Why Homosexuality MUST Be Recriminalized! Part 4

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Uganda took foreign homosexuals coming into their country and raping little boys and infecting them with AIDS quite serious.

"...But the Christians in Uganda want to keep these dangerous foreign influences out of their country.

George Oundo, a former homosexual, has confessed that he recruited school children into homosexuality as part of a program funded by foreign interests and operating in Uganda under the cover of a group called Sexual Minorities Uganda.

In an interview with the New York Times (4/13/2011) Oundo states that he was never an ex-gay and that his claims about recruitment were scripted for him. He was paid $2,000 in US currency by Rev. Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively to make public appearances and share his "testimony".

In a third world country like Uganda $2,000 american would be a fortune.


In an interview with the New York Times (4/13/2011) Oundo states that he was never an ex-gay and that his claims about recruitment were scripted for him.

He was paid $2,000 in US currency by Rev. Martin Ssempa and Scott Lively to make public appearances and share his "testimony".

In a third world country like Uganda $2,000 american would be a fortune.

So Ugandan homosexual George Oundo lied to Christian pastors for money?

I wonder if Oundo was paid by the NY Times for his interview?(as poor as the ultra LGBTQueer friendly NY Times is, they probably had to rummage through sofa cushions for some pocket change to pay Oundo).
Was he lying in this video dated Feb. 25, 2015 where he described how homosexuals recruit youth?

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New member
So Ugandan homosexual George Oundo lied to Christian pastors for money?
No he lied FOR those Christian Pastors. And got paid well to do so.

I wonder if Oundo was paid by the NY Times for his interview?(as poor as the ultra LGBTQueer friendly NY Times is, they probably had to rummage through sofa cushions for some pocket change to pay Oundo).
Was he lying in this video dated Feb. 25, 2015 where he described how homosexuals recruit youth?

The fact that he is essentially a paid actor is pretty well known in Uganda. This is why he can publically confess to capital crimes but the police don't seem to care about arresting him.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior

So Ugandan homosexual George Oundo lied to Christian pastors for money?

No he lied FOR those Christian Pastors. And got paid well to do so.

So the LGBTQueer movement really doesn't indoctrinate/recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle and teach them to embrace the homosexual agenda?

From that "lying" Christian Pastor Scott Lively:

Report from Uganda

March 17, 2009

"...Uganda is an important target for the "gays" because of it's internationally-renowned victory over AIDS through abstinence campaigns. It went from having the highest to the lowest disease rates in Africa.

Sadly. there are numerous indications that the "gay" efforts are working. We heard testimonies in our meetings from teachers, pastors and counselors that incidents of homosexuality are on the raise among the youth, including male-on-male rapes in boys boarding schools, and increasing lesbianism in several public schools. It was reported that in at least one of the schools two girls had actually been hired by the underground "gay" movement to recruit other girls at school, resulting in a total of thirteen girls self-identifying as lesbians by the end of the year. There is also a very high incidence of �cross-generational relationships (i.e. pederasty), so much so that during my stay there was a public-service radio campaign urging young people not to give in to "sugar-daddies." What happens, according to reports from the youths, is that wealthy white "gays" are coming to Uganda from Europe and America using cash and gifts to lure teenage boys into homosexual relationships. These "rent boys" then brag to their friends that they too can have money and material things if they offer the same services. Unfortunately, in a poor country like Uganda where many people live on less than $5 per day, it isn't very expensive to corrupt the young.

Them homosexuals sure do like their little boys & girls.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wonder if Oundo was paid by the NY Times for his interview?(as poor as the ultra LGBTQueer friendly NY Times is, they probably had to rummage through sofa cushions for some pocket change to pay Oundo).
Was he lying in this video dated Feb. 25, 2015 where he described how homosexuals recruit youth?

The fact that he is essentially a paid actor is pretty well known in Uganda. This is why he can publically confess to capital crimes but the police don't seem to care about arresting him.

Oundo laid it out in pretty good detail how homosexuals recruit youth in the video that I posted. Care to refute it?


New member
So the LGBTQueer movement really doesn't indoctrinate/recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle and teach them to embrace the homosexual agenda?
You would have to be very stupid to believe in "recruitment'

From that "lying" Christian Pastor Scott Lively:

Report from Uganda

March 17, 2009

"...Uganda is an important target for the "gays" because of it's internationally-renowned victory over AIDS through abstinence campaigns. It went from having the highest to the lowest disease rates in Africa.

Uganda had 140,000 new cases of HIV infections, accounting for 7% of the world’s total increase – the third largest increase in any country.

and like most places the vast majority of cases of HIV AIDS is found in heterosexuals, In Uganda heterosexuals account for over 90% of all cases of HIV/AIDS. 70% of all cases are found in women with the largest group being women under the age of 30.

You are correct Lively is a liar

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I wonder if Oundo was paid by the NY Times for his interview?(as poor as the ultra LGBTQueer friendly NY Times is, they probably had to rummage through sofa cushions for some pocket change to pay Oundo).
Was he lying in this video dated Feb. 25, 2015 where he described how homosexuals recruit youth?
Why would anyone assume he is telling to truth?


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So the LGBTQueer movement really doesn't indoctrinate/recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle and teach them to embrace the homosexual agenda?

You would have to be very stupid to believe in "recruitment'

If Art Brain doesn't return to the thread soon I'll have to pass his Queen of Denial tiara over your way.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorFrom that "lying" Christian Pastor Scott Lively:

Report from Uganda

March 17, 2009

"...Uganda is an important target for the "gays" because of it's internationally-renowned victory over AIDS through abstinence campaigns. It went from having the highest to the lowest disease rates in Africa.
Uganda had 140,000 new cases of HIV infections, accounting for 7% of the world’s total increase – the third largest increase in any country.

and like most places the vast majority of cases of HIV AIDS is found in heterosexuals,...

Uh huh.



About that tiara...


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
So the LGBTQueer movement really doesn't indoctrinate/recruit children into the homosexual lifestyle and teach them to embrace the homosexual agenda?

If Art Brain doesn't return to the thread soon I'll have to pass his Queen of Denial tiara over your way.
You're the only queen here.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarriorFrom that "lying" Christian Pastor Scott Lively:

Report from Uganda

March 17, 2009

"...Uganda is an important target for the "gays" because of it's internationally-renowned victory over AIDS through abstinence campaigns. It went from having the highest to the lowest disease rates in Africa.
Uganda had 140,000 new cases of HIV infections, accounting for 7% of the world’s total increase – the third largest increase in any country.

Uh huh.



About that tiara...

So you are trying to pass off a single country's statistics as means of propping up not just lively's false witness but your own lies as well. :chuckle:


New member
Speaking of Scott (can you smell the love) Lively. It seems he is still trying to get out of any sort of trial associated with his wonderful "missionary" work in Uganda. Lively's lawyers have submitted a motion for summary judgment with the courts. Among the usual legal gibberish is the interesting position that the court does not jurisdiction to accept discovery evidence from the plaintiff. Meaning the thousands of pages of collected testimony, transcripts, parliamentary committee meeting notes, video recordings of Lively's speaking engagements, correspondence and bank records detailing Lively's part in writing and pushing the "kill the gays" law could not be entered into record and as such become available to the public. Lively is so scared that the record of his activities will be made public that he is willing to accept being found guilty of crimes against humanity to keep anyone from seeing the evidence against him


Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior


I should note that the heterosexuals who have contracted HIV, without a doubt contracted it from HIV positive bisexuals (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) who were on "the down low".

Down-low is an African American slang term that typically refers to a subculture of Black men who usually identify as heterosexual, but who have sex with men; some avoid sharing this information even if they have female sexual partner(s) married or single.

So you are trying to pass off a single country's statistics as means of propping up not just lively's false witness but your own lies as well. :chuckle:

Let's see who is infected with HIV in the UK (surprise, surprise) :

These pages contain in-depth UK statistics on HIV sourced from Public Health England.

The latest data on HIV in the UK is from 2014 and is taken from Public Health England’s (PHE) detailed data tables and situation report.

In the UK, certain groups experience a disproportionate burden of HIV, especially men who have sex with men,

I could go on and on and on showing how those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS and other often times deadly STD's, but why repeat what has been proven throughout this 4 part thread (that HIV/AIDS is a "gay disease").

Speaking of Scott (can you smell the love) Lively. It seems he is still trying to get out of any sort of trial associated with his wonderful "missionary" work in Uganda. Lively's lawyers have submitted a motion for summary judgment with the courts. Among the usual legal gibberish is the interesting position that the court does not jurisdiction to accept discovery evidence from the plaintiff. Meaning the thousands of pages of collected testimony, transcripts, parliamentary committee meeting notes, video recordings of Lively's speaking engagements, correspondence and bank records detailing Lively's part in writing and pushing the "kill the gays" law could not be entered into record and as such become available to the public. Lively is so scared that the record of his activities will be made public that he is willing to accept being found guilty of crimes against humanity to keep anyone from seeing the evidence against him

Looking at GLAAD's hate list (commentator accountability project) http://www.glaad.org/cap ; is there a way to find out who the LGBTQ's public enemy number 1 is? With this long list of hated people (i.e. people who believe in decency and fight the LGBTQ agenda), it's hard to know who is at the very top of the list.

Regarding Uganda's kill the gays protect the children from homosexual predators bill: Life in prison substituted for the death penalty for the following acts:

The Act provides specific definitions of "the offence of homosexuality" and "aggravated homosexuality". A person who commits either offense can receive life imprisonment. "The offence of homosexuality" is defined to include various same-sex sexual acts. "Aggravated homosexuality" is defined to include a same-sex sexual act: with a person under the age of 18; committed by a person who is HIV-positive; by a parent or guardian of the person with whom the act is committed; by a person in authority over the person with whom the act is committed; the victim of which is a person with a disability; by a serial offender; or by a person who administers any drug, matter, or thing with the intent to stupefy or overpower another person to enable a same-sex act to be committed. A person charged with "aggravated homosexuality" is forced to undergo an HIV test. A person who attempts to commit "the offence of homosexuality" can receive imprisonment for seven years. A person who attempts to commit "aggravated homosexuality" can receive life imprisonment.

Like I said before: Ugandan's take child rape quite serious.


New member
I should note that the heterosexuals who have contracted HIV, without a doubt contracted it from HIV positive bisexuals (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) who were on "the down low".
NOt even going to try to hide the fact you just made this up?

Let's see who is infected with HIV in the UK (surprise, surprise) :
what about Uganda?

I could go on and on and on showing how those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS and other often times deadly STD's, but why repeat what has been proven throughout this 4 part thread (that HIV/AIDS is a "gay disease").
Yes, we know you could spend all day putting up fake information.

Looking at GLAAD's hate list (commentator accountability project) http://www.glaad.org/cap ; is there a way to find out who the LGBTQ's public enemy number 1 is? With this long list of hated people (i.e. people who believe in decency and fight the LGBTQ agenda), it's hard to know who is at the very top of the list.
Sorry but a listing of facts countering the lies of some very sad and sick individuals is not a hate list.

Regarding Uganda's kill the gays protect the children from homosexual predators bill: Life in prison substituted for the death penalty for the following acts:
A pretty watered down version of the kill the gays law is what finally got through the Ugandan legislature. Apparently many in Uganda can't stomach the idea of genocide no matter how much money evangelicals pump into the project.


Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I should note that the heterosexuals who have contracted HIV, without a doubt contracted it from HIV positive bisexuals (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) who were on "the down low".

NOt even going to try to hide the fact you just made this up?

As seen in this CDC chart, needle using junkies (which homosexuals disproportionately represent) is another contributor to HIV/AIDS (albeit a small one).



HIV/AIDS is "a gay disease" (see the index on page 1 for more resources).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's see who is infected with HIV in the UK (surprise, surprise) :

what about Uganda?

Unless God made the human body different for Africans, homosexuals in Uganda will be prone to the same diseases that western homosexuals are prone to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I could go on and on and on showing how those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS and other often times deadly STD's, but why repeat what has been proven throughout this 4 part thread (that HIV/AIDS is a "gay disease").

Yes, we know you could spend all day putting up fake information.

I hereby crown you the thread's official Queen of Denial:



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at GLAAD's hate list (commentator accountability project) http://www.glaad.org/cap ; is there a way to find out who the LGBTQ's public enemy number 1 is? With this long list of hated people (i.e. people who believe in decency and fight the LGBTQ agenda), it's hard to know who is at the very top of the list.

Sorry but a listing of facts countering the lies of some very sad and sick individuals is not a hate list.

Was FRC's Tony Perkins at the top of the list because homosexual activist Floyd Corkins II...ahem...didn't get the job done right the first time around?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Uganda's kill the gays protect the children from homosexual predators bill: Life in prison substituted for the death penalty for the following acts: A pretty watered down version of the kill the gays law is what finally got through the Ugandan legislature.

Apparently many in Uganda can't stomach the idea of genocide no matter how much money evangelicals pump into the project.

As I recall it was American pastors that were responsible for watering down the penalty phase, as they probably were thinking that homosexuality is a culture of death already, why add to the body count?

That being said: The act of raping a young boy and infecting him with the deadly HIV virus should be considered a capital offense, thus receive the death penalty.


New member
Quote Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I should note that the heterosexuals who have contracted HIV, without a doubt contracted it from HIV positive bisexuals (the "B" in the LGBTQ acronym) who were on "the down low".

As seen in this CDC chart, needle using junkies (which homosexuals disproportionately represent) is another contributor to HIV/AIDS (albeit a small one).



HIV/AIDS is "a gay disease" (see the index on page 1 for more resources).

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's see who is infected with HIV in the UK (surprise, surprise) :

Unless God made the human body different for Africans, homosexuals in Uganda will be prone to the same diseases that western homosexuals are prone to.

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
I could go on and on and on showing how those who engage in homosexual behavior disproportionately contract HIV/AIDS and other often times deadly STD's, but why repeat what has been proven throughout this 4 part thread (that HIV/AIDS is a "gay disease").

I hereby crown you the thread's official Queen of Denial:



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Looking at GLAAD's hate list (commentator accountability project) http://www.glaad.org/cap ; is there a way to find out who the LGBTQ's public enemy number 1 is? With this long list of hated people (i.e. people who believe in decency and fight the LGBTQ agenda), it's hard to know who is at the very top of the list.

Was FRC's Tony Perkins at the top of the list because homosexual activist Floyd Corkins II...ahem...didn't get the job done right the first time around?

Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
Regarding Uganda's kill the gays protect the children from homosexual predators bill: Life in prison substituted for the death penalty for the following acts: A pretty watered down version of the kill the gays law is what finally got through the Ugandan legislature.

As I recall it was American pastors that were responsible for watering down the penalty phase, as they probably were thinking that homosexuality is a culture of death already, why add to the body count?

That being said: The act of raping a young boy and infecting him with the deadly HIV virus should be considered a capital offense, thus receive the death penalty.

You can repeat your lies as often as you like, that won't make them any more true


You can repeat your lies as often as you like, that won't make them any more true

I must say that the extensive index on page 1 is pretty impressive when it comes to the truth about the LGBTQueer agenda and the deadly behavior of those who partaken in homosexuality.


Now that he has endorsed Trump, he's back in my good favor

But Ted Cruz stands for everything that rainbow Trump supporters like Peter Thiel, Milo Yiannopoulos and Randy Ross are against (traditional values). How can an anti LGBTQ bigot ever be in your "good favor"?
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