not 'pro abortion' or some such so that's another fail.

I stand corrected (make note to self to work on political correctness), you're 'pro choice'.

You do realize that if government starts telling a woman what she can do with her body they'll be telling 1-3 percent of the population who they can and cannot have sex with don't you Art? (It's that supposed 'right to privacy' thing which every major SCOTUS ruling from Roe v Wade to Obergefell v Hodges was based on).

I'm not a socialist either so...

And here I thought that you Brits just loved your universal healthcare and other government (i.e. tax payer) subsidized programs.

Seems the drama here is all yours (again). Might wanna work on that.

Speaking of drama, I see that you're in full drama queen mode in your next post.


They should be called 'gay sex supporters', so that it can be seen for what it is. 'LGBT advocate' has become too PC of a phrase :rolleyes:

If you wouldn't mind sharing: The homosexual that took you in as a youth, did he die prematurely? If so, what was the cause of death?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Which would make you and "most people" pro LGBTQueer.


Pro human rights is what it would 'make anyone'.

That was simple, rather like you regrettably...

I stand corrected (make note to self to work on political correctness), you're 'pro choice'.

Given how much you lie about people I think the horizontal version of being corrected is more apt with you dude...

You do realize that if government starts telling a woman what she can do with her body they'll be telling 1-3 percent of the population who they can and cannot have sex with don't you Art? (It's that supposed 'right to privacy' thing which every major SCOTUS ruling from Roe v Wade to Obergefell v Hodges was based on).




And here I thought that you Brits just loved your universal healthcare and other government (i.e. tax payer) subsidized programs.

Oh, I certainly ascribe to a provisional healthcare system that covers everybody. If you equate that with socialism overall then that's just you being your usual crank of a self...

Speaking of drama, I see that you're in full drama queen mode in the next post.

Hardly, but then, what do you care anyway?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

I pray that all of the sexually confused people following this thread (or those who aren't but know someone who is) make use of the resources that I've posted in the index on page 1, so that they can escape the lie that they're living and eventually find true happiness through Jesus Christ.

Here is the list of clergy and counselors that can help those who are living a lie:

The organizations listed below may be helpful in providing education and help with same-sex attractions. Some are faith-based ministries and others are professional or service organizations. This list is for information and does not constitute an endorsement of these organizations.

Why do you lie and make up lurid innuendo about people who aren't sexually confused at all and obviously straight? Why would you, as a supposedly Christian man do that?

My prayers are for sexually confused people who are living a lie (many who won't admit it) to make use of the resources out there that have helped many many sexually and gender confused people overcome the lie that they're living.

Surely the 'gaystapo' doesn't have a problem with Christians silently praying to God do they? (The 'gaystapo' has a major problem with God and anyone that believes in Him).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Now don't get me wrong Art, I'm still fighting on the front lines of this culture war, educating people about the evil of the homosexual agenda and the deadly homosexual lifestyle. I'm still encouraging people to vote Godly men and women into political office who will help turn around this nightmare that our society is living.

No you aren't. You're just some pompous ineffectual nutcase with a fixation on gay men who gets consistently banned for lurid sleaze. Your latest double standards in relation to your beloved Ted Cruz on this and other threads testify to your own 'moral relativism' also.

I'm glad that you're taking this 4 part thread on homosexuality personal Art, as it shows that it's had an impact on your life. I pray that you'll turn this negativity that you have towards the truth into something positive.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Faith without works is dead. While God encourages our prayers, He doesn't want us only to pray.

Does this include lying and sleaze as per your following?

My issue is not with those who stand for God's Word and decency in general, it's those who side with the LGBTQ movement. As shown in the previous post where you admitted that you're pro LGBTQ, you and I have an 'issue' (your 'issue' is really with God and His Word, not me).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I pray that Al pursued those resources that I posted above and became of follower of Christ. I look forward to the day when Al and I meet in Heaven.

Why on earth would he need to considering he's a heterosexual man?

Congrats aCW. You've taken sleazy lying innuendo to an all time new low.

Your hatred of your fellow man is duly noted Art (but then that's what the LGBTQ movement is based on: lies and hatred).

Hopefully you'll check out those resources that I posted so that you won't die a sad, angry and lonely man.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
My prayers are for sexually confused people who are living a lie (many who won't admit it) to make use of the resources out there that have helped many many sexually and gender confused people overcome the lie that they're living.

No they aren't unless you yourself are actually living in denial after all? You've accused so many straight people here of being gay or inventing such innuendo up that the only logical conclusion to draw is that you're the one with a very personal hang up. Pray for yourself.

Surely the 'gaystapo' doesn't have a problem with Christians silently praying to God do they? (The 'gaystapo' has a major problem with God and anyone that believes in Him).

As above. You have really got a problem, and it isn't with anyone else.

I'm glad that you're taking this 4 part thread on homosexuality personal Art, as it shows that it's had an impact on your life. I pray that you'll turn this negativity that you have towards the truth into something positive.

It's pretty much just a two part blog now and of course I ain't taking it personally. What are you even on about with that?


My issue is not with those who stand for God's Word and decency in general, it's those who side with the LGBTQ movement. As shown in the previous post where you admitted that you're pro LGBTQ, you and I have an 'issue' (your 'issue' is really with God and His Word, not me).

Erm, nope. I did no such thing. Just you and your usual hyperbole going on here, not to mention drama...

Your hatred of your fellow man is duly noted Art (but then that's what the LGBTQ movement is based on: lies and hatred).

Then you must be one of their biggest supporters given that you're deliberately and maliciously lying about a poster who was so obviously straight. Did he get under your skin that much that you feel the need to lie about him like this?

Hopefully you'll check out those resources that I posted so that you won't die a sad, angry and lonely man.

Of course I won't. Even if I were gay I wouldn't. Take your sad, nasty little projection and take your own advice.
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